Magic Toenail |
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Thought exercise Adolph Hitler in Pathfinder feel free to delete if the topic gets too "Godwiney"
Since it's official that current day Golarion is just after WWI, things might get very interesting there in about 20 years
Just finished watching Third Reich documentary on AHC
and wondering how to convert ol Adoplph to Pathfinder.
He apparently wasn't musical himself , although he was a WAgner fanatic, so does that rule out any levels in bard? from his days as an army messenger does he have a level in Rogue or Ranger?
Can an 'earthly" mundane ever get a following in Golarian no matter how skilled in media manipulation?
Mark Thomas 66 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16 |
deusvult |
The entire pathfinder class system doesn't translate well into the modern world. The whole premise is based upon rigid and formal training, such as apprenticeship. Ideas that one might be free to learn about what strikes one's fancy or develop one's talents as one sees fit are alien to this paradigm.
Yes, the freedom of multiclassing that came in 3.x obscures this truth behind a veneer of individualistic development. Pathfinder continues to muddy it by the enhanced access to feats. But behind all that, classes are very directive in what capabilities you may learn.
d20 Modern would naturally be a better vehicle for the question, since it does character classes more in line with how the modern world trains its denizens.
Of course, given the subject of the original question, the entire thread probably has a life expectancy of about 16 hours before someone says something so offensive that the mods have to lock the thread.
Mark Thomas 66 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16 |
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Perform (Oratory), skill focus (Perform), Leadership, Mythic leadership, Spell focus Enchantment, Greater spell focus Enchantment, Mythic spell focus Enchantment, Spell Specialization Dominate Person, Mythic Spell Specilazation Suggestion, Mass, Extend get the picture.
Bards are terrifying
Dasrak |
Congratulations you've won all the Godwin points!!!
Actually this isn't a case of Godwin's law. Godwin's law is talking more about the derailment of a conversation with regards to inappropriate comparisons to Hitler/Nazism. Conversions that are legitimately about Adolf Hitler, Nazism, fascism, genocide, or World War II are exempt from the law since such comparisons are perfectly on-topic. Since this is a legitimate discussion on how to model the 20th century's most infamous villain, Godwin's law isn't triggered at all.
Modeling the real Adolf Hitler, I'd go with 4th level Expert with a very high charisma score. Maxed out Perform (Oratory) with skill focus, and jacked conversation skills. Adolf Hitler is one of the greatest orators of history, and he used his speaking skills brazenly and effectively. He was a bit of a dilettente, for instance he also was a painter, but he didn't really excel in any other fields so a single skill rank should be sufficient to represent those interests.
If we were going to talk about a more fantastic Adolf Hitler, then Bard would be the obvious class due to his incredible speaking abilities. The Demagogue archetype seems really flavorful for him. Choose a level appropriate to how you want to use him in your game, and then just build your Adolf Hitler. Alignment-wise I'd put him in neutral evil early in his career, shifting to chaotic evil as he became increasingly paranoid.
Magic Toenail |
Interesting Dasrak, I was thinking of making him a Bard/aristocrat and lawful evil, although he didn't have much of real rigid code of conduct, paricularly as you pointed out when he grew more paranoid.
Here are my idea of stats feel free to tinker
Strength: 8- he was scrawny in youth and flabby as he got older
Dexterity: !3-he must have been reasonably nimble to survive being a messenger on the front.
Constitution: !!-he suffered from poor health all of his life, although he survived being gassed in WWI. His later ill health was thought to be from PArkinson's, drug addiction, and quack medical practices, possibly syphillis if you've read Norman Spinrad's The Iron Dream
Intelligence: 14, most of his biographers think he was bright but not a genius, he did have a photographic memory which helped him.
Wisdom: 11, probably average he was dumb enough to fight the US and the USSR at once, but he was clever enoough to survive many assassination attempts.
Charisma: 18 nuff said
I'm Hiding In Your Closet |
I'd actually suggest a few levels in Fighter with a few levels in Expert (including respectable ranks in Craft [Painting]), plus the Syphilitic template. My inkling is that he was, in fact, just a run-of-the-mill guy (the kind who, in another life, just be screaming ignorant crap at the TV from his La-Z-Boy while slightly buzzed on mediocre beer) on the "manic, energized upswing" phase of syphilis (you know, the phase that grants a temporary profane bonus to Charisma?) and got lucky when desperate industrialists decided to make him a star. He wasn't some brilliant supervillain at all, just the happened-to-be head of a Hobbesian Leviathan.
Alignment-wise I'd put him in neutral evil early in his career, shifting to chaotic evil as he became increasingly paranoid.
Are you kidding? He was Lawful Evil incarnate, one of the people who helped force Western Civilization to the previously rather heterodox conclusion that there was such an alignment.