Damage output by level


I'm building a character and would like to asses if it's any good :-) how much damage should a character be doing? Is there some sort of guideline?

Silver Crusade

That really depends on what type of character you're making. A life oracle will have a very different expected damage output than a barbarian with a greataxe.

Dark Archive

Look at the average hp for a monster of the right Cr and find your average damage. For example, A barbarian with a bastard sword, strength 16 and level 1 with power attack deals 9 damage on average. That's compared to the average hp for a Cr 1 monster which is 15, that's pretty good considering you have teammates that deal damage, and ay level 1 you typically get a bunch of weaker monsters than Cr 1.

Things will explode if you smite, shoot guns or bows, go mythic, or have a good team buffer.

Im making a feral hunter melee character. This is what I got for damage without spell boost , summons or items:

Weapon great sword with power attack
Lv 1 = 2d6 + str 4+2 + powerattack 3 X 1 attack = 2d6 + 9 (max 21)
lv 6 = 2d6 + str 4+2 + powerattack 6 X 1 attack = 2d6 + 12 (max 24)
Lv 8 = 2d6 + str 7+3 + powerattack 6 X 2 attack = 4d6 + 32 (max 56)
Lv 12 = 2d6 + str 7+3 + powerattack 12 X 2 attack = 4d6 + 44 (max 68)

Is this an ok damage?

Dark Archive

Yeah. At level 1 your average damage is 15. There's the hp for a Cr 1 monster in average, and you normally get a whole bunch of weaker monsters. Same with level 12. On average you deal 56 damage. Average for Cr 12 creatures is 160. Without accounting for teammates or that it's normally multiple creatures, the fights done in a couple rounds. Even one with full attack if you're lucky.

It really depends on what friends you have in the game. A basic raging barbarian power attacking with the best greataxe and belt they can afford, but with no other relevant items, rage powers or feats seems like a reasonable baseline to tell you whether you can get by with melee alone in a game ... but some games would see that as overspecialised, in others people would proudly show you three builds which outdo it.

Dark Archive

You should also account for ac. On average your attack roll is 22. If I'm reading your strength score correctly. The average ac for Cr 12 is 27. That means on an average roll you'll miss, but when you hit you hit hard!

Grand Lodge

A Feral Hunter can't take Power Attack @ lvl 1 (requires a BAB of +1) so your damage for levels 1 & 2 is 2d6+6 (avg: 12 max: 18)

Wildshape will change your damage around as well depending on attack form. You'll have more attacks that are more accurate but lose some damage per attack.

Add in Strong Jaw @ 8th and you'll see a big boost too.

Here's a thread that tries to see what a simple fighter would get you. It's... well, pretty decent. Don't take it as gospel though. It's more of a "bare minimum" than anything else. It gives a good basis for comparison though.

Dpr / ( (level * 8) + 24)
Is the KPR formula we used for 3.5. Generally a KPR of .2 or better is the bare minimum of what you want. If you can get .4 without sacrificing your basic defenses (which you can on even an average fighter in PF) you should. Above that is where you start getting into the optimized DPR builds

KoboldKhemist wrote:
You should also account for ac. On average your attack roll is 22. If I'm reading your strength score correctly. The average ac for Cr 12 is 27. That means on an average roll you'll miss, but when you hit you hit hard!

How did you reach the averige? If I take my bab at level 12... It's 9, strength mod is 6... So with the dice roll of 10 is come to 25... Still below 27... But I still got an feat to spent at level 7.. :-)

Thanks for all the reactions!!

Dark Archive

Considering +6 strength, BAB 9, average die roll of 10, a -3 penalty on accuracy for power attack, means you have an average attack roll of 22. I merely accounted for the penalty you get for using power attack, you didn't. I was imagining you would power attack every round. There are feats and whatnot that can boost this. Ideally if you could get it to 27 that would be nice. A combo with a lot of stuff however does add up. And of course, you rarely just get a single cr 12 monster to face with your team, you normally get a whole bunch of weaker ones. That's without going even into spells. You should be fine. :)

Dark Archive

I'm kind've a math nerd, so being able to incorporate that in Pathfinder just feels good. I justify it with me not being able to comprehend my friends' football stats.

Dark Archive

oldsaxhleel wrote:

Dpr / ( (level * 8) + 24)

Is the KPR formula we used for 3.5. Generally a KPR of .2 or better is the bare minimum of what you want. If you can get .4 without sacrificing your basic defenses (which you can on even an average fighter in PF) you should. Above that is where you start getting into the optimized DPR builds

How did you find this formula? Did you get it from someone else or did random experimentation or something like that?

KoboldKhemist wrote:
Considering +6 strength, BAB 9, average die roll of 10, a -3 penalty on accuracy for power attack, means you have an average attack roll of 22. I merely accounted for the penalty you get for using power attack, you didn't. I was imagining you would power attack every round. There are feats and whatnot that can boost this. Ideally if you could get it to 27 that would be nice. A combo with a lot of stuff however does add up. And of course, you rarely just get a single cr 12 monster to face with your team, you normally get a whole bunch of weaker ones. That's without going even into spells. You should be fine. :)

Ahhhhh forgot Aboutaleb the penalty :-) i am interested in the feats you talked about. I found furious focus, is this what you meant? I prefere feats who also have ability fighting in my beast forms in addition to the 2handed weapon. Furious focus is only for two handed alas :-(

I also lik math and don't understand the whole sports thing... We can shake hands ;-) haha

Silver Crusade

Furious Focus only works with two handed weapons, and only on the first attack of the round. If you stick to the greatsword, that works. If you're wildshaping, then it doesn't.

Also, you're not taking items into account, other than the sword. It's a safe bet you'll either upgrade the sword to magic, or else have an amulet of mighty fists if you're wild shaping. So add the magic boost into your attack roll calculations.

KoboldKhemist wrote:
oldsaxhleel wrote:

Dpr / ( (level * 8) + 24)

Is the KPR formula we used for 3.5. Generally a KPR of .2 or better is the bare minimum of what you want. If you can get .4 without sacrificing your basic defenses (which you can on even an average fighter in PF) you should. Above that is where you start getting into the optimized DPR builds
How did you find this formula? Did you get it from someone else or did random experimentation or something like that?

It's DPR / average HP for a CR appropriate monster. Effectively rounds to kill. I'd link you to the char op page on the WotC Community but all that got flushed.

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