
The Demon's Advocate's page

27 posts. Alias of thegreenteagamer.


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The captain is really a qlippoth and his anatomy is not subject to your preconceived notions of "normal" or "within the boundaries of Euclidean geometry."

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It is in Europe. Also, aren't you my nemesis?

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Even I can't argue with that!

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This is usually where my nemises talks about cases of Mondays. Predictably. Not chaotic at all.

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"Wow, that is one sexy pair of earrings!" said no heterosexual male ever....unless his gf/fiance/wife/etc pointedly asked, "what do you think of my earrings?" And he really just didn't need the headache that comes with responding, "They're earrings. They're like a quarter inch long and accessorize your ears. It's not like I even noticed them."

"Oh, just look at the way that ring on her finger draws attention to the knuckles curvature." Nope.

A case can be made for necklaces. I'm not unaware of putting a frame around, or in this case above, a work of art.

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The Silly Qlippoth wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Legacy of Fire has taken a ten-minute detail trying to figure out why the temple to the goddess of fire has a flammable roof...and the realization we have nothing with which to put out said fire.
Correction. We put out the fire by collapsing the roof.
...And we set a new fire. We're probably not going to be invited to any libraries.
Sounds like somebody's got a case of the Mondays.

[Insert obligatory Demons are better than Qlippoth argument here.]

Leave me alone. I'm tired, and it never gets a proper debate anyway.

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CH, I hate ties. I wouldn't destroy someone else's, but it's BS they're required wear in so many places. They're symbolic leashes that serve no purpose. Oh no, my buttons are showing, how unprofessional!

The best customer service from a business I ever got was a girl with more tattoos and piercings than I've ever seen wearing a t-shirt and jeans. How about we judge people by their content over their appearance as adults, like we spend decades trying to teach our kids to do?

Professional dress is a bullcrap social construct. How does tucking my shirt in so you can see exactly how fat I am help my productivity? Uncomfortable dress shoes don't speed up my typing. I can't analyze data any better when my hair is cut to a certain style.

Edit...had to change aliases. This rant is so TDA.

Their territories, after they've taken over, have less crime, murder, assaults, theft, etc, than the NCR by 90+%.

Admittedly the raping, kidnapping, and such are wrong, but Caesar's overall "rules with an iron fist and force assimilation" approach gets results.

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Mind you, Florida is where lonely Devils go when they miss Hell from May through September.

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The Silly Qlippoth wrote:
Orthos wrote:
It's so weird to be the LN guy who really wants to give the demon a thumbs-up.
Sounds like somebody's got a case of the Mondays.

So jealous that we took over the abyss and you bi+ches had to dig deeper. Souls, totally worth the work of corruption for all the power they give us.

Frankly, it's not even work. It's like they want corruption.

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I prefer videogames more, but due to fiscal concerns and OGL being a thing, I play tabletop more.

What? Sometimes I wanna just kill stuff, and elitist douches look down on you making a murder machine in Pathfinder, while it's perfectly acceptable on PlayStation to press skip on the plot and move on.

I like story, probably even more, but get burned out and want to just perform medieval fantasy homicide sometimes. What's wrong with that?

Judgmental pricks seem to think "RP-heavy, we have combat once every five sessions, you better have real life charisma to back up your character's diplomacy check if you expect to pass that check," b.s. elitism is somehow better. Those holier than thou types are easier to avoid with videogames.

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Here's some snark I'm proud of. I don't know why it made myself so happy, but you may enjoy it.

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Irontruth wrote:
Sissyl wrote:
Excuse me, were we discussing RPGs and mental illness, or what Alzrius and IronTruth said?
I'd love to go back to RPG's and mental illness.

Technically speaking, ADHD is a mental illness, so there is no such thing as off topic.

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Tacticslion wrote:
Nice job hijacking my thread, guy.

Not to play my namesake, but if you actually were around more often, it probably would be less likely to happen.

Just saying.

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But yet you're not here. So, seems you don't hate the cold THAT much.

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Strategytiger wrote:
The voice of Ron Perlman wrote:
War. War never changes.
Oh come on, that wasn't even relevant.

No, it had a basis in the conversation, in that it was an argument, and of course Windu's death was more or less when the Sith took over, which was in of itself a war.

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The Silly Qlippoth wrote:
Protean Milkshake wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:

With all the aliases posting in this I the only one getting confused?

I start from confused and only get more chaotic as the day goes on. You'll get used to it.
Sounds like somebody's got a case of the Mondays.

How do you pronounce your f***ing name?

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On a Side Note, I kinda like this alias better than most of mine for a name. It's certainly cooler than my original.

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Haven't seen it. Overrated song.

Band sucks when drugs aren't in your system. Decent when they are, but the Who or late Beatles or Jefferson Airplane or Hendrix or many others of the era are still better.

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Really? No Blackstaff showing up to b**** about Elminster? I thought that was more your style, but this? Tsk, tsk, tsk.

I, for one, think Elminster is overrated, and a bit of an annoyance, frankly. Who likes a hero that you know is going to inevitably win? That's why Superman is the least entertaining character in all of literature...after Elminster, that is.

I tried reading two of his novels. I actually somehow finished his origin one, which is more a testament to my pigheadedness than anything else, because that was an exercise in fighting insomnia rivaled only by the Silmarillion.

Ed Greenwood can world design, but he couldn't write a decent plot or some believable dialogue if his life depended on it. Elminster is a glorified Mary Sue GMPC written by that dick GM who always put his own character in to lead the party and save them and show them how tough he was and didn't really need their help.

At least Supes has moral conflicts, social isolation, and kryptonite. Elminster is all the way-too-powerful-to-add-an-element-of-the-dramatic and none of the...anything that could possibly make him remotely interesting.

Conflict defines literature. That's basic 9th grade level writing fact 101. Who gives a flying f*** about a guy who is a great fighter, a great thief, a great cleric, the world's greatest wizard, embodied with the essence of pure magic itself, and who bangs goddesses on the regular like Mystra just fell for Netflix and Chillin?

It is like the prototype poster child apex purest example of a Mary Sue that has ever existed. I have seen Michael Bay movies with more writing quality than that, and he's a guy who thought it would be easier to teach drillers to become astronauts than astronauts to run a drill.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Spellplague was his Magnum Opus instead of a crappy handwave crafted by WotC to justify reformulating all of their rules and shaving the deity count down to a more marketable number.

thegreenteagamer wrote:

...and there was The Devil's Advocate, which was a terrible movie that Keanu Reeves ALSO starred in.

It really was just awful.

Look, I know I exist purely to argue contrary points, but I have a chaotic obligation to stand against the predisposition that devils are better at arguing, and the whole Devil's Advocate phrase.

Also, seriously, that movie was shyte.

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One is mathematically possible to completely measure and notice trends in marked improvement or decrease, the other is via self-report, and self-report is an incredibly inaccurate measure.

Someone might say "meh, it was okay" but if their usual reaction is "it sucked the fatty", that's high praise. But if they never come back, and an entirely new person shows up, their reaction...should you compare it to the previous person?

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Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:
Pet humans, huh? Wonder if there's an advantage to that....

Economically, for certain, though it can tend to lead to civil wars when states start to secede over their right to do so.

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I exist to argue contrary points.

Devils are less suited to this task, due to their lawful nature - we demons are more prone to argue for the sake of argument, and the chaos it causes.

I almost was The Qlippoth's Advocate, but really, then I'd just ignore arguments in favor of killing stuff. Admittedly a fun prospect, but it's so one-dimensional as to be laughable.

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Randarak wrote:
The Demon's Advocate wrote:
Randarak wrote:
thegreenteagamer wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
thegreenteagamer wrote:
...and don't give me that "well that's because they're trying to keep in on topic." Succubus in a Grapple is in the Rules Questions forum still, and it hasn't been a rules question since page 1. It's just dozens of pages of innuendo jokes. FaWtL has no discernable topic. I can point out dozens upon dozens upon dozens of threads that go off topic and keep going. It's not until the argument gets personal or someone brings up a right-wing non-economic point (which ALWAYS leads to a personal attack) that feathers get ruffled and locks happen
Its pretty rare to find a white wing "point" that isn't a thinly veiled ad hom and insult.

For the most part you're right. I'd say about, eh, 70% or so of that's true.

I'd point out some examples otherwise, but I'm dangerously close to making you people think I'm a conservative republican or some other such nonsense right winger, and I can't be having with that.

Quick, tgtg, say something left winged you believe in.

No death penalty! Legalize weed!! Tax the living crap out of anyone who makes a million a year or more and give it to people below the poverty line!!!

Perhaps a "Devil's Advocate" alias would help...?
That's lawful propaganda. If anyone would be likely to provide the contrary point of view simply for the point of stirring up an argument that will inevitably have no positive conclusion and sew chaos, I posit it would be a demon, not a devil. We're just as intelligent, if not more so than devils. Their ability to "organize", or rather rely upon others because they're too weak to handle things themselves is contrary to the very idea of the advocate position for the purpose of providing a contrary view.
Little too quick with the clicky button there Doublepost?

You have no proof. It doesn't exist anymore, therefore it never did. Like in law, the burden of proof is on the accuser, and therefore the flaw of the system. Glorious, glorious flaws; delicious as baby flesh and the tears of friendzoned teenage boys with crushes on teenage girls dating college guys.

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Randarak wrote:
thegreenteagamer wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
thegreenteagamer wrote:
...and don't give me that "well that's because they're trying to keep in on topic." Succubus in a Grapple is in the Rules Questions forum still, and it hasn't been a rules question since page 1. It's just dozens of pages of innuendo jokes. FaWtL has no discernable topic. I can point out dozens upon dozens upon dozens of threads that go off topic and keep going. It's not until the argument gets personal or someone brings up a right-wing non-economic point (which ALWAYS leads to a personal attack) that feathers get ruffled and locks happen
Its pretty rare to find a white wing "point" that isn't a thinly veiled ad hom and insult.

For the most part you're right. I'd say about, eh, 70% or so of that's true.

I'd point out some examples otherwise, but I'm dangerously close to making you people think I'm a conservative republican or some other such nonsense right winger, and I can't be having with that.

Quick, tgtg, say something left winged you believe in.

No death penalty! Legalize weed!! Tax the living crap out of anyone who makes a million a year or more and give it to people below the poverty line!!!

Perhaps a "Devil's Advocate" alias would help...?

That's lawful propaganda. If anyone would be likely to provide the contrary point of view simply for the point of stirring up an argument that will inevitably have no positive conclusion and sew chaos, I posit it would be a demon, not a devil. We're just as intelligent, if not more so than devils. Their ability to "organize", or rather rely upon others because they're too weak to handle things themselves is contrary to the very idea of the advocate position for the purpose of providing a contrary view.