Creating a Tanking fighter!


The Exchange

So I have played a few characters in several games and I am partial to martial characters. having played a LE gendarme cavalier, a dwarf paladin and a gunslinger I wanted to try my hand at a more party/meta based character. So I designed a Human fighter to walk around the battlefield trying to eat at many Attacks of Opportunity as possible, dish out as many AoOs and be able to survive magical assaults.

Our group has a base stat line of 18,15,14,13,12,10. so my level one stats are

STR 14 HP= 14 (10+3+(1 favored class bonus)
DEX 18
CON 17 (15+2 human stat bonus)
INT 13 Skills (2+(1 int)+(1 human)= Acrobatics +4,Ride +7,
WIS 12 Climb +6,Perception +2(all before adding armor check penalties)
CHA 10

AC:22=10+5(armor)+3(shield)+3(dex)+1(dodge)+1(trait bonus)
Touch: 14
Flat-Foot: 18
SAVES: Fort+5,Ref+3,Will+2
Melee: +3(1+2STR)
RNGD: +4 (1+3DEX)
CMB: +3 (1+2STR)
CMD: 16=(+1+2STR+3DEX+10)

FEATS: Dodge, Shield Focus, Combat Reflexes(or mobility)
Traits(2): 1:Defender of the Society(+1 AC no idea if that is the correct name)
2:Any trait that adds +1 Will

Equipment: Scale Mail, Heavy Steel Shield, Flail and assorted adventuring gear.

The reason I chose the flail was so I could attempt trips and disarms to provoke more Aoo's. Eventually my feat list will include Mobility, Iron will, Spring Attack and Combat Patrol(between level 2-6).
I plan to supplement my gear with Rings of protection, Amulets of Nat armor, Cloaks of resistance and a +1 Breastplate and +1 Shield and eventually higher and higher.

The Point of the character is to be a mobile fighter that moves and Provokes Aoo's so that the rest of the party can move freely about the battle. I am having a serious issue with building Spell saves and Will saves to stop compulsion and loss of character control.

I would appreciate comments and criticism as well as advice! thanks so much!

I am worried you are pumping dexterity at the cost of strength, unless you are choosing weapon finesse, which your build does not suggest.

ALso, why would you put your +2 into constitution when you have spent so many points on dexterity? Work the math in your favor, my good man.

The Exchange

I put it into Constitution so that when I take the hits that I will take from 20's I have a nice buffer zone of HP. I'm shooting to make a more well rounded character rather than just a dex machine. eventually I can get finesse (in place of Iron will perhaps) but this character isn't about hitting the bad guys as much as it is being a wall that lets my glass cannons have free reign over the map.

The Exchange

Also it doesn't have to hit with the attacks he makes to provoke the Aoos

If you put the human +2 in dex you save a buy point that can be used on wisdom, which in turn will let you qualify for some style feats and give you the option of boosting it to 14 when you level up if you find yourself having saving throw issues.

Without exception if you have a floating racial bonus and are using point buy and the stat it's in doesn't wind up your highest stat you have wasted potential.

The Exchange

We don't use point buy, the DM hard lined the Stats.

The Exchange

STR 14 HP= 14 (10+2+(1 favored class bonus)
DEX 20 (18 +2 Human bonus)
CON 15
INT 12 Skills (2+(1 int)+(1 human)= Acrobatics +6,Ride +8,
WIS 13 Climb +5,Perception +2(all before adding armor check penalties)
CHA 10

AC:22=10+5(armor)+3(shield)+3(dex)+1(dodge)+1(trait bonus)
Touch: 14
Flat-Foot: 18
SAVES: Fort+4,Ref+5,Will+2
Melee: +3(1+2STR)
RNGD: +6 (1+5DEX)
CMB: +3 (1+2STR)
CMD: 18=(+1+2STR+5DEX+10)

FEATS: Dodge, Shield Focus, Combat Reflexes(or mobility)
Traits(2): 1:Defender of the Society(+1 AC no idea if that is the correct name)
2:Any trait that adds +1 Will

so this is better? with a hoping for mithril chain shirt at level 2 or 3?

Dark Archive

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You need better offensive capabilities, otherwise your opponents are just going to ignore you.

Lantern Lodge

I posted this build a while ago as a point buy so just place the stats as u see fit.


Fighter (Lore Warden) 14/ Monk (Monk of the Four Winds / Monk of the Sacred Mountain) 2/ Ranger (Weapon and Shield) 2/ Rogue 2

STR 14 (+6 magic item) = 20
DEX 16 (+4 leveling)(+6 magic item) = 26
CON 15 (+2 racial)(+1 leveling) = 18
INT 14
WIS 10
CHA 08

fort 22
ref 22
will 13

ac 47 (+5 combat expertise)(+3 fighting defensively) = 55
touch 24 (+5 combat expertise)(+3 fighting defensively) = 32
flat-footed 29

to hit with unarmed attacks with weapon finesse 26 (-4 combat expertise)(-1 fighting defensively) = 21

Threatening Defender

-Feat / Level Progression-
Ra01) Combat Reflexes, Stand Still
Ra02) Shield Focus
M 03) Elemental Fist, Dodge, Crane Style
M 04) Toughness, Deflect Arrows
F 05) Weapon Focus Unarmed Strike, Missile Shield
F 06) Combat Expertise, Weapon Finesse
F 07) Crane Wing
F 08) Saving Shield
F 09) Bodyguard
F 10) Crane Riposte
F 11) Draconic Defender
F 12) Greater Shield Focus
F 13) Disruptive
F 14) Spellbreaker
F 15) Pin Down
F 16) Ray Shield
F 17) Mobility
F 18) Spring Attack
Ro19) Whirlwind Attack
Ro20) Talent - Combat Trick (Weapon Specialization Unarmed Strike)

-Magic Gear-
Bracers of Armor(+8)
Mithril Heavy Shield (+5 Arrow Catching, Arrow Deflection)
Ring of Protection (+5)
Ring of Regeneration
Amulet of Natural Armor(+5)
Belt of Physical Might (+6 str / +6 dex)
Cloak of Resistance (+5)

-Tanking Method-
Fight with caster standing behind u since any thing that enters ur threaten area will not be able to exit ur threaten are via Stand Still and Pin Down as well all incoming missile attacks would veer towards u via Arrow Catching. When making an attack action fight defensively and use combat expertise to up personal ac and grant 1 adjacent party member a natural armor bonus equal to the dodge bonus from combat expertise and fighting defensively via Draconic Defender. Use AoO to grant aid another ac to an adjacent party member via Bodyguard and an immediate action grant shield bonus via Saving Shield. Negate 1 melee attack, 1 ranged spell attack, and 3 ranged missile attacks a round via Crane Wing, Ray Shield, Deflect Arrows, Missile Shield, and Arrow Deflection.

The Exchange

i guess i didnt plan my character to 20th level. ill have to go back tot he drawing board. my group tends to get to about 7th level then switches campaigns

Lantern Lodge

Well do what u need to mate. I hope the build i posted gives u a few decent ideas. I know its not perfect but the feats are some of the best for doing what a tank should do.

I'd dump DEX for more CON and STR. A 14 WIS is far more useful than a 14 INT.

STR 19 (17+2)
DEX 12
CON 16
INT 10
WIS 12

3 skill points is enough. You're not a skill-monkey anyway; you're a Tank. The roll you want is not dependant on skill at all.

Jadeite wrote:
You need better offensive capabilities, otherwise your opponents are just going to ignore you.

Nonsense. d8+2 at first level? Decent enough.

Although I would suggest go for 13 Int then you can get Expertese...

Funky Badger wrote:
Jadeite wrote:
You need better offensive capabilities, otherwise your opponents are just going to ignore you.
Nonsense. d8+2 at first level? Decent enough.

Yeah - 1d8+2 is nonsense :)

You want to get noticed? Then you're gonna show up with a +4 STR at least and you're gonna Focus and you're gonna Power Attack as well. Leave the shield at home, get both hands on your weapon and bring the pain. Let your big CON take the hits, its why you have it.

dreadfury wrote:

The reason I chose the flail was so I could attempt trips and disarms to provoke more Aoo's.

without a good streng or at least Weapon finesse/ agile maneuver you will try and fail most maneuvers attempts.

loaba wrote:
Funky Badger wrote:
Jadeite wrote:
You need better offensive capabilities, otherwise your opponents are just going to ignore you.
Nonsense. d8+2 at first level? Decent enough.

Yeah - 1d8+2 is nonsense :)

You want to get noticed? Then you're gonna show up with a +4 STR at least and you're gonna Focus and you're gonna Power Attack as well. Leave the shield at home, get both hands on your weapon and bring the pain. Let your big CON take the hits, its why you have it.

I hate WoW.

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Funky Badger wrote:
loaba wrote:
Funky Badger wrote:
Jadeite wrote:
You need better offensive capabilities, otherwise your opponents are just going to ignore you.
Nonsense. d8+2 at first level? Decent enough.

Yeah - 1d8+2 is nonsense :)

You want to get noticed? Then you're gonna show up with a +4 STR at least and you're gonna Focus and you're gonna Power Attack as well. Leave the shield at home, get both hands on your weapon and bring the pain. Let your big CON take the hits, its why you have it.

I hate WoW.

Never played it myself. :P

Lantern Lodge

There are a few ways to tank. The most common is to be noticed. The 2nd is to be an immovable wall were enemies have to force them selves around u. When they have to maneuver themselves around u then they are eating up actions to do so and there is nothing stopping u to position ur self in there way. Also if ur smart and can use terain u can force a bottle neck situation were there numbers are meaningless and they have to pass u in order to get to the others.

Saving Shield, Combat Reflexes, Bodyguard, & In Harm's Way.

The Exchange

Well like i said im not looking to make a serious dent in the bad guys or even succeed at combat maneuvers. the goal of this character is to dance around the field and soak up Aoo's. I am trying to purposely provoke every attack of opportunity possible. if the DM Rps most monsters correctly they should take the attacks. Sometimes a Dm can play goblins like a special forces team rather than ditzy insane creatures and in that case they might ignore me but i feel like "fight that guy in the shiny armor" is enough motivation. With the case of spellcasters/more powerful enemies i should have a few more feats to deal with them as i level up higher. Does anyone have a way to FORCE a monster to burn an Aoo?

If you are in heavy armor (and with defender, you need to wear either medium or heavy to get the bonus), your extra dex isn't adding too much to your AC. My suggestion:

Str 20, dex 15, con 14, int 13, wis 12, cha 10
feats: dodge, shield focus, Weapon focus: Longsword

See if you can afford chainmail. It'll take up most of your gold, but it will be worth it. With the defender trait and heavy shield, your AC will be +6 armor, +3 shield, +2 dex, +1 dodge, +1 trait for a total of 23 AC. You will be +7 to hit, 1d8+5 damage with your longsword, and if you really need to you can drop the shield and two hand it for another +2 damage.

Although you may want to check with the GM, he may not like the fact that you are going to be almost completely untouchable to things you fight at level 1.

From there, you can decide if you want to go two weapon and shield bash or go for more of a combat reflex/combat patrol style.

The Exchange

Dilvias. it never occured to me that i should go STR. but i still want to keep the weapon a flail for the option of provoking Aoo's and using the 3rd feat as a saving shield or ally aiding ability.

I like your idea, making a melee character who takes the damage so that his squishy friends don't have to. Unfortunately, there's one major flaw with your approach, intentionally provoking attacks of opportunity is just going to get you killed, not help your party.

Imagine a typical battle. How many AOO are made against the party? The answer should be zero! Casters and ranged-combat characters should stay out of melee, and move or cast defensively when necessary. Melee characters may provoke one attack when charging an enemy with reach, but rarely outside of that circumstance. Especially if you're not playing past level 7, AOO shouldn't be happening at all.

Inverting the strategy may work better for you. With Combat Reflexes, use a reach weapon (wear armor spikes for threatening close-up), Enlarge Person when you can get it, and plant yourself in the middle of the enemies. You'll get to attack them with AOO if they try to get past to your friends. If you like, you can add tripping to this build to stop (some) enemies in their tracks as they pass.

dreadfury wrote:
Does anyone have a way to FORCE a monster to burn an Aoo?

Don't think there is a way; besides why are you wanting to get attacked via free actions?

dreadfury wrote:

The Point of the character is to be a mobile fighter that moves and Provokes Aoo's so that the rest of the party can move freely about the battle. I am having a serious issue with building Spell saves and Will saves to stop compulsion and loss of character control.

NVM my previous question; what you are wanting doesn't work.

dreadfury wrote:

Dilvias. it never occured to me that i should go STR. but i still want to keep the weapon a flail for the option of provoking Aoo's and using the 3rd feat as a saving shield or ally aiding ability.

You can choose whatever weapon you want, I mentioned longsword as more of a generic option.

What it sounds like though is that what you really want is someone who protects the party. And the way to do that is not necessarily running around trying to convince someone to attack you, even though they need 20's to hit. Besides, even if you do provoke an attack of opportunity, that still doesn't keep the enemy on his turn from walking over and pounding on your friends.

So, let's change the feats around a bit.
Feats: combat reflexes, stand still, step up.

Now, whenever someone tries to move past you, You get to roll against their CMD with a +6 to hit. If you hit, they have to stop in whatever square they were in. If they try to make a 5 foot move away from you, you can follow them. Your AC isn't going to be quite as high, but should be high enough that you are still going to be really difficult to hit.

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