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In the spirit of the season, I'd like to start up Mikazemas this year by offering a drawing to win one of five (your choice which you want) of the Interjection Games holiday bundles for free!
Interjection Games Holiday Bundles!
The choices are between:
Quote: Bundle 1: Holiday Martial Class Bundle
•The Brewmaster
•The Edgewalker
•The Sanguine Disciple
Bundle 2: Holiday "Caster" Class Bundle
•The Antipodist
•The Cartomancer
•The Plaguewright
Bundle 3: Holiday GM Tools Bundle
•Annals of the Drunken Wizard: Critical Hit Exchanging Weapon Special Abilities
•Annals of the Drunken Wizard: +0 Weapon Modifiers
•Subterranean Races: The Puddlings
•One Bling to Rule Them All: Scaling Magic Items
•One Bling to Rule Them All: Socketed Magic Items
Simply post your interest here and next week I will draw for the winners and announce them here!
Best of luck to everyone and happy holidays!
I could use some new GM tools.
Very cool, Alex! I'm sharing this all over the place to maximize your entrants.
I own all the classes already, but the tools sound marvelous. I'd like to go into the draw for that, please. :-)
I would be interested in the "caster Bundle" or the "GM Tools Bundle." I alternate GM'ing with one of my players, so I get to sit on both sides of the screen.
This is cool! Please include me for a chance at the GM Tools bundle.
The Martial class bundle looks intriguing!
Do we need to pay this forward in some way? Like a Secret Santa?
Bundle 3 sounds incredible. Thanks!
Snorter wrote: Do we need to pay this forward in some way? Like a Secret Santa? You don't need to, but no one will stop you if you do. :p
In the spirit of Mikazemas, I was wondering if anyone would like a free copy of From Shore to Sea. First person to message me gets it. :)
Dustin Ashe wrote: In the spirit of Mikazemas, I was wondering if anyone would like a free copy of From Shore to Sea. First person to message me gets it. :) It's gone. Thanks to those who messaged me!
Bundle 3 appeals to me. Especially since it goes for free. :-D
Memo to self - build more GM tools.
Also, can I guilt trip you all into +1'ing this fine man?
Interested very interested.
Gm tools.
TriOmegaZero wrote: Snorter wrote: Do we need to pay this forward in some way? Like a Secret Santa? You don't need to, but no one will stop you if you do. :p As TOZ said, you definitely don't but I'm sure others would greatly appreciate it if you did!
I'm grabbing a GM Tools bundle for myself as well as there is a lot there I don't have and all of it looks handy.
Given that I'm kind of not playing at the moment, and don't know when I will be again, I've no need for anything, but wanted to say thanks for doing this. Always good to see the community doing nice things for each other.
Bundlw ` or 2, please! I'm not particular about which!
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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
I could use a post by Mikaze, who has been AWOL for a few months now. :-/
Isn't he busy writing an orc sourcebook?
Chance for martial class bundle please
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Snorter wrote: Isn't he busy writing an orc sourcebook? Maybe? I thought his contribution already was done and delivered. Anyway, I hope he is back soon.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
magnuskn wrote: Snorter wrote: Isn't he busy writing an orc sourcebook? Maybe? I thought his contribution already was done and delivered. Anyway, I hope he is back soon. Huh. I hadn't really noticed it until you mentioned it, but yeah, he hasn't been around for ages.
Mikaze, we need you!
Bundle number two would be cool.
And how do I buy someone a gift on the Paizo store?
Quick bump! Drawing will be done on Monday evening.
If you're still taking entrants, Bundle #3 looks awesome! Thanks for the chance!
137ben wrote: I am interested! And I forgot to specify which bundle...
bundle 3 for me.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I so love this time of year. :D
Bundle 3 for me!
I'd also like the Bundle 3!!
It's the most wonderful time of the year!
I'll take GM tools, please!
Drawing is done! The winners were:
El Ronza - GM Tools
Itchy - Caster (rolled randomly to which you got since you didn't specify a preference out of the pair)
Damon Griffin - GM Tools
VM Mercenario - Caster
JonGarrett - Caster
Congratulations to the winners! All prizes should have been sent out and delivered.
Bundle received! Thank you!
I didn't win, but thanks for the chance, Aleron! We've got a great community here!
Received. Thank you very much for your generosity.
SONOFAB*!&@! I missed this!*cries a river* Oh well, just have to buy my own.
You're welcome! If you guys feel up to it toss a review up for the material. Know Interjection would appreciate it.
Just checked back here to say thanks, as I somehow missed the email. Didn't know I'd gotten one until I checked my downloads for a recent purchase! Thank you muchly, good sir, and I'll certainly try to get up a review at some point =)
Thank you, I received the gift and appreciate it greatly.
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