Polish that grass already!

Pathfinder Online

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Goblin Squad Member

good job on re establishing that you have nothing to say.

Goblin Squad Member

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Pyronous Rath wrote:
good job on re establishing that you have nothing to say.
Pyronous Rath wrote:
I dislike people when they cannot be reasoned with...

Scarab Sages Goblin Squad Member

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On topic, the grass doesn't bother me that much, but I am looking forward to the arrival of landmarks like the big rock structure in the picture at the top of the Goblinworks Web page.

Goblin Squad Member

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The graphics currently have a minimalist "give the world a flavor" feeling to me personally. At present there is rather generic "sameness" feel to the terrain but that is not enough of a reason for me to not believe that this game will fail due to the graphics.

Would I love to have swamps that feel like swamps with moss hanging from trees and bogs you can sink into .. absolutely. And having seen what Unity can do, I'm optimistic that eventually we will have swamps, grasslands, etc that really do look quite nice and very different.

Until then, I'll just continue to enjoy my time with the gaming community while waiting for graphics upgrades.

Goblin Squad Member

Neadenil Edam wrote:
...Without a global inventory you can lose track of what is where ...

I raised this point in the GW site, and Ryan agreed that there needs to eventually be some sort of Master Inventory list that shows what you left where.

Goblin Squad Member

Jo Jampa wrote:

The graphics currently have a minimalist "give the world a flavor" feeling to me personally. At present there is rather generic "sameness" feel to the terrain but that is not enough of a reason for me to not believe that this game will fail due to the graphics.

Would I love to have swamps that feel like swamps with moss hanging from trees and bogs you can sink into .. absolutely. And having seen what Unity can do, I'm optimistic that eventually we will have swamps, grasslands, etc that really do look quite nice and very different.

Until then, I'll just continue to enjoy my time with the gaming community while waiting for graphics upgrades.

Running several clients at once on the same PC currently cooks my graphics card and shuts down my PC as it is :D

There is some need to watch out for the Skyrym "nice graphics no content" thing where back when it first came out most of my friends said "oh i just log in to look at the pretty sunsets and scenery on max settings for a while then log out and play something else".

Note that while the swamps do not have moss they currently have the awesome under water wolves lurking at the bottom of the pools :D

Goblin Squad Member

Sadurian wrote:
I've started a paper-type book detailing things like hexes with given common resources, items I deposit in banks (and put up on the AH), and so on. I'm sure that's not really what the developers intended but there is so much information I feel the need to keep track of that a written record was the obvious answer.

I also keep a logbook that I jot down interesting stuff. I think limited info ingame creates a market for information brokering that actually increase interation and immersion.

Sure, it will be frustrating, especially in the beginning, but thats life. That is one of the things that attracted me to this game, it had the feel of not being so much about man-above-nature as we-against nature and survival.

Goblin Squad Member

Kadere wrote:
Pyronous Rath wrote:
good job on re establishing that you have nothing to say.
Pyronous Rath wrote:
I dislike people when they cannot be reasoned with...

Yeah Well to clarify because apparently you need that. I gave you some excellent reasons why good grass would be good for pathfinder"What can grass do for your game?

1. Grass can hide the ugly transition between the ground and every object on the ground. This includes trees rocks buildings and you guessed it monsters.

2. Grass hides the ground poly edges themselves so when you look at a hill you see a smooth curve rather then a flat edge.

3 Different types of grass and ground cover add to the overall mood of a given area. Grass can be vibrant, dry, rotted, tall or short. Grass is and indicator of wind speed giving life to the very air. Is it a windy day a light breeze or supernaturally still?

As for the challenge of implementing grass...Are fing kidding me I can link tons of unity grass tutorials for you but I give more credit to the GW team then to think they need a tutorial. In the asset store there are tons of pre-made grass objects ready for use, many are free.

I don't dislike people due to disagreement. I dislike people when they cannot be reasoned with or see the obvious.". At wich point you had this"" to say....Yeah Nothing. In fact your entire contribution to this thread is an attack on me "Oh look, another Pyronous thread." and you don't think eve had cutting edge graphics in 2003.... uhh go on youtube and take a look at eve in 2003 than look at ffxi or spiro 3 and unless you have brain damage eve is clearly of higher quality.

Goblin Squad Member

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If you don't like the grass, I can recommend the superior hemp.

Goblin Squad Member

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pyronous Rath wrote:

I don't dislike people due to disagreement. I dislike people when they cannot be reasoned with or see the obvious.". At wich point you had this"" to say....Yeah Nothing. In fact your entire contribution to this thread is an attack on me "Oh look, another Pyronous thread." and you don't think eve had cutting edge graphics in 2003.... uhh go on youtube and take a look at eve in 2003 than look at ffxi or spiro 3 and unless you have brain damage eve is clearly of higher quality.

Actually, that was me that posted that here from another thread, so don't blame Kadere.

The point is that you seem to like to tell people your 'opinion' while telling everyone else that theirs don't matter, or telling them they "can't you see the obvious."

Not everything that is 'obvious' and important to you will have the same priority to others. It's just that simple. And approaching it from the "I'm right and you're wrong" stance just doesn't help your cause at all.

Goblin Squad Member

Dazyk wrote:
Actually, that was me that posted that here from another thread, so don't blame Kadere.

I'm suspicious that maybe the "you" in this case is everyone who disagrees.

Goblin Squad Member

Grass is a shader and is something can you turn off for performance increases (especially in MMOs) thus it's entirely optional.

Goblin Squad Member

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There are those... actually this link says it all.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dazyk wrote:
Pyronous Rath wrote:

I don't dislike people due to disagreement. I dislike people when they cannot be reasoned with or see the obvious.". At wich point you had this"" to say....Yeah Nothing. In fact your entire contribution to this thread is an attack on me "Oh look, another Pyronous thread." and you don't think eve had cutting edge graphics in 2003.... uhh go on youtube and take a look at eve in 2003 than look at ffxi or spiro 3 and unless you have brain damage eve is clearly of higher quality.

Actually, that was me that posted that here from another thread, so don't blame Kadere.

The point is that you seem to like to tell people your 'opinion' while telling everyone else that theirs don't matter, or telling them they "can't you see the obvious."

Not everything that is 'obvious' and important to you will have the same priority to others. It's just that simple. And approaching it from the "I'm right and you're wrong" stance just doesn't help your cause at all.

If his defence, I do post that into most threads poor Pyronous posts (this one included). The bad ones, anyway. I do the same thing to Andius. I find it a suitable way to note my displeasure with seeing the same drek over and over again.

Goblin Squad Member

I don't do it to your posts and it's quite insulting. Is there a way to block people I find useless and insulting?

Goblin Squad Member

Kadere wrote:
Dazyk wrote:
Pyronous Rath wrote:

I don't dislike people due to disagreement. I dislike people when they cannot be reasoned with or see the obvious.". At wich point you had this"" to say....Yeah Nothing. In fact your entire contribution to this thread is an attack on me "Oh look, another Pyronous thread." and you don't think eve had cutting edge graphics in 2003.... uhh go on youtube and take a look at eve in 2003 than look at ffxi or spiro 3 and unless you have brain damage eve is clearly of higher quality.

Actually, that was me that posted that here from another thread, so don't blame Kadere.

The point is that you seem to like to tell people your 'opinion' while telling everyone else that theirs don't matter, or telling them they "can't you see the obvious."

Not everything that is 'obvious' and important to you will have the same priority to others. It's just that simple. And approaching it from the "I'm right and you're wrong" stance just doesn't help your cause at all.

If his defence, I do post that into most threads poor Pyronous posts (this one included). The bad ones, anyway. I do the same thing to Andius. I find it a suitable way to note my displeasure with seeing the same drek over and over again.

And I salute you for it, good sir :)

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pyronous Rath wrote:
I don't do it to your posts and it's quite insulting. Is there a way to block people I find useless and insulting?

At least he has never actually referred to you as being 'useless'OR 'insulting.'

All he implied that your threads seem to have a similar tone and flavour. If you find THAT insulting ... The online world might not be the right place for you...

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pyronous Rath wrote:
I don't do it to your posts and it's quite insulting. Is there a way to block people I find useless and insulting?

Would that there was. We'd have no problem if I had the option to ignore you entirely. Alas.

Goblin Squad Member

Pyronous Rath wrote:
Is there a way to block people I find useless and insulting?

Sadly, no.

Goblin Squad Member

Hey guys, can't you read the sign? " Don't feed the trolls" ...

Goblin Squad Member

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Schedim wrote:
Hey guys, can't you read the sign? " Don't feed the trolls" ...

I can't read.... Or write, as a matter of fact.

Goblin Squad Member

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I don't think Pyron is a troll. That would imply he intends to antagonise, but I don't think he does. Seems like more of a side effect.

Goblin Squad Member

Put me in the crowd that really doesn't care about the grass. Or the rocks and tress for that matter. It's all about the 1.)character models and 2.)monster models and 3.)weapons/armor models.

Goblin Squad Member

Graphics is always going to be controversial.

The two extremes:

1) Typical EVE view --- "Fancy Graphics are a waste of Dev time, increase server load and TIDI and only encourage the wrong sort of player who we do not want in game anyway".


2) Graphics are essential, I built my awesome gamer rig specifically to run all new games at max settings. You need awesome graphics to get good reviews and attract lots of people to the game.

Goblin Squad Member

Kadere wrote:
I don't think Pyron is a troll.

That avatar looks distinctly troll-like.

To quote Python;
"I'm not a witch. I'm not a witch."
"But you are dressed as one."

Goblin Squad Member

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Neadenil Edam wrote:

Graphics is always going to be controversial.

The two extremes:

1) Typical EVE view --- "Fancy Graphics are a waste of Dev time, increase server load and TIDI and only encourage the wrong sort of player who we do not want in game anyway".


2) Graphics are essential, I built my awesome gamer rig specifically to run all new games at max settings. You need awesome graphics to get good reviews and attract lots of people to the game.

3) Graphics should convey essential information about game mechanics and the world. This can be done with everything from RPG Maker sprites to photo-realistic next-gen characters. They need to help the devs get the point across to their players.

It should also be noted that high-end graphics don't necessarily attract lots of people. They attract players with enough money to build and maintain high-end gaming computers. Minecraft can run on pretty much any machine made in the last 4 years (?). It has sold millions of copies. It looks like this.

Goblin Squad Member

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Perhaps I could point out that if you click on Pyronous Rath you will find out that there is no question as to whether troll is a fair label?

Goblin Squad Member

TEO Malvius012 wrote:
Perhaps I could point out that if you click on Pyronous Rath you will find out that there is no question as to whether troll is a fair label?

Hey, that's racist!!!

Goblin Squad Member

I thought trolls were a species, not a race?

Goblin Squad Member

No it's like with the human race it's not the most precise term but it works, but now that you bring it up I'm sure we can try to come up with a species name for trolls!

Goblin Squad Member

On that note I would like to submit Fora Subfodio in the running for species of troll!

Goblin Squad Member

Shadowrun actually has one for troll they are

Homo Sapien igentis

In case you want the whole list:

Humans (homo sapiens sapiens), Elves (homo sapiens nobilis), Dwarves (homo sapiens pulmillonis), Orks (homo sapiens robustus) and Trolls (homo sapiens ingentis)

Goblin Squad Member

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Wasn't there a Norwegian Trollhunter movie a few years back that went into all the details of troll species and anatomy ?

Goblin Squad Member

Isn't there something in the lore from shadow run about the other races being human rootstock that only became dominant when magic returned to the world? Even those classifications indicate a variety rather than a unique species.

Goblin Squad Member


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Oh, wait, we're talking about trolls? My bad.

Goblinworks Executive Founder

If two creatures can have statistically fertile offsprings, they are from the same species. Question is, can you have babies with a troll ?

Goblin Squad Member

TEO Malvius012 wrote:
Isn't there something in the lore from shadow run about the other races being human rootstock that only became dominant when magic returned to the world? Even those classifications indicate a variety rather than a unique species.

Yes you are right when magic came back into the world human were goblinized into elves, trolls dwarfs etc.

Goblin Squad Member

Audoucet wrote:
If two creatures can have statistically fertile offsprings, they are from the same species. Question is, can you have babies with a troll ?

More to the point, would you want to?

How do contraceptives work against a physiology that can regenerate, I wonder?

Goblin Squad Member

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Sadurian wrote:
How do contraceptives work against a physiology that can regenerate, I wonder?

I'm suspicious that this conversation is approaching a line it should not cross.

Goblinworks Executive Founder

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sadurian wrote:
Audoucet wrote:
If two creatures can have statistically fertile offsprings, they are from the same species. Question is, can you have babies with a troll ?

More to the point, would you want to?

How do contraceptives work against a physiology that can regenerate, I wonder?

Fire or acid.

Troll prophylactics aren't very comfortable.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sadurian wrote:
I guess you polish the grass whilst feeding the pony?

loool, this thing could be represented with a 2 digit number i suppose.

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Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote:
Sadurian wrote:
How do contraceptives work against a physiology that can regenerate, I wonder?
I'm suspicious that this conversation is approaching a line it should not cross.

I'm hopeful. These always create the best threads, man.

Goblin Squad Member

DeciusBrutus wrote:
Sadurian wrote:
Audoucet wrote:
If two creatures can have statistically fertile offsprings, they are from the same species. Question is, can you have babies with a troll ?

More to the point, would you want to?

How do contraceptives work against a physiology that can regenerate, I wonder?

Fire or acid.

Troll prophylactics aren't very comfortable.

They do have a thing for Slab, ammonium chloride cut with radium.

Goblinworks Executive Founder

Sadurian wrote:
More to the point, would you want to?

Well, I'm not a racist !

(Lol, yes I am)

Goblin Squad Member

Just an update there is now a grass topic on idea scale

Goblin Squad Member

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Voted, because PFO needs some memes. Let's out simulate Grass Simulator in grass simulation. ;)

Goblin Squad Member

I think that is a realistic goal!

Pathfinder Online
Don't you wish your MMO had grass like this?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pyronous Rath wrote:
Just an update there is now a grass topic on idea scale

Finally! Nothing will stop us now. Fix the GRASS!!!

Goblin Squad Member

Only if I can get a mower.

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