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Silver Crusade

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John Kretzer wrote:

Yeah...it has been a long time since I looked at that book...but if I remember right all the vestiges were particularly horrible.

Anyway...this fixed the thread...so all is good in Paizo World.

Yeah, pretty much. So calling it "beloved" and saying Grimoire of Lost Souls was vile was pretty much b#+$#$%*.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
John Kretzer wrote:

Yeah...it has been a long time since I looked at that book...but if I remember right all the vestiges were particularly horrible.

Anyway...this fixed the thread...so all is good in Paizo World.

*takes a heroic stance and narrows his eyes as he looks into the distance*

But...for how long?

*poses dramatically showing his pondering concern as the music swells and we fade to black*

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A gabbling of Goblin, some distinct cursing and shrieking, followed by a massive, fiery explosion

Fades to black are BORING AND LAME!

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Captain Killjoy wrote:

A gabbling of Goblin, some distinct cursing and shrieking, followed by a massive, fiery explosion

Fades to black are BORING AND LAME!

But they are... Inevitable!...

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GreenDragon1133 wrote:
But they are... Inevitable!...

So's peristalsis, and the outcome is often much the same!


I really hate to bring a topic from another thread into this one, but Madokar's issue has not been resolved. In fact, it may have gotten worse. It seems his GM is trying to turn his Paladin into a serial killer, again by GM fiat. I'd appreciate any advice you could give that I can pass along. You have permission to PM me. Thank you in advance.

John Napier 698 wrote:


I really hate to bring a topic from another thread into this one, but Madokar's issue has not been resolved. In fact, it may have gotten worse. It seems his GM is trying to turn his Paladin into a serial killer, again by GM fiat. I'd appreciate any advice you could give that I can pass along. You have permission to PM me. Thank you in advance.

I glanced at that. I'm not certain. It sounds like bad GM. But then the other players are having similar issues thrown at them, and there is a way to get out of it. At least one player had a way out. And if paladins are supposed to hold to a higher standard, their challenge being a bit rougher than others is reasonable.

Silver Crusade

GreenDragon1133 wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:


I really hate to bring a topic from another thread into this one, but Madokar's issue has not been resolved. In fact, it may have gotten worse. It seems his GM is trying to turn his Paladin into a serial killer, again by GM fiat. I'd appreciate any advice you could give that I can pass along. You have permission to PM me. Thank you in advance.

I glanced at that. I'm not certain. It sounds like bad GM. But then the other players are having similar issues thrown at them, and there is a way to get out of it. At least one player had a way out. And if paladins are supposed to hold to a higher standard, their challenge being a bit rougher than others is reasonable.

Having been involved in the first thread, no, this isn't a "challenge", it's dealing with a prick of a GM.

From casual glances, that seems likely. Just trying to play Devil's Advocate. I might do something similar to my players (if I were running a dark game like that) - though I'd give them something resembling a clue of what they were supposed to do.

Though the closest I think I've ever come to running that scenario was a pre-written adventure "The Gaunt Man Returns." The players come face to face with the big bad of the campaign setting. He reveals that the one way to stop him is now useless against him. Then tells them one of his minions plans to kill the city of Singapore, "you might want to stop him."

The players kinda have to. Which is aiding the Gaunt Man, an evil act. He secretly casts a spell on the PCs, making them believe they are now tainted by corruption. This was supposed to be a story element, and be gone when it was over.

One of the players had made arrangements with me, for his paladin(-analogue) a Cybernetic Knight Hospitaller to have a heroic martyrs death at a soonish point. (Character was getting too powerful, he wanted a blaze of glory thing.) I figured, engaging the Evil Victorian General in single combat at the climax would be suitably epic. Which it was.

But what the player never told me until earlier this year, he thought his character's soul was actually tainted, and had been upset by it. We all had a laugh when I told him it was the big bad screwing with the PCs.

But, the whole, no warning, insta-fall makes me think you may be right about this GM.

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Those threads though are very hard to judge. We only ever see one side of the issue. Perception is very different. They person might be telling us half the story seeking validation.

You're right, of course. The reason I brought this issue to Rysky's attention is that we both participated in the previous thread, and I've come to value and respect her opinions. Yesterday, I had concerns that the GM in question might be a "killer GM," but after speaking with Madokar, it seems that this may not be the case. He's considering falling on his sword in a dramatic fashion.

Rysky, once again, thank you.

Silver Crusade

Np, and Thankies. I hope everything works out for Madokar, the situation they're in right now seems really stressful.

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*dressed in a Guy Fawkes mask, with hat and cape, Master Pugwampi enters in his vigilante guise*

Remember, remember the Fifth of November,
Gunpowder, treason, and plot,
I know of no reason
Why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.

*looks around*

Huh. I could have sworn I asked Captain Killjoy and his goblin crew to bring lots of explosives for a really impressive "Bonfire Night."

Where could he have gotten to?

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
The Masked Pugwampi wrote:

*dressed in a Guy Fawkes mask, with hat and cape, Master Pugwampi enters in his vigilante guise*

Remember, remember the Fifth of November,
Gunpowder, treason, and plot,
I know of no reason
Why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.

*looks around*

Huh. I could have sworn I asked Captain Killjoy and his goblin crew to bring lots of explosives for a really impressive "Bonfire Night."

Where could he have gotten to?

You gave Goblins explosives, what did you think was going to happen?

Next time have the explosives sent to where you want the Goblins to go :3

4 people marked this as a favorite.

An explosion in the distance shatters the very surface of the planet where The Masked Pugwampi is standing. Some debris from the blast enters near orbit, then starts to descend in streaks of fire. Other detritus stays lower, arcing about a sort of horrible confetti effect. One of the hurtling scraps of debris deploys a crude parachute

Got any more of that stuff?!

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*dusts himself off after ejecting the parachute made from what was left of the Guy Fawkes cape and then glares at Captain Killjoy*

You're late!

...and no, that blew the mayhem budget for November so there isn't any more.


So there no more for my birthday? :(

Silver Crusade

John Kretzer wrote:
So there no more for my birthday? :(

Do you accept hugs as a replacement?

Rysky wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
So there no more for my birthday? :(
Do you accept hugs as a replacement?

I guess but not from gremlins, goblins, or kobolds....

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Real talk: I'm amazed Goblin alchemists aren't more of a thing. Hurling bombs at people and chugging weird potions seems to be pretty much something the species would pursue aggressively...

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Cole Deschain wrote:
Real talk: I'm amazed Goblin alchemists aren't more of a thing. Hurling bombs at people and chugging weird potions seems to be pretty much something the species would pursue aggressively...

Too many mix up the bombs and potions.

Rysky wrote:
Cole Deschain wrote:
Real talk: I'm amazed Goblin alchemists aren't more of a thing. Hurling bombs at people and chugging weird potions seems to be pretty much something the species would pursue aggressively...
Too many mix up the bombs and potions.

Comedy ensues.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Alchemist bombs: the choice of a new generation.

Goblin chugs a bomb, fails save. In a Jim Carrey voice, says "That's a one spicy meataball," then dies.

Is that about right?

I thought it might be because with those tiny little arms they just cant throw the explosives far enough away to not loose limbs themselves...meaning not many make it too far in life...

Yes, that too. It's about as fun as dropping a hand grenade right at your feet.

Silver Crusade

GM John Napier wrote:

Goblin chugs a bomb, fails save. In a Jim Carrey voice, says "That's a one spicy meataball," then dies.

Is that about right?

That or a Cheshire Cat effect where only the mouth remains afterwards.

That too. Or a pair of blinking eyes. Or the old Wile E. Coyote gag where something blows up in his face and he gets charred like a piece of charcoal.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Usually, the bomb just blows my ears around to the back of my head.

God, how I miss those old Saturday morning cartoons! That is, when I wasn't watching the anime that was being shown when I was young. Like Speed Racer and Battle of the Planets.

'Silence' wrote:
I thought it might be because with those tiny little arms they just cant throw the explosives far enough away to not loose limbs themselves...meaning not many make it too far in life...

Just had an insane thought. How about using Goblins just like the Suicide Grunts from the Halo Games. Picture this. The party encounters several Goblins. The Goblins see the party, let out a hate-filled scream, pull out two Alchemic bombs, and charge the party. Not so much comic relief now, are they?

P.S. When they reach their targets, they would smash the bombs together, ensuring that both detonate.

Silver Crusade

John Napier 698 wrote:
'Silence' wrote:
I thought it might be because with those tiny little arms they just cant throw the explosives far enough away to not loose limbs themselves...meaning not many make it too far in life...
Just had an insane thought. How about using Goblins just like the Suicide Grunts from the Halo Games. Picture this. The party encounters several Goblins. The Goblins see the party, let out a hate-filled scream, pull out two Alchemic bombs, and charge the party. Not so much comic relief now, are they?

No, they are still comic relief.

And I think a lot of people already play them as that, maybe lugging around an oversized powder Keg too.

Good point. Just coming up with ideas that I can use against my vic..., players. And Grunts from Halo can be comic relief as well.

Silver Crusade


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For an example, go see: www.halo.wikia.com/wiki/Unggoy/Quotes

Silver Crusade

GM John Napier wrote:

For an example, go see: www.halo.wikia.com/wiki/Unggoy/Quotes


1 person marked this as a favorite.

I thought that you might enjoy that. :)

Silver Crusade

GM John Napier wrote:
I thought that you might enjoy that. :)

Thankies, I did.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Part of my love of Pathfinder goblins is that they can be hilarious, dangerous, and genuinely terrifying.... all in the span of about five minutes.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cole Deschain wrote:
Part of my love of Pathfinder goblins is that they can be hilarious, dangerous, and genuinely terrifying.... all in the span of about five minutes.


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Are you a fan of the Mass Effect series? If you are, what do you think of all the new information suddenly flooding outward about Andromeda?

Silver Crusade

The Doomkitten wrote:
Are you a fan of the Mass Effect series? If you are, what do you think of all the new information suddenly flooding outward about Andromeda?

I guess, I only played the first one :3

I'm happy for the fans, I know you're excited, but I haven't looked into any of the links you posted yet, too stressed ATM.

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Everything alright, Rysky?

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:
Everything alright, Rysky?

Just the US election going on right now.

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I would HIGHLY recommend playing through 2 and 3 when you have the time. ME1 was great, but 2 and 3 are magnitudes better, in my opinion.

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*enters in running sweats and headband*

*jogs in place*

One, two, one two...

...getting warmed up. So many voting machines, so little time!


2 people marked this as a favorite.

Also, if you have an Xbox One, I would recommend getting the hardcopies of the games and slotting them in there and downloading them, since the PC ports of Mass Effect are kinda bad.

Am I the only one who thinks that the "did you just assume my gender" jokes are kinda offensive?

Silver Crusade Contributor

2 people marked this as a favorite.
The Doomkitten wrote:
Also, if you have an Xbox One, I would recommend getting the hardcopies of the games and slotting them in there and downloading them, since the PC ports of Mass Effect are kinda bad.

...those are the only ones I've ever played...

I liked a lot of stuff about ME1 much better. Guns with cooldown instead of ammo, as well as the much-maligned Mako driving. That's just me, though. ^_^

The Doomkitten wrote:
Am I the only one who thinks that the "did you just assume my gender" jokes are kinda offensive?

You are not.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
The Doomkitten wrote:
Also, if you have an Xbox One, I would recommend getting the hardcopies of the games and slotting them in there and downloading them, since the PC ports of Mass Effect are kinda bad.

I'm hoping the ME trilogy goes on a Black Friday sale for extra cheap. (I haven't played any of them.) I may fire up my GOG.com + easyTutu edition of Baldur's Gate 1 and start through it again if I need a distraction.

The Doomkitten wrote:
Am I the only one who thinks that the "did you just assume my gender" jokes are kinda offensive?

Kinda? I think they're intentionally offensive, similar to the stupid "Triggered!" memes/"jokes" also going around. !ssholes feel put upon now that they get called out for being !ssholes to minorities and PTSD/abuse survivors.

Edit: Ninja'd!

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I for one am like the stuff for Andromeda. It feels like they took the good ideas from the series so far and putting this in, really promising. Hoping for an even better ME3 style multiplayer. That got rather addicting.

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