UnArcaneElection |
I tend to look for an interesting RP angle before building the character.
{. . .}
+1 on this. I have come up with a bunch of concepts of different characters for different APs, covering many of the Core and APG clasaes. Having said that, I would foremost like to be able to play something; haven't gotten into a PbP yet. Maybe after I get back from Christmas/New Years travels.
spectrevk |
What would you say is the most fun class to play?
At low levels?
At mid levels?
At high levels?Oh, here's the kicker, why?
I ask this, 'cause I have been playing a wizard lately, and while manipulating the universe and whatnot is great stuff, the homework related to it is not. Because I don't want to hold the party up when my turn comes, when it's not my turn I'm pouring through half a dozen different books looking up how the next spell I am going to cast is going to affect, the stats of monsters I might summon, keeping a running track of those spells that are still going, etc. That aspect of it has not been fun at all.
Nobody likes to suck, so power is an issue, obviously, but I think there's more I haven't been considering lately.
Not tier-comparison, not broken vs fixed, none of that. What is fun to play?
There's a really fun Harrow-based prestige class in the Inner Sea World Guide (Harrower, I think?) that's a blast to play. You get all kinds of random buffs and stuff you can do, plus random improvements to your spells based on the cards.
It sounds though, like your problem is that you've got too much paperwork. Maybe you should try something a bit more straightforward, like a Magus or a Paladin.
Ashiel |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
What would you say is the most fun class to play?
At low levels?
At mid levels?
At high levels?Oh, here's the kicker, why?
I ask this, 'cause I have been playing a wizard lately, and while manipulating the universe and whatnot is great stuff, the homework related to it is not. Because I don't want to hold the party up when my turn comes, when it's not my turn I'm pouring through half a dozen different books looking up how the next spell I am going to cast is going to affect, the stats of monsters I might summon, keeping a running track of those spells that are still going, etc. That aspect of it has not been fun at all.
Nobody likes to suck, so power is an issue, obviously, but I think there's more I haven't been considering lately.
Not tier-comparison, not broken vs fixed, none of that. What is fun to play?
It depends on a lot of variables including but not limited to:
1. Your playstyle (classes do things differently).
2. Your current interest (what you feel like doing).
3. Your mechanics (how you want to do it).
4. Your setting (anything about the game making X or Y more interesting).
5. Your GM (a GM might play favorites or be biased for/against certain playstyles and/or interests).
6. Individual preference (a lot of people hate micromanaging things like spellbooks, while some players like myself find it fun; some people hate vancian casting but love psionics; some people don't want to deal with magic and just want to hit things with an axe; etc).
Generally speaking, a better balanced/well-rounded/not-underpowered class helps as well since you are more inclined to participate in more portions of the game rather than going to play Smash Bros. while the party is dealing with *insert combat/non-combat/social/downtime/other gameplay subtheme*.
Puna'chong |
I have a player right now in one of my campaigns playing a luck-based halfling Skald, and it's hilarious. I'm a sucker for any character who has "lucky son of a gun" as a character perk, and this guy delivers pretty well. And having a little dude doing all of the intimidating (his actual character name is "Tidwizzle Sparkanakopitas, 'The Feared'") and raging songs is great.
I like the Skald class quite a bit. The barbarian rage powers are coming into play quite a lot, and when the whole party is rolling with Superstition and Witch Hunter they're pretty nasty.
DeusTerran |
Beast Master Cavalier wielding an earth-shaker and riding a Rhino (Based him off of Rampage from HoN) I was allowed a few 3rd party feats. I was a fairly decent wall for the party, but on the all powerful CHARGE! (with orchestral musical accompaniment) I could take out chunks. He was the most fun I had recently.
Gregory Connolly |
Cleric. Druid. Wizard.
I am one of those fussy players that gets bored easily. Being able to flip through my spells during other players turns is a good thing. Otherwise I would be spending most of my effort on not talking. I love having a huge spell list and being able to say give me a minute/hour/day and I got this. I did have fun with my Alchemist, and I currently enjoy my Bloodrager and my Bard, but give me 9/9 casting any day and I'm happy. Sorcerer and Oracle are cool, but I like the challenge of preparing spells.
Oddly, I will ditch all of the casters to play a rogue in a heartbeat. If and only if WBL doesn't hamstring my ability to treat your campaign like a game of Grand Theft Auto. I'm mature enough to get explicit permission to do this first, though even people who give me permission often later regret it. I love crime movies and novels, so if I get to take on the role of master heist planner I take it without a second thought.
Tonlim |
I've got a soft spot for the oracle. The combination of mysteries and curses (which we need a whole lot more of Paizo!) makes for an incredibly diverse pallet of flavor, especially with some reskinning. I also enjoy getting armor as a caster, and the cleric list is less daunting than the wizard one when it comes to spell selection.
Other favorites of mine are the slayer, archeologist bard and the upcoming medium. But the only classes I kind of dislike are the vanilla druid, hunter, cavalier and magus, though archetypes makes just about everything better!
Davor |
For me, it's the "reveal" of a spellcaster who turns out to be far more powerful than is initially assumed by their enemies.
The venerable and helpless crone who overpowers the mighty warrior, disarming him of his own sword and impaling him upon it. Or the simple forest hermit who transforms into a horrible monster and suddenly bites the storm giant in half. Or the little halfling girl who petrifies a demigod. Or the bent-backed wizard with stronger melee might than many of the world's strongest warriors.
I've gotta second this sentiment. I don't really like playing full casters, but I'm playing in a game with a character that's going into Eldritch Knight via Transmuter and Bloodrager, and I'm the 3rd weakest party member stat-wise, but when I go into an Enlarged Blood Rage, there is almost no stopping me. I got a crit that made the DM cringe last game. XD
L'cutus |
My personal progression:
I ask two questions:
What does the party need? (Because I like to feel useful)
What haven't I played before?
What Alignments do I enjoy (mostly CG) vs. what fits the campaign/party? I generally avoid LG unless the party agrees we are all going to be within one-step (or so) steps of LG.
What classes fit this criteria?
Then I spend some time narrowing my options based on what looks interesting and what my character's "thing" will be.
Or if pressed for time, I pick a CG Cleric since they are always useful and fun for me. Having a spell list of "YES!" essentially means you can start out at level one and figure out a path as you go.