You can take "Racial Heritage" after 1st level?

Rules Questions

Is there any FAQ or errata that says you can only take Racial Heritage at 1st level? I couldn't find anything, but I wanted to ask anyway. While I kind of see where you could find out or such after, I was wondering as I am making a character that is a battleaxe wielding swashbuckler. I want her to be human but have dwarf heritage, but I'd have to forego racial heritage until 3rd level in order to use the battleaxes at 1st level (as her two feats as a human would need to go to weapon focus and slashing grace (weapon finesse she gets from her class)

That's all cool, right?

AbsolutGrndZer0 wrote:
That's all cool, right?

Should be, it's just a feat.

Yeah, perfectly fine. From a role playing perspective, you would have always had the heritage but it didn't really manifest or make itself known until 3rd level.

The feat has no limitation on when it can be taken.

I prefer to think of it as you having been exposed to elf cooties or something.

It'd just be an expression of your heritage coming out later than usual.

Even more farfetched, you can take additional traits at level 19 and take the Adopted trait.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

You can take Adopted at any level through Additional Traits.

EDIT: Ninja'd. I have nothing intriguing to add to the discussion now. =[

Sorry Xethik ! Time's tend to be with me.

Okay, thanks yeah. Mostly part of the reason I want to take it is both for roleplay and for some later dwarf feats... like Ironguts and Ironskin... and for the swashbuckler favored class bonus :D

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