Skull & Shackles Recruitment (Newbie Friendly GM & 2-3 Players)


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So far, there are two RL friends and myself that have shown interest in playing in Skull & Shackles. My two friends have never played Pathfinder or done Play by Post, so this is going to require a GM that understands that and is able to help in that area. Depending on what the GM is comfortable with, 2-3 players are also needed as well, to round out the party.

So as far as characters, we have:

* Aasimar monk (flowing monk/sacred mountain)
* Half-orc barbarian
* Druid of undecided race

I wouldn't mind throwing my two-cents in. Had a character made for a different Skull & Shackles that I didn't make it in to, but he's another monk, so I'll probably come up with something different.

I have a rogue I made for Skulls and Shackles that I wouldn't mind finding a plce for.

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Built this guy for a WotR game but he should work fine in Skulls and Shackles.

I got a character I could try out: a undine cavalier with the wave rider archetype. Been working on her for a long time so it might be fun. What are the rules for character creation?

I have this character built for S&S, though I'll have to look over her again to make sure she's ready for play (her original sheet is on MW). If a GM shows up, I'll be happy to clean her up.

Edit: Here is her current sheet

I think this would be a fun character for S&S if Spheres of Power is ok. I would probably focus on Life, Protection, Warp, and Weather as I level up, maybe dipping into Fate.

I would like to run a Magnimarian wizard aristo that has set out for the islands to find his fortunes...and ends up getting drunk and pressed into service.

I need to tweak his backstory, and make him a bit more robust, constitution and strength wise, so he can survive, but I can have it posted shortly.

Tendal Deverin

Now the big thing we need is someone to run the game.

Tendal Deverin wrote:

I would like to run a Magnimarian wizard aristo that has set out for the islands to find his fortunes...and ends up getting drunk and pressed into service.

I need to tweak his backstory, and make him a bit more robust, constitution and strength wise, so he can survive, but I can have it posted shortly.

Tendal Deverin

Isn't this PC already in a game? :P

Joana wrote:
Tendal Deverin wrote:

I would like to run a Magnimarian wizard aristo that has set out for the islands to find his fortunes...and ends up getting drunk and pressed into service.

I need to tweak his backstory, and make him a bit more robust, constitution and strength wise, so he can survive, but I can have it posted shortly.

Tendal Deverin

Isn't this PC already in a game? :P

Um. I would love to rejoin the game Joana...I honestly didn't even know if that was an option after so long and didn't even think to pursue it! My sincerest apologies.

So, back to purpose here...

Now we need a GM. Anyone know of one?

I sent out a feeler to a GM, who would be my personal first choice.

Good to know! Fingers crossed on that.

I am not who Tamesis speaks of, but I am somewhat interested. Should you prefer Tamesis' first choice I'd also be interested in playing.

Well the way I look at it, as long as there's a GM willing to run it and run it well, I'm all for that! Doesn't matter who it is, in my book.

My first choice may not be the best choice for this particular game. Based on his response, rather, I don't know if this is the right group for him. I won't go into someone else's details, but I doubt it'll be a great fit, all around.

Of course, another GM has stepped forward! So the point is moot!

I'm going to bow out of this recruitment, as I have found another S&S game to play this character in.

Best of luck to all!

do you still need players

David, there's not even a guaranteed GM yet, I still need to start reading.

Dark Archive

would u be needing a rogue?

I'm still interested in joining but I'll see what the character creation rules will be before I continue making my character.

Community & Digital Content Director

Removed a series of posts. Sharing our PDFs is discouraged and considered copyright infringement.

Understood, Chris.

So, no sharing!

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*rolls eyes* Well I have precious little money so I'm not purchasing it without knowing if I can run the necessary sub systems. So Mr. Fox, if you could please find those I'd be quite happy to look them over and decide from that. In the mean time I'll go download the campaign guide and see if they're mentioned in that.

In the meantime though I'd like to offer my opinion that sharing a non downloadable version of the PDF among group members looking to play it, with a GM wanting to see it before purchasing it, should not be looked down on, as players sharing their materials is a time honored tradition. (Just straight out letting me copy it though of course is completely different)

Guys, you only need to read the free player supplement download to make good characters for the adventure. The DM is the only one who needs to purchase the module.

I have this character that i made for Skulls but the game only lasted a week before the GM vanished.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

I'd be interested in playing if there is room. I've never done a PbP before. I can make whatever character fits best in the group (IME that means cleric/healer, and I have a concept for a human arcane healer bard I would love to play).

What posting rate will your players maintain?
Have your players done PbP before?
Knowing that PbP is rather slow to progress through the material, are your players either truly in it for the long haul, or prepared to only get through one or two books of the AP?

I'm not 100% ready to commit to GMing, but these are some of the questions a GM would be thinking?

So it looks like the barbarian is dropping out from my friends, but I have explained to the remaining friend that it would likely be about 1/day. She works from home, so it's not too difficult to post more than that if she has the time.

My one friend still interested understands how long it can take and is very much ok with the slower pace. She's ready for the long haul but has never done pbp before.

Picked up a copy, waiting for it to arrive. will let you know what I decide.

I'd potentially be interested; I was originally playing a Grenadier (Alchemist/Gunslinger hybrid class) in a Skulls and Shackles game here at university, but the GM had run the game before and decided to run something else. I'd love to bring him back, either as that class or as a multiclassed alchemist/gunslinger.

Liberty's Edge

I'm interested. Is there PFS credit?

If I do it, no. I don't run PFS games.


Seems there are more open player spots, then?

Korak's a very active & thorough GM (although I think he might enjoy Killing PCs..? o.O), and if he or another GM picks up the campaign I'd love to get my seafaring druid into a game (for which I believe S&S would fit very well).

Dottin'. (^_^)

Hellooooo ta' tha' DM!

Is ye by some chance tha' bod whut pops in't a certain chat room at some times?

Jus' askin', as we's might be hasin' a mutual, squidgy lil' friend abouts. (^_^)

Much cheers ta' all!

OMG ITS SUNNY!!!! I remember you from the like 4 different AP's we have applied for! Hi.

*Waves merrily*

Hey-YA there! (^_^)

I jus' looky'd at tha' DM's name an' were won'erin' if'n we's a mutual friend, like. :)

Would be awesomest ta' be playin' with ye all.

Ayr, maties, if this goes sign me up

Very interested to see how this goes.

still waiting on delivery.

Delivery has happened and I wasted my money on something with around half as many pages as it should have. I'm out.


*HUGZ* Korak The Boisterous

Wow...that was sad. Time to keep looking!

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