DungeonmasterCal |

Saturday before my friends got here for our PF game I went out to run an errand. I own two 60+ pound dogs who are well behaved nearly 100% of the time. This time, however, when I returned, they had carpeted the floor with every page of my Core Rulebook. Not a single page was salvageable (even the covers were shredded), and some pieces were so small I had to vacuum them up. Needless to say I was angry, shocked, and no small amount of depressed because it was a first printing and a gift from someone.It completely impacted how I ran the game that night. Now I've got to scrape up the cash for a new one. I still love my dogs, but they're no longer allowed in the living room (where I keep my books) when I leave the house.
Rotten mutts.

Nachtfrost |
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My dog ate the interior of my company's car: damage $1600
Same dog decided to chew on balcony door in rented appartment: 800 $
55 lbs. of furry cuddlyness slipping in your bed at 5 a.m.: priceless!
Btw. my cat ate headphones a dozen, as well as power cables. Dmg already totaling over 150$
I should REALLY buy pet-food...

Liranys |

I like both cats and dogs. Right now I live with two cats and my parents have my dog because I don't want to take her out of the home she's lived in since she was 11 weeks old. I couldn't have her at my apartment (when I lived in one) and now that I technically could, I would hate to disrupt her life. Plus she's a good dog and my parents seem to enjoy her.

Doomn |
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My dining room table leg.
My dining room rug.
An entire pack of paper towels.
A power cord for the new vacuum cleaner.
The old vacuum cleaner.
Four sets of ear buds.
A bag of cat litter. (and a trip to the vet)
A 3-pack of deodorant. (and a trip to the vet)
Two dog gates.
Innumerable dog beds and four cat beds.
One dog crate (including half the base).
...and my wife still maintains that he's a "good boy."

The Indescribable |
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The Indescribable wrote:My foot. No, I'm not kidding, he put about a inch fang in the top of it and once snapped about an inch from my neck while jumping at me. Needless to say, he's not around anymore. Too dangerous.Cats: They won't put an inch of fang into you.
B#$++%+#. I've had cats, they loved me, wanna guess how many scars I have on my thighs from them sitting there and kneading my jeans.

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The Indescribable wrote:My foot. No, I'm not kidding, he put about a inch fang in the top of it and once snapped about an inch from my neck while jumping at me. Needless to say, he's not around anymore. Too dangerous.Cats: They won't put an inch of fang into you.
Just because they're only quarter inch claws does not make them less painful.
The sheep ate my homework and two school textbooks once. The freaking sheep. A hundred and twenty acres of grass and the damned thinks ate my homework and two school books. Despite a meeting with my parents the teacher refused to give me another copy of the homework and just gave me an F. Really hated that teacher before that. After that my dad ran for school board.
But for some reason we kept the sheep. Damned sheep.
Oh, and my oldest stole random dice screwing up all my dice sets when he moved out. Still a little cranky about that too. pets, children, livestock, there is no winning.

captain yesterday |
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The Indescribable wrote:My foot. No, I'm not kidding, he put about a inch fang in the top of it and once snapped about an inch from my neck while jumping at me. Needless to say, he's not around anymore. Too dangerous.Cats: They won't put an inch of fang into you.
we had a cat once, it would hide under the couch until me or our daughter would walk by, at which point it would pounce out and claw and bite the s&~& out of our ankles, we gave him a chance but with that and the fact my wife was allergic we had to send him to my parents farm, where he passed his days with his harem of barn cats, a rare win-win:)

Liranys |

Freehold DM wrote:The Indescribable wrote:My foot. No, I'm not kidding, he put about a inch fang in the top of it and once snapped about an inch from my neck while jumping at me. Needless to say, he's not around anymore. Too dangerous.Cats: They won't put an inch of fang into you.Just because they're only quarter inch claws does not make them less painful.
The sheep ate my homework and two school textbooks once. The freaking sheep. A hundred and twenty acres of grass and the damned thinks ate my homework and two school books. Despite a meeting with my parents the teacher refused to give me another copy of the homework and just gave me an F. Really hated that teacher before that. After that my dad ran for school board.
But for some reason we kept the sheep. Damned sheep.
Oh, and my oldest stole random dice screwing up all my dice sets when he moved out. Still a little cranky about that too. pets, children, livestock, there is no winning.
Goats. Goats are 10 x worse than sheep. Believe me. I've raised both. Sheep are just dumb, goats are smart and ravenous. :P

Liranys |

Liranys wrote:Okay, I'm not saying this is a good idea, or something to do, but how much truth is there to goats eating cans and other random objects like that?Goats. Goats are 10 x worse than sheep. Believe me. I've raised both. Sheep are just dumb, goats are smart and ravenous. :P
Goats will eat anything they can chew and swallow. Don't know about cans, but they definitely eat towels, clothes, shoes, gardens, wooden objects, etc.

captain yesterday |

i've posted this twice elsewhere this week but since we're talking about goats i'll post it again:-)
Goat Story!
My parents, having lived in cities their whole lives when they got married decided to move to the country (i.e. Wisconsin) and become cliche organic farmers, so in addition to the multitudes of chickens, turkeys, pigs, cows and a horse we also had two Goats and our farm was at the bottom of a wooded hillside with a nice family on the hilltop.
when i was nine or ten our goat pen had ten foot high wire fence, which they would gradually bend down between the fence posts until they could climb over it (it didn't take much goats are f**@ing crazy good climbers!) anyway we'd get a call from a top the hill so me and my year younger brother would march up the hill with the tether!
now a goat that doesn't want to move will not move, at all so one of us would have to pull on the tether and the other would have to push her in the rump, pull and push, push and pull, all the way down the hill. we'd get the pen as fixed as a 9 and 10 year old can fix a ten foot tall goat pen, then back up the hill for goat number two! which we'd get about half way down the hill, where we'd get passed by the first goat marching back up the hill.
lol i hate goats!
to top it all off my teenage brothers refused to help because "they're your goats!" (in other words for.... reasons?) it should also be noted i never once, never ever asked for a goat:)

Liranys |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

i've posted this twice elsewhere this week but since we're talking about goats i'll post it again:-)
Goat Story!
My parents, having lived in cities their whole lives when they got married decided to move to the country (i.e. Wisconsin) and become cliche organic farmers, so in addition to the multitudes of chickens, turkeys, pigs, cows and a horse we also had two Goats and our farm was at the bottom of a wooded hillside with a nice family on the hilltop.
when i was nine or ten our goat pen had ten foot high wire fence, which they would gradually bend down between the fence posts until they could climb over it (it didn't take much goats are f**@ing crazy good climbers!) anyway we'd get a call from a top the hill so me and my year younger brother would march up the hill with the tether!now a goat that doesn't want to move will not move, at all so one of us would have to pull on the tether and the other would have to push her in the rump, pull and push, push and pull, all the way down the hill. we'd get the pen as fixed as a 9 and 10 year old can fix a ten foot tall goat pen, then back up the hill for goat number two! which we'd get about half way down the hill, where we'd get passed by the first goat marching back up the hill.
lol i hate goats!
to top it all off my teenage brothers refused to help because "they're your goats!" (in other words for.... reasons?) it should also be noted i never once, never ever asked for a goat:)
We didn't have that problem when I was growing up. Our goats were all pygmie goats and could actually be picked up even as adults. So if one got away we could just carry it back. :P
Two of our goats did fall through the roof of a car that someone was storing on our property tho. It was a convertible.. They were in there for a day or two. Came out fine, the car, not so much.
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Had a dog chew up 15-20 of my Forgotten Realms and Dragonlance novels.... He grew out of that kinda stuff though rather quick and was a pretty cool dog, a basset hound with 10" long ears. Broke my heart when she passed. Long-bodied and barrel-chested dogs sometime have their stomachs twist up on them pinching off blood vessels and their throat and intestines. I learned about that from her on Christmas night 2007.
Ah well, I still have a few of the half-chewed reminders lying around sans covers and mostly unimportant pages to remind me of the little darling.

Teatime42 |

Not complete, just what stands out in my memory.
Dog 0 (Male German Shepherd Mix, passed on) has eaten (Aside from normal dog stuff (Feces, throw up, etc)):
-Dead rat
-Legitimately ate my homework
Dog 1 ("Mutant" Female Beagle, still alive somehow):
-Fish tank cleaner (Stomach pumped)
-Foil (Exited normally)
-Foam, and Styrofoam (I thought that was REALLY bad to eat)
-Her fur (Whyyyy?!)
-Every bit of human food nearby, too much too list
-Sandman Volume 1 (Christmas present :( )
-Not eaten, but destroyed my $400 telescope while still 3 months old :/
-Half of every wooden table lag and chair leg we have
-Stuffed animals (Leavings looked like a muppet massacre)
Dog 2 ("Smart" Male Golden Retriever, getting up there in age):
-5 lbs of Easter chocolate (Vinegar, sucked to be him)
-Wire BBQ brush, and the sharp edge at the front (Expelled normally, I have no idea how)
-5 phones and 3 iPods (Mostly threw up)
-Multiple whole loaves of bread
-An entire 3 person KFC meal (Boneless)
-Thanksgiving Ham (But not the Turkey Breast)
-Carpet, and couch cushions
Dog 3 (Extremely stupid and dense but adorable Female Golden Retriever, 8-9 months younger than her brother, the other retriever):
-Thanksgiving Turkey Breast (But not the Ham, different year)
-2 full batches of Pot Brownies (Family members, she was stoned for 3-4 days, made for an interesting call to the Vet, "So, uh, yeah, chocolate's is bad, we know that one, but, what does, well, *whispering*Pot*whispering* do to them?" "...")
-Her Fur (Seriously, why?!)
-More Human food stolen than can be believed (She's like the worlds stupidest but luckiest Ninja)
-Half of the table and chair legs Dog 1 hadn't touched since we got new stuff
And they all collectively every few weeks, knock over the kitchen trash, and clean ALL the trash, but don't eat more than a few pieces (Anymore at least).
Starting to wonder about dogs...
Well, at least they don't leave me "presents" like my friends cats do to him. Still hasn't figured how it got feces almost on the ceiling.

Calex |
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Ah, memories..We had a horse farm located along our route to school back in prehistory, when I was in grade 4. We used to love stopping by the fence to feed and pet the horsies- until one day instead of eating the grass I offered up to it, the reject from a glue factory decided my homework was a better treat. Try getting a teacher to believe the line "A horse ate my homework!" Even with witnesses she didn't buy it.
Back on the topic of dogs, we had this small chihuahua cross that had a vindictive streak a mile wide. One day Dad punished the mutt for something- probably got into the garbage again, but I forget the details- anyway the dog responded by waiting for every one to go to bed, then somehow he backed his ass up to Dad's work boot and crapped inside. Hit it with a hole in one- no evidence of the deed until Dad stuck his foot in the boot as he was leaving for work the next morning.
The dog survived.

Teatime42 |

Ah, memories..We had a horse farm located along our route to school back in prehistory, when I was in grade 4. We used to love stopping by the fence to feed and pet the horsies- until one day instead of eating the grass I offered up to it, the reject from a glue factory decided my homework was a better treat. Try getting a teacher to believe the line "A horse ate my homework!" Even with witnesses she didn't buy it.
Back on the topic of dogs, we had this small chihuahua cross that had a vindictive streak a mile wide. One day Dad punished the mutt for something- probably got into the garbage again, but I forget the details- anyway the dog responded by waiting for every one to go to bed, then somehow he backed his ass up to Dad's work boot and crapped inside. Hit it with a hole in one- no evidence of the deed until Dad stuck his foot in the boot as he was leaving for work the next morning.
The dog survived.
That, is an amazing dog.
Frikking loved feeding the horses where I lived, used to feed him over the fence while waiting for the school bus too. :)

Taliesin Hoyle |

A psychiatrist I lived with had an Anatolian shepherd. She threw away some expired drugs, which the dog chewed on when it raided the trash. The dog got loaded on benzodiazapines, amphetamines, and other disturbingly dangerous drugs, and went on a tear through the house. It chewed up everything it could get its slobbering maw on. It knocked everything EVERYTHING off of every surface. It chewed television, laptop, refrigerator, books and gun safe. It sprayed diarrhea behind itself while it did so. There was no square foot of carpet, bed, or tile that did not have pages of books, toilet paper, trash, pillow stuffing, or pills on it. After wreaking a staggering amount of mayhem, the little b**$% had a seizure, and stopped.
Only one room was untouched by this ruin and wrack. My room. I kept my door closed. There were scratches on it, and it was almost broken off its hinges.

Rynjin |

Freehold DM wrote:B@+@!~&#. I've had cats, they loved me, wanna guess how many scars I have on my thighs from them sitting there and kneading my jeans.The Indescribable wrote:My foot. No, I'm not kidding, he put about a inch fang in the top of it and once snapped about an inch from my neck while jumping at me. Needless to say, he's not around anymore. Too dangerous.Cats: They won't put an inch of fang into you.
Yeah, I've had cats put an inch (Well quarter of an Inch) of claw into my leg, my arms and I had a three inch long scar from a pretty deep scratch on one of my arms for the longest time.
This is why you trim their claws.
And don't scratch their bellies. Cats don't like that.

Freehold DM |

The Indescribable wrote:Freehold DM wrote:B@+@!~&#. I've had cats, they loved me, wanna guess how many scars I have on my thighs from them sitting there and kneading my jeans.The Indescribable wrote:My foot. No, I'm not kidding, he put about a inch fang in the top of it and once snapped about an inch from my neck while jumping at me. Needless to say, he's not around anymore. Too dangerous.Cats: They won't put an inch of fang into you.Liranys wrote:Yeah, I've had cats put an inch (Well quarter of an Inch) of claw into my leg, my arms and I had a three inch long scar from a pretty deep scratch on one of my arms for the longest time.This is why you trim their claws.
And don't scratch their bellies. Cats don't like that.
My late kitties both loved having their bellies rubbed. The more recent one would not let me leave unless i had pet her and rubbed her tummy with my feet, she LOVED that.

Rynjin |

The majority of the time cats roll over to let you know they're comfortable being vulnerable around you, but don't like being touched there. Especially if you get them as older cats (the one I've had since it was a kitten doesn't mind, but the older one doesn't like it, though will occasionally tolerate it).
Just a good rule of thumb.

Loren Pechtel |
Liranys wrote:Yeah, I've had cats put an inch (Well quarter of an Inch) of claw into my leg, my arms and I had a three inch long scar from a pretty deep scratch on one of my arms for the longest time.This is why you trim their claws.
And don't scratch their bellies. Cats don't like that.
I disagree. My mother's cat liked it's belly scratched. Whether it could resist the temptation to grab those fingers wiggling in it's field of view was another matter...

Sissyl |
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Cats are very different in how they like to be petted. Generally, their tummy is very sensitive, and it varies whether they like being petted there. Other points where cats vary significantly:Being carried, some accept it, most hate it. Being turned belly up, some hate this. Getting tangles cut, some growl menacingly the whole time, but let you go on. Hunting, some love this. The important thing is taking the "gifts" away, smart cats eat their prey outside instead. Some think it is horrible to be stroked against their fur, most seem to have no problem with it. Cats are individuals, as anyone who had more than one can attest. As for the scratching, don't get expensive furniture, cut their claws when they start clicking as they walk, and if they scratch or bite you, consider yourself honoured the cat feels safe enough with you. You can usually avoid it by not triggering their hunting reflexes (moving stuff close to their faces and such).
Oh, and cats do need to go out, or they turn into fat, neurotic wrecks.

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I really hate dogs. Sorry to you dog lovers out there, but I just do - I think it's a phobic thing. I much prefer cats, but they are equally destructive - generally urinating on things to express their displeasure, sharpening their claws in inappropriate places, or attacking your feet (full claws and teeth) for a laugh. But I respect a cat's general disdain for everyone and everything. I always feel a dog either wants to suck up to you or try to eat you, neither of which traits I find endearing. But like I say, it's a phobic thing.