ETA on New changes?

Pathfinder Society

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1/5 **

Michael Brock wrote:
You will see some changes coming down the pipe that tweak the way scenarios are put together. John is going to start taking a very hard look in how best to help shorten scenarios just a touch so we can bring back play to the four hours they were always meant to be. The five hour slot is also supposed to include time for paperwork and mustering. We are acutely aware of the problems with scenarios running long and John is going to right that ship. In addition, weare aware of how much time some of the newer scenarios are taking to prep, as well as how difficult some scenarios can be for a newer GM to prepare. We are sensitive to all of these issues and I think you will start seeing some positive changes that make playing and GMing scenarios more timely and easier to GM.

Fantastic! When this comes to fruition I'll look at upping my GMing from one slot a month to two. =D

Michael Brock wrote:
You are also going to see PFS shift away from a meta plot that revolves around an AP. We are looking at giving PFS it's own meta plot each season. We may have a multi-parter (similar to Destiny of Sands) that touches on the current AP. But, the entire team was in agreement PFS really needs its own Metaplot, similar to Year of the Shadow Lodge.


Michael Brock wrote:
Please keep your feedback coming.

Since you asked... ;-)

Please update the rest of season zero to PFRPG. I know it's a resource constraint issue, but even one scenario a quarter would get us there eventually.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I like what I hear. But one thing I wish I heard was that the border at the top and bottom of the pdfs was removed to help save ink when I print the PDFs out. Don't mind the pictures and the maps but the texture at the bottom and top I could live without.

Everything else is fine. Like hearing the scenarios going back down to a closer to 4 hour time frame is good to hear.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Global Organized Play Coordinator

6 people marked this as a favorite.
bugleyman wrote:

Since you asked... ;-)

Please update the rest of season zero to PFRPG. I know it's a resource constraint issue, but even one scenario a quarter would get us there eventually.

That and conversion document pdf for the 21, 3.5 modules. Check.

Dark Archive 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Michael Brock wrote:
Mine too! And I still have this idea in the back of my head that the girl from Black Waters should become a serial killer that hunts down Pathfinders. Just saying....

Nah. She abducts them,

puts the ring on them,
and locks them in a casket for a year (even if its not for tax reasons) to learn the true meaning of life, then lets them go.

John Compton wrote:
claudekennilol wrote:
One thing: For scenarios that have unique maps, please figure out a way to provide full-sized maps. Whether that's an additional download in pdf format or whatever. But some maps look awesome when they're only 2"x3". When you blow them up and print them out they don't look awesome anymore.
Getting maps that do what you're asking involves commissioning maps at a much higher resolution, much as we do for Flip-Mats. I don't work on our map products directly save for the custom maps that appear in scenarios, but I'm certain that there's a very significant difference in the production cost.

A simple request that I have would be not to optimize the maps in the PDF. Meaning, when the map is imbedded into the pdf, don't compress the picture. This way, if the map is originally created as a 12" x 12" picture then placed in the document as a 6" x 6" map, when we copy it out, we can use the 12" x 12" size that Paizo has already paid for.

Paizo Employee 4/5 Developer

pauljathome wrote:

Since we're talking about maps:

Please, please, please ALWAYS have North be the top of the map.

Whenever remotely possible, make sure maps
1) are just vertical and horizontal, not on angles
2) are on a 5 ft scale
3) fit onto a flip mat
4) have enough room to fight on.

Yes, I recognize that 3 and 4 sometimes conflict

North=Up) This is a "do it whenever possible" standard used in development. Naturally, there are some exceptions. Sometimes a map that the author intended to be a vertical rectangle turns 90 degrees because that's how we typically present our half-page maps during layout. Sometimes existing canon or the nature of a puzzle requires that the compass point in a non-cardinal direction, but I try to eliminate arbitrarily non-upward-facing compass roses whenever possible.

1) This is a "do it whenever possible" standard used in development, but it comes with more exceptions partly because strictly cardinal maps can become very dull over time. I have actually asked some freelancers to experiment with throwing in the occasional curve or diagonal because it can do a lot to make a map more interesting. I really try to avoid all-curve/all-diagonal maps, yet I also prefer to avoid 100%-cardinal maps.

2) This is a "do it whenever possible" standard used in development. Naturally, there are some exceptions—but those exceptions are as rare as possible, as I know what a pain a 10-foot grid can be.

3) This is a "do it whenever possible" standard used in development. Naturally, there are some exceptions. Pardon the repetition.

4) That's a little trickier, as it can be somewhat subjective. Nonetheless, I try to balance architectural integrity/logic against giving enough space for encounters to take place when reviewing (and sometimes modifying) custom map references before sending them to the cartographer. Making a map that doesn't fit on a Flip-Mat is a very conscious decision made only when there's a really good reason for the map not to fit on a Flip-Mat.

Swiftbrook wrote:
A simple request that I have would be not to optimize the maps in the PDF. Meaning, when the map is imbedded into the pdf, don't compress the picture. This way, if the map is originally created as a 12" x 12" picture then placed in the document as a 6" x 6" map, when we copy it out, we can use the 12" x 12" size that Paizo has already paid for.

I don't think I quite understand, as for the full-page (Flip-Mat-proportions) maps, there's no more room to expand into. I think I get the idea of what you're going for if you're referring to half-pagers.

1/5 **

Michael Brock wrote:
bugleyman wrote:

Since you asked... ;-)

Please update the rest of season zero to PFRPG. I know it's a resource constraint issue, but even one scenario a quarter would get us there eventually.

That and conversion document pdf for the 21, 3.5 modules. Check.

Seriously? Or is that friendly sarcasm? Because if you're serious, that would be freakin' awesome.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Global Organized Play Coordinator

4 people marked this as a favorite.
bugleyman wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
bugleyman wrote:

Since you asked... ;-)

Please update the rest of season zero to PFRPG. I know it's a resource constraint issue, but even one scenario a quarter would get us there eventually.

That and conversion document pdf for the 21, 3.5 modules. Check.
Seriously? Or is that friendly sarcasm? Because if you're serious, that would be freakin' awesome.

I don't see a smiley face or a /sarcasm anywhere. Like I said, some things will be changes that happen very soon while others will take a bit longer to see happen.

1/5 **

Michael Brock wrote:
bugleyman wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
bugleyman wrote:

Since you asked... ;-)

Please update the rest of season zero to PFRPG. I know it's a resource constraint issue, but even one scenario a quarter would get us there eventually.

That and conversion document pdf for the 21, 3.5 modules. Check.
Seriously? Or is that friendly sarcasm? Because if you're serious, that would be freakin' awesome.
I don't see a smiley face or a /sarcasm anywhere. Like I said, some things will be changes that happen very soon while others will take a bit longer to see happen.

Woo hoo! I now officially have a man crush on you.

Edit: Message received on the "not happen right away" thing. Still....awesome.


John Compton wrote:
Swiftbrook wrote:

A simple request that I have would be not to optimize the maps in the PDF. Meaning, when the map is imbedded into the pdf, don't compress the picture. This way, if the map is originally created as a 12" x 12" picture then placed in the document as a 6" x 6" map, when we copy it out, we can use the 12" x 12" size that Paizo has already paid for.
I don't think I quite understand, as for the full-page (Flip-Mat-proportions) maps, there's no more room to expand into. I think I get the idea of what you're going for if you're referring to half-pagers.

I'm talking about the custom maps, not the production products.

For example:
I just opened an old scenario, The Golemworks Incident. Selected and copied the map of Heidmarch Manor Greenhouse. Pasted it in a landscape Word document. It filled the page nicely with good detail and was still sized at only 60%. This is a map that I can blow up to battle map size and still have nice details. If the map had been compressed to reduce file size, when I pasted the map into Word the map would have been about 7" wide and 5" high. Then expanding this compressed map would have made it look much poorer in quality at battle map size.

Imbedding the map at the original resolution in a smaller size on the page wont make printing the scenario look any better but it's exactly what we want when we copy the map out for to expand it for battle map printing.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Any sort of ETA on when Wardens of the Reborn Forge will be sanctioned?


Michael Brock wrote:
bugleyman wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
bugleyman wrote:

Since you asked... ;-)

Please update the rest of season zero to PFRPG. I know it's a resource constraint issue, but even one scenario a quarter would get us there eventually.

That and conversion document pdf for the 21, 3.5 modules. Check.
Seriously? Or is that friendly sarcasm? Because if you're serious, that would be freakin' awesome.
I don't see a smiley face or a /sarcasm anywhere. Like I said, some things will be changes that happen very soon while others will take a bit longer to see happen.

...huh.....I see you mention that with time still left on the Great Golem Sale clock..

Shadow Lodge 4/5 *** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

silverace99 wrote:

I can easily see why replay would be not allowed normally. What has really bothered me is the insistence that GM's who put in all those hours and money to make PFS a success only get one replay per star per LIFETIME.

I hardly think GM's being able to replay on average a couple scenarios a year would ruin Pathfinder Society. I sincerely hope that was discussed in your meetings and that something will be done about it eventually.

That's why they made the Expanded Narrative boon to recharge replays once per year.

Sovereign Court 5/5 5/55/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Michael Brock wrote:
bugleyman wrote:

Since you asked... ;-)

Please update the rest of season zero to PFRPG. I know it's a resource constraint issue, but even one scenario a quarter would get us there eventually.

That and conversion document pdf for the 21, 3.5 modules. Check.

Woooooooo! I can't wait to run Flight of the Red Raven and Entombed With the Pharaohs and all of the things! So much all of the things!


Mike, John & alii, thank you for all the efforts you put in the campaign! It's great to see it evolve. I'm looking forward to seeing these changes coming.

Shadow Lodge 5/5

This is all exceptional news, and I would like to volunteer/apply for the review team.

5/5 5/55/55/5

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Please kill the print paradigm. Something like the DM prep site shouldn't be necessary.

In the quest to make scenarios shorter for print space by saying things like "Goblin" or "Superstitious sailor" dms have to print out MORE pages, because of spacing, and then flip back and forth.

Have to print out two files instead of one (not that hard at home, slightly harder at the copy store)

Having to carry the core rule book, four bestiaries, the npc codex, and the monster codex just isn't practical, nor is flipping back and forth between them on a tablet.

Getting a new DM to "pay for scenario, download scenario, run game" is hard enough, "pay for scenario, download scenario, go through scenario, find monsters and npcs, template monsters and NPCS" is a lot harder.

4/5 *

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
Michael Brock wrote:
casiel wrote:

Thanks for the update, Mike!

I, too, hope that you don't retire some of the Season 0 scenarios. Silent Tide and Black Waters are two of my favorites to introduce to new players.

Mine too! And I still have this idea in the back of my head that the girl from Black Waters should become a serial killer that hunts down Pathfinders. Just saying....

As long as her first target is a certain facechomping goblin, I'm sure the majority of us will be fine with that development. ;-)

Shadow Lodge 4/5

I am curious to see what the replay aspect is and if it is, as I had hoped, and suggested a while back (you can play a scenario on each tier for credit). If that is the case, it still makes the GM replay worthy because we would get to replay things that otherwise aren't replayable (modules and Eyes, really)

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

pauljathome wrote:

Since we're talking about maps:

Please, please, please ALWAYS have North be the top of the map.

Whenever remotely possible, make sure maps
1) are just vertical and horizontal, not on angles
2) are on a 5 ft scale
3) fit onto a flip mat
4) have enough room to fight on.

Yes, I recognize that 3 and 4 sometimes conflict

Actually, if you could make the map dimensions for a 22x34 sheet, that'd be a lot better for me than flip mat size, which is frustratingly just bigger than my printer...

Just having fun - I know my printer is an odd size. However, extracting from the pdf's and printing has never had resolution problems. Too dark sometimes, but never too blurry. But please fix the embedded labels problem. It's gotten better over time, but even 6-02 had the secret door labels hard onto the graphics.

Other changes sound good.

Sovereign Court 5/5

Eric Clingenpeel wrote:
silverace99 wrote:

I can easily see why replay would be not allowed normally. What has really bothered me is the insistence that GM's who put in all those hours and money to make PFS a success only get one replay per star per LIFETIME.

I hardly think GM's being able to replay on average a couple scenarios a year would ruin Pathfinder Society. I sincerely hope that was discussed in your meetings and that something will be done about it eventually.

That's why they made the Expanded Narrative boon to recharge replays once per year.

Actually, I'd sooner believe that the reason they made the Expanded Narrative boon was to provide a temporary Band-Aid for the problem, not to solve it.

I'm quite curious to see what new replay options come to light. I'd be rather disappointed if none do.

Horizon Hunters 4/5 5/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Indianapolis

thistledown wrote:
Just having fun - I know my printer is an odd size. However, extracting from the pdf's and printing has never had resolution problems. Too dark sometimes, but never too blurry.

How are you able to print that .pdf to the scale of the battlemat and NOT have it be too blurry or pixelated? I can export and resize them, but they are horribly blurry.

The Exchange 5/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Michael Brock wrote:
casiel wrote:

Thanks for the update, Mike!

I, too, hope that you don't retire some of the Season 0 scenarios. Silent Tide and Black Waters are two of my favorites to introduce to new players.

Mine too! And I still have this idea in the back of my head that the girl from Black Waters should become a serial killer that hunts down Pathfinders. Just saying....

please not.

This is one of the few "save the little girl" scenarios where the "little girl" is really just a little girl that needs saving.

And I really like that.

5/5 5/55/55/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.
nosig wrote:

This is one of the few "save the little girl" scenarios where the "little girl" is really just a little girl that needs saving.

And I really like that.

But what about that time wait. Demon.

Or the time that... no wait, devil.

Or when.. no wait that was just Osprey using a thousand faces.

OH! I know when they.. drat that was some sort of golem.

Dammt, will smith was right

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I still giggle about the time I jokingly speculated that the little girl in a recently-announced (but not yet available!) scenario is probably a villain who should be killed on sight, and I was swiftly chastised for not using spoiler tags.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Kadasbrass Loreweaver wrote:
I like what I hear. But one thing I wish I heard was that the border at the top and bottom of the pdfs was removed to help save ink when I print the PDFs out. Don't mind the pictures and the maps but the texture at the bottom and top I could live without.


Eric Clingenpeel wrote:
silverace99 wrote:

I can easily see why replay would be not allowed normally. What has really bothered me is the insistence that GM's who put in all those hours and money to make PFS a success only get one replay per star per LIFETIME.

I hardly think GM's being able to replay on average a couple scenarios a year would ruin Pathfinder Society. I sincerely hope that was discussed in your meetings and that something will be done about it eventually.

That's why they made the Expanded Narrative boon to recharge replays once per year.

Some people don't like that it requires a boon. While boons may get widely distributed in some areas, it's really only a small percentage of GMs with one or more stars who will end up with them.

nosig wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:

Mine too! And I still have this idea in the back of my head that the girl from Black Waters should become a serial killer that hunts down Pathfinders. Just saying....

please not.

This is one of the few "save the little girl" scenarios where the "little girl" is really just a little girl that needs saving.

And I really like that.

Agreed. Though she is a character I think would be cool to see again. it's been 6 years - she's old enough to grow up to be a Pathfinder! Put her as the newbie Pathfinder NPC you're supposed to work with/protect in the next "Confirmation" like scenario.

Actually, the NPCs I'm still waiting to make a return are the ones from The Devil We Know in season 1. As far as I know, they haven't been seen since.

Dark Archive 4/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I would like to thank the Paizo team for looking at ways to make PFS better. One way to make things easier for the GM is to either have the stat blocks at the end of the scenario or have them as a separate file. This way, it will not be necessary to constantly flip back and forth when running a game. There have been several scenarios that I have run (cannot remember the names) where, in a later combat, you were told to use a stat block from the first encounter. If you have time to prep you can just print out the pages but if you have to run cold it makes things very difficult. Also, if complete stat blocks can be included rather than a reference to a Bestiary or NPC Codex entry, that would be great. Thanks for the great work.

5/5 5/55/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Michael Brock wrote:
bugleyman wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
bugleyman wrote:

Since you asked... ;-)

Please update the rest of season zero to PFRPG. I know it's a resource constraint issue, but even one scenario a quarter would get us there eventually.

That and conversion document pdf for the 21, 3.5 modules. Check.
Seriously? Or is that friendly sarcasm? Because if you're serious, that would be freakin' awesome.
I don't see a smiley face or a /sarcasm anywhere. Like I said, some things will be changes that happen very soon while others will take a bit longer to see happen.

Of all things that were writeen, I was thinking that's nice or that's cool, but conversion docs for 3.5 mods and making them PFS legal, Wow, now you got me jumping around with excitment.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/5 **

3 people marked this as a favorite.
jerdog wrote:
One way to make things easier for the GM is to either have the stat blocks at the end of the scenario or have them as a separate file.

The GM shared prep very often gives full stat blocks to be printed.

In all honesty, if it wasn't for the GM shared prep I think that I'd have gotten burnt out and stopped GMing awhile back. Full prep is just too much work to do on a constant basis

Dark Archive 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I know they do. I rely on it quite often. The point is that you should not NEED to rely on the GM Shared Prep site. Again, if you have to run cold, a not uncommon occurrence, you will not be able to access that site.

pauljathome wrote:
jerdog wrote:
One way to make things easier for the GM is to either have the stat blocks at the end of the scenario or have them as a separate file.

The GM shared prep very often gives full stat blocks to be printed.

In all honesty, if it wasn't for the GM shared prep I think that I'd have gotten burnt out and stopped GMing awhile back. Full prep is just too much work to do on a constant basis

Silver Crusade 4/5

The moment a scenario says apply xxx template, I cross my fingers that someone has already done it and uploaded to the Prep site. Of course, scenarios list virtually nothing (HP and CR) for any creatures that are not completely unique to the scenario. I'd love an appendix also; especially, one that's smartly formatted so you don't have to have stats split onto multiple pages if at all possible.


jerdog wrote:
I would like to thank the Paizo team for looking at ways to make PFS better. One way to make things easier for the GM is to either have the stat blocks at the end of the scenario or have them as a separate file. This way, it will not be necessary to constantly flip back and forth when running a game. There have been several scenarios that I have run (cannot remember the names) where, in a later combat, you were told to use a stat block from the first encounter. If you have time to prep you can just print out the pages but if you have to run cold it makes things very difficult. Also, if complete stat blocks can be included rather than a reference to a Bestiary or NPC Codex entry, that would be great. Thanks for the great work.

I disagree. I would rather see the word count in a standard stat block go to story. I do like the idea of appendicizing statblocks used on more than one page. Especially in the higher tiers where a two statblocks at two tiers span multiple pages.

To the actually mentioned changes: WOW, very cool :)

5/5 5/55/55/5

Curaigh wrote:

I disagree. I would rather see the word count in a standard stat block go to story. I do like the idea of appendicizing statblocks used on more than one page. Especially in the higher tiers where a two statblocks at two tiers span multiple pages.

To the actually mentioned changes: WOW, very cool :)

Why is wordcount even an issue on a PDF only product?

If the issue is print out, then its not saving me any paper: I still have to print out the monsters from a different document then.

Paizo Employee 4/5 Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
BigNorseWolf wrote:

Why is wordcount even an issue on a PDF only product?

If the issue is print out, then its not saving me any paper: I still have to print out the monsters from a different document then.

The reason word count comes up is because it's more that needs to be developed (or at least styled and double-checked) and edited. The larger/longer that scenarios get, the longer it takes to get them into the GMs' hands.

You're otherwise right with regards to not needing to fill up an exact number of pages.


BigNorseWolf wrote:
If the issue is print out, then its not saving me any paper: I still have to print out the monsters from a different document then.

I suppose, but I already have a printout of most critters in the form of the Bestiary.

Dark Archive 4/5

deusvult wrote:
I'm quite curious to see what new replay options come to light.

My guess is it will involve a different set of conditions to get the second prestige point. Likely playing on the explore-report-cooperate theme, perhaps making a report on the key contribution of each team member to the mission success plus of course not giving away any of the plot at the table.

5/5 5/55/55/5

Curaigh wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
If the issue is print out, then its not saving me any paper: I still have to print out the monsters from a different document then.
I suppose, but I already have a printout of most critters in the form of the Bestiary.

But do you have the advanced, young, incorporeal, etc. already done out?

Or the increasingly common NPC codex?

I don't know about you, but if i only put things i need in my geek bag i tend to not put it back in when i do need it: so the bag stays loaded with everything. I've had to switch to the kindle and its been a life saver for my back.

If the monsters aren't from the same source then the table stars to get REAAALY cluttered.

5/5 5/55/55/5

John Compton wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:

Why is wordcount even an issue on a PDF only product?

If the issue is print out, then its not saving me any paper: I still have to print out the monsters from a different document then.

The reason word count comes up is because it's more that needs to be developed (or at least styled and double-checked) and edited. The larger/longer that scenarios get, the longer it takes to get them into the GMs' hands.

You're otherwise right with regards to not needing to fill up an exact number of pages.

Its either you guys double checking the templating once or every dm double checking the templating every time they run a game. Hero lab or an excel spreadsheet ought to do it.

I know that messing up a templating leaves you with a little egg on your face, but its no more harmful to the game than thousands of DMs in a hurry messing something up. Not that I've ever messed anything up of course... *whistles innocently*

I would prefer the critter in the text, but as an appendix or even a separate file would be a step in the right direction without requiring any editing. The Shared prep drive is great, but its changed places every 6 months or so and its an extra step to explain to new DMs.


I'm excited for these changes. I'm looking forward to seeing what's coming to the game soon!

Without going into any specifics, can either Mike or John comment on if the difficulty issue with scenarios (either being way too easy or way too hard) was addressed in the meeting?

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

Mark Stratton wrote:
thistledown wrote:
Just having fun - I know my printer is an odd size. However, extracting from the pdf's and printing has never had resolution problems. Too dark sometimes, but never too blurry.
How are you able to print that .pdf to the scale of the battlemat and NOT have it be too blurry or pixelated? I can export and resize them, but they are horribly blurry.

First I use a program to extract the graphics from the pdf (btw: how the season 6 cover pages are assembled is very amusing to me). Then I take the jpg and drag it into AutoCAD. I make a 1" measurement then scale the jpg to match it in modelspace. Then I go to paperspace and make a viewport at full scale (or often, 15/16 scale, as they don't quite fit). On smaller maps I use multiple viewports to different maps so that I don't waste paper. Then print.

They're not perfect, but I've never had any problems with the print quality with this method. Trying to print the jpg directly through windows has two problems - first, it's hard to control the print scale with just the windows picture software. Second, the plotter often chokes when I try to send it pictures directly - it's old and somehow the memory requirements work better coming from AutoCAD or a PDF.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

It was "hilarious" when the GM thought that the Young Hippogriffs in the Confirmation were just medium-sized hippogriffs with a few less HP. He didn't realize that Strength and damage dice went down as well. (Ouch.)

Grand Lodge 4/5 Global Organized Play Coordinator

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tarma wrote:

I'm excited for these changes. I'm looking forward to seeing what's coming to the game soon!

Without going into any specifics, can either Mike or John comment on if the difficulty issue with scenarios (either being way too easy or way too hard) was addressed in the meeting?

Yes. ;-)

Sovereign Court 5/5 * Venture-Captain, Texas—Houston

Michael Brock wrote:
Tarma wrote:

I'm excited for these changes. I'm looking forward to seeing what's coming to the game soon!

Without going into any specifics, can either Mike or John comment on if the difficulty issue with scenarios (either being way too easy or way too hard) was addressed in the meeting?

Yes. ;-)

Finally some changes I am really extremely excited for. :D

Scenarios going back to 4 hours really makes me happy!

Sovereign Court 4/5

The whole thing about stat block references is an age old topic discussed five years ago! I yearn for appendices, which could include the templated creatures and feats and ... wait, I wrote about the same stuff on the previous page.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Global Organized Play Coordinator

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Deussu wrote:
The whole thing about stat block references is an age old topic discussed five years ago! I yearn for appendices, which could include the templated creatures and feats and ... wait, I wrote about the same stuff on the previous page.

Yes we discussed that and several other things about scenario layout, including possibly removing the two pages of ads. No need to keep stating the same thing. We are aware of all the issues people have asked about. :-)

Grand Lodge 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Baltic

Deussu wrote:
The whole thing about stat block references is an age old topic discussed five years ago! I yearn for appendices, which could include the templated creatures and feats and ... wait, I wrote about the same stuff on the previous page. does provide those appendices, so that's a work around. is also a nice tool (free desktop version) that can get you all the advanced/augmented/young templates you need

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I do think the "form" of the scenario writing could be improved.

One thing that can trip people up is when an important detail is buried somewhere in the middle of a paragraph of description that's not actually box text. A GM will often paraphrase such descriptions, and then it's easy to miss the important detail. Just bolding out the crucial detail would make it a lot easier for the GM.

Library of the Lion example:

The scroll tube contains an unsigned letter that describes many of the mission’s details from Princess Eutropia’s perspective as well as a formal request signed by the Arch-Exarch Gregorius to admit the bearers to the Kitharodian Academy’s rare books collection. The princess’s letter also explains that the Pathfinders can find the hidden entrance to the archive by studying honor, courage, and glory. Muesello’s
second package contains a potion of invisibility and a potion of pass
without trace. In Subtier 4–5, there is also a vial that contains a single dose of dust of illusion. The modified deck of illusions contains
one card for each PC and companion (such as animal companions). Muesello makes sure that the PCs receive the magic items, the letters, and several dozen sheets of paper with writing utensils before calling the meeting to an end.

This piece of text is located roughly in the middle of a three-page section describing the mission briefing. Most of that page consists of answers to specific questions, but this piece of text should always be read to the players, otherwise they can't begin the adventure. Just highlighting those words will make it much easier for the GM to make sure the PCs can get underway.

Horizon Hunters 4/5 5/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Indianapolis

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I am in the minority here, I am sure, but putting stat blocks in the scenario really doesn't help me much. I make individual combat sheets for each monster/encounter. I include info on those sheets that aren't normally contained in the stat blocks - descriptions of feats or abilities I am unfamiliar with, spell descriptions for monsters that have spells, etc.

I am not suggesting that they NOT include them - I realize adding them would be helpful for many people. For me, though, my combat sheets work well enough that I never have to open a book to look up something about a monster. So, during combat, I am only looking at my combat sheets and not the scenario. I use a variant of many of the sheets on the GM Prep site.

So, I'm all for including them for those who would find them useful, but they wouldn't be of use to me.

Grand Lodge 5/5 5/55/5 *

I'm looking forward to the changes, especially shorter scenarios that are easier to prep. Thanks for keeping us the loop!

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