33 Reasons your PC is in Trunau


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1. He/she was born and brought up there and is currently living there.

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2. To quote a very minmaxed character with lots of skills that make no sense and ridiculous items "One day I teleported randomly from a place where having all this stuff made sense"

Dark Archive

3. You where on a merchant caravan when you got in a fight with the caravan leader and he decided to leave you in Trunau.

4. Thats a secret, a dark scary secret........

5. Your superior send you here to keep an eye open.

(This is possibly what I'll use should I get the opportunity to play a Giantslayer character)

A half-orc (ranger/slayer) from Averaka who decided to seek out their heritage/parents/some sort of relation in Belkzen. Trunau is a logical first step. When the plot involving the giants comes to light, who better to join the cause than an Averaka Giant-Slayer?

7 You got drunk in Absolom and woke up here.

8.) You're on the lam from people so bad that the orc-haunted frontier seemed a safer bet.

9) You're Mikaze's CG half-orc/half tiefling love child looking for daddy:-p

Liberty's Edge

10) You arrive at the Ramblehouse bound and gagged in a box with a note addressed to Cham Larringfass stating, "Have fun".

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11) Tusk Fetish

12) A wedding uniting two powerful dwarven clans.

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13) Murder Hobo convention

14) 3 Days from retirement, seemed a good place to settle down...

15.) You're the Belkzen Candidate, a sleeper orc agent gathering information while building a good reputation in the town of Trunau.

Silver Crusade

16) You're one of Halgra's kids, actual or adopted, raised in Trunau or having found your way there at some point.

You tried to scam Grand Master Torch. You think this is a good place to hide.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

18) You wanted to go somewhere where you can't cause too much trouble- or at least aim your destructive tendencies to something productive. Like killing orcs.

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19.) You have ranks in Profession (baker) and are a piemaker. You've heard orcs LOVE pie.

20) Seemed like a good place to find an Orc guarding a Chest

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21.) You took a wrong turn at Albuquerque.

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22) Teleportation Fail -> Similar area.

(queue popping in at the HopeKnife Ceremony)

"Hey, we're here for the Swallowtail Festival!! Uh, what happened to the ocean?"

Franchisee - Game Kastle College Park

23) Just popped over to borrow some flour for a cake.
24) Given wrong directions en route to Worldwound by...
a. Demons
b. Playful fey
c. sentient bar of chocolate

Liberty's Edge

25a Like all good Desnans, it was where your feet took you.
25b Like all good Toragdans, it is where your duty lays.
25c Like all good Iomedaeans, it is where you are most needed
25d Like all good Caydenites, on a dare.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

. . . because what happens in Trunau, stays in Trunau.

Dark Archive

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Gladior wrote:

23) Just popped over to borrow some flour for a cake.

24) Given wrong directions en route to Worldwound by...
a. Demons
b. Playful fey
c. sentient bar of chocolate

Damn that chocolate bar but I got back at him. Desert was extra fine.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

25) Rents are reasonable.

26) Ravengro was too creepy.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

25e Like all good Calistrians, it is where your vengeance would be found

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

27) To receive your hope knife (playing kids using rules from Ultimate Campaign or house variants)

28) (Gnomes Only) avoiding the bleaching

29) Member of the Esoteric Order of the Palatine Eye sick of hunting mummies, so heading to the Hold of Belkzen for a megafauna trophy to show off to the chaps back at the lodge.

30) No Vancaskerkins to poach jobs, those fields won't burn themselves after all, and i'm not letting the Orcs do it

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StrangePackage wrote:

25a Like all good Desnans, it was where your feet took you.

25b Like all good Toragdans, it is where your duty lays.
25c Like all good Iomedaeans, it is where you are most needed
25d Like all good Caydenites, on a dare.

25d.5 Like all good Caydenites, you have no idea how you got here, or where this tattoo came from.

Devastation Bob wrote:
StrangePackage wrote:

25a Like all good Desnans, it was where your feet took you.

25b Like all good Toragdans, it is where your duty lays.
25c Like all good Iomedaeans, it is where you are most needed
25d Like all good Caydenites, on a dare.
25d.5 Like all good Caydenites, you have no idea how you got here, or where this tattoo came from.

Yes! its really best you not find out, it could..... complicate some of our.... goals

Devastation Bob wrote:
21.) You took a wrong turn at Albuquerque.

G#~@$!n it! thats the last time i follow you, i really gotta get a GPS

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

31) Because there are people in Alkenstar that want me dead and Trunau is very, very far from Alkenstar.

32) You've had a tough life, but you've come to Trunau because Hopespring is eternal.

Franchisee - Game Kastle College Park

33) Refugee from Nirmathas-Molthune war


34) Exiled elf from Kyonin
35) Dwarf with something to prove before going home
36) Half-orc bard from Urglin visiting "the motherland" to collect his people's ancestral songs

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

<spoiler> You all died in the crash, and this is actually purgatory.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

38) Escaped slave from the fire giant kingdom of Kragnaroth who is looking to rebuild his/her life.

39) Secret agent of Grask Uldeth who is hoping to ingratiate himself with the Great Orc Chieftain and be granted access to the dwarven ruins of Koldukar.

40) Son of a wealthy Druman merchant who is hoping to expand his business into the Realm of the Mammoth Lords and is using Trunau as a launching point.

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