How many AWOL / abandoned PC settlements? Impact on NAP terms?

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Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon wrote:
Andius the Afflicted wrote:
Guurzak wrote:
Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Uthgar, I wish you great fortune in finding your happiness somewhere else.
This is a diplomatically worded, "We don't care why you left so go the f$+! away."

No. It wasn't and it's not. Guurzak may be an Evil skull-bashing orc, but he's also one of the best posters on this forum.

It doesn't matter how nice he is or even how sincere he was in what he said. I don't see how you could interpret his post as anything other than an invitation to leave and insinuation that Uthgar's continued input I of no value to either Uthgar himself or this community.

I don't even doubt Guurzak believes Uthgar will be happier if he leaves and wishes him the best but that doesn't make anything I said less true.

I think if PFO's community stopped inviting people to leave (even if politely) and instead paid serious consideration to WHY they were leaving it would be a huge first step in getting this title back on track.

Goblin Squad Member

Jakaal wrote:
Yeah really disappointed in the future of BFK with the way they are completely indifferent to getting in game and getting some production going.

BFK is now in the game.

Goblin Squad Member

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Actually Andius the Foulmounth IS a reason to move over to GW forum...

Do they have avatars yet? I can't keep people straight without 'em. Guurzak and I have the exact same musical tones.

Goblin Squad Member

It is severely lacking in anything that has happened after 1995 in the forum technology, but ...

Goblin Squad Member

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Schedim wrote:
It is severely lacking in anything that has happened after 1995 in the forum technology, but ...

And that is completely inexcusable considering there are FREE services that can provide fully functioning and up-to-date features.

Why must we accept half assed attempts when there are free solutions?

Oh yeah.... an attempt to silence critics... Criticism will not go away until the reasons for criticism are resolved. That won't happen until people stop making excuses for GW's nickel & dime approach.

Goblin Squad Member

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I actually believe the official story GW gave which is that they went with custom forums for reasons of control over the code and being able to build them exactally the way they want. But really, I'd say that was an incredibly bad call. They obviously need to be focusing their efforts like a laser on the content of their game. Plenty of very successful games use pretty standard forums.

If Ryan wants to talk about things being a poor usage of their resources custom forums are probably at the very top of that list until he's wiping his butt with dollar bills like The folks over at Cloud Imperium Games.

Goblin Squad Member

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Andius the Afflicted wrote:

I think the best way to describe it is those who currently enjoy PFO have an unrefined palatte in terms of sandbox MMOs. If you've dined on nothing but plants your whole life, or been hooked up to an IV a poor cut of meat may taste pretty good.

Just like if you're new to MMOs or haven't played many sandbox titles there may seem to be a lot to like about PFO.

Grandpa Lemkii takes Umbrage at this remark. (Yes I will take all the umbrage)

Having been a part of UO, SWG, and EVE since Week, or even Day, One I only compare PFO to early versions of each of those. SWG was the most "complete" out at release, but still had many features added in (before NGE and that decline. That is a different story in MMO development)

The current incarnation of PFO is very much on par with UO and EVE at start in terms of available content.

That isn't to say it is a success or not. But that it has not failed yet. I would only recommend this game to sandbox pioneer type people. Not people who want a "complete" game. Even of my own personal gaming circle, I would only recommend this to only a quarter of them.

The other key for success will be how many subscribers will be needed for profit. EVE has a very small market share of the MMO market, but still big enough to support all its work. Let us see where they get by 2016 and then compare notes.

Goblin Squad Member

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Nihimon wrote:
I can also show you the posts where Ryan talks about the way the general gaming market divided when MMOs showed up, when Killers and Power-Gamers left the tabletop.
sspitfire1 wrote:
Do you mind sharing those posts, Nihimon?


This first post has the link to the segmentation study referred to in the second:

Alignment as a faction wheel #292

Alignment as a faction wheel #319

A relatively brief post from November 2011 discussing Ryan's expectations:

What is the target market for PFO? #17

Finally, a truly epic response to Mbando:

Ryan: The Core Rhetorical Challenge Facing Goblinworks #109

Happy reading, Thinker :)

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<Kabal> Daeglin wrote:
Every time I see that avatar now, I want to reach out, give him a comforting little scratch behind the ears, and see if it makes his hind leg shake.

He's in severe need of a belly rub.

Goblin Squad Member

Most gnolls just feel embarrassed for him.

Goblin Squad Member

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I may be speaking for myself alone, but I suspect I actually represent a fair number of players. To date, I have not been sufficiently satisfied with the apparent state of the game to begin burning my prepaid months. I say apparent, because my impressions are not based on first-hand experience--how could they be? Rather, I rely on the forum, YouTube videos and anecdotes from other players.

Now, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the game has advanced significantly since the end of Alpha and I would be impressed with the progress if I activated my account. The problem is I'm kind of cheap, and I have an aversion to throwing money at things blindly.

"But you already spent that money!" you may say. True. I spent the money on a promise. That promise is not yet fulfilled. So long as I don't activate my account, PFO is the Schrodinger's cat of MMOs--it might be awful, or it might be amazing. There's no way of knowing. So I keep the lid on the box and hope that when I finally break the seal I will be delighted with what I discover.

Again, I bet I'm not alone in my hesitance to "accept delivery" on the product just yet. Want to change my mind? Give me a way to sample the wares before I commit. Consider it a test drive.

That being said, I'm starting to think that a certain uberbitter ex-player who continues to regale us with tales of his own genius, popularity, foresight and prowess might actually be Dancey in disguise pulling some kind of super-meta-triple-reverse psychological ops, because every time I read one of his posts I feel oddly compelled to activate my account. It's weird.

Goblin Squad Member

Shaibes the other thing to look at is getting that back dated XP and being in at the ground floor. It's a perk for the game not a defining reason to play, but there are things to be doing right now. I think this is going to be all about the group and the larger the group the better off they are going to be. So getting in and pitching in, in what ever way you like should be fun. If it isn't the account management tools should be online soon and you can bank the rest of your time. You've already sat at the table, waiting to eat until later could change the flavor of the dish but you won't know if you like whats in front of you now unless you bite.

Goblin Squad Member

From a fairly simple perspective, 15$US (one month of game time) gets you 72,000 XP. The question is, do you want to start accumulating that now, or wait a while.

The backdating XP is in line with the fact that if you long in at all for January, you will be charged a month regardless of your actual start date. So in otherwords, you still get your full 72,000 XP for the month credit.

I jumped in now mostly to poke around a bit and start my xp training. And while I bounce in and out, I will have more xp when the game starts to pick up.

Goblin Squad Member

Shaibes, I think that's a perfectly reasonable perspective. What we're playing now is the minimum viable product, with a public release still not intended for another year. No one at GW is denying there's a long way to go, and someone can certainly look at that and say, "Nah, I'd rather wait until the game is fleshed out."

I'm personally enjoying the game. I had a lot of fun running with some fellow company members last night. But YMMV.

Goblin Squad Member

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I still can't believe you managed to keep a leather-wearing, bow-wielding rogue tank alive for so many of those scrums :D

There's a lot to do in furtherance of company or settlement goals if you feel like a pioneer. And there are probably solo-ers out there carving out "stories" we'll read of, too.

But so much of January is already gone, it comes down to paying for a month and PLAYING for a month, later, or paying for a month NOW and getting backdated xp but only half a month of play time.

If you weren't already feeling to compelled to play before, holding off makes sense.

Goblin Squad Member

Midnight of Golgotha wrote:
But so much of January is already gone, it comes down to paying for a month and PLAYING for a month, later, or paying for a month NOW and getting backdated xp but only half a month of play time.

That's interesting--so the "billing" cycle is based on calendar months, not months of game time beginning on a player's activation date?

That's how they are working it for January. There's a blog about it with "managing game time" in the title.

I've come to the conclusion that the only thing we are paying for in this game is experience. We can play for free, even if the our subscription is not up to date. That doesn't take into account the premium we pay for EE access or the fact that our free months are automatically triggered when we log in and create our first character; but yeah. Pretty much covers it.

Goblin Squad Member

Thank you for pointing me towards that blog post, Midnight. If I'm reading it correctly, though, even in Month One the cycle will be player-specific, tied to the date of first login (which is a good thing!).

Shaibes wrote:

Thank you for pointing me towards that blog post, Midnight. If I'm reading it correctly, though, even in Month One the cycle will be player-specific, tied to the date of first login (which is a good thing!).

Oh, that's very cool then.

Goblin Squad Member

Shaibes wrote:

Thank you for pointing me towards that blog post, Midnight. If I'm reading it correctly, though, even in Month One the cycle will be player-specific, tied to the date of first login (which is a good thing!).

You're correct, that's what the blog says. Elsewhere, it's not so clear and the community's opinion has been that January is an exception due to backdating (ie. billing cycle starts at backdated xp date). GW has not clarified one way or the other that I am aware of.

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Swiss Mercenary wrote:
Nihimon wrote:
<Tavernhold> Locke wrote:
I thought River Bank was on east side of pond. You may not see them if you play late. When towers are here we will see who is on when.
I'm in contact with Armenfrast, the leader of Riverbank. As an Everbloom Alliance member, we want to help him in any way we can.
I can contact him IRL if ever, a friend of mine.

I am still there but one is not enough to manage a settlement. Most, if not all of those I knew who where potential members of Les Compagnons and RiverBank have decided to stop the PFO experience.

I have tried to get in touch with as many french players as possible, as I think that a french speaking settlement and/or company should have a place in the game, but until now I have not received any interesting answer.

I am currently still playing a character, a wizard level 6 named Eldessa, who's member of the Emerald Lodge.

As a member of the Everbloom Alliance I am also in contact with Nihimon in order to find a way to make RiverBank survive. I do not want to be responsible for the first bankruptcy of the game :) and whatever systemic risk that would result of it ...

Goblin Squad Member

Armenfrast wrote:
I do not want to be responsible for the first bankruptcy of the game :) and whatever systemic risk that would result of it ...

I wouldn't worry about that. One person is infinitely more than some settlements.

Goblin Squad Member

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sspitfire1 wrote:
I've come to the conclusion that the only thing we are paying for in this game is experience. We can play for free, even if the our subscription is not up to date. That doesn't take into account the premium we pay for EE access or the fact that our free months are automatically triggered when we log in and create our first character; but yeah. Pretty much covers it.

You are actually paying for the experience of being in at the start of a game that is only half formed and still in the making.

Maybe its a little bit like being one of the first owners of a new prototype sports car that still needs work but has possibilities.

People that want "value for money" in the sense of paying subs for a full fledged game experience should wait for OE.

The game may never takeoff in which case it will all have been an interesting exercise. On the other hand it might take off in which case there will be many PFO versions of the EVE players who say "I could have been in at the very start but decided it was too raw and buggy and unfinished for me, I regret that now." and those of us who stuck with it will be glad we did.

Goblinworks Executive Founder

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Neadenil Edam wrote:
Maybe its a little bit like being one of the first owners of a new prototype sports car that still needs work but has possibilities.

"This Monday, you will finally be able to buy our new model of Ferrari, the exceptional F-T801, at the incredible price of $3.9 million ! Enjoy the incredible thrill of sitting in what will be a state-of-the-art leather sit, but is really just a garden chair nailed on a skateboard for now.

Enjoy the excitement of our incredible V14, in a larger-than-life 1/16 numbered reproduction, before the shipment of your car (ETA soon©) !"

Goblin Squad Member

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That was funny Audo, really it was. But I'm having too much fun playing the game to care.

Goblin Squad Member

Audoucet wrote:
Neadenil Edam wrote:
Maybe its a little bit like being one of the first owners of a new prototype sports car that still needs work but has possibilities.

"This Monday, you will finally be able to buy our new model of Ferrari, the exceptional F-T801, at the incredible price of $3.9 million ! Enjoy the incredible thrill of sitting in what will be a state-of-the-art leather sit, but is really just a garden chair nailed on a skateboard for now.

Enjoy the excitement of our incredible V14, in a larger-than-life 1/16 numbered reproduction, before the shipment of your car (ETA soon©) !"

I am a huge fan of sarcasm, and this post gets my +1.

I think what has happened is that the "It has always been described as MVP" has lost its acceptance due to over use and in some cases misuse.

MVP is not appropriate for game features that have been industry standards for over 8 years. If GW could not provide that level of features, it should have let the game remain in alpha until they were ready.

That also goes for external support as well, in example, the Goblin Works forums. Players will not migrate to a forum that does not provide the basic features that ALL forums provide (seemingly except for Goblin Works' current forum). I'm sure someone's 5th grade tech class worked hard on it, but honestly I think paying customers deserve something a bit more professionally made.

So before we once again are subjected to the "It's MVP" yet another time, ask yourselves, "How many new customers have been drawn in?"

There is no buzz about this game, anywhere!!! Since the earliest stages of Alpha. Many people have seen it, possibly even tried it, and have rejected the MVP model.

Before the first 4 months of EE are over, there will need to be vast improvements in every aspect of the game. The fall off after month 4, will not be a small one if there isn't something that has at least a small measure of wow-factor.

Goblin Squad Member

Bluddwolf wrote:
MVP is not appropriate for game features that have been industry standards for over 8 years. If GW could not provide that level of features, it should have let the game remain in alpha until they were ready.

I'd say that one is purely opinion. Not that your opinion isn't at least as valuable as mine, but the only opinion that really matters is the developers'. It's their money that will go down the tubes, in vastly greater quantities than the most extravagant of ours, if their opinion is wrong. If they are willing to keep throwing money at it until it hits a point where it coincides with the expectations of enough gamers to sustain it, then their opinion will have been right, and they will make money.

The human race has already shown repeatedly that all but a miniscule fraction of us are awful at predicting the future. I predict anyone who looks at the game today and predicts its future is risking looking like a fool.

Goblin Squad Member

I'm hoping we will see within the next 2 weeks how quick they are able to deliver on the polish and adding features.

Goblin Squad Member

Jakaal wrote:
I'm hoping we will see within the next 2 weeks how quick they are able to deliver on the polish and adding features.

I think they have more than two weeks. It is when the first 4 months from the kick staters expire, and the consumers will be presented with the question, "Do I resub or not?"

That will be around April / May, and coincidently, that will be when Black Desert opens up to NA-EU Beta. I'm sure there are other MMOs with decent hype that will release or open alpha / beta around that same time period as well.

Goblin Squad Member

7 people marked this as a favorite.

I find the "2 years into a 5 year development" cycle rhetoric much more compelling than talking about MVP or alpha/beta.

The point that really put the game in perspective to me is that Goblinworks is letting people play the game while they are developing it. They are letting us see stuff in crappy, unfinished states that normally the public would never see and judge or comment on.

Depending on how frustrating said unfinished state is currently making me, I alternate between commending them for their bravery and innovation, and grumbling about playing an unfinished game.

But either way, it is really hard for me to compare PFO to the other games I play, because I've never had the opportunity to experience a game in this stage of development. Edit: I have participated in MMO betas before, but those were just PR opportunities for games that were basically done with development, essentially year 5 of the 5 year cycle.

Additionally, I think Goblinworks is being forced to do some tasks backwards.. Like normally you'd have your art assets and UI polished and worked on for years before letting hundreds of players connect remotely, but GW has decided to work on the network connections and server structure first, so we can at least connect to see the pitiful, unpolished UI. And that's not me disparaging them, its simply a choice of development strategy that isn't the model I'm accustomed to.

Goblin Squad Member

All MMOs are played while "in development." They are constantly changing and growing.

inXile did the similar thing with Wasteland 2. For the most part the first half of the game was given out to early backers to play and enjoy. All the while making changes depending on real time input from many players.

GW is doing the same thing. Release what they can now and allow those who are daring play and help the develop the game. As a player you need to be of the mentality of a pioneer. Some things will work and others (a lot of others) will not. But by getting actual interested players in now, you can get a better organic development that will in the end create a better game.

When EVE came out you had mining, production and hunting pirates. PFO has at least included a very basic land control system in place and player managed settlements.

So I think they are already in front of the curve.

Goblinworks Executive Founder

T7V Avari wrote:
That was funny Audo, really it was. But I'm having too much fun playing the game to care.

I actually wasn't criticising the game, but the stupid comparison. Because it has been weeks since I refrained from making comparisons with cars, about early access. I didn't because I actually try to not bother people, with my opinions.

But when I happened to fall on someone trying to use that very argument, but the other way around, I just couldn't resist. Because again, maybe it is a cultural difference I don't know, but were I am, which is near Italy, and Germany, we don't have such a thing as "early access musclecar".

Goblin Squad Member

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Idea for a new restaurant at a farm.

You get to see where the animals live, how they're treated, and learn something about how the farmers manage the herds.

You get to see where the vegetables are grown, dig your own hands into the soil and pull them from the ground, and learn something about the way those crops are managed.

You get to be present when the animal is slaughtered and butchered (if you want), see how the meat is aged, and watch expert chefs trim and cut it into portions.

You get to watch those chefs for hours as they prepare your meal, all the while learning about spices and cooking techniques.

And just when you start to hear the sizzle as that steak is put into the frying pan, you get to listen to someone b+#$! that they're hungry and this is a ridiculous way to feed people, and it's not even cooked, and no one wants to eat raw vegetables or bloody meat.

Goblinworks Executive Founder

Nihimon wrote:

Idea for a new restaurant at a farm.

You get to see where the animals live, how they're treated, and learn something about how the farmers manage the herds.

You get to see where the vegetables are grown, dig your own hands into the soil and pull them from the ground, and learn something about the way those crops are managed.

You get to be present when the animal is slaughtered and butchered (if you want), see how the meat is aged, and watch expert chefs trim and cut it into portions.

You get to watch those chefs for hours as they prepare your meal, all the while learning about spices and cooking techniques.

And just when you start to hear the sizzle as that steak is put into the frying pan, you get to listen to someone b+$%$ that they're hungry and this is a ridiculous way to feed people, and it's not even cooked, and no one wants to eat raw vegetables or bloody meat.

Your idea sucks.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Audoucet wrote:
Nihimon wrote:

Idea for a new restaurant at a farm.

You get to see where the animals live, how they're treated, and learn something about how the farmers manage the herds.

You get to see where the vegetables are grown, dig your own hands into the soil and pull them from the ground, and learn something about the way those crops are managed.

You get to be present when the animal is slaughtered and butchered (if you want), see how the meat is aged, and watch expert chefs trim and cut it into portions.

You get to watch those chefs for hours as they prepare your meal, all the while learning about spices and cooking techniques.

And just when you start to hear the sizzle as that steak is put into the frying pan, you get to listen to someone b+$%$ that they're hungry and this is a ridiculous way to feed people, and it's not even cooked, and no one wants to eat raw vegetables or bloody meat.

Your idea sucks.

Now that, that is irony.

Scarab Sages Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote:
Audoucet wrote:
Nihimon wrote:

Idea for a new restaurant at a farm.

You get to see where the animals live, how they're treated, and learn something about how the farmers manage the herds.

You get to see where the vegetables are grown, dig your own hands into the soil and pull them from the ground, and learn something about the way those crops are managed.

You get to be present when the animal is slaughtered and butchered (if you want), see how the meat is aged, and watch expert chefs trim and cut it into portions.

You get to watch those chefs for hours as they prepare your meal, all the while learning about spices and cooking techniques.

And just when you start to hear the sizzle as that steak is put into the frying pan, you get to listen to someone b+$%$ that they're hungry and this is a ridiculous way to feed people, and it's not even cooked, and no one wants to eat raw vegetables or bloody meat.

Your idea sucks.
Now that, that is irony.

Is it like rain on your wedding day?

Goblin Squad Member

KarlBob wrote:
Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote:
Audoucet wrote:
Nihimon wrote:

Idea for a new restaurant at a farm.

You get to see where the animals live, how they're treated, and learn something about how the farmers manage the herds.

You get to see where the vegetables are grown, dig your own hands into the soil and pull them from the ground, and learn something about the way those crops are managed.

You get to be present when the animal is slaughtered and butchered (if you want), see how the meat is aged, and watch expert chefs trim and cut it into portions.

You get to watch those chefs for hours as they prepare your meal, all the while learning about spices and cooking techniques.

And just when you start to hear the sizzle as that steak is put into the frying pan, you get to listen to someone b+$%$ that they're hungry and this is a ridiculous way to feed people, and it's not even cooked, and no one wants to eat raw vegetables or bloody meat.

Your idea sucks.
Now that, that is irony.
Is it like rain on your wedding day?

No. That's a coincidence. Audoucet thinking the idea of someone complaining about the raw state of something they paid to watch prepared isn't really irony either, but it's so close I can taste the blood in the meat.

Goblin Squad Member

Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote:
KarlBob wrote:
Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote:
Audoucet wrote:
Nihimon wrote:


Your idea sucks.
Now that, that is irony.
Is it like rain on your wedding day?
No. That's a coincidence. Audoucet thinking the idea of someone complaining about the raw state of something they paid to watch prepared isn't really irony either, but it's so close I can taste the blood in the meat.

But did you get to watch the meat get slaughtered?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kadere wrote:
Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote:
KarlBob wrote:
Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote:
Audoucet wrote:
Nihimon wrote:


Your idea sucks.
Now that, that is irony.
Is it like rain on your wedding day?
No. That's a coincidence. Audoucet thinking the idea of someone complaining about the raw state of something they paid to watch prepared isn't really irony either, but it's so close I can taste the blood in the meat.
But did you get to watch the meat get slaughtered?

Dammit. Now I want fresh slaughtered, slow aged meat and I WANT IT NOW! Cure you, Nihimon!

Edit: Or perhaps cure you...? Mmm... elf steaks....

Scarab Sages Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote:
KarlBob wrote:
Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote:
Audoucet wrote:
Nihimon wrote:

Idea for a new restaurant at a farm.

You get to see where the animals live, how they're treated, and learn something about how the farmers manage the herds.

You get to see where the vegetables are grown, dig your own hands into the soil and pull them from the ground, and learn something about the way those crops are managed.

You get to be present when the animal is slaughtered and butchered (if you want), see how the meat is aged, and watch expert chefs trim and cut it into portions.

You get to watch those chefs for hours as they prepare your meal, all the while learning about spices and cooking techniques.

And just when you start to hear the sizzle as that steak is put into the frying pan, you get to listen to someone b+$%$ that they're hungry and this is a ridiculous way to feed people, and it's not even cooked, and no one wants to eat raw vegetables or bloody meat.

Your idea sucks.
Now that, that is irony.
Is it like rain on your wedding day?
No. That's a coincidence. Audoucet thinking the idea of someone complaining about the raw state of something they paid to watch prepared isn't really irony either, but it's so close I can taste the blood in the meat.

Ok then, a free ride when you've already paid? Drat! Another coincidence. Ok, ok, what about good advice that you just didn't take? Surely that's ironic.

Edit: I'm gonna feel really old if Cal doesn't acknowledge the reference after three hints.

Scarab Sages Goblin Squad Member

sspitfire1 wrote:
Kadere wrote:
Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote:
KarlBob wrote:
Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote:
Audoucet wrote:
Nihimon wrote:


Your idea sucks.
Now that, that is irony.
Is it like rain on your wedding day?
No. That's a coincidence. Audoucet thinking the idea of someone complaining about the raw state of something they paid to watch prepared isn't really irony either, but it's so close I can taste the blood in the meat.
But did you get to watch the meat get slaughtered?

Dammit. Now I want fresh slaughtered, slow aged meat and I WANT IT NOW! Cure you, Nihimon!

Edit: Or perhaps cure you...? Mmm... elf steaks....

Guurzak could probably tell you how long to grill them for best flavor.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

lol, I got the reference after the first one KarlBob. ;)

Not to bring this thread anywhere near back to topic, but if any of the abandoned settlements are interested in selling, I posted a thread offering to buy the settlement and account for $500. It seems like a lot of you have contacts IRL with some of the settlements. My offer of cash is open to anyone.

Goblin Squad Member

KarlBob wrote:
Edit: I'm gonna feel really old if Cal doesn't acknowledge the reference after three hints.

Cal has no idea what you're talking about, and any resemblance between your original response and a song that he just complained last night in Teamspeak was stuck in his head is purely coincidental.

edit: And he was already in his thirties when "Jagged Little Pill" released

Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon wrote:

Idea for a new restaurant at a farm.

You get to see where the animals live, how they're treated, and learn something about how the farmers manage the herds.

You get to see where the vegetables are grown, dig your own hands into the soil and pull them from the ground, and learn something about the way those crops are managed.

You get to be present when the animal is slaughtered and butchered (if you want), see how the meat is aged, and watch expert chefs trim and cut it into portions.

You get to watch those chefs for hours as they prepare your meal, all the while learning about spices and cooking techniques.

And just when you start to hear the sizzle as that steak is put into the frying pan, you get to listen to someone b*~%@ that they're hungry and this is a ridiculous way to feed people, and it's not even cooked, and no one wants to eat raw vegetables or bloody meat.

I have an idea. Let's promote this idea based on the idea of that when the first course is prepared they'll have a tasty steak but there's nothing extra. Then let's serve the first course as a raw chunk of the poorest cut of beef with a whole heap up vegetables (that aren't that great either), and slide the rest of the plate away if the touch the beef, then say "the first course is for the vegetarians!"

People realized this game would be content light early on. They just didn't realize the little content they would deliver would suck.

Goblin Squad Member

Still sorry you're disappointed. Still enjoying my own.

Goblin Squad Member

Shaibes wrote:

I may be speaking for myself alone, but I suspect I actually represent a fair number of players. To date, I have not been sufficiently satisfied with the apparent state of the game to begin burning my prepaid months. I say apparent, because my impressions are not based on first-hand experience--how could they be? Rather, I rely on the forum, YouTube videos and anecdotes from other players.

Now, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the game has advanced significantly since the end of Alpha and I would be impressed with the progress if I activated my account. The problem is I'm kind of cheap, and I have an aversion to throwing money at things blindly.

You can make a decision on January 29 and have lost nothing. You'd have day-1 XP and still your full playing time ahead.

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