Tabletop Giant |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Group works. I made THIS one for my local lodge.
(Bug fixed!)
You have no idea how happy it makes me to see the first player made group be created. Very cool!
Very interested! Can I get a code?
You bet - though may be a day or two, depending. Keep an eye on your PMs. If anyone else might like a code, go ahead and chime in. The groups/forums do need a bit of a workout.
SMKelley |
DragoDorn wrote:Group works. I made THIS one for my local lodge.(Bug fixed!)
You have no idea how happy it makes me to see the first player made group be created. Very cool!
Kevin B wrote:Very interested! Can I get a code?You bet - though may be a day or two, depending. Keep an eye on your PMs. If anyone else might like a code, go ahead and chime in. The groups/forums do need a bit of a workout.
Can i get a code as well?
Faelyn |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
The generator is looking great, TG! I haven't had the opportunity to use it in a while and it really has come a long way. I like all the new options under the Profile, especially the Sources Owned and Scenarios played.
I am very much looking forward to new content being added to the list of sources. Keep up the great work!
Tabletop Giant |
Codes sent! With the following exceptions - two accounts, 'AnonymousVisitor129428' and Hecate Noir appear to have their private messages disabled, so I was unable to send a code. If you could activate your private messages and then ping me (a PM is fine) I'll be happy to get you a code ASAP.
The next big update is delayed as I keep cramming more stuff into it, over and above what I was originally planning. Events are looking great. Here is a screenshot of an event being tested.
Random highlights:
* If you have previously played or GM'd a scenario before, and have noted that in your Scenario Completion tab, then an event with that scenario in the same mode will display a warning.
* If a player signs up for a scenario and their scenario tracker says they have played it before, the GM of the game will also see a notification when they view the event, so they know they may have a 'repeat player'.
* A warning will be shown if a player signs up for the same scenario more than once, to alert them of the potential conflict.
* A handy 'Generate PDF' button is provided which will allow you to download and print the event details with the location, start time, GM name, and other players.
* You may set the level of the character you intend to play. This can help to establish the APL which can assist GM planning.
* You may attach a TG generated character sheet, so that the GM and other players can see who you intend to play in the game.
* You may also attach a character sheet as a file, such as a PDF or other typical character sheet format. Considering Tabletop Giant only has a level 1 character generator, this is important :)
* You may also hit the checkbox so that only the GM can view your character. This is for those players who like to do funny things like bluff/disguise as another class/race. While you are required to show your character sheet to the GM if asked, there is no requirement to allow other players to see it.
* Every event has its own 'comments' section, allowing for players to muster days before the game itself. In a future update (not this next one), players will be able to talk in the thread as they character they have signed up to play (role playing potential).
Attaching the character sheets will also allow the GM to view them during the game itself, so long as they have access to a tablet (or similar device) with an Internet connection (or, if they print them out before hand). Personally, I intend to use this feature for more immersive knowledge and other similar skill rolls; no longer do you have to ask 'Who has Knowledge (Arcane)?', which gives the players meta-knowledge on what's happening in the game. You can just slyly look at their character sheets, note who has the skill trained, and then ask them to blindly roll without telling them what it is for. Fun!
There is more than this coming. Good times.
Tabletop Giant |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
So is there a planned schedule for the push to 20? Not being able to create higher level PCs is the one thing keeping me from fully using this tool. Most of my PFS characters are not level 1.
I wrote a bit on what is coming next in this very long post here. I had created a new thread as I wanted to make sure everyone knew the available functionality of the site was expanded. Though the fact that the post is a ghost town tells me either I talked too much (which I do) or it wasn't a good idea to create a second post, after all. My intentions were good.
In any case - yes, there is a (very) tentative schedule. Here is what is planned for the moment:
* We are going to open the site, along with an accompanying Patreon page. There is some internal setup and dust to clean up for this to happen. I hope to do this within 2-3 weeks; I hope to have a solid date within the next week.
* When that happens, we will likely see our population grow, and with that will likely come a rush of feedback/bug findings. Bugs always have priority and those will be squashed.
* Once the opening dust has settled, the first major task I would like to push is updating the overall site UI to something more on par with how the store operates. Much of the site uses 'hover' effects to communicate things to the player, and this was a bad idea for mobile. All of this needs to be revamped into the more clickable/usable UI (and the store UI just looks better imo). This way people can select spells, feats, everything else with little buttons using AJAX (meaning the page does not reload - so it's faster), which will work well for mobile as well as desktop.
* After the UI is updated, then I do believe the more substantive push to 20 can really start.
The UI needs to be improved and established before the push to 20, as that push will expand whatever UI is currently in place. Meaning, if we delay the UI improvement and do the push to 20 first, then the following task of updating the UI will take much longer, as there will simply be more of it.
As far as how long that upgrade will take; I wish I had a solid answer for you. The fact is, this site is huge. Creating a character sheet is a complex process. The only other site I can think of that is comparable in complexity is a tax form creation site such as HR Block; it takes in all this information from the user, does complex calculations, and then prints an IRS legal tax form. TG does the same exercise, except you get a Pathfinder character at the end of it instead of a boring old tax form.
I will say that how long it will take is, for better or worse, very dependent upon how the Patreon page goes. Time is what I need to make this site as awesome as it can be - as it should be. Currently TG is competing with a financially necessary corporate day job. Working both of them is exhausting and has taken a toll; I don't have much of a life outside of the two. The pace I have worked on this site over the last year is not sustainable for much longer, so long as the day job competes with it.
What I want is to make this site my life. I am willing to do that; I would love to do that. I would quit everything corporate and throw myself at this task 40+ like a dwarf charging a keg of beer. Further, I'd love to even hire help, as the scope of this site really needs a larger team. But I can only do that if it financially makes sense - my wife and two cats who depend upon me demand it.
If the Patreon page does not go so well as to allow me to support the site full time, progress will still go forward. I am not giving up or planning to quit anytime soon (I *love* this site and wouldn't quit it for anything), but it is true that such progress will be slower than I would like - perhaps much slower. It is just the sad fact of time availability.
I hope this answers your question. I do look forward to setting a hard date for open release soon. If it goes well, then I do look forward to getting a full level 20 character manager to you as fast as I am able.
claudekennilol |
Here's some feedback from recent use.
I'm not sure when this was updated, but the skills work better than when I last used that page. One thing that could still improve would be if the skills didn't refresh after an individual change so that I can add multiple points without a refresh (to different skills, but I'm guessing this will be needed after lvl 1 if I want to add multiple ranks to one skill at once (like to go from no ranks to two ranks at lvl 2)).
I'm missing the global list of available characters that people have made visible. If we can get that functionality back outside of groups that would be awesome. Alternatively, if we could choose something such as "publish all" vs "publish only to these groups" that would be great. For instance, I may be part of a new campaign that has really strange character creation rules, this character may be useless to a large majority of people that can see it, but if I could publish in such a way that only that one new campaign group could see it that would be beneficial.
The save button for setting ability scores is still easy to miss as most other pages don't have a save button.
Being able to default to the number of results per view would be good. Especially for smaller views (skills for instance). I know the technical reasons for returning limited views, but as a user I just want to see it all.
I don't know if the "gap" has been filled with missing data yet, but there's a spell missing from Hero's of the Wild (Cheetah's Sprint). I did not check to see if any of the other spells/traits/archetypes/etc were available.
Feedback from a friend that recently used it. As someone who had never played pathfinder before, it was hard for him to know what info was important and what wasn't. I was able to help him out because I'm more familiar with stat blocks.. I'm not sure if anything should be done about this, but it's still feedback.
Also from him: I want to be able to clone one of my own characters to compare each other
Also, can I get a code for my wife?
Also, I'm super excited to be able to track my owned sources and played scenarios through this tool. Quick question, will there (or is there currently) any way for me to click on a source and find out what new items/feats/archetypes/etc are available from that book?
p.s. Have you taken into any consideration if/how you're going to present the what-I've-been-calling "PFS Errata" that the blog post put out last week?
Tabletop Giant |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Great feedback!
The first 'large' task to be pushed after the opening is a UI overhaul for every page. The UI of the store is the direction we are heading; using buttons instead of 'hover' effects and trying to achieve a better look/feel. I also want to push improving mobile experience during that time.
Examples of a few of the things to be improved through effort:
- The ability score selection page needs a lot of work; we'll do away entirely with the 'save' button and setup a method to auto-save attributes as you change them. Further, we will provide alternative 'homebrew' methods to set attributes, including just typing them in.
- Simultaneously - since it makes sense to do at the same time - we will add a mechanism to track whether a character is still 'PFS Compliant'. Using a method to set your attributes other than the method stipulated by PFS rules will make the character sheet 'homebrew'. Further, we'll include some sort of method to view exactly what is 'non-compliant' about a character, in case in the future someone may want to adapt it for PFS play.
- The class and race selection pages need more work. Both of them just include 'high level' information on classes and races; this needs to change to show more details, such as class skills, BAB and saving throw tables, etc for class pages and default racial traits for races (maybe alternative ones too).
- Spell selection pages need serious work to standardize how they function and to make it more in line with the store; spells should be selected by buttons that do not refresh the page.
- (Edited in after posting) Skills need to be reworked, perhaps even a complete overhaul. You're right - the page needs work and needs to be less tedious, so that you can just click away instead of having to wait for page refreshes. This will take some creative thought - it'll happen.
- Same for feats/traits/etc.
Your other feedback is great and I will look to implement what I am able. I do see the value in a 'Character Factory' type construct again - I just need to think of a way to plug it in that makes sense. Off the top of my head - I'm tempted to make a default group that everyone is automatically a member of (and cannot remove themselves from). That player character tab would then automatically show 'all' published characters. That may not be the way we go though - I'm just thinking out loud here.
Publishing per group also does make sense. I can entirely picture someone wanting to publish a character for a private group but not wanting everyone in the world to see it.
As far as gap closure; we made some good progress with the help of Archives of Nethys. Feats are nearly complete, I believe - that was a big one. However, yes - we're still missing information. The errata does absolutely need to be addressed. I would like to push the UI improvement first, however I definitely listen to what the community wants, and if there is data missing and it is 'hot', then I can push it in sooner.
I'm currently working on cleaning up and getting things ready for an open release - it really needs to happen. Lots to do!
Also - code PM'd to you for your wife in 5...4...3...2...
kinevon |
One thing of note: More experienced users may just type in PFS Point Buy compliant numbers for ability scores, instead of using the up/down arrows, since that would be faster, if you know your target numbers.
Edit: Thanks for the extra codes, I will be getting them out, as soon as I can figure out a good method. A work schedule change makes it virtually impossible to just give them out at a game...
Tabletop Giant |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I just made an update that was fairly simple, but I'm tickled with it. It demonstrates the power of parent/child bonds between groups - I think those organizing large groups of players that play in multiple locations will find some use out of this.
Groups may now be configured to 'roll-up' the events of children; this means, events scheduled by children groups automatically populate the event calendars of their parents. This roll-up feature can also be turned off, if desired.
For this demo, I made a new group, and set it to be the child of The Grand Lodge:
If you click on that group, you'll see there is a single event scheduled for January 21st. Now, visit its parent's page:
Take a look at its event calendar - the child group's event is shown on the 21st.
The power of this is in organizing large groups of players. A major city can create a group - such as The Pathfinder Society Group of Portland, for example. Let's pretend that Portland has three hobby stores that serve as gaming locations. The creator can then create three more groups - one for each location. Set these three groups to be the 'children' of the Portland group.
Any event created in the individual locations will automatically be shown in the city group. And, since each playing location is its own group, each one may have its own set of Admins and Planners. This provides a simple way to delegate planning authority on a per location basis. Plus it allows an easy way to see all the games in a city, and then visit each child group to see all the games in each playing location.
It is also possible to take this as high as might be liked - you could create a 'Pathfinder Society of Oregon', which would have all of the city group pages as *its* children, and then individual playing locations as their children. Events could flow up so as to allow one to view all games in the entire state from the highest view.
Codes: No more codes! I am sorry. But, this is for good reason - the site is going to open, and soon. I am not going to announce a date; rather, when its ready, I'm just going to hit the button. It will happen soon - perhaps very soon.
Since there are no more codes and opening is imminent - I want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone in this thread who contributed to the development of this site with your invaluable feedback. I cannot express enough how much your support has meant to me. Before I started this thread in April, I will confide that I had had difficulty in gaining help in testing the site. That wasn't the case here. The open enthusiasm and support I have encountered here has helped to breath life into Tabletop Giant, and I could not have done it without all of you.
Not that we're done - there is a long, long way to go. I hope everyone will continue their support, as I think this site has great potential and I simply love working on it.
Thanks so much!
Tabletop Giant |
One thing of note: More experienced users may just type in PFS Point Buy compliant numbers for ability scores, instead of using the up/down arrows, since that would be faster, if you know your target numbers.
You got your wish ;) Alternate point buy systems are now in, including 'Freehand' where you can just type your ability scores in up to a max of 30. Note, in Freehand the up down arrows are still there - but you can just click on the number it controls and hand type (you can actually do this in any other mode, too).
PFS Compliance only cares that 20 points are spent. I designed it so that the check doesn't bother with which point buy system you use - it only checks that 20 points and only 20 points were used. So, if you go Epic Fantasy and don't spend 5 points - it's PFS legal. If you go freehand and type in the equivalent of 20 points - it's PFS legal. If you go High Fantasy and *do not* spend all 20 points - then it's *not* legal. 20 points and only 20 points!
This *is* a step towards upgrading the site to its full potential. We're going to be revisiting the UI in each area (e.g., spells, feats, etc.) to improve it and make it more robust/mature/better. Within each page, we will be adding better infrastructure to accommodate a 'leveling' character.
I cannot say when for certain you'll be able to add a level to a character - it will happen when the rest of the code is mature enough to support it. It is very unlikely we will add the ability to all classes at once. It may go something like ->being able to level one class to 20->being able to level two classes to 20->being able to level core classes to 20->open the gates and let lose the hounds of war. Stepping stones.
MadScientistWorking Venture-Lieutenant, Massachusetts—Boston Metro |
Just to point this out but the Sha'ir Archetype isn't working correctly at all mechanics wise if Im doing this correctly. You are supposed to end up with two cantrips known (One Implement and one elemental) and two first level 1 spells known (One Implement and one elemental). It seems like its only letting me pick the Implement ones and not the Elemental school ones.
Tabletop Giant |
Just to point this out but the Sha'ir Archetype isn't working correctly at all mechanics wise if Im doing this correctly. You are supposed to end up with two cantrips known (One Implement and one elemental) and two first level 1 spells known (One Implement and one elemental). It seems like its only letting me pick the Implement ones and not the Elemental school ones.
Occultists were fun to code and Shair were even more fun. :)
There was an error that was causing the label for Shair to state one less spell than they got - it was a bug in how the spells known are totaled for occultists. Though, from looking at it, the bug should have been 'cosmetic only' and shouldn't have stopped you from choosing your second spell. At least I think so - not 100% on that.
These guys can be confusing. The problem is, not all levels *have* elemental spells of certain types. If your jin is Earth, for example, then you're not going to get a cantrip from it as there isn't an [Earth] descriptor cantrip to take!
I updated the label to be correct, and gave it a test with a Fire jin with the Divine implement. I was able to select Spark and Guidance for my cantrips, and Burning Disarm and Anticipate Peril for my level 1 (spells chosen fairly randomly). I think this is correct.
So, give it a shot - should be better. If it's still not working in any way, let me know and we'll get it fixed :)
Edit: Addendum: if it's still not working - let me know the jin/school combination. Sometimes bugs creep up only in specific contexts.
MadScientistWorking Venture-Lieutenant, Massachusetts—Boston Metro |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
MadScientistWorking wrote:Just to point this out but the Sha'ir Archetype isn't working correctly at all mechanics wise if Im doing this correctly. You are supposed to end up with two cantrips known (One Implement and one elemental) and two first level 1 spells known (One Implement and one elemental). It seems like its only letting me pick the Implement ones and not the Elemental school ones.These guys can be confusing. The problem is, not all levels *have* elemental spells of certain types. If your jin is Earth, for example, then you're not going to get a cantrip from it as there isn't an [Earth] descriptor cantrip to take!
Earth jin's have acid splash as an available cantrip. Its weird but its not spells that have the [blank] descriptors but spells that are on the Elementalist Wizard list that is on APG.
Tabletop Giant |
Tabletop Giant wrote:Earth jin's have acid splash as an available cantrip. Its weird but its not spells that have the [blank] descriptors but spells that are on the Elementalist Wizard list that is on APG.MadScientistWorking wrote:Just to point this out but the Sha'ir Archetype isn't working correctly at all mechanics wise if Im doing this correctly. You are supposed to end up with two cantrips known (One Implement and one elemental) and two first level 1 spells known (One Implement and one elemental). It seems like its only letting me pick the Implement ones and not the Elemental school ones.These guys can be confusing. The problem is, not all levels *have* elemental spells of certain types. If your jin is Earth, for example, then you're not going to get a cantrip from it as there isn't an [Earth] descriptor cantrip to take!
Thank you for making that clear for me! This wasn't a programmer error - this was a rules interpretation error.
I grabbed my copy of the APG and flipped through it and found what you are referencing - page 194. This won't be difficult to fix but it's slightly larger than a simple fix. I'll get it corrected within a day or two - sorry for the inconvenience. Occultists are a weird class :)
Edit: Ah! There are spells that are even 'all elements'.
Tabletop Giant |
Earth jin's have acid splash as an available cantrip. Its weird but its not spells that have the [blank] descriptors but spells that are on the Elementalist Wizard list that is on APG.
Okay, data entry done and plugged in - I created a Sha'ir and it looks like it is now working correctly.
If anything is still off let me know and I'll get it fixed.
gatherer818 |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
I've been looking everywhere for a character creator or rules source that automatically limit me to PFS-legal options, because it gets really, REALLY tiresome having to check the additional resources page every time I add a trait or consider a feat or spell. (Or race... was building a Kinetic Chirugeon and discovered absolutely none of the +Dex, +Con races are PFS legal T_T)
If this character generator has a) all the PFS legal stuff (or at least, is working towards it, I get it's in early development), and b) none of the non-PFS-legal stuff (or at least an option to turn that stuff off so I can't accidentally select it), I would absolutely LOVE to try it out.
I'll test every rules interaction and corner case I can think of while I play with it and report the ones that don't work right ^_^
Bakutaku |
As a pathfinder online character sheet this is neat and awesome. This is much nicer than mythweaver for society characters. No complaints as of yet.I wasn't paying much attention but somewhere in the character creation process it should mention that all source material needs to be owned. Maybe at the top or bottom of the character sheet page. You did a great job of listing the source materials for every entry I have seen.
Overall I will still be using hero lab (only because I have some major money invested in the packs for source material I own), but I will definitely recommend it as an option for someone looking for something.
Tabletop Giant |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Thank you for the positive feedback! So much of this project was made in a virtual vacuum that it is really nice to hear that people are enjoying it.
Sources are summed up on the character sheet, though it may not be immediately obvious. Check out this character:
Look for three tabs at the top - Character Sheet (the default), Sources, and Purchase History. Try the sources tab and they should be listed and separated by core/non-core. It also does have a bulleted list describing how players need to own the sources.
I haven't talked about it much but I think the 'Purchase History' is also useful. In PFS we're supposed to note the purchase history of things we buy, and we sought to pre-populate this sheet to take the burden of bookkeeping off of the player.
I can totally understand this application having limited use to very experienced players who have a lot invested in Hero Lab. I am actually in the same boat :). That said, if I have my way, there will come a day when the functionality offered by this application will exceed that previous investment and then good times will be had by all.
As you said though, it is really ideal for a new player - with this app, a brand new PFS player can make a player character in a guided fashion - for free. I'm pretty happy with that - it's a good start.
gatherer818 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Feedback: Social trait Criminal and Liberty's Edge Faction trait Rousing Oratory do not seem to have an option to select which skill they make a class skill for you, and none of the skills become class skills. I'm assuming this probably holds true for most or all of the "pick a skill, it gains X and becomes a class skill" traits.
Kinetic Chirugeon (I may not have spelled that right) archetype doesn't seem to limit the Kineticist using it to Water or Aether elements.
Tabletop Giant |
Feedback: Social trait Criminal and Liberty's Edge Faction trait Rousing Oratory do not seem to have an option to select which skill they make a class skill for you, and none of the skills become class skills. I'm assuming this probably holds true for most or all of the "pick a skill, it gains X and becomes a class skill" traits.
I tried both Criminal and Rousing Oratory and they appear to be working correctly. It may be the selections need to be made more obvious. Look near the top third of the page after selecting one of these feats - there is the 'Traits' tab (which is the one in which you select traits), and after you select a trait that requires a selection, a second (or third) tab should be generated. The tab will have the name of the trait selected. So, for Criminal, look for the 'Criminal' tab, then you should see the three skills to choose from - pick one and you're set.
That said, it is possible you have found some special circumstance which causes it to break. I have learned from a lot of experience that just because something works for me doesn't mean it isn't broken for someone else :) If you would be willing to give 'Criminal' or the other trait another try and let me know if the tab shows up, I'd appreciate it. If it doesn't - leave it in that state and drop me a note (here or elsewhere) and I'll figure it out. Also, if it doesn't work - let me know the browser and OS you are using; sometimes that matters too.
Kinetic Chirugeon (I may not have spelled that right) archetype doesn't seem to limit the Kineticist using it to Water or Aether elements.
This one did need a fix - and it is live. I had neglected to create a filter for elemental powers when this archetype is selected. Should be working now :)
gatherer818 |
Not sure if I just missed them, I thought I checked for that after I noticed similar behavior in other tabs. After a refresh to get the Kineticist archetype fix, the traits were working for me too.
I'm getting a -6 to most of my skills. Any way to tell the system to ignore encumbrance for particular pieces of gear? When expecting combat, I'll be carrying my pack in my hands so I can drop it as a free action, rather than on my back. Unless I can get a teammate with a positive Strength to carry it for me, or I pick up the Telekinetic Haul talent...
TL;DR: It all works ^_^ is there a toggle to ignore non-equipped gear for encumbrance, or just ignore encumbrance entirely?
PS: Also, is there a way we can "equip" repeatable or common attacks to have their stats handy where weapons are on the Character Sheet? I'm thinking things like Sorcerer bloodline powers that are ray attacks, *acid splash/ray of frost/telekinetic projectile* cantrips, or the Kinectist's individual blasts.
Tabletop Giant |
I'm getting a -6 to most of my skills. Any way to tell the system to ignore encumbrance for particular pieces of gear? When expecting combat, I'll be carrying my pack in my hands so I can drop it as a free action, rather than on my back. Unless I can get a teammate with a positive Strength to carry it for me, or I pick up the Telekinetic Haul talent...TL;DR: It all works ^_^ is there a toggle to ignore non-equipped gear for encumbrance, or just ignore encumbrance entirely?
All of these are good suggestions!
Many - if not all - of the pages are going to get revisited, including the Equip page. A number of people have requested means to flag when an item is somehow stowed away, and that is something that I'd like to implement.
My initial thoughts is that I'd like to create a way for a player to flag items as stowed away on 'external' items, such as a pack animal or other means, that removes it from encumbrance. While doing this I could also include a means to 'override' whether an item is included in encumbrance or not, but I need to be careful in whether this would trigger the character sheet as 'PFS Legal' or 'Homebrew'. Obviously someone just flat ignoring the weight of their possessions is more homebrew rules.
The shorter answer is - yes! But I just need to think out the 'how' a bit more.
As far as page redo's - traits are being visited next. Racial traits seem like an obvious candidate following that. Equip may be next, though I am itching to revisit the class and race selection pages as well.
PS: Also, is there a way we can "equip" repeatable or common attacks to have their stats handy where weapons are on the Character Sheet? I'm thinking things like Sorcerer bloodline powers that are ray attacks, *acid splash/ray of frost/telekinetic projectile* cantrips, or the Kinectist's individual blasts.
I like it :) There's no current way to do that of course - but this sounds like a cool feature to add a bit further down the road.
claudekennilol |
Much like how the ability scores are done now, would it be possible as a quick fix (i.e. until anything passed lvl 1.0 is implemented) for the store to do the same thing? As in, let me spend more than 150g and just tell us if we're new character compliant?
With this you could also show the rest of the items in the database.
p.s. Weapon Master's Handbook is not available for me to pick as an "owned source".
Tabletop Giant |
Much like how the ability scores are done now, would it be possible as a quick fix (i.e. until anything passed lvl 1.0 is implemented) for the store to do the same thing? As in, let me spend more than 150g and just tell us if we're new character compliant?
With this you could also show the rest of the items in the database.
p.s. Weapon Master's Handbook is not available for me to pick as an "owned source".
Very possible - and planned :) What I'm going to do is allow the player to modify their 'starter' gold (which will allow them to buy anything in the store of course). Doing so will adjust their 'compliance' to homebrew.
Unfortunately this won't unveil the magic items store yet though - that will have to be a future work. We do have nearly all magic items in the DB, but they they do not have stats that influence the player sheet and a new table will have to be created which generates stats for using/holding/wearing magic items. That table will be a big job, and I was planning it for later in the push-to-20 effort.
There is a lot in the queue right now so I can't quite say when this will happen, but it shouldn't be put off too long. The group 'scenario tracker' is getting another pass with some deeper functionality - I look forward to making that live soon. It won't take too long.
And - Weapon Master's Handbook added :)
gatherer818 |
Getting errors when choosing skills: each table throws an AJAX error
DataTables warning: table id=professionTable - Ajax error. For more information about this error, please see
it does that again for Knowledge, Perform, Craft then fails to load any skills on the page.
(I think it's possibly related to the next bug, so read on...)
Elf Race Trait Dilettante Artist doesn't seem to work correctly. It's supposed to let you choose a Perform category to get +1 to (as well as always giving +1 Diplomacy), and then let you choose either that Perform category or Diplomacy to treat as a class skill. Making either choice (even Diplomacy) locks the other choice in as the same skill.
eddv Regional Venture-Coordinator, Appalachia |
gatherer818 |
Can now confirm the Skills tables bug is related to Dilettant Artist trait.
Trait Vagabond Child doesn't seem to work when Escape Artist is selected; neither the +1 trait bonus nor the class skill modifier is being applied.
Human Feat Fast Learner appears to be legal per Additional Resources (it's Advanced Race Guide) but doesn't seem to appear in the list of feats I can take.
Tabletop Giant |
Elf Race Trait Dilettante Artist doesn't seem to work correctly. It's supposed to let you choose a Perform category to get +1 to (as well as always giving +1 Diplomacy), and then let you choose either that Perform category or Diplomacy to treat as a class skill. Making either choice (even Diplomacy) locks the other choice in as the same skill.
Looks like you untangled it by removing the trait ;)
It's definitely off - I'll have to revisit it. Tied up with a scenario tracker update for the moment. I'm going to be updating the Traits selection process and I will get this fixed during that effort (will be starting soon).
It *may* have had to do with the combination of adopted and additional traits, but I'm not certain. The code that handles those two special cases is really kludgey and needs to be refactored. Again - something I'll untangle when I rework traits.
However, for the multiple bonus fixes, I'll get to that right away, as well as fix Multi-talented.
Tabletop Giant |
The larger update of the week is now up - if you are a planner for a large group of PFS players, such as a Captain, then this is something you might want to try.
On every group page there is a scenario tracker that is a roll-up of all of the scenario trackers of members of the group. I've implemented a new query system; those who are planners or admins of a group may create a query which will be saved for future use.
When you create a query, you can check off which players are involved in the event you are planning, as well as the roles they would like to fill. Only the scenario tracking history of those players who are 'checked' in a query will be added to a total.
The resulting table includes the percent complete for a given scenario; so, if three people in a group of ten players have played a scenario, this field will show '30%'.
You may also now get the specific names of those who have played or GM'd a given scenario. Click the row of scenario you are interested in, and up will pop a Scenario Report, which lists off the names of everyone in the group that have played or GM'd the scenario in either mode.
Only planners and admins may create a query; however, anyone who is logged in may execute them. All groups automatically have an 'All' query - it is up to the admin and planners to make additional queries.
A real world example that was submitted by ticket - if you are a planner who has a group that plays on two different days, then you can create two queries - one for each day - to see what is the least played and GM'd. Just name the queries after the days they play, such as 'Saturday' and 'Wednesday', then you can recall them with a simple click.
There are a couple of queries on the Grand Lodge scenario tracker that you can use to see what I'm attempting to describe: Grand Lodge Keep in mind that you do have to be logged in to use the queries :)
I'm very interested in hearing feedback on this particular tool as it has been expressed as rather 'crucial' for PFS game planning. I am hoping that the queries are the answer to this problem.
gatherer818 |
I fixed Fast Learner - it was my mistake, didn't remember the Int 13 requirement.
Except, neither Fast Learner nor Improvisation seem to work correctly - when I choose a skill point, I don't also gain a hit point. I'm also not getting a +2 feat bonus to all my skills with no ranks.
As an aside, the Human Kineticist favored class bonus doesn't seem to be available (+1/6th of an Extra Wild Talent feat). Considering I went with Fast Learner, I won't be taking it anyway, but I did promise to report every little thing I could find ;)
Speaking of that, I hope you don't think that my tossing a handful of errors into this thread every few days means I'm not happy with your app, I'm enjoying it quite a bit and cannot wait for more levels to be opened up. I'm just trying to do my little part to keep Tabletop Giant improving :D
If I can convince some of my local players tomorrow to give the Groups feature a try (they swear by Warhorn, which I don't really care for) we'll test that for you, too.
gatherer818 |
Sorry for double-post, edit window ran out...
Trait Vagabond Child was working correctly for Escape Artist right up until I went to print my character to a PDF, then stopped working completely. Tried to unselect and reselect Escape Artist in that tab to refresh it, didn't work. Just shows Dex + 1 rank, no class skill bonus.
Tabletop Giant |
I fixed Fast Learner - it was my mistake, didn't remember the Int 13 requirement.
Except, neither Fast Learner nor Improvisation seem to work correctly - when I choose a skill point, I don't also gain a hit point. I'm also not getting a +2 feat bonus to all my skills with no ranks.
As an aside, the Human Kineticist favored class bonus doesn't seem to be available (+1/6th of an Extra Wild Talent feat). Considering I went with Fast Learner, I won't be taking it anyway, but I did promise to report every little thing I could find ;)
Speaking of that, I hope you don't think that my tossing a handful of errors into this thread every few days means I'm not happy with your app, I'm enjoying it quite a bit and cannot wait for more levels to be opened up. I'm just trying to do my little part to keep Tabletop Giant improving :D
If I can convince some of my local players tomorrow to give the Groups feature a try (they swear by Warhorn, which I don't really care for) we'll test that for you, too.
Edit: You may have to clear your character's cache to see the fixes outlined below - just make any tiny change to your character, or just go to the 'Basics' tab and hit submit without changing anything. If anything still doesn't work - let me know and I will get it corrected.
Fast Learner - Fixed! Now gives a bonus to both as described.
Improvisation - Fixed! Now gives +2 to a skill if you have no ranks in it, and the 'you cannot typically use this skill untrained' warning message is suppressed (which is correct if I read the feat right).
Human kineticist favored class bonus: Fixed! There's others that are missing; they haven't been audited really as the 1/N type bonuses are currently meaningless until the app allows you to level. They will not be hard at all to implement when we get it to a full 20 manager (favored class bonuses are not the complex part of that endeavor).
Vagabond Child: Fixed! Found a typo. An 's' should have been an 'S'. Bugs are funny. Now appears to work as described.
No problem on pointing out bugs here - I'm sincerely just happy to get feedback. This is a very difficult application to test due to its size, and so players pointing out gaps really does help.
Group Planner: Get them to use it, and they'll like it. Tell them to imagine the event planner they are used to, but add to it:
1.) the ability to comment and muster within the event online
2.) the ability to save and then print the event out as a well formatted PDF
3.) the ability for players to attach their character sheets to their signup so the GM can review them well before the game (and possibly refer to them during if they have a tablet with internet access).
4.) the ability for players to enter their character level so the party can establish their APL well before the game (helps the GM plan)
5.) the ability to create events with options such as "allow seat saves" and setting the maximum number of players
6.) an interactive event calendar that is intuitive and easy to understand
7.) a sophisticated group scenario tracker that can be queried to reveal which scenario has been the least GM'd/played - this tracker allows queries to be created for specific party make-ups.
8.) the ability for the event to warn the player if they sign up for a scenario they've already played (based on their individual scenario tracker)
9.) the ability for the event to warn the player if they sign up for a scenario more than once
10.) An engineer who listens and improves - if something is missing from this list that they'd want to see in an event planner, then tell me and they may be surprised how fast it is implemented.
Thanks! :)
Tabletop Giant |
TG, keep up the great work, it's looking good! Looking forward to getting the update containing Inner Sea Races options when it comes.
Thank you!
We definitely have some catching up to do content-wise. With occasional exception, I'll probably delay ingesting new content until I've revisited the major attributes of character building, such as traits, racial traits, feats, and spells.
The way these objects are currently organized within the application are not really well suited for either a full leveling application as well as for homebrew. I'm going to be visiting each one to 1.) make the UI better/easier/, 2.) add homebrew functionality (so you can 'override' and just add a trait or feat to your character regardless of prerequisites), 3.) add grandfathered functionality - so, for example, you can add a retired faction trait that you are eligible for and still remain PFS legal, and 4.) lay down additional groundwork system for leveling purposes.
Once each are visited - that would be a great time to ingest new things, as then we can ingest them into the new working system rather than the old.
I do think these page redos are the last 'major' roadblock before a more serious dive into the world of leveling to 20.
gatherer818 |
Introducing a friend to PFS - like me, rather experienced with Pathfinder but new to Organized Play - he spent a solid hour fiddling with Tabletop Giant before he figured out why he couldn't get his encumbrance down - it doesn't appear to adjust all gear weight for Small characters. A Pathfinder's Kit is listed as weight 22 for Medium characters and 7 1/2 for Small characters, and his Small character is getting 22 pounds worth of kit. Thanks again for all your hard work :D off to pick him up then to my FLGS, so...
Tabletop Giant |
Introducing a friend to PFS - like me, rather experienced with Pathfinder but new to Organized Play - he spent a solid hour fiddling with Tabletop Giant before he figured out why he couldn't get his encumbrance down - it doesn't appear to adjust all gear weight for Small characters. A Pathfinder's Kit is listed as weight 22 for Medium characters and 7 1/2 for Small characters, and his Small character is getting 22 pounds worth of kit. Thanks again for all your hard work :D off to pick him up then to my FLGS, so...
Ahhhh, found the table: tml
"1 These items weigh one-quarter this amount when made for Small characters. Containers for Small characters also carry one-quarter the normal amount.
2 These items weigh approximately three-quarters this amount when made for Small characters. Containers for Small characters also carry one-quarter the normal amount."
You're right; this is not ingested. It shouldn't be too hard to straighten out. I know weapons are weighted correctly, but I cannot recall if armor was also setup for sized weight; I'll review that as I do equipment. I'll update when it works.
Edit: funny enough, the Pathfinder's Kit that gave you trouble isn't either of those footnotes; it instead adjusts the weight in the item description. Looks like it's the only item that does that (please chime in if you know of others).
Tabletop Giant |
He says his armor and Pathfinder's kit are working appropriately, but his clothes still weigh more than they should - and on an 8 Str gnome, every last pound matters :D
Clothes! I forgot about clothes.
All fixed - should be set. Thank you and thank your friend - this was a good detail to sort out.
Tabletop Giant |
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We are having some issues with our server - Tabletop Giant resides on a VPS. The server is currently down (second time this week, sigh). This has nothing to do with TG, its code, its database, or anything like that; it is a hardware failure from the server management service and so is mostly out of my control.
I'm currently working with them to resolve the issue and how we can figure out how to make it never, ever happen again.
Just wanted to touch base for those who saw that the site is down - it will be back up and I'm going to do all I can to see that it stays that way. If we have to I will bump the site to a dedicated server even if the Patreon doesn't yet support it.