Hymn of the Revenants Homebrew AP Interest Check


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Veldt is a prosperous nation. Its expansive grasslands has led to a large and strong farming trade. The central city of Yeldem and the powerful Adventurer's Guild based there act as both a hub and a place where those in need may get help, for a price. It is a land that seems to have a simple kind of peace. But darkness is brewing right in the heart of the nation and a young group whom aspire to be Adventurers may be the key to thwarting nefarious plots.

I am interested in running a game here on the forums. It is something of a test play of what I hope to become a complete adventure path one day. The game will be a dark one and not for the faint of heart. Inspirations include Berserk, The Southern Reach Trilogy, The Mother Trilogy, Dark Souls and the Iron Kingdoms. A friend will be helping me out, he will mostly be supplying art, but he might jump in once and a while if I am busy. We are still in the process of getting everything together, but I thought I would see if there was any interest.

Some features/rules:

1. There may be somewhat drastic, but usually positive changes to your character that are not entirely of your own choosing. If this bothers you, this probably isn't the game for you. By the same token your characters may gain 'traits' through the story, but you may also lose them. Characters will never have less than two traits. I will also have campaign traits to choose from at level 1.

2. I won't be using third party material and in fact may restrict the first party material a bit, however I will be allowing the Deadly Agility feat from Path of War as I think it is much to difficult to play a dexterous warrior with a weapon that you want to use.

3. I like to make saves against all of your ability scores, I also like to give multiple options for saves if it makes sense to do so, so this doesn't really affect your characters ability to make saves often, it's just a fluff thing that I enjoy. Anything against one of your ability scores that does not have a related save will be scaled appropriately to makes things fair.

4. This is not a sandbox adventure, while I will attempt to give options where they make sense you will be on a quest with a singular purpose.

5. Wacky, crazy, surreal things will happen. Sometimes such things will supersede rules and be more narrative or may even be house ruled.

6. Dungeons will contain puzzles, the appropriate checks will give you hints, but will not solve them for you unless you roll very high. Otherwise after some hints you will have to solve them for yourselves. Of course if the game is dragging I may supply more hints.

7. Character creation may use a stat array, I like having a solid knowledge of what everyone will have for stats. Otherwise it will be standard 20 point buy.

8. There will be a strong narrative component to this campaign, therefore it may not always be required for everyone to make a post a day. However, once combat hits it would be preferable if everyone could post more often.

For a hint at things to come, here are the planned names of the different parts of the adventure:

Part I: The Evil that Slumbers
Part II: The King of the Dead
Part III: Once more into the Breach
Part IV: Where Gods Fear to Tread
Part V: Into the Eye of the Dragon
Part VI: Of Lost Souls and Broken Silhouettes

I know this is a very ambitious project and some of you may be wary of that, which I understand. I can't promise anything, but I do plan to see this through. We have a general outline of the entire adventure, quite a few of the encouters planned and most of the first part complete. If we were to open recruitment it will be a bit yet because I am going on vacation. Plus I still have to write the player's guide.

I am happy to answer any questions.

Oh! One more thing. Here is the first sketch for the game done by my friend.

Dark Archive

Im in sounds cool, however i do not understand the positive changes thing. Do you mean you will give us boons we can't control or you will build our character.

Boons you can't control.

Dark Archive

Ahh that I can deal with and actually sounds interesting.


What are you allowing for PC races?

Häftigt! I like this idea!

Core races plus Drow, Aasimar and Tiefling for sure, which will each have a blurb in the Player's Guide describing them and their standing in Veldt. Other races would be on a case by case basis, if your character idea is interesting we can see if the race could be made to fit in Veldt.


I think I have a character in mind for this already.

Why not. =^^=

Will keep my idea to myself till i can see the story. Then i can make or remake if it fits :P

I also plan to work with people during recruitment to get the best party we can, so even if your character isn't right at first that doesn't mean they can't be with some massaging.

Awesome. Thanks.
How do the drow fit in?
And secondly how do you feel about flying mounts? There is a archetype that eventually has a flying mount

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In the Veldt regular Elves and Drow are two sides of the same coin, one lives in a structured society, the other is more akin to nomads. All Elves suffer from an immense wanderlust, but Drow give into it and never settle. In fact, a Drow who settles is usually no longer considered a Drow by other Drow. So it is more of a long term social divide than a racial one. Both can have light or dark skin, though Drow tend to darker colours. Drow have a bit of a bad reputation for being flighty, when a band of Drow travels through a town said town is often left with less coin, young women who thought they could tame a Drow that are left forlorn and even missing some people who take up the Nomadic life style.

I can say that it is entirely possible that a mounted character would have access to all kinds of strange mounts and flying isn't out of the question, magic users all get to fly eventually after all. As a lover of the Cavalier class there would also not be often where the mount would need to be left behind.

Im thinking then a drow sky sentinel ranger =^^=

Very intrigued by your features list, and your influences are all things that pique my interest, so dotting. I'll wait on some more fluff info before I start getting too attached to any ideas.

Seth86 wrote:

Im thinking then a drow sky sentinel ranger =^^=

I was thinking a drow Oracle of Battle for mine. :)

Speaking of which, what sort of gods are available for worship in your setting?

im interested. What classes are allowed? Namely are you allowing gunslingers and or alchemists?

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While there will be a few specific gods to choose from I should put a HUGE asterisk here. If you choose a class with divine magic it may have unexpected consequences on your character in the future. Anyone set on doing so will be given a bit of extra information before making their final class decision. I don't want to give too much away, but I don't want to have anyone feel like they were lied to about their own character.

Gunslingers may see some house rule tweaks before making it to playable status, that is if anyone has an interesting enough Gunslinger concept, but Alchemists are allowed.

Thanks for letting me know. I'd like to know more about how divine magic works first before settling on a concept for my drow character.

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A simple way of putting it is that sometimes when you level up your new powers might not be from the gods you expected. This could mean getting access to different domain spells or revelations, but losing out on others. There would always be multiple options to choose from in this case, but it could certainly be offputting if your character is based on getting a very specific set of things.

Ooh... that actually sounds interesting!

Would I at least get to pick my 1st level revelation?

Yes, first level characters will have nothing extra to worry about except campaign traits.

Would you accept a middle aged wizard with an apprentice taking up his familiar slot?

Sure, I'll be interested!

I'd be interested in playing an elven fighter (archer), eventually going into the arcane archer prestige class.

Speaking of PrCs...


A possible aim for my character

I could be convinced. :D

How do you feel about charactees that are known to each other, or even related?

How are you going to handle starting wealth? Roll for it or take the average for our class?


This sounds really cool. I would love to try it.

I'd be interested in playing a Paladin -- it sounds like it would be a challenge!

Sounds interesting. Keeping concepts to myself for now though...

I'm very interested. I'd love to hear some more about the setting.

Mr. GM? You there, sir?

Would you allow the occultist classes like mesmerist?

And would my middle aged archetype be allowed?

Hey guys! I'm The Pale King's friend helping out here and there aswell as doing some art along the way for visual reference. Currently the hopefully future GM is away on some Vacation for a bit over a week so you'll have to hang on for a bit. As for the setting, I'd love to share some things but I am unsure what exactly The Pale King intends to hand out for future information so I'll quietly keep my mouth shut for now. On the other hand, the best I can do is post the odd picture here and there of concept art and ideas for the setting to get some sort of idea for ya. Thanks for being so patient and I really hope this can get off the ground in the near future. d-(^_^)z

Thanks for letting us know. :)

I was starting to get worried...

I more or less figured at this point it was either a troll to begin with or the GM didn't see us as enough interest and left.

Well, for when the King comes back, I'm interested in helping out with this. My question is about locations in the campaign. A lot of my character concepts are based around where they live/originated from. Is this going to take place in Golarion or in a custom setting? If custom, what is the geography like? I have an idea for a character that was born in a jungle-like setting, original from Mwangi Expanse, and was wondering if that would be possible for this game?

I have this longing to play a Female Barbarian with a bit of an attitude problem. This game sounds perfect for that. Is there an area that I should be from that fits this idea. Terrain is not a big deal, as I can make the concept work for Nordic warrior, Desert fighter, pirate etc.

I like stuff being out of my control. At least somewhat. I'm interested.

Tentatively interested. Dotting for interest, might work out a character once I've got my new laptop up and running.

Just wanted to let people know that this'll will hopefully get off the ground early September. Sorry for the lack of updates too, I'd probably go on and on with more info... but i'm pretty sure it'd wind up being full of spoilers.

Here's another question for the GM when he comes back--how combat-heavy will the campaign be?

Scarab Sages

dotting for tentitive interest

dotting for interest

I'm working on writing my character's backstory now from the info we've been given. I'll be able to integrate her into the world better once our prospective GM returns.

I may be interested in this. Probably going to make an aasimar, although not sure which class yet.

I recently bought the ACG and OA, so I was thinking a brawler possibly who also has psychic abilities, if those classes are allowed.

Dotting for interest.

I'm back from vaction guys! I am still not certain when the recruitment thread will be up, but I can answer some questions and hopefully have the players guide up to pursue in the near future. This is a big undertaking, so please be patient.

FireberdGNOME wrote:

I could be convinced. :D

How do you feel about charactees that are known to each other, or even related?

I always love it when players build concepts together, have at it!

Dragoncat wrote:
How are you going to handle starting wealth? Roll for it or take the average for our class?


Pathfinder Zoey wrote:
Would you allow the occultist classes like mesmerist?

I like the OA classes so I could be convinced. Some of them could have interesting ramifications in the story.

DekoTheBarbarian wrote:
Well, for when the King comes back, I'm interested in helping out with this. My question is about locations in the campaign. A lot of my character concepts are based around where they live/originated from. Is this going to take place in Golarion or in a custom setting? If custom, what is the geography like? I have an idea for a character that was born in a jungle-like setting, original from Mwangi Expanse, and was wondering if that would be possible for this game?

The campaign takes mostly within a single country that is on an unspecified world. Characters should come from that country and the player's guide will give some info on creating characters that feel at home.

scranford wrote:
I have this longing to play a Female Barbarian with a bit of an attitude problem. This game sounds perfect for that. Is there an area that I should be from that fits this idea. Terrain is not a big deal, as I can make the concept work for Nordic warrior, Desert fighter, pirate etc.

See the answer above. Veldt is a verdant place, lots of plantlife, forests and rolling green hills, it also contains a large marsh and a long coast.

Dragoncat wrote:
Here's another question for the GM when he comes back--how combat-heavy will the campaign be?

I am attempting to have a campaign that has a good balance of situations. I will say social situations may be less of a focus at times, but skill challenges and puzzles will be plenty and balance out the combat nicely.

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