Rampaging through Fallout New Vegas with Captain Yesterday

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Now some b%~#! is trying to kill me for my bottle caps with the pretty stars.

What the f$!! man!

Jojo only has 9 sticks of dynamite left.

But Jojo is stuck dicking around with Repconn to go visit the Powder Gang for more.

Jojo is sad. :-(

Why don't people travel more at night, it's quiet, the radcrickets are chirping, there's a pack of Nightstalkers hunting me... What the f#@# are Nightstalkers and why are they so insistent on crippling Jojo!

Why the f~&! do people travel at night!!

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I just wanted to say if I haven't already, Fallout New Vegas has my all time favorite video game beginning.

It really gets you excited for the rest of the game.

Should I get Dead Money over with early, assuming I don't give up on it.

Apparently ED-E stands for steal Jojo's thunder.

Jojo made the Boomer run!

Jojo only lost a leg and an arm.

Jojo is accepted.

Jojo wonders what else they know...

Jojo killed all the ants.

As reward Jojo gets to pillage their stash for explosives, and Thump-Thump, which surprisingly isn't bunny porn.

Jojo is relieved, and strangely disappointed.

Jojo now has all the components for the ghouls to commit ritual suicide.

Ghouls are weird.

Jojo helped Boone murder the old lady.

Boone definitely knows too much...

Oh no, Jojo f$@~ed up now...

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
captain yesterday wrote:

I just wanted to say if I haven't already, Fallout New Vegas has my all time favorite video game beginning.

It really gets you excited for the rest of the game.

Its general narrative structure and basic plot are far more compelling to me than most games with similar designs...

Why did Jojo go in the bunker.

Who'd put a collar on Jojo!

Jojo's pissed now!

And who the f&%# took all of Jojo's explosives!

Jojo doesn't think they thought this heist through properly.

It's Oceans Eleven 101: You don't drug and collar your locks and explosives expert and then take away his lockpicks and explosives.

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Fallout: Lanius

Now Dean isn't acknowledging that both holograms are on, even though they clearly are.

Eye twitches, ever so slightly.

Maybe I should throw him off the f~*@ing roof...

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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captain yesterday wrote:

I just wanted to say if I haven't already, Fallout New Vegas has my all time favorite video game beginning.

It really gets you excited for the rest of the game.

I think my all time favorite beginning of any video game is Planescape Torment ("you wake up on a mortuary table with instructions from you as to what to do are carved on your back" is just something very interesting).

BUT I think Fallout New Vegas's start is probably my favorite start to a Fallout game. It is beautiful and deceptive in its simplicity. I love that it can equally intrigue you to seek out your murderer... or make you decide to go the opposite direction of said murderer (my last playthrough my character decided signing up for the Happy Trails Caravan would be a good idea in hopes of getting FAR AWAY from people who wanted to shoot her in the head. It didn't work as well as she liked, but at least she got to get high and kill a bear), and you can find something interesting to do no matter where you go.

Yay! Dean is in position, just working on getting god to where he needs to go.

DeathQuaker wrote:
BUT I think Fallout New Vegas's start is probably my favorite start to a Fallout game. It is beautiful and deceptive in its simplicity. I love that it can equally intrigue you to seek out your murderer... or make you decide to go the opposite direction of said murderer.

One of those recent articles on the anniversary of Fallout made the excellent point that whereas the "on the track of a missing family member" plots of Fallout 3 and 4 make is seem ridiculous that your character would do anything other than make a beeline through the main plot (why would you waste time exploring when your father is missing/son has been kidnapped?), the "revenge on the guy who shot me and left me for dead" scenario of FO:NV is much more aligned to the wandering/exploration that the Fallout games are really about - your character could rationally decide that getting revenge is either very or not really important and act accordingly (for example, "I need to take time to recover, hone my skills, and find out more about what's going on around here" is a very logical approach to setting out on a revenge journey - less so if you think your son's life is at risk).

Jojo is running low on resources!

It's a good thing Jojo's Cosmic Knife is still super clean, despite the fact that Jojo has stabbed more people than an episode of American Horror Story.

Jojo has been buying plenty of Buffout though, Jojo is thinking ahead.

~laughter~ I am glad that I suggested Fallout NV to you, CY. You seem to be enjoying it a little bit. My current character is almost ready to head into Dead Money.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Matt Filla wrote:
DeathQuaker wrote:
BUT I think Fallout New Vegas's start is probably my favorite start to a Fallout game. It is beautiful and deceptive in its simplicity. I love that it can equally intrigue you to seek out your murderer... or make you decide to go the opposite direction of said murderer.
One of those recent articles on the anniversary of Fallout made the excellent point that whereas the "on the track of a missing family member" plots of Fallout 3 and 4 make is seem ridiculous that your character would do anything other than make a beeline through the main plot (why would you waste time exploring when your father is missing/son has been kidnapped?), the "revenge on the guy who shot me and left me for dead" scenario of FO:NV is much more aligned to the wandering/exploration that the Fallout games are really about - your character could rationally decide that getting revenge is either very or not really important and act accordingly (for example, "I need to take time to recover, hone my skills, and find out more about what's going on around here" is a very logical approach to setting out on a revenge journey - less so if you think your son's life is at risk).

The main issue I have with Fallout 3 and 4's setups is that the game ASSUMES you want to seek out your family member, and this is evident in dialogue. In Fallout 3, you should have every right to feel abandoned by your father and NOT want to seek him out, and have dialogue reflect that, but apart from some wan things you can say to him directly. Fallout 4 did much better than 3 in at least not pushing ideas of "destiny" and "following in footsteps," but one of the things that boggles me from the get go is the dialogue infers that your character believes your son is still a baby--why on earth would you? You know you've woken up 200 years into the future, you know your son could have taken any time prior to your second awakening. For all you know your son could have been born, lived, and died already -- but again, the weakness is that the dialogue does not reflect this. The voice acting doesn't help either--no matter how you want to roleplay, you sound weepy and concerned every time you talk about your son, even if you want to roleplay that you've moved on and just want to solve the mystery of your emergence into the future (which could be a good enough motivation on its own--who woke me up and why?).

And what that all leads me to is... the issue boils down not so much to setup, but the quality of the dialogue related to the setup. Obsidian are masters of letting you choose your own attitude, roleplay, destiny when it comes to dialogue choices. Bethesda's writers lack that skill.

And even with a deeply creaky engine, it speaks to the deep replayability of New Vegas, because the story really is new depending on your choices. Fallout 4 I find replayable for other reasons--seeing outcomes of faction choices or just getting a second chance at making the ubersettlement. But the dialogue starts playing out much the same no matter what you choose.

On a completely different subject, but related to the game's setup--of course I forgot to mention the best brilliance of New Vegas's setup: the fact that you're a courier. Suddenly being constantly sent on "FedEx Quests" makes total sense. It is, in fact, your job. :)

Jojo is sick of stepping on f@**ing bear traps.

Mostly because Jojo is almost out of Stimpaks.

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Oh thank goodness, Jojo made it to the casino!

Oh no! Jojo was duped!! Again!!!

Jojo can't help but think if he had the piece of brain Benny shot, Jojo might make better life choices.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Jojo could always see if he could do better without a brain and go to that midnight feature...

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Jojo just needs to listen to his heart.

Boom. Why does his heart go boom?

Jojo is jealous that the holograms can't die, but apparently Jojo can.

A lot.

All Jojo wants is to sneak past Father A!%+&@! M@#&!!+&&$%%, is that too much to ask.


Lucky for Jojo, Benny must've shot out the brain part that tells Jojo 7 tries is enough.

Jojo just wants the gold, he doesn't care what happens to Father A!#!~$% M%&+++!!#&$!.

Still working on it.

So far I've established sneaking past the turrets through the door Father A@!&!** M$%@+$$#%$++ comes in through is a no go.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Moving this here from the Fallout 4 thread...

Sharoth wrote:
Plus, as much as I like the Brotherhood, they will be a problem for the area unless they are dealt with. A friendly way does not work. Mainly because they become high tech raiders.

Eh... if the NCR wins AND you broker an NCR/Brotherhood truce, then things work out fine.

Also, if you upgrade the Securitrons and Complete "No Gods, No Masters," they basically become an irrelevance (I don't think they even get an ending slide if you do this...)

Jojo escaped! In his underwear without any weapons all jacked up on Sierra Madre cocktails and Buffout and carrying 7 bars of gold.

F*+~ Father A%$&~&! M!#~&@$@%@!@!

Now Jojo is Jay-Z rich!

Jojo fixed Rhonda.

Wipes tears from his eyes.

Jojo isn't crying!

Looks eagerly between Esther and Annabelle.

Now, Jojo is truly happy.

Jojo walk the lonesome road.

People don't die as easily here.

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Jojo's new dilemma.

What to do with 101 missiles.

Jojo's pretty sure he's got a children's book there.

Or at the very least, an adults coloring book.

Poor Jojo, all alone and kneeling on top of Bonesaw's dismembered remains for 5 days.

I hope I find ED-E's therapy upgrade because Jojo is gonna have s+@# to unpack after that.

I wish there was a way where I didn't have to launch the Hopeville missile.

Jojo is glad he took the scrounger perk before going to The Divide.

So much ammo!

Wow! I just realized how long this thread has gotten.


I guess I need a life. :-)

Note to Jojo: When rampaging through the caves of despair it's easy to get carried away with Esther.

Which is why you should save often, because an errantly shot off mininuke kills Jojo instantly.

Jojo, Caves Of Despair: take four.

Why! Why can't Jojo have nice things!! And why does Jojo keep getting tricked!!!

captain yesterday wrote:
Wow! I just realized how long this thread has gotten.

Well, this is like, what, 4 rampages now? I'd say it feels about right. Dead Money gets a bunch of posts on its own.

Jojo did all this!

Ulysses said so!!

Jojo is impressed with himself.

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They wanted Jojo to give up his guns if I wanted to get close to Benny.

They said Jojo would die if I didn't.

While holding his anti-material rifle(GRA)+, Jojo looks around the casino floor, while standing over Benny's headless carcass.

Jojo disagreed.

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Do you have PTSMD. (Post Traumatic Sierra Madre Disorder)? If so, then the only known cure is to go though Dead Money 12 times in a row.

Thanks Triaxx from the GITP forums for that.

Jojo has a new favorite weapon!

And several new addictions.

Jojo helped mediate between the kings and NCR.

Now Jojo help Rex find a brain.

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