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![]() In a homebrew campaign my characters are needing to go to Akiton, and I thought I'd throw in that this event was occurring when they went. I was disappointed to find out I couldn't buy the module. I still thought I'd try to do an approximation of it (they are higher level anyway so I already would have needed to modify it). I played this at GenCon Online but I don't remember the details; can someone remind me what the basic plotline is and some monsters that were encountered? ![]()
![]() I saw this new item in Galaxy Exploration Manual, which gives a different power depending on which deity it's attuned to. My current character happens to worship Talavet, so I was looking over that power. Sacred Seal (Talavet) wrote: Three times per day, you can begin animatedly telling a fable that reflects your actions; doing so doesn’t require an action. When you do, choose one of the following: charge, combat maneuver, covering fire, feint, harrying fire, or move your speed. So long as you perform the chosen action before the end of your turn, allies within 30 feet of you who perform the same type of action before your next turn gain a +2 morale bonus to AC and a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and skill checks while performing those actions (such as a bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity while charging, but not against subsequent attacks). So, I guess if I move my speed (for example), anyone else who does so on their turn can get a +2 to their AC to opportunity attacks triggered by moving. Or if I do harrying fire, anyone else who does harrying fire gets a +1 to their attack. Sorta useful I guess? It says I could give a bonus to skill checks. The only thing in the list of activities that involves a skill check is feinting, so I guess it means if I feint, anyone else who also feints that turn gets a bonus to their bluff check. So not a bonus to any skill, just to bluff. Am I interpreting it correctly, or am I missing something? ![]()
![]() So, the Nihilis on the Eternal Melody. They have this ability: Decompression Gaze wrote: A living creature that can see and breathe that begins its turn within 15 feet of a nihili must succeed at a DC 15 Fortitude save or take 1d4+3 bludgeoning damage. It seemed unclear from the wording, to me, but do the characters have to roll for each Nihili they're in range of, or just once? Similarly they also have this ability: Gravity Well wrote: Any creature entering this aura from an area of zero-g must succeed at a DC 15 Reflex saving throw or be knocked prone. Once, or for each one? (There are three of them.) ![]()
![]() I was reading some older threads on this forum and there seems to be some uncertainty about how mounted combat is supposed to work. I'm trying to make a mounted character for PFS (a gnome cavalier riding a boar) and want to see if I can get some clarifications. If I charge, do the cavalier and the mount both get to make an attack, or just the cavalier? I had assumed they both did, but then I read some dissenting views on it. (If they normally both get to attack, then) what if I'm using a lance, but the mount doesn't have reach? Who should take feats such as Improved Overrun, the character or the mount? The rules say I (as a small character) can't take a boar as a mount until level 4. But, the intent behind that rule is obviously that the mount needs to be big enough for me to ride. Would I be able to start with the boar if I take the Undersize Mount feat, or do I still have to start with a pony or wolf even though I'm capable of riding a small mount? ![]()
![]() ChaoticBlue wrote: Anyone know if the Druid deck was demoed at GenCon? I can't place the race of one of the male Druids, but he looks really cool, sort of Groot like. Yes, it was. I played the male dwarf druid and he was awesome. I don't know much about the tree guy though (I didn't look too closely at the two I wasn't playing). ![]()
![]() So, I play a blessing on someone's check to defeat a bane. This triggers my power to choose a character at my location Rio shuffle a random card from their discard pile into their deck. I choose me. Is the blessing I just played in my discard pile. Also, when exactly does the card get shuffled in, relative to other things that are going on? Say I play the blessing on someone fighting a Carrion Golem, and also choose that person for healing. They still lose, despite my blessing, and have to discard two cards from the top of their deck. Is that before or after they shuffle the card in? And if the Carrion Golem specified that it did this "after you act", would that change the answer? ![]()
![]() nicholas storm wrote: You could use the animal companion to simulate a rat familiar (you can pick dire rat). Then get leadership and ask to get a blink dog from leadership. That could work! Except I want the rat to have familiar-level intelligence rather than rat-level, so I'd have to figure out a way around that. ![]()
![]() Dasrak wrote: ...Eldritch Guardian... Oh cool, I was not aware of the Eldritch Guardian archetype. That does look like a good option. Dasrak wrote: Your bigger issue is that no ranger class abilities are charisma-based, so you can't afford to invest many points into it. Yeah, the ideal thing really would be if there were some sort of ranger-ish class that did charisma-based arcane spells. Might there be a Bard archetype that would work? (Probably not, I still need extra combat feats for my bow.) ![]()
![]() Yeah that's what I figured. I could probably get the GM to make a new goblin race without the charisma penalty (since they're not Pathfinder goblins) but that doesn't solve the problem of needing all my feats to counteract ranged penalties. I think you can get a blink dog with monstrous mount feat, or something. ![]()
![]() This was a character I had in 4th edition; the GM suggested I play a reboot of him for his Pathfinder campaign, and I like the character but I'm not sure if I can make him effective in Pathfinder. But I don't know Pathfinder as well; maybe someone can help me build it. I need:
I could switch to a class other than ranger if it works out better, although ranger seems like a good base since it has an animal companion and spells (and the character was a ranger before.) ![]()
![]() I want: Research Specialist, Ancestral Ally
I wrote:
![]() Thea Peters wrote:
![]() Okay, as I said above, I'm mainly looking for two Ratfolk boons (so the husband and I can both play Ratfolk). I have no idea what the availability of those are, so, sorry if I'm asking for impossible things. (Second choice would be goblins, but apparently there aren't any.) Between the two of us we have:
Let me know if you want the full text for one of these. ![]()
![]() skizzerz wrote: It doesn't generate an exploration, it just makes you encounter the top card of the deck if it matches. Encountering a card is not the same as exploring, so after that encounter is over you still have your free explore to utilize. But, doesn't Detect Magic have the same language on it (encounter the card, vs. explore)? And I thought it was ruled that that took the place of your free explore, if you played it before your explore phase. ![]()
![]() pluvia33 wrote:
Yeah. Another decision I didn't get was, I was playing wish someone using the rogue deck, and they had an Amulet of Life as one of their basic cards. No one in the rogue deck can make the recharge check on that. I, as a wizard, would have liked to have an Amulet of Life, but I just had a crummy Bracers of Protection. ![]()
![]() Since all the classes are eventually getting class decks, and the Gunslinger one hasn't been announced yet (that I know of) I thought it might be worth a try to put in a request: I'd really like it if one of the characters was a Ratfolk. They have their own racial archetype, Gulch Gunner, that specializes in close quarters combat. I'm sure there's some way to translate it to the card game mechanics. (Alternately, I'd really like a Ratfolk Investigator, but there's no special archetype for that.) ![]()
![]() I wanted to revive and add my support to this thread, because I just played Melindra through the first adventure of this season, and boy does she suck. But a few cards from the rogue deck would solve all her problems! She could get some decent ranged weapons and not have to rely completely on attack spells to kill stuff. She could get the Cloak of Elvenkind and have a decent chance of making her stealth check to evade. Etc. ![]()
![]() I have another question about Agna's power. I had been assuming I couldn't use it with two-handed weapons. But I realized today the power doesn't actually say anything about that. The main-gauche says it can't be played on a check with a two-handed weapon, but recharging a card for a power doesn't normally count as "playing" it. So is it okay? ![]()
![]() I'm switching to Lem for my organized play group, and I'm leaning toward using Skull & Shackles Lem because he can aid his own checks from the beginning, and I like his Sea Singer role. But I wish he got more spells (the maximum is 4). Whereas CD Lem can get a lot of spells, and is good at casting them, but can never aid his own checks. So which of the three Lems do you like best, and why? |