[Frog God Games] The Northlands Saga Complete Kickstarter has Launched!!

Product Discussion

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Bill Webb wrote:
The add ons are drafted already. I know we needed to be clearer this time. Please fo the survey questions at the end of the kickstarter. We will do better nextvtime I think.

Hey, Bill. I was a little unclear there - I didn't mean that FGG were unclear about what's going on. I meant that I wish Kickstarter would update their systems to accommodate the way things have evolved.

Added those modules, help to tick it towards funding!

Swords and Wizardry Lead Developer, Frog God Games

They seem to be really popular; a lot of money came in with (relatively) few new backers, so a lot of people must have increased their initial pledge amounts. I like module-sized books, myself.

Publisher, Frog God Games

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Lol. Steve, I actually think we were a little unclear. But Kickstarters interface foes not help. Thank God for backerkit.

Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games

justmebd wrote:

I'm wondering if a FGG AMA might be in order. That could drum up a lot of interest.

Just throwing stuff against the wall to see what sticks.

I think something like this would be great, but I have no idea how to go about setting it up/getting the word out about it.


Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games

lastgrasp wrote:
Will there be a bestiary in Northlands? If so how many new monsters? Will they be illustrated?

The Bestiary chapter in the Northlands has 20 new monsters in it. I believe each of them has an illustration. Of the 20 I think only one is a repeat. The Northlands aurochs appeared in TOH4, but I felt like it needed to be included in this book as well since it was originally written for this setting.

In addition, to these official new monsters there are a couple new variants of other monsters. I'm thinking specifically of two that I statted out today. They do not get their own entry in the bestiary chapter, but for all practical purposes are new monsters unto themselves. They are both variant builds on the zombie horde that appeared in TOH4 (which is in itself a variant build on the megaswarms I introduced in Slumbering Tsar). Anyway, these two are a mob of human rioters (I know that something like that has been done before, but we've done it again) and a horde of fetch. Both have new special abilities that are completely unique to them. So if you count these two, then there are 22 new monsters in the book. At least that's all that I can think of right now.

I'll also tell you that this book makes extensive use of the four PF Bestiaries as well as TOHC and TOH4. Every TOH monster used in the adventures has its full stat block included and, of course, all of the PF Bestiary monster stat blocks are available online for free. But I just wanted to let everyone know that we pulled out all the stops in getting the perfect monsters into what we wanted for these adventures and yet you do NOT have to buy any other books to play these adventures.

Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games

lastgrasp wrote:
Will there be a bestiary in Northlands? If so how many new monsters? Will they be illustrated?

More info on the subject here.

Layout and Design, Frog God Games

Just so you guys know, the New Monsters chapter for the S&W version will have more monsters in it than the PF version.

Publisher, Frog God Games

Under $10k togo!

Grand Lodge

This project looks awesome!!

For the add-on "A Long Winter's Night" modules, what would their approximate total page count be for all 6 of them combined?

If you purchase the paper version ($60 softcover), do you also get the pdf version of the modules? or does that cost extra?

Frog God Games always include the PDF with the hardcopy. The $60 will cover both electronic and paper versions.

Publisher, Frog God Games

We do not have a page count yet, but its domething like 70 k words total.


Greg A. Vaughan wrote:
lastgrasp wrote:
Will there be a bestiary in Northlands? If so how many new monsters? Will they be illustrated?

The Bestiary chapter in the Northlands has 20 new monsters in it. I believe each of them has an illustration. Of the 20 I think only one is a repeat. The Northlands aurochs appeared in TOH4, but I felt like it needed to be included in this book as well since it was originally written for this setting.

In addition, to these official new monsters there are a couple new variants of other monsters. I'm thinking specifically of two that I statted out today. They do not get their own entry in the bestiary chapter, but for all practical purposes are new monsters unto themselves. They are both variant builds on the zombie horde that appeared in TOH4 (which is in itself a variant build on the megaswarms I introduced in Slumbering Tsar). Anyway, these two are a mob of human rioters (I know that something like that has been done before, but we've done it again) and a horde of fetch. Both have new special abilities that are completely unique to them. So if you count these two, then there are 22 new monsters in the book. At least that's all that I can think of right now.

I'll also tell you that this book makes extensive use of the four PF Bestiaries as well as TOHC and TOH4. Every TOH monster used in the adventures has its full stat block included and, of course, all of the PF Bestiary monster stat blocks are available online for free. But I just wanted to let everyone know that we pulled out all the stops in getting the perfect monsters into what we wanted for these adventures and yet you do NOT have to buy any other books to play these adventures.

While I happen to have ALL of the bestiaries, TOH included I think this is a great feature and applaud Frog God Games for it.

Silver Crusade

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I've done what I can to promote it. Really appreciate the FGG team for putting this together. I love me some viking stories.

brvheart wrote:
Greg A. Vaughan wrote:
lastgrasp wrote:
Will there be a bestiary in Northlands? If so how many new monsters? Will they be illustrated?

The Bestiary chapter in the Northlands has 20 new monsters in it. I believe each of them has an illustration. Of the 20 I think only one is a repeat. The Northlands aurochs appeared in TOH4, but I felt like it needed to be included in this book as well since it was originally written for this setting.

In addition, to these official new monsters there are a couple new variants of other monsters. I'm thinking specifically of two that I statted out today. They do not get their own entry in the bestiary chapter, but for all practical purposes are new monsters unto themselves. They are both variant builds on the zombie horde that appeared in TOH4 (which is in itself a variant build on the megaswarms I introduced in Slumbering Tsar). Anyway, these two are a mob of human rioters (I know that something like that has been done before, but we've done it again) and a horde of fetch. Both have new special abilities that are completely unique to them. So if you count these two, then there are 22 new monsters in the book. At least that's all that I can think of right now.

I'll also tell you that this book makes extensive use of the four PF Bestiaries as well as TOHC and TOH4. Every TOH monster used in the adventures has its full stat block included and, of course, all of the PF Bestiary monster stat blocks are available online for free. But I just wanted to let everyone know that we pulled out all the stops in getting the perfect monsters into what we wanted for these adventures and yet you do NOT have to buy any other books to play these adventures.

While I happen to have ALL of the bestiaries, TOH included I think this is a great feature and applaud Frog God Games for it.

TOH has so many great monsters to fit so many specific purposes that you almost can't help but using it. I always try to incorporate as many TOH monsters as I can to meet my needs.

Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games

Thank you guys! Your help in promoting this is making a huge difference. While the funding trend definitely slowed down after the first 24 hours it has never tapered off through the middle doldrums, which I have never witnessed before. What you are doing it working!


Layout and Design, Frog God Games

Hopefully we'll get a nice, big boost at the end!

C'mon 5 million!


A week and little more than $8K left to go. It's been a steady climb throughout the kickstarter, but we want to not just fund. We need to smash enough stretch goals to reach Valhalla.

This project has a fairly high entry fee, so spread the word to as many potential backers as possible. Just another 75 backers gets us to funding and then some. If we equal the backers for CotSK, we'll hit everything.

I would participate in the kickstarter but I am not well liked at FGG and I am sure they would rather have me not participate. I do hope this is funded at least. It looks like a good book.

Layout and Design, Frog God Games

PathfinderFan64 wrote:
I would participate in the kickstarter but I am not well liked at FGG and I am sure they would rather have me not participate. I do hope this is funded at least. It looks like a good book.

I can honestly say that the subject has never come up in our meetings.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I am sure FGG would rather have your support (and money!)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
PathfinderFan64 wrote:
I would participate in the kickstarter but I am not well liked at FGG and I am sure they would rather have me not participate. I do hope this is funded at least. It looks like a good book.

Dude, if you want to support the kickstarter, support the kickstarter! :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Chuck Wright wrote:
PathfinderFan64 wrote:
I would participate in the kickstarter but I am not well liked at FGG and I am sure they would rather have me not participate. I do hope this is funded at least. It looks like a good book.
I can honestly say that the subject has never come up in our meetings.

Well duh - you're too busy talking about ME!!!!!


"How can we please Dave with this product?"

Don't forget to add Silverhair into that conversation, DaveMage.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Eeyore wrote:
Sure is a cheerful color. Guess I’ll have to get used to it.
Eeyore wrote:
Most likely lose it again, anyway.
PathfinderFan64 wrote:
I would participate in the kickstarter but I am not well liked at FGG and I am sure they would rather have me not participate.

Publisher, Frog God Games

Ok, we are getting close to goal, and close to the end of the project! By popular demand, we have added player’s guides to the mix---these guys retail for $13 ($6 pdf), and are a little bit bigger than usual (about 50-60 pages I am told—though as usual, don’t quote me on that until layout is done). We are less than $9k from goal as I write this, and I am sure that the end surge will get us over the hump. Everyone keep in mind that the actual MSRP on this monster is $150—so Kickstarter backers (and retailers) are getting a big discount for helping us make the project happen. Simply put, without you guys, we could never afford to lay out the $60k or so to make such a huge book, buy art, maps and library bind these things for years of use. Frog God Games and myself pride ourselves on making our books using highest quality materials on the market—no cheaping out here. You guys have been so loyal after all these years, that I don’t know what to say besides thank you—it’s you that lets us do this and makes it possible for us to bring our hobby to the world. The final push is on—so get the word out, and if you are sitting on the fence, please consider pledging to help us and our fans create one of the largest roleplaying game books ever made. We are pretty sure you won’t be disappointed, after all, its Vikings, as well as the northernmost area of the Lost lands! Remember, the modules are softcover and you should get them because…well, because they are really cool. Likewise, Players may need maps to go with their player’s guides! We will be updating and pestering your mailboxes with reminders over the next few days. So forgive our spam as we drive to the finish line! We have plenty more in store over the next few months, and we may even delve into 5e to test the market for Lost lands material in that format. Vikings will be alive and well at both Gamehole Con and UCon this November (we will be at both—and I am the guest of honor at the latter). Stop in and visit or get into one of my late night S&W games if you can (I heard Jillian’s game already filled at UCon).

BW 25-9-15


Layout and Design, Frog God Games

silverhair2008 wrote:
Don't forget to add Silverhair into that conversation, DaveMage.

For the last time, Silverhair, there won't be any Gnome Jell-O Wrestling modules!


Alright how about female Dwarf Mud Wrestling modules?

Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games

I'm pretty sure Tom included that in Mountains of Madness.

Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I just stumbled across Endzeitgeist's reviews of a couple of the original Northlands adventures that have been included, updated, and greatly expanded upon for The Northlands Saga Complete. I'm not sure if anyone has already posted these here, but in case they haven't and anyone is still trying to decide whether to go in on this project or not you can check these out for more information. Warning: spoilers abound so if you're going to be playing through these, don't read the reviews.

Endzeitgeist Reviews

Greg A. Vaughan wrote:
I'm pretty sure Tom included that in Mountains of Madness.

Dwarves are tougher than that. They wrestle in quik dry cement.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber
Chuck Wright wrote:
silverhair2008 wrote:
Don't forget to add Silverhair into that conversation, DaveMage.
For the last time, Silverhair, there won't be any Gnome Jell-O Wrestling modules!

Wwwwhhhhaaaaatttt????? Damn

Less than $3000 to raise in 4 days to reach funding.

Given the high amount in the last spurts, I think we can do it!

...Perhaps a reminder for A Long Winter's Night would be in order, given that it's an unlocked add-on?

Here is from the KS itself.

Add Ons Available Now

$7 Northlands Poster Map (add another $7 if you're a PDF backer to pay for shipping)

$13 Softcover/$6 PDF - The Northlands Saga Complete Player's Guide

Included in The Northlands Saga Complete Player’s Guide are new PC races, class options, and equipment (presented in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rules with Swords & Wizardry Complete conversion commentary where needed), optional rules for players on how to handle things like fate and death speeches, eight pre-generated characters making use of some of these new characters rules and options that players can use or simply look at as examples of Northlander character creation, and six new Tales of the Lost Lands stories set in the Northlands that give examples of the kinds of adventures and attitudes that the players are likely to find in the Northlands Saga setting.

Note: The races, class options, and other rules in the player's guide are repeats of information that is included in the main book, only pared down and issued in a size easily manageable for players without them having to reference the main book and its extensive GM-only information. The short stories will all be player friendly as far as spoilers are concerned.

A Long Winter's Night Chapters 1-6 - We've decided to release this unique collection of adventure modules as six individual chapters which you can purchase individually or as a bundle of all six!

Each single module is $12 print/ $5 PDF.

$60 Softcover/$25 PDF - A Long Winter's Night Chapters 1-6 - This is all 6 of the softcover modules for the price of 5. It comes as the six separately bound adventures or separate pdfs. It is not a single combined softcover book.

Indeed - though a message to existing backers, via update, might be more effective at this point in time. ^^

We are still looking for the new backers. Posting here gets to everyone current and new.

Publisher, Frog God Games

$2565 to go! 4 days left!

Publisher, Frog God Games


It's worth mentioning that the 48-hour reminders have yet to be sent to those who asked for a reminder, so things are looking good. :)

Just added the Players' Guide and map to my pledge. We are less than $2000 away from reaching the goal. Keep spreading the word.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Posted KS-update (and why I want Northlands Saga) on my HP.
Also reviewed Quests of Doom (will post that here and elsewhere and will finish Sword of Air's review before the KS is done. (Though that'll be a close call...)

Very tempted to through down some money on this. The State of Alaska is very good to me this year.

Publisher, Frog God Games

$1343 to go!

Is the map a different one than either of the last couple of Kickstarters have included? I've gotten all of the different ones, so I'm wondering if I need to pick this one up, too.

Dark Sasha wrote:
Very tempted to through down some money on this. The State of Alaska is very good to me this year.

Err... throw. I meant throw. :)

I blame insufficient coffee.

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