Group size - is 6 permanent?

Pathfinder Online

Goblin Squad Member

Thanks in advance~

Goblin Squad Member

Saiph wrote:
Thanks in advance~

I'm wondering if the group mechanics are fully implemented?

If one character in a group is attacked, do all members see the attacker as having the attacker flag?

What ever happened to being a part of multiple groups? Can one group of six contain six members that are attached to another group of six? This would allow for a raid group of 36, which would play in nicely with those larger scale interactions GW has been proposing.

Goblin Squad Member

I'd like to see groups of 8 :)

Goblin Squad Member

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I think the party size is too small. But there won't be any changes in Alpha.

Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon wrote:
I think the party size is too small. But there won't be any changes in Alpha.

Thank you!

Goblin Squad Member

For the record, I'd like to see Party Size at 12. That's large enough that you can split a full party into two when an extra person shows up and still have a very decent-sized party.

Goblin Squad Member

I like 8 just because of the group symmetry:

2 Healer/Support
2 Tanks

Goblin Squad Member

I would like to see the limit on parties be 8 as well.

I would also like the ability to merge up to 8 parties together, with whomever is party leader has the ability to minimize his/her party, and bring up the party leaders of each additional party. Members would just be able to see who is in their party, but all 64 members would show up blue on the screen.

Goblin Squad Member

I would think under the aristocrat feat tree we might eventually find feats that allow them to organize multiple parties into larger forces.

Goblin Squad Member

The limit on party sizes should be in the hundreds.

This isnt WoW or SWTOR, we are not running instanced PVE grinds.

We are in an open world game, we need to be able to form up armies. All the clerics in the group should be able to see everyone grouped up and what their health levels are. etc etc

We also need to be able to see anyone in our group either in our hex or anywhere on the map. Group leaders need to know where their people are and not be required to ask for coordinates.

Goblin Squad Member

Originally I was in the party size 6 group. But after playing Alpha, I have come to the viewpoint of 8 members in a party would be a good balance.

Saying that, I do think there should be a way to "group" multiple parties together in a Raid-like group for large campaigns such as Wars and Escalations.

Goblin Squad Member

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Xeen wrote:

The limit on party sizes should be in the hundreds.

This isnt WoW or SWTOR, we are not running instanced PVE grinds.

We are in an open world game, we need to be able to form up armies. All the clerics in the group should be able to see everyone grouped up and what their health levels are. etc etc

We also need to be able to see anyone in our group either in our hex or anywhere on the map. Group leaders need to know where their people are and not be required to ask for coordinates.

That is an awful lot of information on your screen, there would need to be a way to filter it.

Goblin Squad Member

You are absolutely correct Cheatle. It would need to have a filter and etc. It was done in Eve, but it is easier to do in a space game like that.

Goblin Squad Member

Spreadsheets in space? No. Spreadsheets in the River Kingdoms.

Goblin Squad Member

Its all about the spreadsheets

Goblinworks Executive Founder

Kadere wrote:
Spreadsheets in space? No. Spreadsheets in the River Kingdoms.

WoW, LoL, or even PnP Pathfinder is Spreadsheets, just fewer of them since the number of combinations and variables are fewer. :P

Xeen wrote:
You are absolutely correct Cheatle. It would need to have a filter and etc. It was done in Eve, but it is easier to do in a space game like that.

Massive battlefield organization was also done in the real world :P.

I think extending those practices into digital metaphors would be a valid process. Flag Bearers, Buglers, Drummers, etc.

The methodology in EVE would mostly still apply. As someone who's been a mid-point command ships in larger battles and a Mining Operation director, the only person who really gets UI overload are people at higher points in the Fleet structure. Even then for PFO some of that status information could be cut back from a "setting" stand.

In a space game like EVE it makes sense for command ships to be getting status information from everything in a fleet in near-real time. In a "fantasy" setting like PFO most battlefield commanders won't be able to track the health of individuals. At best they can watch the Flag Bearers of a unit to get an idea of that group as a whole. Calling out individual targets from a distance is likely wise an issue unless the target is very big. Most of the time that's down to individual Party leaders and soldiers to execute on general orders like "attack the commander", "stop the casters", "heal the injured".

The biggest issue is not group organization, that's mainly making sure people in the same Party/Squad/Army are flagged and marked appropriately to each other. The issue is Loot Share/Logging, and that system took CCP a while to get into EVE Fleets.

Grand Lodge

Saiph wrote:

I like 8 just because of the group symmetry:

2 Healer/Support
2 Tanks

Just a little bone to pick but what you're describing is the Trinity of MMO's, which is something that GW has stated they will be forging the game without this kind of scheme since it only reinforces the "mandatory" min/max builds for the given roles.

That said I think that 8 is a good number for group size but I'd rather see a MUCH higher limit to the number of people who can associate themselves to a party, closer to 20 people than 10 since PFO won't have raids in the typical aspect and there needs not be a division between small (2-6) party and a large one (6-20). The biggest issue I see that this might cause is some crowded UI features, but that's something easily addressed in time.

Larger groups are not part of what I view as MVP, but rather a feature to implement down the road once the UI, animation, server load, additional roles, and alignment system are all mostly in their "final" form.

Goblin Squad Member

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To be honest despite various attempts never actually managed to get a group of larger than 3 at one time going in game.

Hopefully that will change with EE.

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A group of 20 crafters retaking a nearby tower would be pretty darn awesome.

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