Air Your Grievances

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Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
HeHateMe wrote:
The current campaign I'm playing in is Core+APG only, and it's been very challenging for me to come up with anything remotely interesting. Best I could do is a Half-Orc Inquisitor. Yeah I know "snarling half Orc tough guy" isn't original, but when lemons are all I have to work with, lemonade will be the end product.

My Half-Orc Winter Oracle has been rather fresh and exciting.

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it seems the older I get the harder it is to find people who will put up with the child in me.

I feel, should I be lucky enough, that if I can get past the age of 65, this will turn completely around

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If you have a child in you at 65, you're a very lucky woman and not a very grumpy man. That's near Abrahamic to be having a kid :-P

I played Farmville for 10 years or more. Now I cannot get back on Facebook because they keep demanding I submit a scan of my ID to prove what my real name is.

Also, Comcast Cable cut out my access to any channel that isn't also broadcast, so no new Dr. Who episodes. The place where I live controls the account and won't pay for addition channels or let me.

Last year, the local postal person delivered my mail to another building where whatever resident that lives there threw out my tax rebate check with the junk mail, twice!

So now I'm waiting for my tax rebate from this year to be deposited into my visa debit card so I can buy a wifi transmitter with enough upload and download speed that I can run the HULU link I bought for 20$ that was supposed to just plug into the TV set and work.

When I get the money I can also download the unchained and occult adventures posters keep referring me too.

You can't find Dr. Who streaming somewhere, like WatchSeries?

I watch it on Hulu.

Well La De Da Mr. I-can-pay-for-my-television-streaming. Let me just put on my monocle to reflect the level of wealth I'm hanging around.

...damnit I don't know how to make a monocle wearing emoji. >:-(

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The only PF game I get to actually be a player in was cancelled this weekend by the GM because I had to go out of town. I emailed my cleric character sheet to one of the other players so they'd have healing and such, and the rest of the players were on board with it, but he insists that EVERY player in this campaign be present or he won't run. Yet when I run games he's a consistent flake out on games.

Just griping at the double standard going on.

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I have no roleplaying group and have not had one for several years. And I'd even GM!

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Too bad you don't live in central Arkansas!

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Cal Define Central Arkansas I'm in Monticello.

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The Green Tea Gamer wrote:

Well La De Da Mr. I-can-pay-for-my-television-streaming. Let me just put on my monocle to reflect the level of wealth I'm hanging around.

...damnit I don't know how to make a monocle wearing emoji. >:-(


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Talonhawke wrote:
Cal Define Central Arkansas I'm in Monticello.

Conway, about 25 miles north of Little Rock. It's quite a drive to get here. My son used to go to band camp in Monticello when was in high school.

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Yeah i have some friends in Conway that cool but yeah not close.

Somewhere in the last few years, the expression, "You would not believe!" turned into, "You have no idea!"

I know people intend it mean that the information would stress the bounds of understanding, or good taste, or whatever, but I can't help be annoyed when people use that expression.

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Springfield Missouri, so not super far, just too far for weekly gaming.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Have to work tonight, so no PF game. We were tying up Mummys Mask's second book.

Drat n bother.

Still happy to have a job though :P

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MeanDM wrote:
Springfield Missouri, so not super far, just too far for weekly gaming.

One of my players just moved to Springfield. She might be interested in a game. It just depends what hours her new job gives her. She won't know until she starts this week.

Blizzard, why couldn't you be better than this? *sigh*

Sissyl wrote:
Blizzard, why couldn't you be better than this? *sigh*

What happened?

Tacticslion wrote:
Sissyl wrote:
Blizzard, why couldn't you be better than this? *sigh*
What happened?

Tracer Pose?

Scarab Sages

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I hate it when I look at a character sheet and see bonuses that I can't for the life of me remember the source for.

DungeonmasterCal wrote:
MeanDM wrote:
Springfield Missouri, so not super far, just too far for weekly gaming.
One of my players just moved to Springfield. She might be interested in a game. It just depends what hours her new job gives her. She won't know until she starts this week.

Thanks! I'd appreciate that!

As soon as I find out her schedule I'll let her know there's a game in town waiting on her... lol

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:

The only PF game I get to actually be a player in was cancelled this weekend by the GM because I had to go out of town. I emailed my cleric character sheet to one of the other players so they'd have healing and such, and the rest of the players were on board with it, but he insists that EVERY player in this campaign be present or he won't run. Yet when I run games he's a consistent flake out on games.

Just griping at the double standard going on.

Heck, I'll run with as few as two present, but it has to be two of three particular people in my group for me to feel confident that we can continue. Not everybody is suited to running three characters each, and the rest fall beneath that heading.

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...and while I'm at it, I absolutely LOVE IT when people cancel on me 10 minutes before game time. Its so freakin' awesome. Especially when they KNOW that we'll already be short of players. (And it wasn't an emergency).

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I have a "core" group of three who make nearly every game. The others have a 2+ hour drive to get here, and another two have young kids they are very involved with on the weekends with their own activities. So if anyone but the core three makes it all it's a good thing. If they can't, I always try to have either a side adventure for those three or I tone down the one I had prepared for a larger group. Turns out I'm also the only one in the group who ever GMs that can do this, it seems. We've had our Call of Cthulhu game cancelled numerous times by another GM in our group because one person couldn't make it. We play that particular campaign maybe 4 times a year at the most, and if it gets cancelled because one player can't make it it's very frustrating. And again, THIS guy can miss a a game or two and I can run w/out him.

Maybe this is my superpower - running successful games with an inconsistent number of players.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
DungeonmasterCal wrote:

I have a "core" group of three who make nearly every game. The others have a 2+ hour drive to get here, and another two have young kids they are very involved with on the weekends with their own activities. So if anyone but the core three makes it all it's a good thing. If they can't, I always try to have either a side adventure for those three or I tone down the one I had prepared for a larger group. Turns out I'm also the only one in the group who ever GMs that can do this, it seems. We've had our Call of Cthulhu game cancelled numerous times by another GM in our group because one person couldn't make it. We play that particular campaign maybe 4 times a year at the most, and if it gets cancelled because one player can't make it it's very frustrating. And again, THIS guy can miss a a game or two and I can run w/out him.

Maybe this is my superpower - running successful games with an inconsistent number of players.

My life in early college, wrangling 7 guys who worked odd rotating shifts and homework to boot. My rule was if we get 3 we are pushing through

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Maybe this is my superpower - running successful games with an inconsistent number of players.

The fun part is coming up with amusing reasons for character absences.

I think my druid spent the better part of a session on the toilet because I wasn't available.

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We always say the missing characters have jury duty.

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Yeah, I generally get five players, so that if 2 flake, I've still got enough people to consider it "the group"

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Personally, I just outright need every PbP I play in to just give me this thing. Life (and the game) will go on much better when I inevitably flake*.

Really useful for gaming groups that have players that often can't show, too, though it's probably less humorous than things that TOZ or others can come up with. :D

* Totally against my will, mind you, and much to my shame; but it seems that I can't avoid doing exactly this thing for reasons that are beyond my ken. EDIT: Wait, are you even allowed to air your grievances against yourself?! TOO BAD, I did.


Shadow Lodge

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I wish I had enough time to play more RPs :(

I also kinda wish I could switch over to 5e without spending more money or feeling like I've wasted too much money.

If you spent it on PF, it wasn't wasted! Just use the free stuff for 5e and convert the numbers! (Proficiency works out to 1/4 level+2, I believe. Easy switch!)


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Why are Kindle books so expensive!!!

$10 for a digital book when you can often get the paperback for $5 is infuriating.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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Tormsskull wrote:

Why are Kindle books so expensive!!!

$10 for a digital book when you can often get the paperback for $5 is infuriating.

If each paperback you bought came with the option of spending an extra $5 to acquire enough extradimensional space to carry them all with the same amount of weight/space usage as a single book, would you pay for that?

Jiggy wrote:

If each paperback you bought came with the option of spending an extra $5 to acquire enough extradimensional space to carry them all with the same amount of weight/space usage as a single book, would you pay for that?

Only if they were originally priced that way. When I used to be able to get Kindle books for cheaper than paperbacks, and then suddenly someone decided to start charging more - That's really the part that induces anger.

Its sort of like when your work health care plan gives you one rate, then the next year they increase your rate by 20% but then allow you to earn that 20% back by jumping through various hoops.

It feels like a very slimy tactic.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Jiggy wrote:
Tormsskull wrote:

Why are Kindle books so expensive!!!

$10 for a digital book when you can often get the paperback for $5 is infuriating.

If each paperback you bought came with the option of spending an extra $5 to acquire enough extradimensional space to carry them all with the same amount of weight/space usage as a single book, would you pay for that?

Not exactly. You pay an extra $5 for the luxury of being allowed to put it in your extradimensional space that you already bought, and never use it outside of that space, and always have to keep it charged.

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A large part of the price of buying a book is because of printing costs. With e-books, they don't have that whatsoever. It quite literally costs them mere cents (if that) to make another copy of the e-book. Yet they charge you MORE than for a physical book. That is simply indecent.

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On Twitter, posters keep promising interesting stuff and this stupid pop ups selling Ebooks block the pictures, and the pop ups are uncloseable!

I've been trying to find the Vance stories the magic system is based on but there are no bookstores I can get to. :(

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Unnamed player at convention this past weekend, why did you stridently insist that the only way to PFS was to murderhobo all the time and that anything else was badwrongfun?

I died a little bit inside after our table of the scenario had a raucous goodfuntime *NOT* murdering EDIT!*ANYONE* in the same scenario you were seated at when you made those declarations.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I have had multiple scenarios where the party killed no one, even in scenarios with multiple combats. That guy was stupid.

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I think we had one combat and one combat-rounds situation in the scenario, based on our play and our approach...

Faithless and Forgotten 3, we made it look like we were an 'independent auditing team' inspecting the place after we rendered them all unconscious via the amazing skill of Linguistics...

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Due to real life, our group won't be continuing our weekly campaign until about a month.

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Real liiiiiiifffeeee~! *shakes fist*

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