Cheliaxian Rogue

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Organized Play Member. 17 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 21 Organized Play characters.

Manager of Archangel Games


4/5 Manager - Archangel Games

As Thornkeep is a module I assumed that it was 3exp and 4PP/Fame for each of the levels like other modules. Another GM who is usually on the ball with these things told me that no it gave regular exp like a scenario for each level (1exp 2pp/fame).

I attempted to search the messageboards for an answer because somewhere in the back of my brain I thought I had seen this exact question answered here already, but alas my searchFU failed me.

So what is the correct exp for the each of the levels of Thornkeep so I can get folk's chronicle's right on the first try?

4/5 Manager - Archangel Games

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Tomas I am sorry you didn't get to play. I think you made a very smart move to bow out rather than possibly ruin others game. That says a lot of good things about you.

Here is how we make the core vs reg work.

Every Wednesday we have a core table and a reg pfs table scheduled. They are not the same scenario. They are not necessarily the same tier although at times it works out that they are. A third GM is scheduled as a back up GM. The back up GM may at their discretion prepare one of the scheduled scenario's, an evergreen, or a 1-5 tier that we haven't ran in the last 6 months.

We have a monthly scheduling meeting that the whole lodge is welcome to attend. We figure out what tier and what scenario's we are running for the next month (The meeting to plan November's scenario's took place Oct 13. They were posted by Oct 16) If you can't attend we welcome input via email or facebook.

We use warhorn for our sign ups. The players know that if they are waitlisted their options are to join the other scheduled game if seats are available or play whatever the back up GM has prepared. This encourages folks to sign up early so that the organizer has some idea what they are looking at in advance.

Once the scenario's are posted we don't change them. EVER!!!! We have played the "try to please everyone" game, it ends in stressed GM's & organizers and half your player base feeling as if you don't care about them because you did what the other half wanted. Is there complaining that we aren't running the right tier, campaign, storyline, ect? Yes there is, some of it legitimate and some of it because there are people who feel the need to complain regardless. We then start a dialog about what they are unhappy about, what they would like to see, and then WE ASK THEM HOW THEY WOULD LIKE TO ASSIST IN MAKING IT HAPPEN. Suddenly the legitimate ones are volunteering to GM or showing up at planning meetings. The complainers shut up which is equally beneficial.

I want to make sure that Jack Brown understands that I am not criticizing how he handled the situation. I have done the exact same wrangling trying to make tables work and at one point I ended up crying in the store's back room because I couldn't kill the players who were pissed no matter what I did. This is why I don't do it anymore.

As a lodge we recommend every new player makes both a core and an reg pfs character so that their chances of having a table to play at are maximized. We frame using an iconic as a chance to play something "different and more powerful".

Since Core came out we have had a total of 2 tables not go off because no one was willing to play at them. One was core the other was regular. For us consistency seems to be the key. Our players know what is available and what to expect. The split between core tables and reg PFS tables is even. I hope this helps.

4/5 Manager - Archangel Games

Congrats and than you for all your hard work.

4/5 Manager - Archangel Games

Oh you poor thing. You get to deal with all of us.

Seriously, congratulations!!!!

4/5 Manager - Archangel Games

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Our lodge runs both a core and a standard scenario of varying tier every Wednesday. Depending on sign ups we add a third table when needed. We have never had anyone say NO I AIN'T PLAYING THAT. If they don't have a character of the appropriate tier and/or campaign they grab a iconic and get seated. Maybe it is because we are in the hinterlands and folks are just happy to be able to play at all.
When we have new players join our lodge we have them make 2 characters and ask them to create them as 1 core and 1 standard. We make sure they understand that by doing that it maximizes their chances to be able to play. Eventually they will form a preference for one or the other and that's a good thing, but the option to play the other is always there.
There are occasional complaints about not having enough of this or that tier in core or standard campaign. When that happens, I as the store owner pull out my calendar and ask the complainer when they would like to GM a session of the appropriate tier/campaign. It's amazing how quiet it gets at that point.

4/5 Manager - Archangel Games

Congratulations!!! May many more follow.

4/5 Manager - Archangel Games

GREAT JOB!!!! Congrats!

Manager - Archangel Games

Hello, I am not sure where this should go so if not here could someone please direct me to the right place.

We reported an pathfinder Society event late, late, late, at night. And ended up putting in duplicate sessions. We went back in and deleted the duplicate session but now the 1st session is saying that the player already played it in session 3. We have tried re-deleting and it gives us an error message.

It is event code #63097 session 1. How do I fix this? I currently have the event open if that matters at all.

4/5 Manager - Archangel Games

I am frustrated with experienced players maximizing their builds at 1st level intending to change it at second because it feels like they are "gaming" the system. I expect new players to change things.
If someone has created some premade characters, and are willing to spend the time with a brand new to the table player to get them set up so they can do the important thing PLAY, I am ecstatic.
The iconic characters are mostly playable. (see comments about Harsk lol). The almost universal complaint for new players and experienced players who are using them to try something new is that the stat block layout makes it difficult to use. We took the iconic characters put them on character sheets and then stapled them to the downloaded iconic sheet, problem solved. However if the powers that be (waves madly at John)would some day make the iconic downloads look like a character sheet with cool art and story it would be very very cool. (I know everyone's a critic.)
We have an argument (polite but to heated to be called a debate) here at the store whether in society we are playing characters or playing stat blocks. I see the comments on this dividing along the same lines and I am going to take the same stance here I do in the store. It is less important what we are playing, the important part is that we play.

4/5 Manager - Archangel Games

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Eric Clingenpeel wrote:
Nefreet wrote:

Cut and paste?

No, not that kind. I mean grab some scissors and paste. You can make those hardcover downloads fit on one page!

You know, I think this is a fantastic solution for those that don't want to buy pdfs, and don't want to carry around all their books. Cut out the pages they use from their hardcovers...

(Even I'm not sure if I'm joking or not...)

YOU ARE NO LONGER ALLOWED IN MY STORE WITH SCISSORS EVER!!!!!!!!!! and if I see you coming near my books I will scream and cry lol

4/5 Manager - Archangel Games

They have both been reported. PMSchulz email me/FB message me with the new character # once you have it and I will see what I can do from this end.

Also when reporting it shows if the character is Core or not, but doesn't have that indicator for the GM's character. I would like to beg the powers that be to add that indicator to the reporting form as it would save much hassle for coordinators. =)

4/5 Manager - Archangel Games


4/5 Manager - Archangel Games

I am not sure if this goes here but how do you report for Fane of Fangs. I don't see it in the list of events when I create an event. Am I just overlooking it?

4/5 Manager - Archangel Games

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Blackbot my sales department percentages for April 2015 are as follows: board game percentage is 2.87%, D&D is 2.58%, Card Games (non collectible like Munchkin, Fluxx ect.) is 4.35%, Card Accessories (deck boxes, sleeves, portfolio's play mats) are 5.51% Dice 2.65%, Drinks & Snacks 6.29%, Collectible Card Games (MtG, Pokémon ect) 51.32%, Miniature Games .59%, Mini's (character representations) 3.16%, Pathfinder (specifically Paizo publications 3rd party are under Role Play department next) 7.08%, Other Role Play Games .81%. Tournament Fees 11.6% The earlier percentages above were from March.

My support and agreement with all the comments on Games Workshop.

BigDTBone our store does kind of what you suggest with our own organized play. We use Pathfinder Society for this purpose, but it is the store that provides the chronicle sheets both for the games ran at our location and at another store that our GM's run at. We print out the scenario's that our GM's purchase in pdf if they wish. (And yes they better have a watermark on them.) We have the iconic characters printed out and kept in a binder for use in our store for walk in's on gaming nights. It is the store lap top that events are reported on and new players create their Pathfinder Society accounts on. My personal set of Pathfinder books (as well as one of my employee's) (player books, bestiary's & pawn sets) are available at the store to be loaned to new GM's and players. Or if you just want to read the book before you buy it.

GM Lamplighter It is the perception that the MtG players are unwelcome on those nights that would be damaging. The perception of being unwelcome spreads like a plague. I am too small of a store to lose anyone.
ALSO I am to much of a gamer to tell anyone they aren't welcome. I will put a table out on the sidewalk or open the store on times and days we are closed to accommodate my gamers. ALL OF THEM!

If I missed any questions I am sorry. I am also sorry because this seems so far off the original question but seemed to need to be discussed.

4/5 Manager - Archangel Games

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I am going to comment on this as a game store business owner first and as a player second. I can NOT turn the MtG players away on Pathfinder night. (Yes I know no one actually suggested it but we have all thought it, myself included.) MTG is 45.24% of my gross sales and Pathfinder products are 5.10%.

That said my MtG players know that Pathfinder night's they get last choice of tables. They also know that if asked to quiet down they are expected to do so. My Pathfinder GM's know they are expected to be polite when asking, and if they get guff over it, they are to bring it to my attention and I WILL HANDLE IT. Mutual respect is a very helpful thing but it has to be built. B%~$*ing under your breath about those other people does no one any good. (I am not suggesting anyone here was so don't take it that way lol.)

Several of the suggestions for GM's above are helpful. I am also going to suggest that table arrangements can also help. We find if the noise is behind the GM and the players are in front of the GM it is easier to hear. Also rearranging tables to create a dead space between you and the other gamers in the room can help. We find it is easier to hear when we take 2 eight foot tables and make a block of them rather than a long line, it lets everyone be closer to the GM and the map. Every space has it's own acoustics, most store owners will let you rearrange the tables at least a bit, see what you can do.

4/5 Manager - Archangel Games

Before we go to a convention (we usually go as a group) we all get together and audit each other's characters. It is low key and we catch each other's mistakes. Otherwise any of our 4 store GM's can call for an audit. When they do it's posted on the groups facebook group so there are no surprises and no one is pissed because they know the start time will be delayed. The gm's work together to get all the audit's done quickly. Like the person posting above this usually happens when the GM's feel someone is playing fast and loose with the rules and as we are playing in a public setting it is less confrontational to check everyone's.

4/5 Manager - Archangel Games

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The animal companion is introduced as Tadaa the bear and he has his own mithril unicycle.

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