Broken Nation: Dragonflyer1243's Galt-Based Homebrew(Council)


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Silver Crusade

GM I hope it is OK to assume Elric could craft his own alchemical items? I have use that to determine the cost of the items, but only on items he could craft by taking 10 on, most of them won't do much save replicate bombs, or be used for a little variance and fun. Also, any statistic in ( ) is forfor when he is under mutagen /cognaten effects.

Variel Elric:

Variel Elric- mostly final draft

half-Elf alchemist (Grenadier,mind chemist), alt. Racial triats- dual minded, fey thoughts
Traits- Student of philosophy, burecreatic mind, reactionary
Drawback- Pride
10 (08)
20 (24)
Feats AND discoveries,
1- point blank shot, throw anything


2- precise bomb, frost bomb

HP:17 AC:17(19) (T:13 FF:14(16))
Will +3
Fort +3
Ref +5
Bomb(6/day): +6/7
Damage: 1d6+5/6 (7/8)

Longbow: +4
Damage: 1d8+1
Mwk chain shirt (250g
Potion of cure light wounds (3) (150g)
Portable alchemy lab(75g)
Alchemists fire (5) (50g)
Acid flask (5) (25g)
Sunrod (5) (5g)
sneezing powder (3) (90g)
Thunderstone (5) (60g)
Smoke pellet pepper (5) 100g
Smoke pellet smog (5) 120g
armor ointment (6) 60g.
Smoke stick (4) 40g
Perception-2 +8
Slieght of hand-1 +7
Know. Arcana-1 +13
Spellcraft-1 +13
Know. History-1 +10
Know. Engineering -1 +10
Know. Religion-1 +10
Know. Nobility-1 +10
Know. Local-1 +10
Climb-1 +4
Swim-1 +4
Sense motive-1 +5
Craft alchemy-2 +15
Survival-1 +5
Diplomacy-1 -1
Extracts- 4/day
1st level-
Hieghtend awareness
Long arm
Cure light wounds
Enlarge person
Targeted bomb admixture
Invisibility alarm
Disguise self

Grand Lodge

Improved character info for "Bane of Giants."

Fluffy Stuff:

-------- Fluffy Stuff ---------
Originally from Woodsedge, Galt.

Bane of Giants travelled to Isran when he was a teen after hearing about a call for special rangers to hunt the Hill Giants that were marauding villages near the Fog Peaks.

The Revolutionary Council promised all rangers "gems aplenty" if the Hill Giant menace could be eradicated.

While Bane's brigade was successful in driving the giants back into the mountains, his return to Isarn was met with a shrug.

When he sought to claim his reward (after two long years) he discovered that the government he knew no longer existed.

Troubled by Galt's never-ending political troubles, Bane returned to Woodsedge only to discover that his entire family had gone missing.

Rumors hinted that his family had been captured and killed by the Hill Giants as retribution for Bane's raids.

Later rumors, however, indicated that his family were alive, but captives of the sadistic Frost Giant, Bjarlsfarn the Bloody.

Bane of Giants isn't sure which was worse:
Thinking his family was dead, or *knowing* they are at the mercy of Bjarlsfarn.

His life in shambles, Bane fled west, finding refuge among the Dwarfs in the Five Kings Mountains.

The Beer-Basher clan had once adopted a human Ranger-Investigator, and were happy to provide sanctuary.

Bane is restless.

He often leaves on a whim, wandering the lands east of the Five Kings Mountains, and sneaking across the border into Woodsedge under cover of night.

Not knowing who he can trust, he often sleeps cold and alone in the crooks of trees or in small caves. His adopted Dwarf cousins that Bane is acting reckless.

Bane is now contemplating a return to Isran, wondering if the new Revolutionary Council might help him find stability in his life.

Bane of Giants possesses deep, sad eyes.
He is seldom seen without his dog, an "Alaskan" husky
He is fascinated by models (towns, ships, etc)
He once snagged a trout out of a stream with one hand.
He sings, often loudly; this Is a stupid habit, especially in the wilderness.
His mother is an alchemist.
His gather is a theater actor.
He hates birds, especially crows.

Crunchy Stuff:

-------------------- Crunchy Stuff --------------------

Bane of Giants
Human Ranger Level 2
Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2
Senses XX
Perception +5

-------------------- Defense --------------------
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+4 armor, +2 Dex, -2 armor check penatly)
hp = 18 (2 HD)
hp = 10 (1st-level) + 1 (CON) + 5 (2nd-level) + 1 (CON) + 1(favored class)
Fort = + 2 (class) + 1 (CON) + 1 (2nd-level) = +4
Ref = + 2 (class) + 2 (DEX) + 1 (2nd-level) = +5
Will = + 0 (class) + 1 (WIS) + 0 (2nd-level) = +1

-------------------- Offense --------------------
Speed 30 ft.
weapon S. M. Crit
Short Bow 1d4 1d6 19-20/x3
Longsword 1d6 1d8 19-20/x2
Handaxe 1d4 1d6 20/x3
BAB = +1 (1st-level) +1 (2nd-level) = +2
CMB +3
CMD 10+2+3+2 = 17

-------------------- Statistics --------------------
Strength 18 (includes human +2 to one ability)
Dexterity 15
Constitution 12
Intelligence 9
Wisdom 12
Charisma 12

STR = + 4
DEX = +2
CON = +1
INT = -1
WIS = +1
CHA = +1

Base Attack +2; CMB +3; CMD 17

Level 1: Power attack (-1 to hit but + 2 damage)
Level 1: Quick draw (extra feat since he's human)
Level 2: Two-Weapon Fighting Skills -->

Skills ranks = 6 + INT = 6 + (-1) = 5 per level +1 (1st-level human) + 1 (2nd-level human) = 12 total

*Climb (str) +1 (assigned rank) + 3 (training)
*Craft (int)
*Handle Animal (Cha) +2 (assigned) + 3 (training)
*Heal (Wis)
*Intimidate (Cha)
*Knowledge (Int)
—> (Dungeoneering)
—> (Geography) +1 (assigned)** + 3 (training)
—> (Nature) +2 (assigned) + 3 (training)
Perception (Wis) +2 (assigned) +3 (training)
Profession (Wis) +1 (assigned) + 3 (training)
Ride (Dex)
Spellcraft (Int)
Stealth (Dex) +1 (assigned) + 3 (training)
Survival (Wis) +1 (assigned) + 3 (training)
Swim (Str) +1 (assigned)** + 3 (training)

Languages: Common, Giant*

*speaks pidgin Giant
** these were assigned after realizing humans get one extra skill rank per level

-------------------- Special Abilities --------------------
Combat Style Feat (ex): Two-Weapon Fighting
--> Penalty for primary hand lessens by 2
--> penalty for off-hand lessens by 6

Track (ex): Survival at +1 (half of level 2)

Wild Empathy(ex): Diplomacy check +level +CHA = diplomacy +2 +1

Favored Enemy (ex): Humanoid (giant)
--> to hit +2
--> damage +2
--> Bluff +2
--> Knowledge +2
--> Perception +2
--> Sense Motive +2
--> Survival +2

Starting Gear (weight: 55lbs)
Short Bow
Arrows (20)
Chain Shirt
Flint and Steel
Trail rations (4 days)

840 gp
(1000 minus 160 for starting gear)


@Rorek, that's totally fine.

Any idea when recruitment would be closed/people would be selected?

@Jonathan Haykes: I'm going to leave the recruitment open for a while. I intend to close it a week from friday, or July 31st. That gives everyone still working on their submissions plenty of time to finish them up.

I'm currently working on a halfling cleric of Abadar. A former slave in Cheliax, freed by the Bellflower Network into Andoran. The church of Abadar was instrumental in the transition from being a slave to living a free life, and the halfling was inspired to take up duties as a priest as a way to give back to the community that had taken them in. While reading in a library (a new-found pastime for a former slave), they came upon the tracts and poems of Hosetter and Jubannich, and after further investigating the situation in Galt, elects to travel there in the hopes of helping to quell the cycle of revolution and help Galt achieve greater heights as a nation. They will work alongside the Revolutionary Council, since overthrowing a government is no way to stabilize a country.

GM, you mentioned that there would be more focus on RP than combat. Will we be able to do things like running businesses in the community while working for the Council?

@The Dread Pirate Hurley: You can RP running a business, for sure, but I won't be doing the downtime system that would be used to actually create a business. Although I do love the downtime rules, they require a lot of bookkeeping and I'd rather not bog down the game with additional rules.

Hi everyone, I'm really sorry about this but my life has gotten really busy recently, and I'll be starting school in a month so I doubt that things will get any easier. I hate to do this, and I apologize to those of who who were looking forward to the game, since I've been in this situation before and I know how much it sucks as a player, but I won't be able to run this game. I hope to be able to try to run it in the future when things are less busy, and if that's the case then I will message all of you to let you know, but for the meantime the recruitment is cancelled.

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