Chess Pwn |

I really don't understand what's the point of creating exact same thread about your GM again. You got like 200+ responses in your former thread and most of them are of same mindset as now.
Yes, his idea of challenge is terrible and yes, it's unfair to nerf your character to oblivion, but dude... Just speak up to him and make your stand already or be forever silent about it.
I'm pretty sure I said something along the line that this thread was to update all those who were curious what happened.
This is mainly to update those curious about my first post about what the next encounter was like.
And the last time I talked and said, "hey are you sure you know how you're effecting my caster if you raise the SR?" And his response was, "quit being a baby about it." So I played a session to see what the next fight would be like and reported to the people who wanted to know. And since I feel it's a passive aggressive at my mage, "sure the SR isn't higher, but the saves all went up 10." I am having a lot less fun. And as such am feeling a lot more likely to leave or make a martial guy if allowed.

Te'Shen |

...is Arcane Cannon available?
I tend to agree with several others, and believe you need to call out this guy on his bull... and no, I haven't looked at the other thread.
However, I know that sometimes the language used in my group is meant to chide or humor, but if taken out of context, it could sound pretty bad. I hope this guy isn't as bad as all that and maybe it's plain ignorance rather than malice.
That said, I... well, when I game with others and things are rough, it takes me a while to give up. I usually have stayed much too long by that time and have been made really sad by circumstance. However, if I leave too early, I might start telling myself it wasn't too bad and maybe I jumped the gun. Maybe if I had stuck it out just a little bit longer, the GM would have had the epiphany that "Wait! This is a Fantasy Group Game!"
Quitting is an option.
So is rolling up a martial.
...so is playing a passive aggressive "encouraging" beasts to play to their strengths.
A strong character, like superman, can get by in most cases just phoning it in. Nothing really hurts him. He's faster, stronger, and just plain better than 99.99% of his foes. He doesn't have to use Tactics.
Then somebody that has a comparable facet of their skill set shows up, and Capes suddenly can't just phone it in. He has to try. Accept that the Dragons are Superman. The writer has confused levels in bad@$$ with plot protection. Nothing you do matters... So be the villain. Use tactics.
The dragon plods around on the ground? Remove it. (No SR) Rock to mud, making him move, possibly FLY. Or (No SR) minor creation lots of poison on the ground. How many does are in up to thirteen cubic feet of contact poison on the ground? It means that, statistically, he fails his fortitude save at least a few times, making him easier to debuff or forcing him to FLY. Or pick up a metamagic rod of quicken and then solid fog/cloud kill. He loses 1d2 constitution for a bit until he gets away, making him easier to debuff.
If he plays dragons like brain dead dinosaurs, figure ways to negate that until they learn, and buffs start being relevant. If everything you keep doing "just fails" then you are building a preponderance of evidence of unfairness that the table cannot ignore.
In fact, just show this to your group...
Chess Pwn wrote:[My party is fighting a monster with these statistics
Type: Dragon
HP 750
AC 44, Touch 25
SR 31
Fort 34
Ref 40
Will 30
Special qualities: Evasion.]Chess Pwn wrote:I'm lv[l] 13[.]Lets compare this dragon with Astarathian, the CR 27 Gold Dragon that is detailed in Dragons Revisited.
HP 717
AC 54, Touch 10
SR 33
Fort +33
Ref +22
Will +35
Special Qualities: Does not have Evasion.Basically, your GM's "dragon" could take on one of the most powerful dragons on Golarion. I call bullcrap on how exactly you are supposed to even stand a chance. This is basically your GM being an idiot unless there is some method by which you are supposed to kill this thing that could probably solo the tarrasque.
This monster is not intended for a level 13 party. If he thinks it is then he has his head shoved up his ego. . . .
If that doesn't make the point, I'm not really sure what will.

Abraham spalding |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

A colossal dragon can fly 250 feet in 6 seconds. On a charge this turns into 500 feet in 6 seconds or right at 57 (56.93ish actually) miles per hour.
So here is what you do:
Go out in the open. Taunt the dragon with a move action/free action then ready action to cast a spell on its charge.
When it charges wait until it's about.... 15 feet from you. That gives it plenty of acceleration time.
Then cast wall of force in its path.
It'll be like a bird hitting a window.

Undone |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
So it's the next session of the campaign. The dragon's HP 750, SR was still 31, but it's saves were ridiculous. It's gargantuan, it's saves were fort 34, ref 40, will 30. Yeah, my wizard is so useless with this. It's AC was 44 and touch AC was 25. AND it had evasion. Yeah, my blaster wizard was super useless.
This is mainly to update those curious about my first post about what the next encounter was like.
I normally don't do this but have you considered casting simulacrum to copy the dragon at half your hit dice?
This game sounds like a chance to old man henderson the GM.
I think after two or three simulacrums (which you cast via blood money) he should stop feeding you free awesome monsters.

CLufaS |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Prep 3 Dimension doors and a Teleport.
Step 1: Dimension door to the Dragon's treasure hoard.
Step 2: Acquire as much loot as your grubby little self can manage.
Step 3: Dimension door and move action x2 to get as far as possible towards the exit.
Step 4: Teleport back to town.
Step 5: Collect the bounty on the dragon (you have evidence of his hoard) and only a dead dragon parts with his wealth.
Step 6: Get the hell outta dodge, leave the continent to it's fate. You're an adventurer not a martyr.
I should mention that the Dragon probably has Locate Object. Liquidate all the dragon hoard ASAP. Your life depends on this.

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I'm pretty sure I said something along the line that this thread was to update all those who were curious what happened.
And thank you for that! Now then.
Was there anything about the session you enjoyed? Beside the dragon fight?
And if the answer is no, is it really worth staying on just because you are friends with some of them?

Phntm888 |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
Honestly, the fact you are friends with some of them may be the reason TO leave. Just say that this campaign isn't for you, and ask them to let you know when it finishes so you can join in the next one. If you stay and aren't having fun or grow more and more antagonistic with the GM, they may see it as you being the problem. Walking away will help you avoid possible hurt feelings and damaged friendships, which may be more beneficial down the line than this campaign right now.

Gregory Connolly |

You could always start being really obnoxious, you can create an army of simulacra/undead/planar binding/consturcts/hired monsters/mercenaries and force the dragon into the mass combat rules as an army of one. I had players who ran away from a Dragon Turtle (they were 3rd level, they were smart to run) only to come back with 300 riflemen and kill it in one round. I let them do it and they then had a very healthy fear of armies after that. Maybe it would fit with your GMs sense of epic if your wizard made a supporting cast for the other party members beatdown, even blasters are still wizards.

wraithstrike |

A colossal dragon can fly 250 feet in 6 seconds. On a charge this turns into 500 feet in 6 seconds or right at 57 (56.93ish actually) miles per hour.
So here is what you do:
Go out in the open. Taunt the dragon with a move action/free action then ready action to cast a spell on its charge.
When it charges wait until it's about.... 15 feet from you. That gives it plenty of acceleration time.
Then cast wall of force in its path.
It'll be like a bird hitting a window.
Going by the game rules that won't really hurt much. It will force a fly check. Super dragon can probably easily make it since I think it is only a 25 DC.

Thymus Vulgaris |

I like Vengeful Outrage although it is single target. Moment of greatness doubles any morale bonus, but only once per target.
Of course then there's Enlarge Person.
Non-barbarians especially might appreciate a casting of Rage. Doesn't stack with Vengeful Outrage, but it's low-level and multi-target.

Matthew Downie |

so what spells are good for buffing allies? I know haste, and heroism, what other spells are good to buff allies with?
Don't forget the defensive buffs - Displacement, Stoneskin, Resist Energy. Things like Bear's Endurance, Mass aren't bad if your party doesn't already have belts that give them the same enhancement bonuses.

Lostcause78 |
Malag wrote:I really don't understand what's the point of creating exact same thread about your GM again. You got like 200+ responses in your former thread and most of them are of same mindset as now.
Yes, his idea of challenge is terrible and yes, it's unfair to nerf your character to oblivion, but dude... Just speak up to him and make your stand already or be forever silent about it.
A lot of people asked him to let the community know how it went. So he did.
I do see your point, in that if he were to keep coming back every week to vent more it would get old. Maybe it already has to you, but judging from the response I don't think it has to most people here.
I also it's fine for him to comment further in this thread if he wants, but I do see where you're headed with your post, in that if he comes back next week just to vent further, that would be too much.
After this thread fades in the next couple of days, the only reason for a new update would be to tell us a final result: "I worked it out and here's how" or "I ended up quitting" or "I started my own campaign and my friends followed" or "I found a new group on meetup.com" or something. If next week, it's still "This damn GM is still ruining things," then as bad as the GM is, it would be time to tell the poster, "He sucks, but you clearly prefer playing in his campaign to the alternatives, so that's that."
But the time for telling him that isn't here, and even next week if he wants to tell us how it was resolved (if it is, including by his quitting) that should still be welcome.
Couldn't he just update the old thread instead of creating a new topic though? Or is there a time limit on bumping (actual question, I don't know).

CLufaS |

My suggestion as far as combat buffs go is: Play a cleric and Communal spells are your friend. If not and you expect liberal use of elemental breath weapons (as a GM I'd light you all up) then cast both Protection from Energy AND Resist Energy. Yes the PfF goes down first without a reduction but it's a free 120 buffer, then after that's gone you've got RE to come in and soak another 30 points. 150 elemental damage buffered against which is nothing to sneer at.
Don't waste time on too many statistic buffs especially since you're heavily outclassed stat wise. Things like displacement (though it probably has True Sight) that give a % chance to miss which is mostly going to be found through the Illusion school. Conjuration spells frequently bypass SR. There are a number of spells that don't offer saves either.

wraithstrike |

so what spells are good for buffing allies? I know haste, and heroism, what other spells are good to buff allies with?
Summoning spells work, battlefield control also.
Get your entire party to get the fog cutting lenses(if that is the correct name) if the GM will allow them. Drop a fog spell and watch the bad guys die.

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I do see your point, in that if he were to keep coming back every week to vent more it would get old. Maybe it already has to you, but judging from the response I don't think it has to most people here.I also it's fine for him to comment further in this thread if he wants, but I do see where you're headed with your post, in that if he comes back next week just to vent further, that would be too much.
I can quite agree with this, it's just after 250 posts (I believe it was that much) you would think that everyone had enough of hate about this GM, but here comes topic with yet more same old advice and hate.
Yeah, I am probably saying a bit too much and I won't say anything else anymore. I just can't understand OP, even if it's update on current status. That's all.

ShroudedInLight |

Ever consider becomming a Martial Caster?
Set up an Arcane Cannon or two.
Make use of Summons
And consider changing shape:
As much as you want to blast, against something that big the least you can do is show your GM that as a full spell caster you can deal with his **** by flooding the field with dudes and hitting things as hard as you darn well can.
Again, Two Arcane Cannons will shut that Dragon up quick. 13 rounds for to cannons, they come loaded...1 shot each and then 6 shots each for a nice total of 14x(4d10) if they last the whole time. If they do not, then the dragon has wasted time attack the cannon.
If he wastes time destroying your cannons, crush him with 6th level summons or hoardes of 5th level summons. If he is distracted my summons, buff your party or take it to him yourself with a transformation spell.
Remember Old Man Henderson, a GM without tactics can be easily beaten by just enough planning.

thegreenteagamer |
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Please, stop giving this poor OP ideas for how to break his GM's super-monsters. It will only encourage his GM to further screw his player back.
The majority telling you to leave is right.
Your current GM clearly is not of the "play what you think is fun" school. Even if you find a way to break through his arbitrarily suped-up-vs-casters mobs, he will twist things further the next time around. It'll end up like a massively complicated game of Pong...you may hit the ball this time, but it will just be faster next time around. Eventually, the computer (GM) always wins.
Finding a new group is hard, I know, but it works out in the end.
I spent months in my last group pissed about a multitude of bad gaming habits (players showing up late ALL THE TIME not just occasionally, cancelling sessions last-minute when I took the time to clear my schedule, constantly derailing the game with side conversations, players who played on phones or computers when it wasn't their turn, etc.) because they were my friends, and I was afraid I wouldn't find another group for a while.
Thank you Meetup.com. I found another group. Everyone shows up on time. They post on the meetup when they're not going to make it instead of just texting me the day of.
I'm still friends, for the most part, with my old group; we just don't game together anymore. Nobody was really mad about me leaving (one guy was a little passive aggressive about it, but whatever) and they understood my reasons why.
It sucks to drop a group. When I did I took months saying to myself I wasn't gonna put up with BS anymore, but like a dog to it's vomit, I kept going back. It was so worth it when I found a new one.

Neongelion |

This entire thread is a clear indication that the Paizo forums do not understand that we GMs must run our games properly, even if it's at the expense of one player not having so called "fun". I'm sorry but challenge>fun. This is an objective fact.
Why, in my game, if players attempt to kill my well crafted NPCs in but a few rounds, I have meteors strike them, or a million Angels descend from the heavens! Yes, I have run combat with a million combatants. This was to simulate realism, something that group didn't understand despite me shouting my logic at them as they left the house.
...I rolled a natural 20 on Craft (strawman). Sue me.

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To sum up, this is "dream situation for melee" of always full attacks and flanking for the melee people and a nightmare for me, the caster.
If you insist on playing your caster to be the big damage dealer, yes.
It's time to switch to being the God caster where you leave off trying to do the fighter's job for them, play the force multiplier role, haste your party, fire off communual buffs and use spells that change the battlefield like pit spells.
In other words it's time to switch from damage dealing, which you'd be sub par with even with a normal GM to controller.

Rynjin |

Chess Pwn wrote:To sum up, this is "dream situation for melee" of always full attacks and flanking for the melee people and a nightmare for me, the caster.If you insist on playing your caster to be the big damage dealer, yes.
It's time to switch to being the God caster where you leave off trying to do the fighter's job for them, play the force multiplier role, haste your party, fire off communal buffs and use spells that change the battlefield like pit spells.
In other words it's time to switch from damage dealing, which you'd be sub par with even with a normal GM to controller.
This is not good advice. "Just change your character bro" isn't particularly helpful.
Besides given his GM, the guy would probably be like "Yeah the Dragon prepared Quickened Greater Dispel like 50 times today".
No amount of changing your character will help you against a GM who's just being a prick.