Invisibility and Traps

Rules Questions

Scarab Sages

Hopefully a simple answer, can I deploy traps while under the effects of invisibility?

In example, a ranger trap, can I place one (full round action) while invisible (level 2 version, probably via potion)? It does list that I can remote detonate traps, but no mention if I can deploy them.

Does it directly target an enemy when you set it ? No.

Let's compare with something similar : you can summon monsters while invisible, and you can direct them to attack, without breaking Invisibility.

So, it shouldn't be a problem to set traps while invisible.

I like Margaret Weis's Lamentations of the Flame Princess description for Invisibility spell when handling invisibility:

"With this spell the Magic-User frightens the light of the world, causing it to avoid the subject of the spell... If the subject makes any sort of offensive action ... that action enrages the world's light so much that it attempts to attack the subject, resulting in the invisibility being dispelled...".


I'll agree, summons, traps, glyphs, walls of x, and all other such indirect but still potentially harmful abilities shouldn't remove invisibility.

Now if you have the ability which lets you fire a trap directly at the opponent's face, that's another issue all together.

Trapper Rangers actually can shoot people in the face with traps, funnily enough.

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