What are you hoping to see in Races of the Inner Sea ?

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My two biggest hopes...

A)Playable Dark Folk

B)More Changeling options

Yours ???

Grand Lodge

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More stuff for centaurs, or something very similar, including a player-friendly version that doesn't have an inflated RP. Maybe some in-world explanations/fluff on how humans can seemingly breed with anything.

Ms. Pleiades wrote:
some in-world explanations/fluff on how humans can seemingly breed with anything.

I want this especially after it was officially confirmed that there cannot be creatures that are one half orc and one half elf. Also that half-elves and half-orcs cannot breed. Weird stuff.

But in all seriousness, expansion of the Mwangi continent.

Grand Lodge

Adam B. 135 wrote:
Ms. Pleiades wrote:
some in-world explanations/fluff on how humans can seemingly breed with anything.

I want this especially after it was officially confirmed that there cannot be creatures that are one half orc and one half elf. Also that half-elves and half-orcs cannot breed. Weird stuff.

But in all seriousness, expansion of the Mwangi continent.

The Mwangi continent is called Garund, but still a good point. But the book is entitled "Races of the Inner Sea" and the southern parts of Garund fall out of that.

Honestly, a book on Either the rest of Garund, Arcadia, or Vudra would all be welcome, especially if they were all addressed in a hardcover. "Golarion Unbound".

Adam B. 135 wrote:
Ms. Pleiades wrote:
some in-world explanations/fluff on how humans can seemingly breed with anything.

I want this especially after it was officially confirmed that there cannot be creatures that are one half orc and one half elf. Also that half-elves and half-orcs cannot breed. Weird stuff.

But in all seriousness, expansion of the Mwangi continent.

Using the distant heritage rules from Bastards of Golarion, you COULD be 4/8th's elf, 4/8th's orc and 0/8th human. It's pretty close to a 1/2 elf/orc. (and 100% Golarion approved!)

Personally I'd like more stuff for pretty much all the races, but in any case, maybe an expansion of alternate favored class bonuses for the other races and just more race-specific archetypes. I'd love to see an Elf-only fighter archetype, a Halfling only witch archetype, etc.

Aneirin Rhodri wrote:
Personally I'd like more stuff for pretty much all the races, but in any case, maybe an expansion of alternate favored class bonuses for the other races and just more race-specific archetypes. I'd love to see an Elf-only fighter archetype, a Halfling only witch archetype, etc.

This sounds awesome but I'd like to see some of the less used races from the ARG see some love. Like give ALL the races FCB for ALL the classes, more race options for existing races, ect.

EDIT: and goblin monkeys! We need to see more of them. :)

Grand Lodge

Yeah, we need a plethora of FCB options for the new Hybrid classes for the Advanced Race Guide races.

I second more changeling options and some more FCBs for the new classes for the featured and uncommon races.

monkey goblins make it happen

Ms. Pleiades wrote:
Adam B. 135 wrote:
Ms. Pleiades wrote:
some in-world explanations/fluff on how humans can seemingly breed with anything.

I want this especially after it was officially confirmed that there cannot be creatures that are one half orc and one half elf. Also that half-elves and half-orcs cannot breed. Weird stuff.

But in all seriousness, expansion of the Mwangi continent.

The Mwangi continent is called Garund, but still a good point. But the book is entitled "Races of the Inner Sea" and the southern parts of Garund fall out of that.

Honestly, a book on Either the rest of Garund, Arcadia, or Vudra would all be welcome, especially if they were all addressed in a hardcover. "Golarion Unbound".

Thing is, the World Wound, Mendev, Brevoy, Irrisen, and many other countries are just as far away from the Inner Sea as the southern parts of Garund. So I really don't think it matters that much.

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Changelings definitely, preferably with more racial heritage options to account for more hag types than the usual green/sea/annis.

PF-updates for elves (and maybe dwarves), as their Player's Companion was caught in the transitional period from 3.5 to PF.

And +1 for 10-RP versions of more powerful races. Otherwise I'll have to homebrew them myself.

I would like to see more playable races, period.

It would be particularly nice to see more playable hybrid races, especially ones that don't include a human half. Ex. 1/2 orc, 1/2 dwarf.

I second the motion to flesh out the existing races more (as opposed to adding new ones, although I wouldn't mind seeing more hybrid types, and see below about an idea similar to D&D 3.5 Savage Species).

In the case of Changelings/Witchbloods (one example of fleshing out), also add options for characters to undergo metamorphosis without necessarily shifting towards Evil. Somebody has to be the Coven Anchor for that Coven Hex (and the equivalent Accursed Bloodline Arcana) to be even remotely useful . . . Speaking of which, also flesh out Covens, so that they have different abilities that depend upon member levels and decisions, rather than just fixed powerful but specialized abilities that are largely invariant with just a couple of exceptions based upon type of member.

Also, instead of being whole separate races, planetouched (Aasimar, Tiefling, etc.), Changelings, Elemental-touched (Ifrit, etc.), Fey-touched (might include Changelings here even though not technically Fey), Undead-touched (currently only Dhampir, but could be more) should be rebuilt as Templates applied to any Core (and some non-Core) race.

Also replace the broken Race Points system introduced by the Advanced Race Guide. This system just doesn't work (as extreme examples: Svirvneblins aren't terrible but no way are they anywhere near 24 RP good, and no way are Ifrits, Oreads, Sylphs, and Undines 6 RP to 7 RP bad).

With respect to Humans (but not most other Humanoids) being able to interbreed with everything, this is plausible as an example of a ring species, with Humans being in the middle of the ring (or actually multiple intersecting rings), although you'd think this would leave Half-Elves and Half-Orcs able to interbreed (since they're not sterile).

Also fix some of the brokenly bad Favored Class Bonuses (some of them are just traps, and some don't work with common archetypes -- see here).

If the new book was to add more powerful races, have options for starting everybody above 1st level so that those that have racial HD can be incorporated -- they would be out for campaigns starting at 1st level, but could be balanced in campaigns starting at a higher level, like Dark Sun used to do. Maturation classes for these like D&D 3.5's Savage Species had would be also not a bad idea -- Savage Species had some implementation flaws, but was at heart a good idea.

Adam B. 135 wrote:
Ms. Pleiades wrote:
Adam B. 135 wrote:
Ms. Pleiades wrote:
some in-world explanations/fluff on how humans can seemingly breed with anything.

I want this especially after it was officially confirmed that there cannot be creatures that are one half orc and one half elf. Also that half-elves and half-orcs cannot breed. Weird stuff.

But in all seriousness, expansion of the Mwangi continent.

The Mwangi continent is called Garund, but still a good point. But the book is entitled "Races of the Inner Sea" and the southern parts of Garund fall out of that.

Honestly, a book on Either the rest of Garund, Arcadia, or Vudra would all be welcome, especially if they were all addressed in a hardcover. "Golarion Unbound".

Thing is, the World Wound, Mendev, Brevoy, Irrisen, and many other countries are just as far away from the Inner Sea as the southern parts of Garund. So I really don't think it matters that much.

The difference being is that Southern Garund is as large or larger than Avistan, and has not even remotely been fleshed out. I don't expect at all to get any information on ethnicities/nationalities found outside the current "Inner Sea Region". This just isn't the venue to flesh out a new region

Spoiler 1:

Spoiler 2:
Just kidding, I don't want Kender. SMURFS!

Spoiler 3:
No, not Smurfs either. (I wonder if I will get a Smurfy avatar from inside a spoiler.)

What I really want is Ponies!

Spoiler 4:
Are we sure they mean Races as in species, maybe it's going to be a calendar of all horse and dog races in the Inner Sea so you can set up a good gambling ring.

Spoiler 5:

^What, no drag races?

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Okay I should clarify, I want to see changelings get the same changing ability scores that aasimar and tieflings get. It doesn't make since that the daughter of an Annis Hag has a bonus to wisdom and charisma with a penalty to constitution when her mother is a hulking brute.

I would like to see more love for non-core races like aasimar, tiefling, changelings, gillmen, androids, monkey goblins, ghoran, strix, merfolk, etc. I doubt we will see anything for lashunta, catfolk, syrinx, triaxian, trox, ratfolk, grippli, etc. since they are not specific to the Inner Sea. but I would love to see them in there as well;)

3 people marked this as a favorite.

From the department of expectation management: This book is going to focus HEAVILY on the core races, and not so much on the other races. Just as Inner Sea Gods compiled and expanded upon the deity articles we published in Pathfinder, so will Races of the Inenr Sea compile and expand upon the earlier race books we published in the Player Companion line; things like Elves of Golarion and Dwarves of Golarion, which are close to or are now out of print and/or have some early material from 3.5 or early Golarion that wasn't quite on model with where we are right now in Golarion.

There WILL be plenty of new stuff in the book though—never fear there—but the book's purpose is not to provide hundreds of pages of content on obscure races like lashunta, catfolk, triaxians, monkey goblans, ghorans, androids, etc.. Some of those will have some info in the book, some won't... but the bulk of it will be focused on humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, half-elves, half-orcs, and gnomes.

Creatures with racial hit dice, such as dark folk, aren't appropriate player choices and won't be represented in this book at all, really.

Grand Lodge

You know for a campaign setting where the God of Humanity, literal divine avatar of the human race, Aroden, is presumed dead, the setting lays the love thick on humans for mechanical options.

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HyperMissingno wrote:
Okay I should clarify, I want to see changelings get the same changing ability scores that aasimar and tieflings get. It doesn't make since that the daughter of an Annis Hag has a bonus to wisdom and charisma with a penalty to constitution when her mother is a hulking brute.

I would be delighted if more races got the variant heritages like the Aasimar/Tiefling/Skinwalker/Dhampir! Especially Changelings and the Planetouched have a lot of potential.

I also really hope the Samsaran get a bit more development - it's an incredibly cool race and I'd love to have some more options to bring out the past life aspect of the race.

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unless theres a couple of pages worth of material for monkey goblins my money stays in my pocket

Liberty's Edge

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1) A rule that allows for nonhuman races to pick their regional language. As it stands, a sylph that lived all her life in Taldor can't pick Taldane as a language (unless they spend Linguistics points). Of course I can house rule it, and have done so, but such a fundamental issue should not need to be house ruled.

2) More heritages (Blood of Fiends/Angels style) for non-core races. I especially want the other planetouched (geniekin) and different kinds of androids.

3) More alternate racial features for the "featured races" from Advanced Race Guide.

I don't expect "hundreds" of pages on non-core races, but I think about a hundred pages (less than half the book) would be nice. I'm certainly not going to plunk down my cash for two hundred pages of the same old same old retreads of the core races and reprints/tweaks of old material. There's a reason why I didn't buy Elves/Dwarves of Golarion, and did buy Blood of Fiends/Angels.

There are tons of potentially cool races in the Pathfinder campaign setting, but the rules options for each are incredibly underwhelming. I want to run androids, catfolk, lashunta, sylphs, undines, samsarans and many others, but right now I don't have enough building blocks for such characters. If Paizo can ever bring the "tertiary" races to the same level of building blockness as they did the aasimar/tieflings with Blood of Fiends/Angels, I will be a very happy person. I was hoping Inner Sea Races would help me with that, but if it's just going to be a lot of stuff on the core races, I may have to reconsider preordering it.

A re-writing of the Skinwalker to make them not suck so hard would be nice. Why in the gods' names do they need to take (in many cases) a -6 penalty to Charisma? And only get their second stat bonus while transformed? +2/+2/-2/-4 is the worst stat array in the game, unless I'm mistaken.

More Racial Feat options for the races with scarcer ones. Tieflings, Aasimar, and Drow get a lot of love in that regard, as did Orcs and Goblins and the other "Monstrous" races.

Give some to the OTHER Planetouched, and the Dhampir (it has some, but they all either suck or give you "negative Karma"). Something for Lizardfolk would be cool.

Some new races. A Half-Dwarf would be nice.

And, as has been stated, FCBs for the Hybrid classes for all the other races, or at least the Featured ones.

Preferably ones that AREN'T simply a re-hash of that race's FCB for one of the base classes.

Racial Paragon classes, something in the 1-20 levels variety.

Rynjin, where are you getting a -6 to cha for Skinwalkers from?

I hope there will be plenty of racial feats, I love those, especially for non-core races.

Dragon78 wrote:
Rynjin, where are you getting a -6 to cha for Skinwalkers from?

All Skinwalkers take a -4 to Charisma and Charisma based skill checks while transformed.

Additionally, two of the variants (and the best 2, often) have a -2 Charisma at ALL times.

Even the ones that don't, take a -2 to some other stat, so instead of +2/+2/-6, it's +2/+2/-4/-2, so same net "bonus" of -2 on stats when transformed.

Tom Rex wrote:
From the department of expectation management: This book is going to focus HEAVILY on the core races, and not so much on the other races.

The more "HEAVILY" it's focused on those core races the less interested I am become. As someone that owns all the 'blank' of Golarion books, a collected re-hash of them holds no excitement.

Tom Rex wrote:
There WILL be plenty of new stuff in the book though—never fear there—but the book's purpose is not to provide hundreds of pages of content on obscure races like lashunta, catfolk, triaxians, monkey goblans, ghorans, androids, etc.. Some of those will have some info in the book, some won't... but the bulk of it will be focused on humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, half-elves, half-orcs, and gnomes.

For me, that new stuff would have to be stunningly awesome. For me, I'd much rather have the main thrust/bulk be a focus on those obscure races and making all the non-core race get viable option and the crumbs/leftovers go to the core races. Basically the reverse of what Tom Rex said it's going to be. This is going to be a book I browse at BAM instead of buying when it comes out.

Rynjin wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
Rynjin, where are you getting a -6 to cha for Skinwalkers from?

All Skinwalkers take a -4 to Charisma and Charisma based skill checks while transformed.

Additionally, two of the variants (and the best 2, often) have a -2 Charisma at ALL times.

Even the ones that don't, take a -2 to some other stat, so instead of +2/+2/-6, it's +2/+2/-4/-2, so same net "bonus" of -2 on stats when transformed.

The way to read that is "All Skinwalkers take a -4 to (Charisma and Charisma based skill) checks while transformed." and NOT as a stat reduction. It's poorly written, but reading it that way falls in line with other abilities that affect rolls.

Tom Rex wrote:

From the department of expectation management: This book is going to focus HEAVILY on the core races, and not so much on the other races. Just as Inner Sea Gods compiled and expanded upon the deity articles we published in Pathfinder, so will Races of the Inenr Sea compile and expand upon the earlier race books we published in the Player Companion line; things like Elves of Golarion and Dwarves of Golarion, which are close to or are now out of print and/or have some early material from 3.5 or early Golarion that wasn't quite on model with where we are right now in Golarion.

There WILL be plenty of new stuff in the book though—never fear there—but the book's purpose is not to provide hundreds of pages of content on obscure races like lashunta, catfolk, triaxians, monkey goblans, ghorans, androids, etc.. Some of those will have some info in the book, some won't... but the bulk of it will be focused on humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, half-elves, half-orcs, and gnomes.

Creatures with racial hit dice, such as dark folk, aren't appropriate player choices and won't be represented in this book at all, really.

Well my interest level just tanked substantially...

Don't get me wrong, I would love more information on...for example Mordant Spire Elves.....but all in all the core races are heavily covered by existing books...they hardly need yet another book.

Tom Rex wrote:

From the department of expectation management: This book is going to focus HEAVILY on the core races, and not so much on the other races. Just as Inner Sea Gods compiled and expanded upon the deity articles we published in Pathfinder, so will Races of the Inenr Sea compile and expand upon the earlier race books we published in the Player Companion line; things like Elves of Golarion and Dwarves of Golarion, which are close to or are now out of print and/or have some early material from 3.5 or early Golarion that wasn't quite on model with where we are right now in Golarion.

There WILL be plenty of new stuff in the book though—never fear there—but the book's purpose is not to provide hundreds of pages of content on obscure races like lashunta, catfolk, triaxians, monkey goblans, ghorans, androids, etc.. Some of those will have some info in the book, some won't... but the bulk of it will be focused on humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, half-elves, half-orcs, and gnomes.

Creatures with racial hit dice, such as dark folk, aren't appropriate player choices and won't be represented in this book at all, really.

Funny. This just made me more excited. Doing for Golarion races what Inner Sea Gods did for the separate buried-in-APs god articles, well, just count me in.

EDIT: Has anyone heard when Inner Sea Races will be available for preorder here?

I was really exited when they first announced this book but when I found out it was more focused on the core races(especially human) my interest did lower. But I am glad that at least some non-core races would get some love, wish I knew wich of the non-core races will be in this book.

Yeah, I reread the Skinwalker's stats again and I remember what your talking about now.

Has there been an actual release date for this book yet?

Tom Rex wrote:

From the department of expectation management: This book is going to focus HEAVILY on the core races, and not so much on the other races. Just as Inner Sea Gods compiled and expanded upon the deity articles we published in Pathfinder, so will Races of the Inenr Sea compile and expand upon the earlier race books we published in the Player Companion line; things like Elves of Golarion and Dwarves of Golarion, which are close to or are now out of print and/or have some early material from 3.5 or early Golarion that wasn't quite on model with where we are right now in Golarion.

There WILL be plenty of new stuff in the book though—never fear there—but the book's purpose is not to provide hundreds of pages of content on obscure races like lashunta, catfolk, triaxians, monkey goblans, ghorans, androids, etc.. Some of those will have some info in the book, some won't... but the bulk of it will be focused on humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, half-elves, half-orcs, and gnomes.

Creatures with racial hit dice, such as dark folk, aren't appropriate player choices and won't be represented in this book at all, really.

I'm happy to see Elves and Dwarves of Golarion getting a true Pathfinder upgrade (both books are 3.5 if I'm on point). These were some of the first Pathfinder books I picked up, and I really enjoyed how the writers, designers, and editors made "Pathfinder Elves" and "Pathfinder Dwarves" unique and new to the game. I can still see the underpinnings of the races from previous versions both literary and edition-ally, but they grew so much more dynamic and unique in Pathfinder. Dwarf casters, Elf barbarians; who knew?

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I, for one, welcome a book that will focus on the Core Seven as opposed to the recent streak of Mos Eisley Cantina races.

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Gorbacz wrote:
I, for one, welcome a book that will focus on the Core Seven as opposed to the recent streak of Mos Eisley Cantina races.

Gorbacz got married and suddenly he became conservative fantasy traditionalist...

EDIT: Or traditional fantasy conservative?

I hope this book has at least one new race that is not a variation of any of the core races.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Drejk wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
I, for one, welcome a book that will focus on the Core Seven as opposed to the recent streak of Mos Eisley Cantina races.

Gorbacz got married and suddenly he became conservative fantasy traditionalist...

EDIT: Or traditional fantasy conservative?

No, Gorbacz realized that everybody in his 3 PF groups plays the core 7, except that one guy who plays a half-aasimar half-skinwalker furry wolfman wizard with cat eyes, floral breath and a flaming halo in the shape of an infinity symbol floating above his head.

Yes, I need some traditionalist beer drinking rude obnoxious elves for a change.

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Tom Rex wrote:

From the department of expectation management: This book is going to focus HEAVILY on the core races, and not so much on the other races...

...but the bulk of it will be focused on humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, half-elves, half-orcs, and gnomes.

Eh, never mind. The last thing I want is another book about the stereotypical Tolkienesque races.

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My realistic hope is that we will get more art, details and mechanics for things like Snowcaster elves, Pahmet dwarves, etc. I find a lot of the variant cultures to be a bit more interesting than the regular versions

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
pickin_grinnin wrote:
Tom Rex wrote:

From the department of expectation management: This book is going to focus HEAVILY on the core races, and not so much on the other races...

...but the bulk of it will be focused on humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, half-elves, half-orcs, and gnomes.
Eh, never mind. The last thing I want is another book about the stereotypical Tolkienesque races.

Golarion's Elves, Gnomes and various Human ethinicities are definitely not stereotypical Tolkienesque.

Dwarves are, but who cares about them anyway?


The news about the book concentrating on the core races actually makes me much more excited about this product. Deepening and complicating the options available for them not only strikes me as having a much broader appeal than a catalog of less-common races, but may also be an invitation for those folks who create characters with mechanical benefits firmly in mind to lend their creativity and energy to invigorating concepts for humans, gnomes, dwarves, elves, halflings, half-elves, and half-orcs. I'm looking forward to it!

Liberty's Edge

pickin_grinnin wrote:
Tom Rex wrote:

From the department of expectation management: This book is going to focus HEAVILY on the core races, and not so much on the other races...

...but the bulk of it will be focused on humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, half-elves, half-orcs, and gnomes.
Eh, never mind. The last thing I want is another book about the stereotypical Tolkienesque races.

The Golarion Races are far from Tolkienesque.

Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, and Hobbits...I mean Halflings, there is nothing Tolkienesque about these guys;)

After Inner Sea Gods, I am not sure why people felt there would be tons of support for new/minor races. It seems sort of obvious to me that the book was meant as a compilation/update/expansion of the "races of..." series, which is now complete for the core 7, and a lot of the more uncommon races.

Inner Sea Gods kind of did the same thing for the core gods..while there is info on other gods, it's definitely not the major component of the book.

Liberty's Edge

Well, I expected a compilation of race material, but I expected that Blood of Fiends/Angels/Night/et al. would also be included in addition to the Of Golarions, since they're just as much race Player Companions. I also vaguely recall the blurb mentioning that the book includes heritages, which instantly made me think of Fiends/Angels.

I hope that if the dhampir heritages are included in a table somewhere, they're the fixed ones that we got on the forums a month or two ago, and now the original broken ones in Blood of Night.

I guess I expected some information on how the core seven differed in the inner sea, but more expansion on races not so often used as PC characters (Drow, Changelings, Gillmen, Darkfolk, Strix, etc...etc...)
Between the existing race books (all of the core seven, + all of the "Blood of" books, and Bastards of Golarion), and ethnic information already spread through all of the other material.....they are already more than well covered.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Dragon78 wrote:
Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, and Hobbits...I mean Halflings, there is nothing Tolkienesque about these guys;)

Oh I forgot that Tolkien invented humans, silly bag I am.

Liberty's Edge

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Of course he didn't invent humans any more than he invented dwarves, but the basic racial makeup of a fantasy world -- that a fantasy world consists of those specific races -- is in large part due to him.

I think there is a good chance we will get stuff for Drow, Duergar, and Gillmen since they are variations of Elf, Dwarf, and Human respectively and big part of the campaign setting. Now as for other stranger or lesser known/used races we might get some stuff for a few of them.

Here is a list of all 0HD races in pathfinder to date.
17)Goblin, Monkey

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