3 people marked this as a favorite.
In case you missed it in theheadkase's "List of Items" thread:
theheadkase wrote: Ok I created a new sheet because I don't know if I can set permissions on separate sheets.
Everyone can add to this list.
I've added all of the items I've seen so far to that list.
I added one, Most I have seen are on there already.
be careful not add only your own item, so that you do not self identify
My item was already on the list :) I am surprised by the number I keep coming across that are not on the list.
Added a bit over 10 or so. Back to voting. Will probably add more, later, didn't get past "o"
Finally a list that has my item, haven't seen it during the voting yet.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
I've added a few, but will add more as I have time (limited today and tomorrow).
My item is on that list. That makes me happy that at least somebudy has seen it. I have not seen my own item yet.
Some of the names of those items, though, really stand out to me and I really want to see what they do!!
I've added a statistics sheet to the document. It counts everything on its own, so manual changes are not required.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
You need another row to count the entries not given an item type ?
Anthony Adam wrote: You need another row to count the entries not given an item type ? Added, seems to work.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
What does this mean?
Number of unique pairs
Azouth wrote: What does this mean?
Number of unique pairs
That's the number of unique pairs of items that can turn up to be voted on. Assuming any item can be paired with any other item and selection is truly random, of course.
Azouth wrote: What does this mean?
Number of unique pairs
If you have 2 items you have 1 unique pair.
If you have 3 items you have 2 unique pairs.
I love whoever started this list. It makes me feel so good seeing my item on it. Thank you all so much. Now back to voting.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
I wonder why there are so many more weapons then anything else.
Azouth wrote: I wonder why there are so many more weapons then anything else. Dunno. It is the hardest category. You can't upgrade named weapons, so it needs to be a nice weapon for 8,000 to 16,000 gp and something you would abandon when you get to be 10th level or so. Most of these items are either too powerful or too expensive.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
28 more votes and I am dedicated, I can then run through adding items from my list if any arent listed already :)
I've been adding any that aren't in there as I run across them in voting.
764 items so far! WOW.
Many thanks for people putting this together. I can now stop obsessing that I somehow forgot to hit submit on my entry.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Christmas pressie wrapping done! 4 hours >.<
Time to celebrate with more voting, obsessing and forum post reading >.<
Happy Holidays all - I left work on Friday, so I am officially on holiday - kind of, this voting job still takes my time! ;P
Oh I see that thing with the crazy name that some people have mentioned.
I hope I come across it in voting as I am super curious about it now.
I see my item in the list, but I still haven't seen it in my voting pairs.
I'm going to assume that it has been upvoted every time. :D
Cool, my item is on the list so that means at least one person has actually seen it:)
Someone will need to start a new list post cull.
Clay, planning on putting that in a 2nd tab on the existing sheet.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Added an item that has the same name as one already there. The two items are not alike, but many people may not be aware of that. I put a (2) after the name to distinguish it.
I have added a bunch, but most of what I am seeing is already there.
Ok thanks Feros!
I did a quick sweep and cleaned out a couple duplicates...I may have done so to the one you added.
Also, I see that folks have removed BB Code from names, let's keep that trend up so it's easier to maintain the uniqueness of the list.
Please remember to strip BB Code out of the item name when you add it to the list.
And jezz Feros, already a Marathon Voter. They may have to make a new Category for you this year
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Andrew Black wrote: And jezz Feros, already a Marathon Voter. They may have to make a new Category for you this year Thanks, but others made it there before me as they do every year. I am not alone!
Azouth wrote: I wonder why there are so many more weapons then anything else. I think a lot of it has to do with weapons being more immediately evocative. The really flashy, lethal, destructive effects translate best to weapons, and on top of that, named and magical weapons are very common in fiction so there's a large base to draw from.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Garrett Guillotte wrote: No beards. Yet.
Also, I'm wondering how close this list is getting to complete.
I mean, we'll never know how many were DQ'ed but I have to imagine that we are getting pretty close to critical mass of the pool of votable items.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Feros wrote: Andrew Black wrote: And jezz Feros, already a Marathon Voter. They may have to make a new Category for you this year Thanks, but others made it there before me as they do every year. I am not alone! You made it before me by hours.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Azouth wrote: Feros wrote: Andrew Black wrote: And jezz Feros, already a Marathon Voter. They may have to make a new Category for you this year Thanks, but others made it there before me as they do every year. I am not alone! You made it before me by hours. Fellow two-time Champion voter Thomas LeBlanc got there long before me, as did GM_Solspiral.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
I dig some of the names on the list, Haven't seen many that I haven't voted on yet. But I think there's still a few more to see.
michael patrick wrote: Oh I see that thing with the crazy name that some people have mentioned.
I hope I come across it in voting as I am super curious about it now.
I had the exact same reaction. Still haven't seen it, but I keep looking. :)
Someone put my item on the list! Hooray!!
I see there are 300k+ possible pairs. Are those pairs divided by all voters or each voter has a 300k+ pool of pairs?
Each voter could theoretically see 300k+ different pairs.
However, I'm quite certain even our dedicated Champions don't have that kind of inhuman speed and stamina. Plus there's that pesky 60 second delay timer...
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Lady Firedove wrote: Each voter could theoretically see 300k+ different pairs.
However, I'm quite certain even our dedicated Champions don't have that kind of inhuman speed and stamina. Plus there's that pesky 60 second delay timer...
I'll add in that I have seen the same pairings multiple times. The process is fairly random.
Yet we "give" other members a pair when we hit the "both items are bad/good" button?

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
goldomark wrote: Yet we "give" other members a pair when we hit the "both items are bad/good" button? Yes. If a randomly generated pair gets no comparison, it moves on until someone votes one way or another. Then new pairings are generated.
There have been a number of discussions on the complexity of it all. The point in general is to create a system that:
A) Can't be gamed: You can't organize a vote block for an item or stuff ballots. You can only up-vote or down-vote various pairs.
B) Moves the better items up and the not-so-good down: Note that the best doesn't necessarily become number one with this system. Because of the random pairings and personal opinions, what might win a straight popularity poll or be lauded the most by the judges could come in anywhere in the top 50 or so. That is why the results of the voting don't determine the results; they just filter what the judges will look at for their decisions.
C) Generates better results with more involvement: The higher the number of votes, even from a few individuals, increases the accuracy of the results. So this engages the voting populace to get in and vote as much as they can and become invested in the process. The more people involved, the more publicity and the more buzz about Paizo and their products and services.
Makes sense now.
Is it true that if you do not see an item a lot it means it gets more up votes?
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
goldomark wrote: Makes sense now.
Is it true that if you do not see an item a lot it means it gets more up votes?
Not necessarily, but it does seem to be the case with the following caveat:
Or more down votes. The really bad and the really good are more easily placed by the system, so get thrown back in the soup when the vote number totals shift too much. I'm not sure of the stats involved; you'd have to ask an expert.
Earthbreaker of experts
Slice the air in front of you and a rift in space/time will open. An expert will come out of the dimensional rift and answer one question. This sword is +1 masterwork.
Cost: 200,001 gp
Wow, more rings than armor. Color me surprised.
Also, I have suspicions that our single Wondrous Item is a judge entry. ;)
Mine isn't on the list and I haven't come across it - time to start thinking of reasons it was DQ'd. Man, sometimes imagination can be a disadvantage (as in imagining reasons for DQ, not claiming my item was in some more more imaginative than any others!!