It's Coming

Product Discussion

Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games

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"Here terrible portents came about over the land of Northumbria, and miserably frightened the people: these were immense flashes of lightning, and fiery dragons were seen flying in the air. A great famine immediately followed these signs; and a little after that in the same year on 8 June the raiding of heathen men miserably devastated God's church in Lindisfarne island by looting and slaughter." --The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, AD 793

"Deliver us, O Lord, from the fury of the Northmen." --Unnamed Anglo-Saxon monk

Winter is closer than you think...

I'm ready! Fire the kickstarter up already!

Gerald wrote:
I'm ready! Fire the kickstarter up already!

Agreed. :)

Scarab Sages

Seriously, very excited about this one.

I have no ability to be fired up about this because it means absolutely nothing to me besides some cryptic use of quotes from ye olde Earth.

Anyone care to clarify?

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:

I have no ability to be fired up about this because it means absolutely nothing to me besides some cryptic use of quotes from ye olde Earth.

Anyone care to clarify?

I assume this is a teaser for Frog God Games' upcoming Northlands Saga kickstarter.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Aye, it's the teaser for the Northlands Saga KS and, as far as I'm concerned, I'm STOKED. :)

Endzeitgeist wrote:
Aye, it's the teaser for the Northlands Saga KS and, as far as I'm concerned, I'm STOKED. :)

Yeah, I've been waiting imnpatiently for this ever since the Kickstarter was announced. Should be a *very* sweet deal.

Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:

I have no ability to be fired up about this because it means absolutely nothing to me besides some cryptic use of quotes from ye olde Earth.

Anyone care to clarify?

Sorry for being cryptic, OSW. I was mainly just having some fun with the folks who already knew about it as a pending product. I'll have a much more detailed and useful announcement on it soon. I'm working on the text for the KS page now. :-)

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

More Frog Goodness...

Greg A. Vaughan wrote:
Oceanshieldwolf wrote:

I have no ability to be fired up about this because it means absolutely nothing to me besides some cryptic use of quotes from ye olde Earth.

Anyone care to clarify?

Sorry for being cryptic, OSW. I was mainly just having some fun with the folks who already knew about it as a pending product. I'll have a much more detailed and useful announcement on it soon. I'm working on the text for the KS page now. :-)

Thank you Greg. A most considered and helpful reply, you have my respect. I will examine the Kickstarter.

Swords and Wizardry Lead Developer, Frog God Games

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Greg, I can't believe you didn't just go all the way and say, "Winter is coming." Because WINTER IS COMING!

It's like if Robert E. Howard wrote the Elder Eddas, with a bit of editing from Ashton Clark Smith.

Swords and Wizardry Lead Developer, Frog God Games

This is what I mean:

"The champion was Uth’ilopiq, and Althunak set him as prince of the city of Oosqwai at the eastern end of the Wailing Mountains where they met the gray sea."

Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games

Matthew Finch wrote:
Greg, I can't believe you didn't just go all the way and say, "Winter is coming." Because WINTER IS COMING!

I try to show SOME restraint, thank you very much.

He didn't show any restraint when he ran The Crooked Tower at NTRPG Con.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Right on! Stoked!

Side note, just that quote should be enough to feel a bout of stokedness. Oceanwolf, you must've read it before more coffee.

Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games

silverhair2008 wrote:
He didn't show any restraint when he ran The Crooked Tower at NTRPG Con.

I said I try to show SOME restraint...

Layout and Design, Frog God Games

You going to show them that other teaser, Greg?

Are ya, huh? Are ya?

Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games

Well...I feel kind of dumb now. I don't know how to post it here since it's not a link. I guess I hadn't really thought that all the way through. [sheepish grin]

Layout and Design, Frog God Games

Do I smell snow? <- this is a hyperlink :)

Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games

THERE it is!

(Thanks, Chuck. Huh, Facebook? Who knew it could do something like that?)

Swords and Wizardry Lead Developer, Frog God Games

1 person marked this as a favorite.

OO, nice job Chuck, that's the first time I've seen it with the border and title.

Shadow Lodge

But why isn't it here already?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

That cover excites me like downing booze then chewing on my shield!

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I cut back on my vacation spending for this.

Still on track for the 31st?

Swords and Wizardry Lead Developer, Frog God Games

Redapple6 wrote:
Still on track for the 31st?

Somewhere between Sunday and Tuesday. Lots of little details, like Greg has to make a voice-over for the video, triple-checking the description of shipping costs, etc. It doesn't help that the power's out in Bill's entire county. He may have to receive word of the Kickstarter's launch by smoke signal.

Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games

Voice-over done.
KS page mostly done.
Bill's still got to verify the shipping costs and make sure all the pledge levels are added (and climb out of the Stone Age apparently). ;-)

Publisher, Frog God Games

lol--huge storms in Seattle--and I am in the country--we were powerless for about 20 hours.

Publisher, Frog God Games

ps--look to the North at the rising of the sun!

Maybe invest in a good generator?

Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games

silverhair2008 wrote:
Maybe invest in a good generator?

Or maybe some gasoline to run it with! ROTFLOL!!! :-D

Is today the day?

Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games

A fleet of sails has been spotted on the horizon! Dragon heads ride high on the prows! The Northmen are!*


I'm in clinic all day and won't be able to check back in until probably late afternoon.

Silverhair, as official Herald Frog, if you notice the Kickstarter launch and see that no new thread to announce it has been made, will you make a new thread here entitled:

[FROG GOD GAMES] The Northlands Saga Complete Kickstarter has Launched!!

And then include a link to the page?

You can say whatever comments you'd like. I'll come in later today and add any additional comments if needed. Thanks!

My apologies in advance to all for my voice-over work on the video. There's a reason my medium of choice is print and not radio.
(FYI: That's a big cheesy grin, not lip implants.)

*(Pending final approval of the page by Kickstarter, but I'd assume it'll be up in the next hour or so.)

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It shall be as thou command, my Lord.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This has gone live Folks its already over $1000 only $61,000 more to go :) I am the lucky #1 backer :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Got in as Backer #7.

Grand Lodge

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Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I think I'm lucky 13?

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Here is the official thread.

BTW I think I was number 61.

#70... NZ Time :D

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

156. When I saw this earlier I would have been 18 but I had to make it home from work (in Bill's part of the world) and shift some money around.

At $27000+ in less than 24 hours.

Keep sharing the word.

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