Just a Guess |
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The protector familiar archetype allows to split damage received by the master evenly between master and familiar from level 5 on.
The tumor familiar gets fast healing 5 while attached to the master and still counts as familiar including granting feats and the like.
Does that mean that an aberrant bloodline bloodrager who gets a tumor familiar via the aberrant tumor feat can split damage dealt to him between himself and the familiar which then heals it via fast healing? If he selects a protector familiar, that is.
Cap. Darling |
Cap. Darling wrote:Looks fine to me. Even with out the fast healing it is a nice extra pool of hitpoints. But the little fellow is quite vulnerable to AoEs.The question is whether aoes hit it if it's attached to me under my clothing.
That would depend on the AoE and the situation and is really not that well covered by the rules. Generally being inside someones coat is not making you invulnerable in PF but it will break line of effect for lots of semi AOEs like Horrid Wilting.
Just a Guess |
It's a good thing the slitting is optional and goes both ways. If one of the pair is really low on hp you just only split his part of aoe damage.
Just have to think of a way of using bodyguard while melded. Perhaps I take an octopus and meld it with my face. Gives a nicely cthulhuoid look and it can increase my AC while attached.
Just a Guess |
If the familiar is occupying its master's square, it can use Bodyguard to aid another to improve its master's AC even if it doesn't threaten the attacking foe.
The ability states it works while not threatening and occupying the master's square.
Edit: The octopus would not work because it can't survive out of water.
Cap. Darling |
It's a good thing the slitting is optional and goes both ways. If one of the pair is really low on hp you just only split his part of aoe damage.
Just have to think of a way of using bodyguard while melded. Perhaps I take an octopus and meld it with my face. Gives a nicely cthulhuoid look and it can increase my AC while attached.
This would leave it out in the open and not protectet by your jacket. But i like it:)
And just Carry a bucket for when you need to seperate the little guy from you:)Mechanical Pear |
As to not create a new thread, I also want to know if a Protector familiar can use Bodyguard or In Harm's Way while melded.
Aberrant Tumor says it works as Tumor Familiar (for the Alchemist) which says "As a standard action, the alchemist can have the tumor detach itself from his body as a separate creature...and move about as if it were an independent creature."
That would make me think that when it is attached, it doesn't count as a separate creature, and cannot move about as if it were an independent creature.
"The tumor acts as the alchemist’s familiar whether attached or separated (providing a skill bonus, the Alertness feat, and so on)," seems like they are just static bonuses that continue to act. Bodyguard and In Harm's Way are bonus feats. If the familiar had other feats, such as Spring Attack, I don't think those would be able to be used when attached. Shield Master, however, seems to be a static sort of thing. When attached, they are touching, even though it seems they're kinda treated as one individual creature.
I mean, I want a bodyguard tumor, but as a GM that was trying to be objective, I don't think it can.
Still, if you have 13+ Charisma, any character spend three feats (Skill Focus, Eldritch Heritage: Aberrant, Aberrant Tumor) and get Alertness, +4 Initiative (or +1 Natural Armor, or other boosts, all of which are usually worth about a feat, themselves), and a Fast Healing side pool of HP equal to half your hit points.
You could even have the familiar ride on your shoulder until combat starts. They get a perception roll (and possibly the Ioun Wyrd's blindsight?), and they can +2 your AC, even if they're flatfooted. On their first turn, they spend their own standard action to attach.
Mechanical Pear |
I know that Improved Familiars lose "speak with animals of its kind," so they lose out. But tumor familiars don't lose any abilities.
"The tumor has all the abilities of the animal it resembles (for example, a batlike tumor can fly) and familiar abilities based on the alchemist’s caster level (though some familiar abilities may be useless to an alchemist)."
Maybe there's another ruling out there, but I dunno.
EDIT: As I can't edit my previous post: You don't get Alertness with a Protector familiar, my mistake.
Shinoskay |
theres a thing that lets the tumor move in the way of an attack to save you from dying, I am pretty sure that if it can move while attached to you (across your body) then it can use some of its other abilities and even body guard. because if it can move into the way of attacks for one ability, it can do so for another....
Gisher |
theres a thing that lets the tumor move in the way of an attack to save you from dying, I am pretty sure that if it can move while attached to you (across your body) then it can use some of its other abilities and even body guard. because if it can move into the way of attacks for one ability, it can do so for another....
It's called Die For your Master.
saor |
The protector familiar archetype allows to split damage received by the master evenly between master and familiar from level 5 on.
The tumor familiar gets fast healing 5 while attached to the master and still counts as familiar including granting feats and the like.
Does that mean that an aberrant bloodline bloodrager who gets a tumor familiar via the aberrant tumor feat can split damage dealt to him between himself and the familiar which then heals it via fast healing? If he selects a protector familiar, that is.
not only that, but you can take the spell eater archetype and get some fast healing for yourself too