What do you want Rite Publishing to do?

Product Discussion

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Greetings folks,

While I have a production schedule that makes me want to cry like baby, I though I might check in with you folks to see what you wanted us to create for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

Here is my current list of working products and their production stage, so you won't pitch something we are already working on.

Pathways #53 coming in November Patreon running.

Martial Arts Guidebook PDF complete released to backers, waiting on printing proof; Release Date Nov 15th

Adventure Quarterly #7 In final Layout

1001 Magic Items In layout

The Secrets of The Divine: Death, Healing, Law, & Madness in editing, art complete.

Kaidan Campaign Setting in mock layout, final chapters in editing, art orders being placed.

#30 Bloodrager Organizations manuscript in development

In the Company of Dragons Expanded: Manuscript in Development (Foreword, Lost Isles, Mythic Draconic Exemplars complete), Foreword and Lost Isles edited,.

101 Not So Random Encounters Desert manuscript in development

Questhaven Campaign Setting in development with me writing.

Ultimate Monsters Hero Lab (Book of Monster templates, 101 not so simple monster templates, 101 Monster Feats, 101 Variant Monsters etc.) assigned to the Rite Coder.

In the Company of Fiends manuscript in Development.

In the Company of Rakshasa manuscript in Development

In the Company of Aberrations at pitch stage

In the Company of Unicorns at pitch stage

10 Kingdom Seeds: (Part 2) manuscript in Development

101 Terrain Spells (part 5 and 6) manuscript in Development

An Occult Adventure by Matt Banach manuscript in Development

The Gateway Pass Adventure Serial in Development (Pitch stage)

Occult 1920's Chicago Adventure Path in Development (Pitch Stage)

Liberty's Edge

Any Cool Map products?

Are we talking about stuff on that list or other cool ideas overall?

From that list:

Cause i'd love to see that 1001 items book. I'm looking for large books like that for items (crawling through d20pfsrd can be a hassle)

The secrets of the divine is the series that uses example religions isn't it? Because as someone who struggles with making religions in game, that one seems super useful.

I backed that "in the company of dragons" thingy a while ago, excited to see what happens with it.

I'm also excited to see the rest of those "In the Company of..." series. I loved the medusa (got someone using that in a campaign i'm running now!), and I love rakshasa. I think it'd be interesting to see what you do with aberrations and fiends. If that unicorn is making a playable unicorn, i'd probably buy that instantly if only for the hilarity that could ensue from it.

Personal things I like:

Mesoamerica is something I'd love to see more 3rd party stuff take on. There's a huge amount of mythos (aztec, mayan, olmec, incan, etc) to draw from there that I don't see too often. Things like deities, races, settings/cities, classes you could have (Jaguar Warriors!), etc. I'm not a designer by any means, but I would love to see more material with that is influenced by that region.

I'm also a sucker for Final Fantasy (grew up with them, what can I say). I'd love to see a dragoon style class that jumps high into the sky and pounces on things for lots of damage. Or a class based on the Dark Knight from final fantasy 4. Or a class like a Geomancer from final fantasy tactics that gains skills based on the terrain they're on.

edit: If it's possible, a revision of the angel class from In The Company of Angels. I haven't run one in a game yet, but they seem super high powered (and I'm a bit of an EZG fanboy when it comes to his reviews, and he agrees) that tones them down a bit.

JPSTOD wrote:
Any Cool Map products?

Jonathan Roberts' Hexographer might be a thing (depends on what Jonathan decides to do with it), we have had VERY informal talks about it.

Tommi Salama has been really busy doing maps for us and a lot of other publishers but your right I need to follow up on the Rite Map Packs with him. Or look at discovering another fine cartographer to help us.

sepik121 wrote:
Are we talking about stuff on that list or other cool ideas overall?

I was talking about your cool ideas, the list was just so you did would know what ideas we had going. But its always good to know what folks like either way.

The secrets of the divine is the series that uses example religions isn't it?

Yes it does do religions but the goals is to do modular local churches so that you can drop them right into a section of your campaign.

I backed that "in the company of dragons" thingy a while ago, excited to see what happens with it.

Thank you!

I'm also excited to see the rest of those "In the Company of..." series. I loved the medusa (got someone using that in a campaign i'm running now!)

Liz Smith will be super-excited, I love hearing about actual play.

If it's possible, a revision of the angel class from In The Company of Angels.

Its finished, I rewrote it, and its been re-edited, it just has to be worked into layout and our schedule.

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Oooh, a book for playable unicorns? That ought to be fun. (There are some other of your "In the Company of" books I need to get around to buying.) I'm kind of a sucker for playing weird races. (I backed the "In the Company of Dragons" kickstarter and already own the orignal version of that book. Also a person who backed the Ponyfinder kickstarters.)

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I would like you to send me....a shrubbery. Not too small, not too expensive.......

Do "In the Company of Griffins"......or maybe make that one "In the Company of Chimeras" so long as it can make griffins. Essentially I need two monsters for my personal style: minotaurs and griffins. You've already done minotaurs so now I need griffins. Though a book about making any kind of mash-up four-footed beast would be a huge hit with me.

I'm also intrigued about "Company of Aberrations" because I'm one of those weird people who think weird horrors need to be given their inevitable conversion to Good Guy status. EDIT: I don't mean to suggest you'll do that in the product. Just that once it's a PC option Good Guys will happen.

Adventures for your products, especially the "in the company of" series. This will showcase different monstrous races in habitats that they will both do well in and struggle through. Draw in the support of on the fence DMs with these adventures if you can demonstrate an appropriate level of prejudice against said monstrous creatures. Different adventures for different races, perhaps combining closely related or compatible races in the same one.
In this same vane, I am apprehensive about in the company of aberrations. I would hope that there is not a reliance on mechanics for prejudice against these kinds of creatures. It is natural that most civilized beings will be fearful and mistrusting of such creatures until they conclusively show their heroism. However, in an evil campaign, they should be allowed to flourish as they are now in a more natural habitat. On the flipside, I look forward to this supplement as a DM in order to create plausible lesser versions of dangerous aberrations to fill a bystander role in my campaign that does have a heavy aberration role at the higher levels.
I would love to see a supplement that augments trusted companions, familiars, and followers without having to go down the feat route.
#XX Nobility Issues for those kingdom building games. Each entry is a unique issue designed to target the nobility efforts in a kingdom building game. Problems that need solved such as establishing clear lines of succession when the ruling house is a founding house and has no heir yet (or other problems associated with a young noble family). The basic structure can be used for other types of generational family motivated dynasties, be it criminal, magical, spiritual, financial, clan based, etc.
That is all I can come up with at the moment...perhaps future entries here will inspire me to think of more...

sepik121 wrote:

I'm also excited to see the rest of those "In the Company of..." series. I loved the medusa (got someone using that in a campaign i'm running now!)

Great! Glad you're enjoying it.

As I posted on the 101 Forest Spells thread ... I would love to see a 101 Urban Spells supplement published as well!

And because great minds think alike, you agreed! :-) To my knowledge, "Urban Spells" are a concept that hasn't been significantly addressed by either Paizo or any other notable PF 3PP.


And no worries, every single thematic concept you posted above is something I would happily purchase from Rite. I'm glad to see Rite continues to hit on all 8 cylinders!

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In the Company of Harpies. With Minotaurs, Medusas, and Giants, you have a lot of cool Greek mythos monsters covered. I would want to see more of that theme.

By the way, seeing Kaidan get a full campaign setting book makes me very giddy. Thank you for doing that!

Thedmstrikes wrote:
Adventures for your products, especially the "in the company of" series.

Well we are doing Adventure Quarterly. And there will be an adventure by ENnie award winner Ben McFarland via In The Company of Dragons Expanded

I would love to see a supplement that augments trusted companions, familiars, and followers without having to go down the feat route.

Animal companion archetypes, Animal Companion magic items, Could be interesting.

#XX Nobility Issues for those kingdom building games.

Noted, though its pretty niche, a rules subset for a rules subset.

Crai wrote:

To my knowledge, "Urban Spells" are a concept that hasn't been significantly addressed by either Paizo or any other notable PF 3PP.


You mean the ENie award winning The Great City Player's Guide , that Liz Courts hack (ninja hack) worked on it with a bunch of other hacks ( Adam Daigle, Tim Hitchcock, Rone Barton, etc.) They robbed me of my ENnie for Heroes of the Jade Oath, not that I am bitter, no not at all.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

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Mermaids! After I finish the other pitch. :D

Wow, there are a lot of things I'd happily buy from Rite Publishing. I have most of your PF library, and almost everything I don't have is on my "to buy at some point" list (right now, "at some point" means starting in January, because I am predicting my financial situation will become more stable around that time). For this post, I'm going to talk about three big things I'd like to see. I will relegate my other ideas, many of which are either smaller, less economically feasible, or less refined.

One supplement I really enjoy was the Secrets of Divine Channeling. When I first saw it, one of my initial reactions was

my brain a couple years ago wrote:
Wow, this is what the cleric should have been. The only downside is that it only includes the core domains, and there is no automatic procedure to expand non-core domains to make them comparable to the treatment the core domains get here.

I should probably give some context to thoughts of me-from-two-years-ago. After deciding we weren't wild about D&D 4e, my main group switched back to 3.5 and haven't left since. It wasn't until several years later that someone (not in my regular group) described to me an "upcoming 3rd party d20 supplement" that sounded interesting to me, and I discovered that there was this spin-off of 3.5 called Pathfinder. So, when I first saw the Divine Channeler, I was thinking mainly in the context of using it in 3.5. I was aware of Paizo's changes to the core rules, but not of the trends in their supplements.

In 3.5, new domains were introduced in every other splatbook. The abundance of domains was even parodied by Steve Jackson in the Munchkin d20 PHB:
Munchkin RPG Player's Handbook wrote:
No book of d20 player rules would be complete without a new clerical domain


So when I first read the Divine Channeler, I naively assumed that Paizo had released mountains of new domains, and that there was little chance you would be able to keep up and release updates to make every single non-core Paizo domain compatible with the Divine Channeler.
As it turned out, though, Paizo has taken a different route in releasing new domains, with only a small handful beyond the Core Rulebook. The PRD has only one non-core domain, and there are only a few in the campaign setting books. Hence, it may actually be possible to release a supplement for the divine channeler, with domain channeling effects for all non-core Paizo domains and some of the most popular non-Paizo Pathfinder domains. I'd really like to see such a supplement.

Sticking with the theme of divine magic, my second request concerns the pantheons of Questhaven. I've really been enjoying the write-ups each of the gods gets in the Secrets of Divine series. It's been pretty clear for awhile now that the main pantheon of non-evil gods has sixteen members, that you have at least some sense of what all of them are, and that if we keep buying, we'll eventually (hopefully!) get full write-ups for all sixteen.
But so far, the evil gods of Questhaven have received comparatively little attention. The writeups for the nonevil gods so far list enemies, and that frequently includes titles for some of the evil gods. There were some references to evil Questhaven gods in 101 Malevolent Magic Items in the backstories for the legendary items. Aside from a handful of quasi-artifacts they created, and their titles, though, I don't really know anything about the evil gods. It also is not clear if there are other nonevil gods in Questhaven that aren't a part of the Great Pantheon.
There are other campaign settings out there that never describe the evil gods in as much detail as the good ones. That practice annoys dissapoints me. I hope that in the future, Questhaven will have the evil gods detailed as much as the others, or at least more than they are now.
The short version: I'd love to see write-ups for the evil gods of Questhaven in a style similar to that used in the Secrets of the Divine series so far. If there are other nonevil gods in Questhaven besides the main 16, I'd like to see some information about them.

My third big request is about the reason I became interested in Rite Publishing products to begin with. One of my absolute favorite parts of the 3e rule system is the variety of interesting ways to customize monsters. In fact, I very rarely use non-core monsters. Instead, I take monsters from the first monster manual, and add HD, class levels, and/or templates to make just what I want.
When it comes to monster-related supplements, I don't look for new base monsters. Adding hit-dice is adequately covered by the core rules (well, by the 3.5 monster manual, anyhow...I don't like the way all the really good HD-adding guidelines were stripped from the Pathfinder bestiary). The big things I look for in monster-related supplements are new feats and new templates. The very first product which got me interested in your company was 101 Not So Simple Monster Templates. That purchase was soon followed by the Book of Monster Templates and the entire 101 series bundle (including 101 monster feats). Rite Publishing is, in my opinion, the best source of Pathfinder monster-customization rules.
In spite of all the options available, though, one thing in monster customization has been a perpetual annoyance to me: almost all methods of altering a monster involve increasing its Challenge Rating. Once the CR has reached the point I want it at for a specific monster, there are very limited options for further customization without making it stronger. A small pocket-full of templates with negative CR modifiers exist, along with an even smaller handful of +0 templates. 101 Not So Simple Monster Templates contains only four +0 templates, whist the Book of Monster Templates has only one. The supply of negative CR templates is slightly better (12 in 101NSSMT and one in BoMT), but it's still much smaller than the variety of existing positive-CR templates.
I'd be interested in purchasing a supplement consisting entirely of templates with zero or negative CR modifiers. I personally find +0 templates a great way to further adjust a creature without messing up the encounter balance. They are also viable for interested player-characters, whereas using positive-CR templates cause the same issues as Level Adjustment. In my experience, negative CR templates are also useful for balancing out the effects of positive CR templates or class levels in cases where I don't want the creature to get too much more powerful. I've enjoyed the small quantity of +0 and negative CR templates you've released so far, but I believe that there is room for more. I have no idea how much demand there would be for such a product, but I know of one definite buyer.

I am a huge fan of the "In the company of..." series because they take creatures which gamers have typically stereotyped as monsters (aka mobile experience depositories) and flip the coin over, and in the process make for fresh and very interesting character concepts.

You can put me down for all of those books in the works and also hoping somebody will get round to proposing... In the Company of Trolls.

For too long have these poor (smelly) fellows been the butt of adventurer jokes and mere notches on their well-used swords.

In regards to the medusa character: It's only been a session in our campaign so far, so no comment when it comes to balance. But that said, the player who I suggested it to loved it and she's had a blast making that character. All that fluff stuff in the beginning made her really get into the character mindset and there was a huge amount of options to help her pick what she wanted.

Also foremother's blessing is such a cool idea. I love it.

I'm also gonna second the harpy thing. I know flight is a hard thing to balance in low level games, but I love that idea. Maybe another style of monster too?

sepik121 wrote:
Maybe another style of monster too?

In the Company of Chimeras (Hybrid Beasts).

Dark Archive

Compiled book of all your monster entries made into a nice fat hardcover.

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I know little about your books, but 101 hazards and disasters is absolutely brilliant. I would like more DM resources like that. Perhaps a 101 series that deals with something you can put in the battle maps and are interactive so they can become important for the fight at hand.

Rite Publishing wrote:
Crai wrote:

To my knowledge, "Urban Spells" are a concept that hasn't been significantly addressed by either Paizo or any other notable PF 3PP.


You mean the ENie award winning The Great City Player's Guide , that Liz Courts hack (ninja hack) worked on it with a bunch of other hacks ( Adam Daigle, Tim Hitchcock, Rone Barton, etc.) They robbed me of my ENnie for Heroes of the Jade Oath, not that I am bitter, no not at all.

Oh dear. I didn't mean to hit a nerve, Stephen. I completely forgot about the 0One's book. Last night I took a look at it (my friend owns it) and while I consider the city/urban theme spells good in that book, I'm by far more wowed and floored by Rite's recent theme-focused spellbook series (Swamp, Underground, Shadow/Darkness & Forest). Which leads me to believe that Rite's take on such a subject would be a significant quality uptick from 0One's.

Nicos wrote:
I know little about your books, but 101 hazards and disasters is absolutely brilliant. I would like more DM resources like that. Perhaps a 101 series that deals with something you can put in the battle maps and are interactive so they can become important for the fight at hand.

This is a really cool idea. I second it.

Nicos wrote:
I know little about your books, but 101 hazards and disasters is absolutely brilliant. I would like more DM resources like that. Perhaps a 101 series that deals with something you can put in the battle maps and are interactive so they can become important for the fight at hand.

If you like 101 Hazards and Disasters, I've been impressed with all of the 101 Unusual Things That Make DMing Easier supplements, including 101 NPC Boons, 101 NPC Grudges, 101 hazards and disasters, 101 Legendary Curses, and 101 Mystical Site Qualities, with the mystical site qualities being my favorite of the lot.

Actually, this line of thought has brought me to one other suggestion:
I use to dislike NPC collections. However, as my life has gotten busier, I've become more and more appreciative of them. Far and away my favorite NPC collection was 30 intelligent magic items. Lately, though, I've been wondering about the possibility of a simpler Rite NPC Codex. The Faces book is really nice, but sometimes you want a more generic NPC with a statblock at just the right level. I'm envisioning something akin to Paizo's NPC codex or DSP's Psionics Embodied, but using the Rite Publishing classes and "stand-alone" races (i.e., the Rite races that aren't associated with racial paragon classes).

Going back to 101 Mystical Site Qualities, the best part is the interesting ways in which the various qualities can be combined. However, it can take some practice to get the hang of utilizing the supplement to its full potential. I'd be interested in seeing an expansion of 101 MSQ with more example locations a la the Savior's Landing in the original. Of course, such an expansion could also include more mystical site qualities:)
I have no idea how much interest such a product would generate. It would probably just depend on how many other people liked 101 MSQ.

How about exploring variant multiclass options for your In the Company of series.

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Lady Kali wrote:
Mermaids! After I finish the other pitch. :D

Yes first you have to send me the pitch, and complete the manuscript. :)

137ben wrote:
the Secrets of Divine series. and Templates

Yes there will be a non-evil gods book dealing with the 4 main evil churches.

The church of the panthenon subsumes any worship of a diety outside the pantheon, so lets say if you worship Thor, the church will say you are worshiping Our Grandfather of Sky and Star, if you worship Ares they will say you're worshiping Our War Marshal in Heaven.

We do a new template in every issue of Pathways, and we have done 52 issues of that. I am considering a compilation.

limsk wrote:
.. In the Company of Trolls.

I did cover them in In the Company of Giants (which was compiled in In the Company of Monsters).

sepik121 wrote:

I'm also gonna second the harpy thing. I know flight is a hard thing to balance in low level games, but I love that idea. Maybe another style of monster too?

Ok harpies is on my list of pitches to seek out.

SilvercatMoonpaw wrote:
sepik121 wrote:
Maybe another style of monster too?
In the Company of Chimeras (Hybrid Beasts).

Also on the same list now.

lastgrasp wrote:
Compiled book of all your monster entries made into a nice fat hardcover.

Its a possibility I might do a Kickstarter for it after we finish In the Company of Dragon's hardcover. But there are a number of projects we have ideas for when it comes to kickstarting.

Liberty's Edge

A hardcover either in B&W or color of Secrets of the divine.

Crai wrote:

As I posted on the 101 Forest Spells thread ... I would love to see a 101 Urban Spells supplement published as well!


memorax wrote:
A hardcover either in B&W or color of Secrets of the divine.

It will be part of the Questhaven Campaign Setting book that I am still working on.

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I'm sorry to necro this thread, but I thought of a new request:

In The Company of Canines

You could have rules for playing wolves and dogs, and then the paragon class could be used to transform them into creatures like hellhounds and winter wolves.

Again, necro-ing:

In the Company of Constructs. I know you guys have the Ironborn, but a book for going beyond that and turning a character into any kind of construct.

Maybe it's not even a book about one race: maybe it's a racial paragon class that can be taken by anyone to turn them into a construct.

If you are still taking suggestions, when the current 101 spell series is complete, compile them into a hard cover like 1001 Spells.

Dark Archive

Starfinder stuff... once its out would be nice

As for PF stuff, I would like to see some products on monster interactions with other monsters. Like how rakshasa and devils treat each other. Or how trolls and giants treat each other.

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The '101 Spells' series is phenomenal. Every ... single ... book. That said, I hope Dave Paul's run on this thematic series is still going on. My 2 groups use a significant chunk of spells from each of those books.

Saint Bernard wrote:
If you are still taking suggestions, when the current 101 spell series is complete, compile them into a hard cover like 1001 Spells.

1001 Spells is a thing. Unless you're joking around. Or talking about a second one made up of side spells done by Vrecknidj -- which would be pretty cool, but likely beyond the current scope of operations until the active projects are completed.

You might not know, but given the publisher died in a car accident a little less than a year ago, "necro-ing" the thread may not be the term you want to use here.


Liberty's Edge

I actually thought the same thing ...

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