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Legendary Games started with Gothic Adventure Path Plug-Ins, and in fact we're making our very first product our TWO$DAY $2 deal of the week: the Treasury of the Macabre!
Since then, we've produced a slew of products for the Kingdom-Building, Far East, Pirate, and Righteous Crusade AP and this year launched Egyptian and Metal Gods AP Plug-Ins line. We're even kicking off our own Legendary Planet AP this summer. But there are still so many APs we could cover.
In honor of PaizoCon kicking off this weekend, which APs from the golem, which APs do YOU should we do next? Sound off with your top 2-3 APs for which you would like see Legendary support!

Eric Hinkle |

Serpent Skull
Council of Thieves
...because these two can benefit most from LG adding cool material.If we also take 3.X APs:
No.1: Second Darkness. Needs a whole array of books to streamline it!
No.2: Legacy of Fire. Not much Al Qadim-ish stuff out there.
I'll second pretty much all these choices, but especially Serpent Skull. You can't go wrong with fighting the Serpent People.

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Second Darkness and Serpent's Skull present an interesting dilemma for us as publishers. While both of those APs could benefit from some great supplemental content, they also raise the question of whether they have enough fans who want to see them "fixed" (for lack of a better word) vs. the general fandom who have moved on and aren't interested.
We are creative people who love working on big projects that inspire our passions, but we also have to think business and what the potential market for a given product line would be, especially in comparison to other areas where we might direct our efforts. This doesn't mean we would only work on the most popular products (we did Kingmaker plug-ins, of course, which was wildly popular, but we also did products for Jade Regent, which was nowhere near as popular, etc.), but it's one factor to consider.
Of course, that's one reason we throw out a question like this here on Paizo.com and through our other social media and forum areas to see what people think. So keep on letting us know what you'd like to see!

Kharis2000 |

Reign of Winter definitely. Council of Thieves as a second choice.
After that, it gets a bit thin. While I'd like to see material for Legacy of Fire, I don't know that the economics of producing Pathfinder material for a 3.5 AP are there. Same for Crimson Throne.

Arnwyn |

Serpent's Skull, no question.
The whole Vol #3 (and #4) could be vastly improved with adventure add-ons for exploring the city (do mostly interior locations so you don't step on any IP...) As a further benefit, adventure add-ons within the city could be used by those not using Serpent's Skull, because who doesn't like Indiana Jones-like lost city locations to adventure in?
Also, more adventure locations in #5 and #6 (with a greater variety of opponent types) would go a long way.
So... yeah. Serpent's Skull.

Itchy |

Reign of Winter would be fun to see. Also, it's the next AP that I will run (when my group finishes Carrion Crown in a few years).
Replying to my own post. Is that crass? After giving the question more thought, here are my top 3 choices in order of preference:
1: Reign of Winter - because it's got lots of new areas that could be expanded upon.
2: Hell's Rebels - because it looks to be pretty urban and would present lots of opportunity for expansion.
3: Giantslayer - Because I want to run this one someday!

Urath DM |

Second Darkness and Serpent's Skull present an interesting dilemma for us as publishers. While both of those APs could benefit from some great supplemental content, they also raise the question of whether they have enough fans who want to see them "fixed" (for lack of a better word) vs. the general fandom who have moved on and aren't interested.
I think the biggest issue with Second Darkness, as much as I'd love to see someone take a crack at helping it, is that the areas needing the most help are pretty Golarion-specific.
For example, one of the huge areas is that the Elves come off as unlikable pompous jerks.. not anyone adventurers are likely to *want* to help unless well paid. The issue there is very much Golarion-IP-specific:
So while I think it needs
The other area needing work is
That last is probably more do-able by a 3pp.

Urath DM |

Hmm.. now I feel like I killed the conversation.
Re: Second Darkness
A product that *would* be 3rd party do-able, I think, might be replacement NPCs for some of the encounters. There are at least two characters described as "Alchemists", for example, that might benefit from having an alternate version (with modified tactics) to leverage the later books.

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There are a number of APs that more or less require PCs to work hand-in-hand with evil entities to reasonably be able to achieve success, certainly going back to Savage Tide but also Second Darkness and Wrath of The Righteous. To some that adds depth and complexity to the campaign; to others, it's a poke in the eye to good characters who would rather stay on the straight and narrow path. That is a design space we could play in; we'd just have to find the right approach (and passionate author(s)) to make it happen.

Urath DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

There are a number of APs that more or less require PCs to work hand-in-hand with evil entities to reasonably be able to achieve success, certainly going back to Savage Tide but also Second Darkness and Wrath of The Righteous. To some that adds depth and complexity to the campaign; to others, it's a poke in the eye to good characters who would rather stay on the straight and narrow path. That is a design space we could play in; we'd just have to find the right approach (and passionate author(s)) to make it happen.
Indeed. Paizo has received feedback on the frequency of some of these, up through Carrion Crown. I have seen less of it recently, but for some of us, such choices are not "tough decision" but "which way does my Paladin fall".

Rednal |

*Taps chin*
Well, there IS that bit in their Code of Conduct about 'Exceptional Circumstances' - in other words, if working with evil is needed to prevent a greater evil, it's okay for the Paladin to team up... but they should still watch their behavior and regularly seek atonement.
As a GM, I'd also accept getting a waiver - the Paladin talks to an ordained member of their church (or a similar appropriate individual), explaining who they plan to team up with, why it's necessary, and why they feel they have to take this path, and they're given a sort of blank check to work with that person as long as they don't otherwise violate their code. After the whole mission is complete, they talk to the church again and their actions are reviewed. If it's felt they exceeded the reasonable limits of the waiver, then they'd have to seek atonement, but they wouldn't be at risk of losing their powers in the middle of the mission.
Basically, I don't want situations in which a character of determined righteousness would have to fall in order for the adventure to continue. Of course, this isn't a Paladin alignment thread, so moving on!

Elorebaen |

I think if you accurately identify the key areas, and present creative choices for those areas for both SD and SS there would be plenty of folks interested. Why do I think that way? Because both have something (s) unique about them, and, perhaps most importantly, both deal with really amazing antagonists in a creative way that have a HUGE impact on those using Golarion.
Second Darkness and Serpent's Skull present an interesting dilemma for us as publishers. While both of those APs could benefit from some great supplemental content, they also raise the question of whether they have enough fans who want to see them "fixed" (for lack of a better word) vs. the general fandom who have moved on and aren't interested.