The Fallen Sons of Heaven: A Tristalt Hell Campaign (Interest Check)


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ah, i see.

I think my weapon will be a giant hammer, but the striking end of it would have inside some manner of lantern that i want to shed True Seeing or something related to that, maybe tack on Zone of Truth. So it wouldnt shed actual physical light or darkness, but would "shed light" in a different manner.

planning on modeling my character "Solomon, Fallen of Judgement" after Abadar's Herald, Lawgiver. In fact, he would be a bit of a Herald of the Herald (assistant TO the regional manager). Driven insane (sane?) by paradoxical laws he was simultaneously created to uphold and strike down, he grew increasingly cold and cruel in the punishments he meted out. In engaging in the slaughter of a kingdom to punish the shortcomings of a Prince, his atrocity was interrupted by Lawbringer, and he was brought in chains before Abadar.

The cruel punishment handed him only solidified his beliefs and purpose as a being of law, and his fall has seen him reforged into a new entity of simultaneously burning zeal and cold calculation.

Maybe a hammer with a Wayfinder of Revelation tacked onto it?

Rynjin wrote:
Maybe a hammer with a Wayfinder of Revelation tacked onto it?

not bad, but not something i would imagine to be in line with our power level. it might end up something i have to fuel souls into, but something like Gem of Seeing should be closer to the standard. Though over time I would have to add more duration to the effect.

Recruitment, at least the basic version, is up at this link.

Is it bad that the most powerful weapon I can use is legitimately a rubber chicken?

EDIT: Whoops, time to jump threads!

Hey Tenro, Why not use a Piston Maul?
It uses a power stone to turn it on, just have the compartment be located on the striking surface, then cast Continual light on the power stone you slot into it.

Presto! You have a Power Hammer that glows from the head as long as you power it (and for cheap), shining light on any who would do wrong :)

Next you can add on other things such as zone of truth or gem of true seeing, or make it an intelligent item, just use that for the base :)

Lastly, you could ask the GM if it would be ok if you powered it with a minor soul instead of a power stone, and from the sounds of it, it would take significant quantities to gain fiendish powers, so a minor one missing here and there wouldnt really cost you anything. Just another idea :)

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