Steve Geddes |
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I will be behind the rest of you in receiving my rewards. I pledged for the Steel cover. so I have to wait til the blacksmith finishes with the book before it can all be shipped together. Makes sense to save on shipping costs but adds to frustration.
I'm right there with you. It's worse because of my PDFobia, so I can't/won't even be able to get a sneak peek..
Did you get a steel cover for the blight too? That's the first one I've skipped. :(

GM Rednal |
I can't wait to recieve mine. I'm going to run it as a noob friendly campaign in my gaming club using the simplified casting variant. How do the Frogs feel about the automatic progression variant from Pathfinder Unchained? It seems a good fit for the low magic items feel of this setting.
I'm not sure about the Frogs, but that's what I'm using in my own game. I went with the "low magic items" setting, so the players are two levels ahead on the table, and will be getting limited treasure to compensate. I told them to think of it as, basically, 'Heroic Power'. Why can you cut through some types of DR with your weapon? Because you're a hero, and heroes can do that kind of thing. Why are you getting stronger than normal people can ever manage? Because you're a hero, and your swings are mighty. And so on. It's not magic so much as an improvement in their Wyrd, with fate itself recognizing that they're special. I also switched to Spheres of Power for casting, since its lower power ceiling seemed more appropriate.

silverhair2008 |

Dorin Halfcub, I am not sure my FGG shelf is much different from yours or anyone elses. Except maybe Bill's or Greg's or Matt's. I admit it is getting full. At present one half of the shelf is FGG and the other half is Kobold Press, as a matter of fact FGG takes up part of 2 shelves. Having Rappan Athuk (PF), Rappan Athuk Reloaded, Slumbering Tsar, Tome of Horrors Complete certainly takes up a lot of space. I managed to acquire a leather copy of Cults of the Sundered Kingdom. Now I anxiously await The Northlands Saga Complete in Hardcover, Leather and Steel, Borderland Provinces in Hardcover, and now The Blight in Hardcover.
I am running a group of friends through Rappan Athuk and am using other Lost Lands sources. For example they traveled to Endhome from Lost City of Barakus when 2 of the party members died. So I am trying to involve them in more of the Lost Lands lore.

Steve Geddes |

Since it seems kind of relevant to the conversation, people looking for some FGG Swords and Wizardry versions should keep an eye on this thread for the next few weeks. It's maybe a chance to fill some gaps and supports a good cause.
(Note that the Rappan Athuk this week is not the PF version. There are some PF-compatible things down the track though and the Slumbering Tsar collection of twelve paperbacks is for pathfinder..)

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I run all of my campaigns in the Lost Lands. One good and one evil party in a giant level 1-30 I wrote using FGG adventures and homemade content that is currently at lvl 13 for the mostpart. They are in a quiet war between the forces of light and darkness. The good gods are attempting to refound the Army of Light, while evil is evil. Orcus attempts to regain divinity, wipe out the Frog God, etc. and has formed aliances with thr N'gathu and the Oinadaemon. Both parties really immersed themselves in the lore I shared, the evil party even founded a Kingdom over RA at that castle in the expansion book.

Sqn Cdr Flashheart |
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Yup I'm in the humongous FGG shelf (though all in storage atm due to house move) too. Every Necromancer and FGG product, most (apart from the last few releases, just got too much) in all rules versions. I also have a pile-o Kobold as well.
I'm missing my big shelves of books, PDFs just not the same feel (though great at the table!)

Itchy |

We are planning a "gaming corner" in our basement. One of the early additions will be a set of steel shelves for my gaming collection. Since I also have all the FGG Hardcovers (The Blight is the first one I decided to pass on), they will get a considerable amount of that shelf space.
I think that Tome of Horrors Complete, Slumbering Tsar and Northlands Saga alone will nearly fill a shelf! Okay, maybe not quite, but it feels like it!

Dr. Johnny Fever |
Thanks for the heads up. The NSC hardcover still shows as out of stock on the website but the Player's Guide is available (got one in my cart as I write this). I'll keep trying throughout the afternoon...maybe the site is just being cranky about updating availability.

Steve Geddes |

Steve, metal books are not done yet. I am gonna go ahead and ship the rest to you and the metals later. Will go out Monday.
Oh that's right. It's fine, bill. I'd just forgotten they were still on the way.
No sense increasing your shipping costs - why don't you hold off until the metal ones are there too. I fit really bothers me, I'll just have to get over my PDFobia

Dr. Johnny Fever |
I gave the FGG website a try Friday night, Saturday night and today but the NSC PF hardcover still shows out of stock. Any idea if the site is having issues tracking inventory? As soon as it's available, you'll have one sold!
On a side note, do the Player's Guide and poster map come included with the NSC hardcover or are those separate purchases?