Is this spell worth it for a Magus?


New spell from Giant Hunters Handbook, lots of great stuff in this book.
But is this spell worth taking and what would you do with it?

School evocation [sonic]; Level bloodrager 3, magus 4,
sorcerer/wizard 5, witch 6
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a small rune carved from stone)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature or object
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw see text; Spell Resistance see text

This spell charges magical runes to an explosive degree. If
cast on a creature with magical runes on its body, such as a
rune giant or a runescarred creature (Pathfinder Campaign
Setting: Lost Cities of Golarion 60), it deals 1d6 points of sonic
damage per caster level (maximum 20d6) to the target and
stuns the target for 1 round. When the spell is cast in this way,
it must overcome the target’s spell resistance. A successful
Will save halves the damage and negates the stun effect.

The spell can also be cast on other magical runes, such
as those from arcane mark or explosive runes. In this case,
the resulting explosion deals 1d8 points of sonic damage per
2 caster levels (maximum 10d8) to all creatures within a 5-foot
radius. Creatures in the area that succeed at a Reflex save take
half damage. This spell doesn’t destroy runes; targeted runes
continue to function normally. Mundane runes, such as ones
in writing or runic tattoos, cannot be affected by this spell.

The first part of the spell is so specific that it will only come up in a handful of campaigns. The second part is interesting and potentially useful (hooray turning a letter into a remote mine), but it's still not a lot of effect compared to other spells of the same level.

Overall I'd say it's interesting enough to add to your spellbook if you already have what you need because you never know when it might come up. It's a spell I'd add to the "interesting and flavorful enough to own it, but really not all that useful" category.

Agree with chaoseffect on this one. Those 3 times you use it, it's pretty cool, but it won't be your go-to spell at any time.

It's an awful spell. The first ability is decent, but way too specific to be useful generally (and magus will have poor DCs so the stun is unlikely to trigger). Sonic is a nice damage type, but 1d8/2 levels is VERY poor for a 4th level spell that needs a setup. With the same slot you could be casting intensified, empowered shocking grasp for a more reliable attack that does 22d6 damage (77 average) plus weapon damage by the time this is doing 7d8 (31.5 average), even without magical lineage shenanigans.

This is one of those spells a wizard with an item bond or an arcanist might have in his spellbook if he suspects rune covered creatures may possibly come up. It's not something you would memorise as a magus.

Yeah the first part of the description I wish it just flat out said if it qualify if Arcane Mark was on the creature. That would be nice.

The 2nd part however would allow you to put an Arcane Mark on something and later be able to blow it up about 50ft+ away. Sonic damage in a 5ft radius. Doesn't sonic do full damage to objects?

Somebody will come up with a plan for this I'm sure.

I really like it, but it is kind of weak. Might be best used on a card caster or mymidarch, though, so you don't blow yourself up. I love the idea, though, you can arcane mark someone or mark up the battlefield and then blow it up. Just wish it did more damage.

It's a nifty spell, but I feel like it isn't one a Magus will use all that much. I'd put it in your spellbook if you happen to find a scroll of it somewhere or something like that, but I think you have more useful spells to prepare on a regular basis.

That being said, I hope my RotRL players never find this spell.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Worth preparing? Probably not. Worth knowing though? Definitely, since any magus over 7th-level with a blessed book should know all the spells on the magus list for free, there's literally no reason not to learn it, despite how restrictive it may be.

mplindustries wrote:
I really like it, but it is kind of weak. Might be best used on a card caster or mymidarch, though, so you don't blow yourself up. I love the idea, though, you can arcane mark someone or mark up the battlefield and then blow it up. Just wish it did more damage.

I think it's perfect for a card caster!

"Ha, you missed!"
"Wait for it...." BOOM!

Now, why isn't this a bard spell?

Too bad the wording isn't so it detonates all runes on the target, so you could stack up arcane runes with spellcombat/spellstrike, and then detonate all of them at once.

Also, it's a lvl4 spell, those slots are kinda few to be wasted on this as is imo.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

It's taking one of your precious 4th level spots. So I'm inclined to agree with the others. Situationally spiffy so nice to learn...but probably not a primary go-to spell.

I can think of one potential combo for it - use Spellstrike to hit a creature with Arcane Mark, then on the following round(s) use Runic Overload. Assuming a creature marked with Arcane Mark counts for the "having magical runes on its body" part of the spell, they'd take the 1d6/lvl damage.

Still not great, but maybe not entirely useless (I'm working on my Magus guide at the moment, and I think it's a pretty nifty spell).

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