Let's all get our custom Races / npc races on here eh?

Homebrew and House Rules

I'm just looking to create a page where all the races we've designed go up.

Write up a synopsis of their basic culture, some backstory, and of course a description too :3

I have a few that I'll post after work but I'd love to see everyone else's

Fire Elves (formerly Blood Elves, until World of Warcrack became a "thing" and "stole" my race name)

Ability Scores: +3 Int, -3 Con

Size: Medium

Type: Fire Elves are humanoids of the elf subtype.

Base Speed: 30

Elven Immunities: Fire elves are immune to Sleep but receive only a +1 to racial saving throws against enchantments.

Feats and Skills: Keen Senses and Well Read (+1 to any three Knowledge skills)

Magical Racial traits: +3 to any caster checks to over come spell resistance.

Offense Traits: Mastermind, once per day, the Fire Elf can choose one from the following:

1)Give each party member a +2 to any Attack roll, as long as all bonuses happen in the same battle.

2)Allow all party members to increase their Movement by 10 for one round, in unison, in the same round.

3)Allow any one party member to ignore a critical strike's extra damage, but not the strike itself.

Blood Spray: when an enemy completes a critical strike on a Fire Elf, the attacker takes an automatic 2d6 in burn damage from the hot blood spray. Fire immunity does not apply for this.

Racial Senses: Fire Elves have Infravision as opposed to Low light vision.


1)Fire Elves are easier to see in the dark, due to the temperature of their blood. Any creature with Low light vision sees the Fire Elf as if the creature had Infravision itself.

2)Fire Elf anatomy and organs are highly prized by some races and spell caster as valuable spell component substitutes for some harder to find components (DM decides which components). Fire Elves are often kidnapped and sold to slavers, evil wizards and organ harvesters.

Fire Elves are mutations, not a separate race. They happen randomly, once in every 1,000 elf births. They are typically more frail and less athletic than other elves. Their I.Q. Is usually higher than other elves, lending them to a more bookish or philosophical lifestyle.

For reasons unknown to the most learned elves and wizards, fire elves blood magically burns at a temperature hot enough to scald non-fire elves.

Many Fire Elves are protected and sheltered by good communities. Lone Fire Elves tend to be secretive, taking steps to hide their 'mutation'. Some elf families consider the birth of a Fire Elf to be a blessing.

Finfolk - An aquatic fey race, they are largely meant to for use as NPCs, but are still balanced to be a reasonable choice for players. Their society is hostile to most others, and runs on slavery, deception and cloak and dagger politics. They often have hidden agents among the surface dwellers, and may have to track down runaways on the land.

Gargoyles - Monstrous humanoids who lost their ancestral homeland. They are a warrior race which is struggling to get by in their diaspora, and are edging closer to extinction.

Komodo - A replacement for lizardfolk, they are a amphibious creatures with an inherently magical nature. Theirs is a divided society, with some embracing trade and all things foreign and modern, while others are staunch traditionalists with an isolationist streak.

Trow - Trow are small, musical, magical creatures with mischievous nature and a reputation as con men. Their home plane was destroyed by a force known only as the corruption, and they were not totally unaffected by it. While some are whimsical skamps, others are vicious killers or powerful necromancers.

This is a unique race I engineered by adding some of the dhampir’s undead-esque racial traits to orcs. I was inspired to create gray orcs after reading the entry for the “Black Orcs” in Frog God Game’s Tome of Horrors Complete. I admired the concept of an orc subspecies specifically devoted to serving Orcus, but I thought their stats were a bit overkill and their flavor could be stronger.

These are the gray orcs: a racial off-shoot of orcs who swore a covenant to Orcus, Demon Prince of the Undead. The first to drink from the desecrated well filled with Orcus’ divine blood was an orc warlord now known as “Gorenn the Gray”. Upon partaking in the ritual, his green color faded to a deathly gray, his eyes turned white, his blood ran cold in his veins and his body emitted the distinct scent of a rotting corpse. His followers joined him in receiving Orcus’ blessing, and now the vile gray orc race has proliferated across several regions. They are brutal, vicious, and universally feared.

Most gray orcs are fighters and barbarians, but the more wiser and cunning among them tend to become necromancers, clerics, and antipaladins.

Gray Orc (RP 9)

Standard Racial Traits
Ability Score Racial Traits: Gray Orcs are brutal and savage. They gain +4 Strength, –2 Intelligence, –2 Wisdom, and –2 Charisma.
Type: Gray Orcs are humanoids with the orc subtype.
Size: Gray Orcs are Medium creatures and thus have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Base Speed: Gray Orcs have a base speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Gray Orcs begin play speaking Common and Orc. Gray Orcs with high Intelligence scores can chose from the following: Abyssal, Giant, Necril, Goblin, Undercommon. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.

Defense Racial Traits
Undead Resistance: Gray orcs gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease and mind-affecting effects.
Resist Level Drain (Ex): A gray orc takes no penalties from energy drain effects, though he can still be killed if he accrues more negative levels then he has Hit Dice. After 24 hours, any negative levels a gray orc takes are removed without the need for an additional saving throw.

Offense Racial Traits
Ferocity: Gray orcs possess the ferocity ability which allows them to remain conscious and continue fighting even if their hit point totals fall below 0. Gray orcs are still staggered at 0 hit points or lower and lose 1 hit point each round as normal.
Weapon Familiarity: Gray orcs are always proficient with greataxes and falchions, and treat any weapon with the word “orc” in its name as a martial weapon.

Senses Racial Traits
Darkvision: Gray orcs can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.

Weakness Racial Traits
Light Sensitivity: Gray orcs are dazzled in areas of bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.
Negative Energy Affinity: Though a living creature, a gray orc reacts to positive and negative energy as if it were undead—positive energy harms it, while negative energy heals it.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

Runari, a humanoid race that believes themselves descended from constructs given flesh and blood by their goddess. They have the ability to inscribe a 1st-level spell onto their bodies like a wizard writing to his spellbook and cast it as a spell-like ability once per day.

Shameless bump. I was hoing to see more...

I'm not good at naming things, so...

Fey (Treefolk)
Low-Light Vision
Tiny Size (+2 dex, -2 str, etc)
Slow Speed (20ft)
Standard Languages (Sylvan, Common)
Ability Scores (-2 con, +2 wis)
Fey Damage Resistance (dr 2/cold iron)
Vulnerability (fire +50%)
Nature Soul feat
Camouflage (+4 stealth in forests)
Spell-Like Ability (1/day, Entangle)

Contrary to what their name suggests, Treefolk are simply fey that look a lot like plants, and happen to burn in a similar fashion. Treefolk skin varies from healthy shades of green, deep brown, and occasionally beautiful shades of various flowers or even autumn leaves, their hair often follows a similar trend but leans more towards the greens. Treefolk often suffer mood swings and depression when they are forced to part from nature and their forest home, Treefolk adventures are few and far between because of this and that their population is so low.

The Firbholg - A race of soft spoken giants with the power to create constructs. Based loosely on the myth, they were driven from their homeland by elves, enslaved by orcs, created an army of golems lead by a colossal warrior of clay, threw off their chains, and reclaimed their home.

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Praerie Dwarf

I statted out a version of halflings for my setting, stole the MtG name kithkin for them. They were the result of when a large community of humans chose to stand together with the fey of the forest nearby to protect them, despite a horrible threat that would only have destroyed the fey. Centuries later, the kithkin were basically halflings, but with paladin as favoured class, a cultural predilection for glassmaking, trapping and poison use, a language suited for secret communication (no sibilant consonants), and so on. They lived in ruins on the great plains that they restored into stained-glass houses.

Ciaran Barnes wrote:
Praerie Dwarf

That's a nice, professional looking document. Do you publish your own stuff or do you just make things look nice because you can?

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Thank you.

Because I can, but mostly because I like to.

Mine, though I might have tweaked one or two since I posted them.

Moon Elves
Humanoid (elf)
Low-Light Vision
Medium Size
Normal Speed (30 ft)
Ability Scores: +2 Dex, -2 Str, +2 Int
Languages: Elven, Common or Undercommon (player's choice)
Spell-Like Abilities:
1/day - faerie fire, dancing lights

  • If the Moon Elf has INT 11+: 1/day - comprehend languages, detect magic, detect poison, read magic

Spell Resistance (6 + level)
Skill Bonus: Perception +2 (racial)
Flavor: Moon elves have a strange fascination, as their name implies, with the moon. While it is not enough to blind them or distract them in any way, moon elves do tend to prefer to expose themselves to the moonlight as often as possible, traveling at night or "moonbathing" during downtime.

Moon elves originated as an offshoot of the drow, able to survive in broad daylight without any trouble, but preferring the moon, as perhaps some throwback to their former heritage in the Underdark. Many retain the magical abilities and skin and hair coloration of their former race, but now lack the blank, lifeless eyes of their former kin.

I LOVE the Prairie Dwarves.

Most homebrew races are designed to be mechanically strong at something, usually pertaining to combat or spell casting. I tried to not do that. I've had it around since some of my home games in 3.5. You know how some of the dwarves in the Hobbit films are personable instead of gruff? I imagine praerie dwarves as something like that.

Ciaran Barnes wrote:
Most homebrew races are designed to be mechanically strong at something, usually pertaining to combat or spell casting. I tried to not do that.

I think that's why I like them. Great flavor. But not just oriented to give new and better bonuses. Not that there's anything wrong with that, if that's your thing. It just isn't my thing. I like playing new characters that are interesting, not necessarily powerful.

I have always had a fascination with Gnolls, I used the ARG to throw this together and tried to keep to a similar format. I added unique customs and a lexicon of language etc., for flavor. There is only one archetype here but I didn't feel they needed more.

Would love to hear what others think. This is a link to the pdf on google docs.


Liberty's Edge

How many points are allowed for putting a player race here. Because I'm thinking of including a undead/half undead or plant race here.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

I like it when races are made for flavor, not just for making a build. The race should be a character in itself.

I made the runari race because I wanted a race that utilized runes. Where runes actually meant something -- not just serve as a cop out visual description to make something seem magical. Runes emphasize a philosophical and religious belief about transparency of knowledge and that a magical item is merely just a mundane object given power and devotion.

Liberty's Edge

ErisAcolyte-Chaos jester wrote:
How many points are allowed for putting a player race here. Because I'm thinking of including a undead/half undead or plant race here.

The race idea was for The Stitched.

Concept: When the reanimate dead spell is used on a dead body, the result is normally some form of the undead. The stitched are something of an anomaly because they are born from the bodies of those on the cusp of death, rather than those that have passed on. This has resulted in creatures maintaining their original free will and personality,but cursed with a form that is slowly decaying(along with their mind) resulting in them eventually becoming either rampant and violent undead creatures, or simply becoming dead. While this fate is technically inevitable, most are very distressed by this, attempting to patch themselves up and preserve their form, often resorting to using cloth, sawdust and other materials to maintain the appearance of life, while also using preservative chemicals(like embalming fluid) to limit the decay.

Liberty's Edge

ErisAcolyte-Chaos jester wrote:
ErisAcolyte-Chaos jester wrote:
How many points are allowed for putting a player race here. Because I'm thinking of including a undead/half undead or plant race here.

The race idea was for The Stitched.

Concept: When the reanimate dead spell is used on a dead body, the result is normally some form of the undead. The stitched are something of an anomaly because they are born from the bodies of those on the cusp of death, rather than those that have passed on. This has resulted in creatures maintaining their original free will and personality,but cursed with a form that is slowly decaying(along with their mind) resulting in them eventually becoming either rampant and violent undead creatures, or simply becoming dead. While this fate is technically inevitable, most are very distressed by this, attempting to patch themselves up and preserve their form, often resorting to using cloth, sawdust and other materials to maintain the appearance of life, while also using preservative chemicals(like embalming fluid) to limit the decay.

Because of their condition, they tend to live in isolation from the majority of mainstream society, dwelling either in specially built enclaves run by talented mages(or skilled alchemists or charismatic individuals) or abandoned buildings, left derelict and open for outcasts and those who do not belong. Their society, however, is anything but limited in its personality and flair. On the contrary, most Stitched spend their lives enjoying everything that life has to offer and exploring the numerous sensations that they were unable to experience within their previous life. Because of this, many become adventurers to seek out new sensations, find a permanent cure for their condition or at least an Memorable, heroic ending to their tale.

Cyrad wrote:

I like it when races are made for flavor, not just for making a build. The race should be a character in itself.

I made the runari race because I wanted a race that utilized runes. Where runes actually meant something -- not just serve as a cop out visual description to make something seem magical. Runes emphasize a philosophical and religious belief about transparency of knowledge and that a magical item is merely just a mundane object given power and devotion.

I agree. I try to give each race fun, interesting mechanics, but ultimately I want them to be about an idea, a concept worth exploring.

The Finfolk are as beautiful and treacherous as the sea. They are a dark power that adds a new potential menace to the world, while still having room for ordinary people trying to make their way through difficult circumstances, and therefore are capable of being surprisingly good, or tragically evil.

The gargoyles are a race on the edge of extinction. How we respond to to the seemingly inevitable, the problems for which there is no simple solution is often more interesting than the problems which can be solved with a sword or spell.

Komodo are a race of humanoid lizardlike amphibians, which is cool enough for me. But they are also a race that struggles with individualism and modernism clashing with traditionalism and their cultural identity. The idea of hanging on to the old ways has a romantic appeal, while embracing opportunity and learning everything you can from others also speaks to me.

Trow are lovable little bastards who are whimsical, and tricky, while also having a darker side. Like something out of a fairy tale, they are both amusing and menacing.

Firbholg are meant to be a form of gentle giant, the kind who are slow and lumbering in temperament rather than physically or intellectually. But they are also a people who have been through great difficulty and were changed by it. They've grown stronger, but also darker and angrier. What was once a simple agrarian society is now a military power which has a long memory of full old grudges it isn't ready to let go of.


Houri are the daughters of a human father and a nymph mother and recieve the following traits

*+2 intelligence +2 charisma -2 strength; Houri are lithe framed but have an affinity for learning and the arts
*Darkvision 60 feet, due to the interaction between human and nymph genetics and the mutation spawned by it, houri have darkvision instead of the low light vision possessed by most fey
*photosensitivity; a Houri is dazzled in bright light, as per light sensitivity
*medium size
*normal speed; Houri have a base speed of 30 feet
*Fey Blood; even though Houri are humanoids with the (Human) subtype, they recieve fey foundling as a bonus feat, representing their nymph blood. they may take options exclusive both to humans and to fey
*Able Learner; despite her extremely prolonged youth, a Houri learns at an accelerated rate, this functions as the skilled ability possessed by humans
*Charming; a Houri recieves a +2 racial bonus to bluff and diplomacy checks, and with a successful diplomacy check, shift a creature's attitude up to 3 steps instead of 2, and may retry a failed diplomacy check 12 hours later instead of the usual 24
*Languages; Common, Sylvan, 1 regional human language of choice, bonus languages; Any (except secret languages such as druidic)


Grugach or Wood Elves are a savage race of hunters from the rainforest who revere the jaguar and often become skilled hunters

*+2 Strength +2 Dexterity -2 charisma, Grugach are stronger and hardier than most elves, but pay for it with a simpler society
*Medium Size
*Fast Speed; a Grugach has a base speed of 40 feet
*Darkvision; a Grugach is used to the darkness of the rainforest and gains darkvision out to 60 feet
*Hunter's Resolve; as a subsistence society, the Grugach had to toughen their resolve to survive, granting them a +2 racial bonus to will saving throws
Humanoid (Elf)
Rainforest Weapon Familiarity; a Grugach is proficient with the Short bow and Long bow, (including their composite counterparts), the Hatchet (treat as handaxe) and the Machete (Treat as Scimitar) as well as any weapon with "Elven" in its name, representing the tools of the hunter
Languages; Common, Elven, Bonus Languages; any language appropriate to their homeland, depending on setting

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I made a race of lizard people that live on a moon orbiting a gas giant and the world is fully under the control of Hell. They're not really related to golarion or most fantasy settings so i doubt people will find much use out of them.

I made them because i had a bit of sci-fi going on with my fantasy of a world fallen to Hell with a race that outwardly would seem to fit in but actually has little direct relation other than being taken over.

Ignalan (RP17):

The Ignalan race are a endothermic reptile race with a strong tie to fire elementals. They live on the Volcanic world, Sythl. The atmosphere of Sythl is relatively tame with a highly active fire and heat resistant plant life which uses Chemosynthesis for most of the worlds energy. The Planet is fairly large and in orbit around a Gas Giant, the star is far enough away that it only registers as the brightest star in the sky. Most light and heat comes from the planet itself, which is churned by tidal forces from its mother planet. The volcanoes are continuously active and churn out gases which fuel the plant life and lava to enrich the soil.

Sythl has no oceans and simply relies on the thousands of volcanoes on it's surface for survival. Almost all plant life relies on direct access to lava and the atmosphere, and since most volcanoes are near the equator so is most of the plant life. The Tidal forces make it so the poles are the least molded by the forces and thus these areas are the calmest.

Until a few hundred years ago the Ignalan people were mostly grouped under democratic societies. however, others soon appeared on the planet, they gave Ignalan gifts and offerings of ideas, they showed them how to get things done industrially, and they soon saw a large increase in the economy. The others worked themselves into Ignlan governments and took them over, they now are mostly meritocracies in which Ignalan compete against each other for production and research and are paid by the others in hefty sums.

Physical Description: Ignalan physiologically are giant lizard-like humanoids with literal blood of fire. Heat means nothing to them, they could be at the center of a sun and resist it's fury. Their blood is more akin to lava but carries oxygen just the same. They have hands with usually sharp finger-tips made out of tough rock like scales, this with the heat makes for a a sharp utensil that Ignalan often make use of. Their tails are strong and dexterous, capable of both being a deadly defense mechanism and able to wrap around objects, usually prey and maintain hold. Finally their bite is possibly the deadliest of them all, with a set of razor like teeth lining the top and bottom of the jaw, the Saliva of an Ignalan would be considered poisonous by most races.

Ignalan are Gender-less and do not reproduce by normal means, they lay "eggs" which are then planted in lava pools or a volcano, they slowly accumulate minerals from the lava and grow(Ignalan have a natural overly repetitive DNA that mixes and matches so that children are not clones, it is self correcting thus making the overall race resistant to mutation). After a certain period depending on the quality of the lava, the Ignalan will swim to the side of the pool looking for care takers(very few Ignalan partake in parenting, while an Ignalan usually lays around 4 eggs in a life time a single Ignalan will either raise none or hundreds). The egg stage can take anywhere between 3 months to 10 years, but the child phase always takes 20 years after which adult hood lasts for 200, after which Ignalan usually start dying of old age.

Standard Racial Traits
Ability Score Racial Traits: Ignalan gain +2 Str and +2 Int.
Type: Ignalan are outsiders with the native and fire subtypes.
Size: Ignalan are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Ignalan have a base speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Ignalan begin play speaking Common.

Defense Racial Traits:

Elemental Immunity: Ignalan are immune to fire.
Feat and Skill Racial Traits

Offense Racial Traits

Elemental Assault (Su): Once per day as a swift action, a ignalan can call on the elemental power lurking in her veins to shroud her arms in fire. Unarmed strikes with her elbows or hands (or attacks with weapons held in those hands) deal +1d6 points of fire damage. This lasts for 1 round per character level. The ignalan may end the effects of her elemental assault early as a free action.
Toxic: A number of times per day equal to her Constitution modifier (minimum 1/day), a ignalan can envenom a weapon that she wields with her toxic saliva or blood (using blood requires the ignalan to be injured when it uses this ability). Applying venom in this way is a swift action.
Life-Stealing Venom: Injury; save Fort DC 10 + 1/2 the ignalan's Hit Dice + the ignalan's Constitution modifier; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1 Con; cure 1 save.

Slapping Tail: Ignalan have a tail they can use to make attacks of opportunity with a reach of 5 feet. The tail is a natural attack that deals 1d6 points of damage plus the ignalan's Strength modifier if Small, 1d8 points of damage plus the ignalan's Strength modifier if Medium, or 1d10 points of damage plus 1-1/2 times the ignalan's Strength modifier if Large.
Tripping Tail: When a ignalan hits with her slapping tail, she can make a trip attack as a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Natural Weapons: Ignalan have two claw attacks that deal 1d4 damage. These are primary natural attacks.
Natural Weapons: Ignalan have a bite primary natural attack that deals 1d3 damage.
Senses Racial Traits

Darkvision: Ignalan can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Weakness Racial Traits

Elemental Vulnerability: Ignalan have vulnerability to cold.
Light Sensitivity: A ignalan is dazzled as long as she remains in an area of bright light.

Here are my Vegepygmy

The Vegepygmy are based on the vegepygmy monster from one of the beastiaries but with more of a culture and even some weaponized uses that revolve around how they are born (birthed? spawned?) from Russet Mold.

The Nagi

Appearance and Physiology
From the waist up Nagi are almost indistinguishable from a human though lacking a bellybutton. Below the waist Nagi are serpentine possessing the lower body of a snake usually shaded green but brown is not uncommon. Their eyes come in shades of amber, blue, green and on rare occasion violet. Nagi hair comes in the same colors as humans with the exclusion of black hair and the addition of violet and blue shades. While Nagi share many characteristics with reptilian creatures such as scales and are ovoviviparous they are warm-blooded and nurse their young. Nagi are pregnant for just over ten months and almost always give birth to fraternal twins.

The Nagi are a rather reclusive preferring limited contact with outsiders choosing only a few representatives to trade with other races and very rarely do they allow non-Nagi into there hidden villages. Elves are the most common exception due to similar lifespans and reputation for being reclusive. Halflings are the second most common exception because no one ever gives a damn about Halflings. They prefer to establish communities in warm forests or deep underground near thermic vents due to the difficulties in sheathing their lower bodies in warm clothing. Some believe their communities can be found underneath a few major human cities but the Nagi refute this assertion claiming the smell of wererats would be to unbearable. The Nagi highly value magic and most Nagi communities are ruled by a Magocracy. They also have a love of fine foods and drink and are prone to overindulging which is perhaps the only reason their hidden enclaves trade with outsiders.

Standard Racial Traits
• Ability Score Racial Traits: Nagi are physically strong and manipulative but tend be rash and easily swayed by their passions. They gain +2 Strength, +2 Charisma, and –2 Wisdom
• Size: Nagi are Medium creatures and thus have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Type: Nagi are monstrous humanoids.
• Base Speed: Nagi have a base speed of 20 feet, but their speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance, they also possess a swim speed of 20ft giving them a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform a special action or avoid a hazard. Nagi can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered when swimming. They can also use the run action while swimming, provided that it swims in a straight line.
• Hold Breath: Nagi can hold their breath for a number of rounds equal to four times their Constitution score before risking drowning or suffocating.
• Languages: Nagi begin play speaking Common and Nagi. Nagi with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following, Akio, Draconic, Dwarven, Eleven, Giant, Sylvan and Undercommon. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.

Defense Racial Traits
• Armored Scales: The Nagi's scaly lower body provides +1 natural armor bonus, this stacks with the natural armor bonus provided by a sorcerer's bloodline.
• Legless: Nagi's have the upper body of a human and the lower body of a snake and are thus immune to trip however they can not wear any item occupying the foot slot and armor costs twice as much as it must be adapted to their body structure.(yes they lack a magic item slot that is an intentional disadvantage)

Magical Traits
• Enclave Protector: The Nagi have a +1 to the caster level of any abjuration spells they cast. Nagi also gain the following spell-like abilities: constant—nondetection; 1/day—faerie fire, obscure object, sanctuary. The caster level for these effects is equal to the Nagi's character level.

Senses Racial Traits
• Darkvision: Nagi have darkvision out to 60ft

Nagi, male
7ft.1in. 230lbs. 1d10 ×5lbs.
Nagi, female
6ft.10in. 195lbs. 1d10 ×5lbs.
Nagi typical "stand" no taller then your average human but their body length is significantly longer which is whats represented in the table.

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