Rampaging through Fallout New Vegas with Captain Yesterday

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I realize with Fallout 4 out, everyone has moved on from New Vegas, but as my name implies, if I'm anything, it's behind the times.

I finally found Fallout New Vegas Ultimate yesterday, I work a lot next few days, tonight specifically, but I'll add on later when I get home, as always feel free to share. :-)

My first two traits were wild wasteland and hoarder.

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Wild Wasteland actually prevents you from getting a lot of good stuff, to be honest. Yeah, the Alien Blaster is better than the unique Gauss Rifle, but there are like 17 bullets in the whole game, while the named Gauss Rifle runs off MFC rounds.

I usually go with Built to Destroy and Small Frame. Once you learn how to make weapon repair kits, the downside to Built to Destroy is gone (and as you have seen, I LIKE crits), and Small Frame's only downside is the carrying capacity...I make my companions carry my stuff.

There IS one benefit for going solo, but it's a pain to get; you have to beat the last DLC without saving the sidekick, and it gives you a bonus to damage when you have no companions whatsoever. Not likely to beat that thing until you're darn near level 40, though, so in the meantime it's nice to have a couple pack mules.

You'll notice a lot of famous voice actors. Matthew Perry is Benny, Danny Trejo is Raul (the recruit-able ghoul), and...umm...that guy from News Radio and Kids in the Hall...Dave Foley, that's it! He's the Yes Man robot. Of course, Ron Perlman is still the "War Never Changes" guy. That's all I can think of, but I know there's more. I was actually pleasantly surprised at how much better they do with voice acting in the Fallout games than the Elder Scroll games. (Except ghouls....they have a female ghoul voice and a male ghoul voice...and super mutants all pretty much have the same voice....but other than that.) At least it's not like Skyrim where there's 700 characters with like three voice actors.

Seriously, Bethesda. It shouldn't be that hard to just hit up California for a bunch of nobody actors and pay them minimum wage just to get their names on the credits for a future gig. There's so many out of work actors out there, and it's not like reading lines off a card in a sound booth is even really that hard.

They said wild wasteland would be funny, that's okay, I'm not that far, so starting over isn't the worst thing, I do like Gauss rifles...

I will reconsider my starting traits, it was 11:30 last night when I made them.

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An explosive build can be really funny. If you throw dynamite in VATS, you can see villains yell, "Oh s#it!" And freak out. Gets me laughing every time. The Powder Gangers (the prisoner faction you ran into) carries a lot of explosives. You can kill them for them or befriend them and they sell them cheap or give you some after you finish some quests.

Finding the Brotherhood ASAP and doing their quests (hint - help the head paladin overthrow the elder when given the opportunity to eventually join) gives you access to the best weapons and armor. You need either to have Veronica or to have found a dead brotherhood paladin with an access code to get in. If you have Veronica long enough she'll take you there as a quest, but you can go in with her before she takes you.

If you do melee (not unarmed) or explosives, you can dump luck, as their crits suck. Guns especially or energy weapons and unarmed have high crit multipliers.

Dump charisma. Unlike in part 1, 2, and 4, in 3 and NV, it's worthless.

You can only get a number of implants (most of which boost stats by a point) equal to your endurance. Endurance is therefore a great stat.

Scarab Sages

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Fallout Rampage Cap'n Yesterday wrote:

They said wild wasteland would be funny, that's okay, I'm not that far, so starting over isn't the worst thing, I do like Gauss rifles...

I will reconsider my starting traits, it was 11:30 last night when I made them.

No no no ... Wild Wasteland is wonderful. I don't know about any mechanical benefits, but there are so many hilarious things you run across because of it (like two burned skeletons labelled Owen and Beru, just as a for instance). I would never play without it.

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My starting traits were usually four eyes and small frame.

I liked wearing glasses, so I figured I may as well get something for it, and who doesn't like an extra agility¿

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Let us know the first time that a swarm of cazadores kills you so fast you're like "WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED!?"

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I'm still at work, sadly I won't get off until midnight so won't be tonight, but yes I will, as well as all the multitude of other f&@& ups I make along the way, probably gonna keep me as I am.

I never qualified for Four Eyes since I always rolled with 1 Perception. Per and Cha were basically useless. Per mostly because ED-E. 1 Per was like having 10. 10 was freakin' obnoxious with Enhanced Sensors. You saw things from so far away it was useless since your radar filled up and you didn't know how to prioritize.

I'll put my special up in the morning, I don't think I dumped anything, actually in games (video games and RPGs I go for obnoxiously well rounded characters, when James Jacobs goes off about catering to the "average" fan, I am that average fan. :-D

I jack strength and luck usually.

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Enjoy your stroll through New Vegas.

Rynjin wrote:
I never qualified for Four Eyes since I always rolled with 1 Perception. Per and Cha were basically useless. Per mostly because ED-E. 1 Per was like having 10. 10 was freakin' obnoxious with Enhanced Sensors. You saw things from so far away it was useless since your radar filled up and you didn't know how to prioritize.

But....but...need Perception for PREREQUISITES!!! BETTER Criticals! More Criticals! CRITICALS!!!

Fallout Rampage Cap'n Yesterday wrote:
I jack strength and luck usually.

You want to play Unarmed, then. Unarmed has higher Crit multipliers than Melee, though slightly less damage per second.

Seriously, if you can get a...I think 6 or 7... Endurance, it's worth it. Then, when you find the New Vegas Medical Clinic, you can buy up all your stats (except Charisma, that waste of time) and the dermal impact armor implant. That will cost about 25,000 caps, +/- (about 4000 a stat, 8000 for the dermal armor implant), and you basically get a +1 to all your stats and an extra chunk of armor UNDER your armor. That SEEMS like a lot of money, but spend 20 minutes in The Divide and you'll grab that in no time.

Power Armor can give you +1 or 2 strength, so getting more than a 7 isn't necessary.

Agility is only really necessary for prerequisites for edges like Action Boy, but it's fun to drop points in if you have extra...but if you are front-liner, you won't VATS very often, so it's probably not necessary and is a good dumper for ya.

To me, Intelligence is tied for the best stat in the game with Luck. Most people say Int is even better.

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I'm sorry I'm so vocal. I'm a little bit obsessed with Fallout.

...I wish my players would update. I know it's the holiday, and Rynjin is moving, so it's gonna be slow, but dangit. This it makin' me itch.

War. War Never Changes.

The obsession thegreenteagamer has with this game doesn't either.

Silver Crusade

The voice of Ron Perlman wrote:
War. War Never Changes.


We get cooler stuff each iteration.

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Rysky wrote:
The voice of Ron Perlman wrote:
War. War Never Changes.


We get cooler stuff each iteration.

Bi+ch, don't make me go Hellboy on you...or...um...Conan's Dad? Yeah, I could totally go Conan's Dad on you and, you know...die...but have my son pissed off and kill you in a brutal way.

I said War. Never. Changes!

Scarab Sages

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The voice of Ron Perlman wrote:

Bi+ch, don't make me go Hellboy on you...or...um...Conan's Dad?

Go Rene Korda on him! Throw his whole universe into stasis, then wander around in it swiping his interesting stuff and using them in resourceful ways alongside your sidekicks, smart-alecky Lolita Davidovich and laserslinging Brent Spiner!

"You better be real careful, how you navigate around this situation" -Son's of Anarchy, Ron Perlman.

No surprise that show went in the craphole as soon as they started writing out his character.

Silver Crusade

The voice of Ron Perlman wrote:
Rysky wrote:
The voice of Ron Perlman wrote:
War. War Never Changes.


We get cooler stuff each iteration.

Bi+ch, don't make me go Hellboy on you...or...um...Conan's Dad? Yeah, I could totally go Conan's Dad on you and, you know...die...but have my son pissed off and kill you in a brutal way.

I said War. Never. Changes!

I'd go with Hellboy, much higher chance of survival. Plus more screen time.

Oh, poor Barton Thorn, i suspect if he knew i was packing a mercenary's grenade rifle he might've tried to get a bit closer before getting killed.

Got swarmed by Geckos, those little f%#*ers are hard to see when you get up in the hills, also found some train tracks lousy with scorpions. later I might actually talk to someone, rather then wandering endlessly around the desert, which has been a blast.

I love Easy Pete, and Victor.

I think next time I'm gonna shoot the deputy of Primm in the face.

Still trying to figure out the deal with the d$&#!eads from the NCR and the s#~+holes of the other s@~% f#*# government.


Explosives! Oh my god do i love explosives!

Also the legionnaire missions, they aren't super critical are they, cause i just blew up that Vulpis jerk or whatever, the f*&#er that strings up the Powder Gang in Nipton, the Powder Gang are my boys!

Fallout Rampage Cap'n Yesterday wrote:

Explosives! Oh my god do i love explosives!

Also the legionnaire missions, they aren't super critical are they, cause i just blew up that Vulpis jerk or whatever, the f+@%er that strings up the Powder Gang in Nipton, the Powder Gang are my boys!

Not really. I do not like the legion.

Fallout Rampage Cap'n Yesterday wrote:

Explosives! Oh my god do i love explosives!

Also the legionnaire missions, they aren't super critical are they, cause i just blew up that Vulpis jerk or whatever, the f&~~er that strings up the Powder Gang in Nipton, the Powder Gang are my boys!

I do that every time.

"If you feel strongly about it, attack us"

(Gun drawn) Don't mind if I do!

Silver Crusade

Scythia wrote:
Fallout Rampage Cap'n Yesterday wrote:

Explosives! Oh my god do i love explosives!

Also the legionnaire missions, they aren't super critical are they, cause i just blew up that Vulpis jerk or whatever, the f&~~er that strings up the Powder Gang in Nipton, the Powder Gang are my boys!

I do that every time.

"If you feel strongly about it, attack us"

(Gun drawn) Don't mind if I do!

Yeah, wiping out the entire Legion camp with Boone is f@!#ing sweet and cathartic. Seriously, they make Raiders look nice and fluffy.

As for Vulpis (courtesy the Terrifying Presence Perk) "How about I wear your head like you wear that dog's?"

I like the legion. Their methods get results. Talk to the merchant at their camp. The ends justify the means, much like the real Romans.

Silver Crusade

thegreenteagamer wrote:
I like the legion. Their methods get results. Talk to the merchant at their camp. The ends justify the means, much like the real Romans.

They're slavers and rapists. Their methods are to kidnap, enslave, and rape people. Their goals are to kidnap, enslave, and rape people.


Their territories, after they've taken over, have less crime, murder, assaults, theft, etc, than the NCR by 90+%.

Admittedly the raping, kidnapping, and such are wrong, but Caesar's overall "rules with an iron fist and force assimilation" approach gets results.

Yeah, stringing people up on light poles is pretty f&&+ed up.

I get the feeling Bethesda is not a fan of big governments.

Silver Crusade

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The Demon's Advocate wrote:

Their territories, after they've taken over, have less crime, murder, assaults, theft, etc, than the NCR by 90+%.

Admittedly the raping, kidnapping, and such are wrong, but Caesar's overall "rules with an iron fist and force assimilation" approach gets results.

They don't have "crime" because it's a totalitarian slave fueled tyranny.

Rape is legal so no longer a crime, they have constant executions and gladiatorial matches so they still have murder, everyone is slaves so there's nothing to steal from anyone.

NCR has "crime" because it allows people to exist and tries to protect them.

The Legion doesn't have "Crime" because they don't have civilians, they have conscripted soldiers (males) and breeders and sex slaves (female) that they control absolutely. Just because a bunch of people say something isn't a crime or shouldn't be punished doesn't make it so, or any less morally reprehensible.

Now it's not letting me load, just an endless cycle of load screens.

Started over, we'll see if later I can load it, otherwise it's a new day.

For the first time ever, I listened to the intro scene.

I now get the Ron Perlman shtick.

I still went with wild wasteland and hoarder for traits, I looked at the others, but I liked these best.

Yeah, that's a corrupt save file. Keep multiple saves in case of that.

I do have multiple saves, also like to try things differently, I'll probably try my other save later, right now the wife wants me to drive her around shopping.

Fallout Rampage Cap'n Yesterday wrote:

For the first time ever, I listened to the intro scene.

I now get the Ron Perlman shtick.

You do realize I'm in literally every Fallout, right? I'm the one constant. War. War never changes. Neither will the intro narrator.

I have Fallout 3, and surprisingly, I almost never play video games with sound, a trend I started when I played Madden so I wouldn't have to hear the godawful commentary.

The voice of Ron Perlman wrote:
Fallout Rampage Cap'n Yesterday wrote:

For the first time ever, I listened to the intro scene.

I now get the Ron Perlman shtick.

You do realize I'm in literally every Fallout, right? I'm the one constant. War. War never changes. Neither will the intro narrator.

Except Fallout 4. =(

Also, yesterday, you lose out on a lot playing Fallout with no sound. Radio especially.

I've been adding more sound, it's a habit I've had since a teenager, so it'll take some time.

He's credited in part 4 as well. I had to read around, but apparently you can hear him on the background of a radio program saying his famous line, almost as an Easter egg.

Haven't encountered it yet, myself, since my experience with part 4 has been YouTube, primarily.

Rynjin is right, the music really helps emphasize the culture, and the the sound effects add to the creep...

...and it still makes me laugh when you Chuck dynamite in VATS at bad guys and you hear them yell in slow motion "oh sh*t!"

Silver Crusade

Yeah, Ron Perlman voices the newscaster on tv at your house at the very beginning of the game announcing the start of the end of the world.

So Victor is a weird cat, finally got to Novac and there he is, chilling at a gas station or something. Yes I bombed the legion f*!&ers again, and I got to 20 crippling injuries in the same fight, in hindsight I could've used a couple less Grenades, but hey, this is a rampage.

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Follow the road from Novac north to the 188. Veronica is the chick in brown robes. She. Is. Awesome.

I will, she sounds fun.

what's the deal with the Viper Gunslinger dweebs, they got the drop on me from atop a ridge, but as soon as I blew two up with dynamite, the two in the ridge ran away, I couldn't hardly even hit them, cause the f$$&ers had cover. And honestly since then they've been pushovers in the last encounter or two.

Edit: I'm pretty sure they're just there to get decapitated for guns and ammo.

Just random raiders. They're in Fallout 2, but have kinda fallen in power. A lot of New Vegas is fanservice from parts 1&2.

It's a great game that's for sure, definitely having a great time. :-)

Rampaging through RepConn right now, Ghouls blow up in so many parts, now let's see what this Jason guy wants...

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