feral hunter vs feral shifter... i'm confused :-)


I was in doubt if i should play as a feral hunter.. but just now I also discovered the feral shifter. It seems to me that the shifter gets al the hunters good stuff and all the normal Druid spells and animal companion. I can't think of a good reason to play as the hunter no more... what do you think? Am I missing something essential?

feral shifter
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/druid/archetypes/paizo---druid -archetypes/feral-shifter

feral hunter
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/hybrid-classes/hunter/archetypes/paizo---hu nter-archetypes/feral-hunter

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

The unsung differences are in the spells: Hunters get earlier access to certain spells (e.g. Resist Energy and Delay Poison) and some spells that Druids do not get (e.g. Lead Blades), but Hunters are spontaneous casters limited in spells known where the Druid has the entire Druid list to switch around depending on the task that he knows he'll be performing that day.

The hunter also has more weapon proficiencies and armor options.

However, I would go with the Feral Shifter, myself, if I was looking for the type of character you described in your earlier threads.

Grand Lodge

Feral Shifter doesn't get an Animal Companion.
"This ability replaces nature bond."

The main difference seems to be that Shifter gets full Druid spells, while Hunter gets Animal Focus permanently instead of minutes/day. Some of the lesser used foci are a lot more useful when you can have them up long term (Perception, Stealth, Scent.) The Outflank bonus on summons, extra Ranger spells, weapon proficiencies, and extra animal on summons are okay.

Levels 1-4, Hunter is probably better. Past level 9, Shifter's Druid spells pull ahead. Past level 9, it's usually hard to argue against full casters though.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Feral Hunter's can't turn into Plants/Animals Feral Shifter's can. Not a big deal depending on what you want to play but that can be important to some builds.

Druid is probably more powerful but in practice I prefer the spontaneous casting, all day enhancement bonus, martial weapons, and non restricted armor of the hunter.

Errata about Feral Hunter.

Now we have a teamwork feat.

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