Which class decks are you most looking forward to?

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

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I was thinking, it might be cool to have NPC expansion class decks using the cohorts. For example make a Paladin deck with playable versions of Yaniel, Irabeth Tirabade, and Queen Galfrey. Or perhaps a Mendevian class deck, making three mechanically similar but different classed Wrath cohorts playable.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

Looking forward to Monk the most out of the announced, though Paladin is right up there.

Magus and or Bloodrager will be epic.

Also loving the idea of character decks with different classes but similar card-dependencies. Might even go a long way towards multiclassing\custom characters!

I'm looking forward to the Hunter and Summoner decks, because I want to see what they do with different cohorts.

Parody wrote:
Johnny Chronicle wrote:
Andrew L Klein wrote:
Unfortunately I don't see evil character builds coming any time soon. If they do, though, I'd love to see an Antipaladin!

Pretty sure Tontelizi, Wrathack, Olenjack, Wu Shen, Qualzar, and Darago all fall on the evil end of the alignment axis.

I think I read somewhere that Seltyiel is Lawful Evil, too.

Maybe this is a project someone more familiar with the iconics and the NPC Codex would like to look into... What are the RPG alignments of our iconic and class deck "heroes"?

I grabbed the above list for you.

Tontelizi - N (NPC Codex p. 94)
Wrathack - CE (NPC Codex p. 138)
Olenjack - LE (NPC Codex p. 152)
Wu Shen - LE (NPC Codex p. 158)
Qualzar - CE (NPC Codex p. 165)
Darago - NE (NPC Codex p. 193, not named)
Seltyiel - LE (Second Darkness, which I don't have at hand.)

Thanks for doing that, Parody! It just occurred to me that I could poke around the online PRD and find some of these myself (derp).

I'm surprised Tontelizi is Neutral, given his predilections towards leg breaking, murder by poison, and organized crime in general.

A couple of surprise (to me) evildoers: Valendron (NE) and Radillo (CE). That does explain why she caused so much trouble a while back, though...

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

One thing to keep in mind is the NPC codex is weighed heavily away from good-aligned characters. I did a look a few back, and besides the Paladins (which must be LG), I found a good-aligned Cleric or two, and that was it. They even made some of the paladins sounds like jerks.

Likely, this is because a good-aligned NPC would not serve as a possible antagonist to the party.

I think the NPC Codex is more "inspiration" for the characters than it is necessarily their exact background.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
I think the NPC Codex is more "inspiration" for the characters than it is necessarily their exact background.

It's a mix; some of the ACG characters' flavor text comes straight from the book, some are rewritten but close (Tontelizi), and some are completely different (Bekah/Esaye).

(Not all of the non-Iconic folks come from that book, of course.)

It's true that the Codex is weighted towards antagonists. Since all we get is that little blurb, it's hard to say what alignment their ACG incarnations might have.

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Looks like Slayer is the next one to be announced.

Sovereign Court

Interesting that it's got 4 character on the temporary artwork. They've had this one in the pipeline for a while then. I spy a human or elf, what looks like a half orc, and halfling I think. The question is, which is gone?

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Looks like Slayer is the next one to be announced.


When is The next AP due? Are we expecting a slayer as part of it? Or will this be the first class deck to precede the iconic being released in an AP?

The blog says that the deck introduces three new character including Zadim, so it sounds like he won't come out before. ..

Andrew L Klein wrote:
Interesting that it's got 4 character on the temporary artwork. They've had this one in the pipeline for a while then. I spy a human or elf, what looks like a half orc, and halfling I think. The question is, which is gone?

We might not get any of those except for Zadim. None of the characters on the original box for the Monk deck remained when they changed the art, same thing for the Paladin deck, Raz and the half Orc weren't part of the mock up art for the four character box. They still have original boxes on Amazon for comparison.

Sovereign Court

Vandrair wrote:
The blog says that the deck introduces three new character including Zadim, so it sounds like he won't come out before. ..

A few points

A) The Paladin deck also says 3 new characters, even though we've seen Seelah twice. It's because that version is new.
B) Zadim is on the Mummy's Mask box in the announcement blog, and he's not a character that already has a million versions so I doubt he'd be on the tentative art if he wasn't in it.

They haven't announced a date for MM, but assuming they follow the current release schedule of one month between paths, it'll be December. Or was it two months, making it January? Either way, if he's in MM then he will be out before the class deck.

When it was announced at the Paizo banquet, they said there would be a 3 month break between WotR and Mummy's Mask.

If Vic were to post right now, he might remind us that until it is listed for sale, it isn't official. So don't run too wild with that.

Sovereign Court

Oh wow, didn't remember that. Although now I'm intrigued by the paragraph about Liz Spain, talking design and new parts of MM. Sounds like the game is really getting tweaked for this AP and now I'm way more pumped than before!!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Looks like Slayer is the next one to be announced.

That's incorrect. We will fix.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

(Bladebound) Magus.
(Polymorph-based) Magus.
(Kensai) Magus.

Kineticist. (Fire, Water/cold, Aether, Earth)

Slay...oh nm. :)


Grand Lodge

Gunslinger after what has currently been announced.

Still crossing my fingers for a Bestiary deck of just monsters that you can shuffle into any AP. Seeing as the banes are getting curiouser and curiouser with every new set, it would be cool to throw some into RotR for a different flavor.

Dark Archive

No one's said Barbarian yet? For shame!

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

iMonkey wrote:
Still crossing my fingers for a Bestiary deck of just monsters that you can shuffle into any AP. Seeing as the banes are getting curiouser and curiouser with every new set, it would be cool to throw some into RotR for a different flavor.

While I'm not necessarily against this idea, I'd be cautious about unbalancing the monster traits in a set - some characters' and boons' utility is determined by the proportion of monster traits in an AP. Undead, Giant, and Goblin in RotR, or Aquatic and Pirate in S&S, for example. If you mess with those proportions you change the value of those things.

Pathfinder ACG Developer

fernando rojas wrote:
No one's said Barbarian yet? For shame!

I think people are mostly speculating / trying to influence the decks that aren't announced, whereas barbarian is right here.

That said, I am super happy with the work we did on barbarian, and I hope it'll tear your socks off.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

Until this month, the answer to the question posed in the thread title was easy - the Paladin! (because how can you play Season of the Righteous without a Paladin in your party?).

Even though I've got my Paladin now, though, I'm still not satisfied. The Oracle looks tempting, too. Then there's the Barbarian, and the Inquisitor ...
Hmmm - a party of half-orcs? I wonder when Oloch will show up?

ryric wrote:
iMonkey wrote:
Still crossing my fingers for a Bestiary deck of just monsters that you can shuffle into any AP. Seeing as the banes are getting curiouser and curiouser with every new set, it would be cool to throw some into RotR for a different flavor.
While I'm not necessarily against this idea, I'd be cautious about unbalancing the monster traits in a set - some characters' and boons' utility is determined by the proportion of monster traits in an AP. Undead, Giant, and Goblin in RotR, or Aquatic and Pirate in S&S, for example. If you mess with those proportions you change the value of those things.

This is an interesting point, but I'm not sure that it is necessarily a bad thing. You also have to consider that there are certain boons like that in class decks already: for example Dehydrating Touch in the Wizard deck is not really a useful spell outside of S&S. If anything, adding more Aquatic monsters (for example) would make the value of boons like that go up.

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