Eigengrau |
On the fence about 2 types of Horizon Walker builds . One would be Zen4/Ninja2/Horizon10/Zen4 & maybe a Inquis3/Ninja3/Horizon3/Ninja11. The latter to just grab the Dervish feats & Opportunist & a couple teamwork feats.
The part I can't decide on for the Zen build for sure is what terrain dominances & whether or not to get the dervish abilities too. I also want the snapshot tree for the Zen build.

Eigengrau |
There's also a Sensei build in there - it gets WIS to attack from level 2.
I think I might be missing some of your post.
I wanted Zen, instead of Sensei or Sohei, for the amount of free bow feats in those 8 levels. I don't think I'll have enough feats to grab dervish stuff though. I want Deadly Aim, improved initiative, clustered shots maybe, combat reflexes and the snaphot feats.
So I think that leaves me with 1 talent/trick & 4 feats to apply to Extra terrain abilities. So as far as Zen/Horizon goes, I need to figure out how many terrains& how pumped up I want them to be. Also which ones.
Thought about Abyss, Urban & Mountains. With a campaign supposedly going mythic I'm stumped, but leaning towards outerplanar stuff.

Eigengrau |
Now I'm unsure if I really need H.Walker in the Zen build at all.
I want to play a Zen Archer but really don't want to just be a Zen Archer I guess. I think having a Zen Archer with the Snap Shot feat line and Opportunist Rogue Talent would be great.
I'd need to go at least 8th level Zen for the extra flurry attack.
Grab Opportunist from Ninja and either Invisible Blade or something else.

Cevah |

Ninja 10 can pick up Invisible Blade [=greater invisibility] which allows full round sneak attack. Add sniper goggles, and you can get long range sneak attack, or short range +2/SA Die.

Eigengrau |
Ninja 10 can pick up Invisible Blade [=greater invisibility] which allows full round sneak attack. Add sniper goggles, and you can get long range sneak attack, or short range +2/SA Die.
Yeah, I'll definitely get Invisible Blade and Sniper Goggles. Opportunist and Snap Shot I think would be awesome.
So at least Zen 8/Ninja 10 for sure... will allow me to combine my Ki Pool points and base of Wisdom instead of Cha. Might take 2 levels of Inquisitor later for Wis to Initiative, Monster Lore checks and a Domain. Might need that 2 levels of Inq if we do go Mythic, hard telling what kind of opponents we could run into and the boost to knowledge checks wouldn't hurt nor would the boost to Initiative.
I told my GM who wanted to do some Gestalt in our campaign, that I would totally wreck his world if he allowed Gestalt, add Mythic in there and I could totally make you cry. I'd love to do it but I don't think he's up to making things challenging enough for what Gestalt could do to upset balance.

Eigengrau |
Im supprised no-one pointed this out - you don't need Horizon Walker for the Dimentional Dervish, Zen Archers have Abundant Step...
Yeah I knew this, I just wasn't planning on going to 12th level Zen to get it though. Also if I did get through HW, I wouldn't have to burn Ki Points to use it.

Snickersnack |

Why not Kata Master monk up to level 4, Inquisitor (up to however many levels you want though I would recommend 5 levels), and Ninja 11 levels?
Deeds and panache will be taken from your Ki pool, there aren't any new deed between level 3 and 7, and most deeds don't require use of panache but do require at least 1 panache point in your ki pool. If you took inquisitor as well, your initiative would boost to 2+ your wis modifier and dex modifiers.
You could very easily ignore getting Inquisitor, however, and just get Kata Master and Ninja, focus on getting high dex and cha, though with inquisitor you could also up your armor to medium armor since neither swashbucker deed or ninja deny you any abilities due to armor. The only thing you would lose is the monk's wisdom bonus to AC, fast movement, and flurry of blows. It's really up to you. More beefy and other abilities with Inquisitor, or less beefy and different abilities of the kata master monk (though you could take inquisitor and still use no armor).