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An elf enters the fray. He looks a mess compared to those celebrating and dancing some occasion. It was pleasing to see such expressiveness in clothing and Action.
Well, it's good to be in civilization...even if they are posing and discussing curtains. He thought to himself a chuckle forming over his slightly chapped lips.
His hair was frazzled into uneven spouts of cowlicks, volume displacement and burns. His cloths show tears and cuts along the sleeves and leggins. There is a scent of moistened dirt and blood though both have seemingly been washed away. At one point his simple cloths may have been a gray color but have been bleached in the sun it would seem.
His skin, boasting a rather bronze/red darkening as tan lines mark along his feet where the straps of his sandals held to his foot.
"So. Where do acolytes of the silver crusade normally get food and enjoy the finery of new cloths?" He asked, mostly looking toward those that are little more flashy. Avelina and Auriea.

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Marak's face hardens for a moment, then he smiles sadly. I had a similiar experience a few weeks ago. I-I got a chance to see where I came from and, uh, meet what I believe was my birth mother. I just wish she had listened a-a-and hadn't hurt those people. I didn't want to ki--
He stops and shakes his head. I-I'm sorry, that's not your burden to bear.

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Honor has a Strong Aura of Good, and a weak aura of Law, being an 8th level Paladin with 9 total HD
Perception: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (20) - 2 = 18
Honor is startled by someone jumping into the room.
“My I must have been day dreaming again, it looks like much has happened here quite quickly. It seems that indeed this Thunderlips and his lady are in no need of assistance, and we have a lovely journey to be undertaken.
Suli I am quite impressed by your feat of redemption, it is quite a rare story to hear of a Vampire redeemed and restored to Paladinhood. I sometimes find myself filled with too much ire in the face of evil due to my Oath of Vengeance. I find diplomacy and discourse to be preferred, but I am no stranger to violence. Though I do not revel in battle like my mentor, Venture Captain Jonas Vividsun.
I too am traveling to the North, though past Ustalav to the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. I have a task to seek the aid of a Cloud Giant Wizard for the society. I would happily accompany you ladies on your journey and continue upon my own afterwards.
Avelina you are one of the most fashionable people I have had the pleasure to meet. I too wear whites, but mixed with purple as they are the favored colors of the Spirit of Abandon. I have been considering selling this mithral shirt and purchasing a wand of mage armor to protect me instead, while I am generally quite clumsy, I find this armor to restrict my movements in battle, what do you think?
Also while Suli may be married, I am not. I enjoy finding companionship wherever I go especially during my daily Obediences. Your completion is so fair and alluring. In my homeland such blonde hair is very rarely seen. I’d happily be girlfriends, or girl friends as you see fit.” Honor winks at Avelina at the end of her statements.

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Avelina gasps as she sees the scandalously dressed Honor once more. Her cheeks flush with red once more, and she begins fiddling with her hands, suddenly incapable of deciding what to do with them.
"I, um, have always been of the mind that the restrictiveness is how you know that it is worthy attire. Why, I do not remember the last time I saw Auntie without her full-plate on."
Avelina looks off, perhaps into a memory, as a weary concern drags upon her face.
"She says it serves as an example to all those that fight in the Inheritor's name by showing that she always bears the weight of her responsibility."
She turns back to Honor, and Avelina puts on a smile.
Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
I would probably put something reasonably obscure, such as the obedience of an empyreal lord, at least at a DC 20
"You mentioned your obedience? How serendipitous! I do my obedience to Iomedae every morning as well. While I could never complain about an hour of praying to the Inheritor on my sword, the addition of company could only improve the experience.
Assuming a steely expression on her face that would not be out-of-place on Sheila Heidmarch--but still blushing--Avelina gazes past Honor.
"I would be very interested in that...other matter. We may discuss it later. I have a standing reservation at The Golden Serpent, if...you wish to join me."
Avelina indicates Tyreal with an upward nod.
"As of now, we have more righteous souls that have arrived in search of guidance!"
Avelina holds a finger to her lip as she ponders. Her other hand is in a frenzy, casting prestidigitation again and again to make Tyreal presentable and remove the smell of blood.
"I do not actually know where our commisary is."
She points to Marak. "You, ifrit! Do you know where the commisary is?"
Sense Motive: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (11) - 2 = 9
Avelina pauses as she sees Marak clearly upset about something. After an uncomfortable ten seconds of silence, she leans in towards Tyreal and whispers to him, her eyes still on Marak. "Why does that one look troubled? Was he moved by my heartbreak?"
Avelina's eyes flash with inspiration, and she rushes over to Marak and embraces him. "Oh, you are such a dear to worry about me! I shall mention this kindness to Dear Ollysta!"
She pulls back and looks directly at Marak.
"What was your name again?"

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Avelina holds a finger to her lip as she ponders. Her other hand is in a frenzy, casting prestidigitation again and again to make Tyreal presentable and remove the smell of blood.
"I do not actually know where our commisary is."
He raises a brow as his cloths become magically violated by Avelina's magical hands. He waited patiently for the spells magic to take affect noticing the smell of blood fade. Well, It's good to know there other arcane magi among the silver crusade" He thought. When Avelina admitted to not knowing where the place of food resided, he schlumpt over, his arms dangling from his shoulders like limp noodles.
"I believe the commisary is down that hall, third door on the right."
With that, he quickly strengthen his posture, looking toward the monk with a fabulous choice of ware. Feeling the joy of food to be within him, he quickly bowed before Avelina and darted over to Voren.
"You sir. You have saved me a trip into town!" with a laugh, he took the man's clawed hand, shaking it as he strolled off toward the commissary.

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Rhon rises up through the floor of the hall grasped in the hands of a large earth elemental after which he looks around to see who is about. The earth elemental has settled peacefully partially into the floor by an empty table, coincidentally this is the same table as which Rhon takes a seat. See only a very few that he recognizes he chooses to take a seat at a nearby table before flagging down a server for a drink.
"It is nice to be able to visit home now and again but I must admit I have come to truly enjoy my time here within this hall."

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"As it happens, Shelyn's colors are red, gold, and green, but rainbow colors are sacred, too, and she makes it clear that one should dress in the way that flatters them most. That's why I have so many pastel colors; I want to represent Shelyn's appreciation for all colors (and, by extension, all feeling creatures), but I know I look and feel better in the lighter versions of those colors.
"Also, in Varisian culture, pink stands for love, kindness, and courage, so I've always liked it best."
Suhaila clears her throat and averts her gaze, kicking the ground shyly.
"Also, I know I was a bit vague back there, but... do we still get to be friends? I really would appreciate your company, if you still wanted to go to Caliphas and meet that paladin, sometime, but I understand if you'd rather not... I just thought it could be fun."
After hearing Honor's praise, the angelkin blushes.
"Uh... thank you! It's not always easy, but I just remember that anything that can love can be redeemed, and that helps me keep my temper, sometimes."

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Still incredibly confused, Marak looks to Bo and Berrick, before awkwardly embracing Avelina... immediately pushing her away when her cassock begins to smoke. S-sorry, still-still working on controlling that.
bluff: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (17) + 18 = 35
Yes, I was-uh-moved by your... romantic gesture? He guesses, still not entirely sure of what's going on. Either way, I don't think we've been introduced, I'm Marak. He offers his hand then, upon realizing it's still burning hot, looks around for some water.

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While escorting Triblin out of the hall, Auriea takes someone's glass of water and dumps it onto Marak's hand, but keeping the glass as it was of a butterfly motif.
sleight of hand: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Realizing that his escortee was already out of the building, Auriea quickness his pace, but at the door turn around and bows at Avelina, Honor, and Suhaila.
'Twas a nice show that you two put on, and as for the blushing miss there, I hope your search is fruitful. It was a pleasure in seeing those who still travel, and may the stars guide you all.
Not even packing the glass he swiped, Auriea runs out of the hall to catch up to his short, heavily armored friend.

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Returning from his foree into the location that the commisary was asumed to be, the Tyriel returns, his arms full of what seemed to be a variety of fruits and a few shanks of dried meat.
Gripped in his hand, a green crystal bottle of wine, it's label rubbed away with tim,. Though the bottle itself did seem to be of Kyonin Import.
"I'm not sure if what I found was the kitchen...there was a bed and and some kind of desk, full of makeup... And a dress tossed lazily over the desk chair's back."
The elf shrugged as he found an empty chair. Setting his things before his feet, he went to the bottle only to find it more difficult to open then he had hoped.
Strength check to uncork aged bottle of wine: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (16) - 1 = 15
Despite his light frame, he was able to remove the cork, triumphantly laughing as he place the neck to his lips, drinking in the white win.

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Avelina, upon noticing that her clothes were smoking, pulls back with a small shriek. She frantically waves her hands, cleaning herself with her cantrip, as her eyes darting all over her in an effort to find every possible burn mark. When finally satisfied that she is not on fire and that no part of her is injured or--worse--unpresentable, she straightens her back, takes a breath, and resumes her usual composure.
"No worries, everyone! The situation has been resolved. Just a minor inconvenience."
Bluff (circumstance penalty): 1d20 + 15 - 5 ⇒ (18) + 15 - 5 = 28
She focuses her attention back on Marak.
"Anyways. What was I talking about?" Her brow furrows in confusion. "Ah, yes. Who are you? I do not mean your name; I mean who are you? What do you cry out when you go into battle or when you defeat a great foe? What do you fight for? Glory? Justice? The Inheritor? The Glorious Justice of the Inheritor?"
Avelina turns her body away in a single controlled swivel, then turns her head back to Marak.
"While you ponder my wonderfully wise and piercing wisdom, others require my attention."
Avelina takes a few steps towards Suhaila, her steps light, but she catches Tyriel in the corner of her eye and she full stops.
"Have you no manners?" She shakes a nagging finger at him. "You do not drink from the bottle. Use a glass! We are not on the frontlines in a barracks, so a little sense of decorum would be appreciated." Avelina waves a hand towards Rhon. "See? Be more like Rhonnie. He has some sense of propriety!"
Fully convinced that her words would be heeded and that no further action would be required on her part, Avelina moves past Tyriel to Suhaila.
"Darling, how could you think I would not want to be friends?" Avelina clasps Suhaila's shoulders and gives her friendly kisses on each cheek.
She tilts her head slightly as she speaks, her smile not matching the anxiety in her eyes.
"Talking about clothes is what friends do, right? I must admit I do not have much experience with all this."
Her tone is innocent, but it also carries the tint of an unconcious shame. Her hand has wandered to the hilt of her sword, her fingers tapping a nervous beat.
"It all feels so...immaterial. Like I should be off fighting something in the name of my Glorious Inheritor. She did not have time for frivolity."
Avelina's hands, still restless, move freely in rhythm with her speech.
"You see, we do not talk about things like clothes much in Mendev, except for in a practical sense such as 'oh, that breastplate won't hold up to a babau spear' or 'that helmet obscures your field of vision too much' or 'a vrock will see you from a mile away with that hat, Avelina.'"
Avelina shakes her head, her hands on her cheeks. "Oh, this is all so dreadfully confusing!"

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Suhaila watches Tyriel drink, concerned by his description of the "kitchen".
"Uh... but... kitchens don't have beds, so... whose stuff is... Never mind."
Turning, she smiles at the confused Avelina.
"I know some Iomedaeans think that we Shelynites are kind of frivolous, because we talk more about love and beauty and the arts than about crusades and holy war, and I can understand that; still, I feel like if we don't enjoy the precious and fun things in life and only focus on the fight, then we might forget some of the things we're fighting for. Also, I happen to like talking about the artistry of clothing, but friends talk about whatever they want to talk about! I'd be happy to discuss whatever you're interested in!
"I... I don't know the deeper mysteries of Iomedae's church, but if she was human, then I bet even she spent some time having fun with good friends; the people who are most fervent about protecting such things are often the people who have experienced them themselves, right?"

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"You have some really good points there, Suhaila." The paladin speaks up after some time in her own thoughts. "I'm sorry, but I could not help but overhear. I, myself, have been chastised for being overeager to do that which I excel in. So, hearing it put that way, and even thinking of the Goddess as her former self makes me realize that I have harbored my own anger for too long."
She sighs softly and looks down, heavy-hearted and reflecting. "Again, I think you are right about protecting the good in life that has been experienced. I think I will seek some of that, before I am sent out on a next mission." She looks up again, more hopeful than before.

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”Suhaila is quite right. It is very important to make time to enjoy ourselves and experience the good things in life so we are reminded of why we combat the darkness. Arshae teaches ourselves to enjoy each other’s company exalting in expression and physical beauty, but it goes deeper than that. Only by knowing the precious things in life can we understand why it is important to honor the good and the innocent.”
Turning to Avelina “Oh, I am glad you are alright, if you need more water let me know, I can create some if you need more help.”
Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
“Ah, I must admit that my Obedience that I have suggested you join me in during our travels is of a more intimate nature between the participants than the Obedience that The Inheritor teaches. I certainly wouldn’t mind joining you in your prayers, but mine are quite different in nature. My Obedience is generally done in private and only consenting adults may participate. It usually involves less clothes than what I normally wear, if you understand what I mean.” Honor then winks at Avelina, and offers a warm and genuine smile.

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Hearing the words of Bree-Bran and Honor, Suhaila's face lights up like a Crystalhue prism; her expression is akin to that of a puppy who has successfully fetched a stick.
Shelyn, didja see that? I did good! I helped somebody!
Elated, she turns to Bree-Bran.
"That's great! I'd love to help you find whichever happiness you're looking for, if that's okay!"
Suhaila stops for a moment, then clarifies.
"Uh... just to be sure- I can help with romance, if that's what you want, but only in an advisory sense."

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Bree flashes a bright grin in response to Suhaila. "I thank you most kindly, and worry not, for I have no need for romance at this time, but comradeship is most welcome." There is a nod of assertion, she continues, a little sadly.
"I have been to weddings and gatherings where things of dire and evil portent have come to pass. In my home... original land, marriages were things of paper and attorneys, and I have no desire for that. No, fighting the good fight, seeing people freed of oppression and predation, and then celebration with friends and comrades is what I seek." Her smile comes back, with a wry twist. "I think I have even tried what our new friend, Honor, would consider a proper obeisance to her Celestial Lord. That was some time back, I think."

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On their own, the phrases "intimate nature," "generally done in private," and "only consenting adults may participate" might have flown right by, never connecting with each other in Avelina's mind.
"Well, of course. A woman's relationship to her deity is very personal, and prayers are usually done best away from rabble that might bother you with petty material concerns." Her face scrunches up in confusion. "I do not know why you would do an obedience without consenting either...."
As she processes the last bit, "usually involves less clothes than what I normally wear," Avelina's brain finally grasps at the innuendo connecting Honor's words. She gasps as her breath abandons her. She steps back, nearly tripping on a divit in the stone floor.
"That is...I mean...highly inappropriate! I do not know what to...if you will excuse me!" She darts out the door, her face almost as red as the crimson mantlet she wears.

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About five minutes later, Avelina's dwarven companion reenters. Mumbling something to himself over-and-over, he looks at each person in the room, repeating the words as if checking them against each of the assembled people. He finally stops on Honor, nodding to himself before walking over.
He clearly attempts a hushed tone, but the gesture is undermined by his naturally booming voice, the acoustics of the large common room, and—of course—his decidedly unsubtle appearance. ”Aye, lass.” He pulls a note out of a pouch on his belt and presses it into her hand. ”If ye be Honor, I've got a message fer ye from a 'friend.'”
He turns and shuffles off out of the room, as though his presence might be forgotten if he could make his appearance short enough.
The note is written on fine stationary bordered with a pattern of swords and suns. The script flows with a practiced precision that has been marred by a hurried hand. The 'i's bear a distinct similarity to swords.
Greetings Miss Honor,
Please do not take my outburst for a lack of interest in your proposition. Making such arrangements in full public view is improper, nor would I care to broadcast such an association unnecessarily.
If you are still interested, then meet me at The Golden Serpent tonight for dinner, as I previously mentioned. We might discuss such things more privately there.
By the Grace of the Inheritor,
Avelina Theodosia Iomedae Rydell Cecilia Galfrey

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"Yes, I am Honor." Honor takes the note from the dwarf and reads it to herself. She smiles to herself while reading. " Suhaila I do hope you will consider letting me travel with you and Avelina when you set out to the north, but to appears that I have dinner plans for this evening. I wish all of you the best, I must go get ready." Honor goes off to make herself ready to go to dinner this evening.

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Marak blinks. He hasn't thought about this in a very long. I uh, none of those things. I fight be-because I have to. There's so much evil, creatures which-uh-hurt others for no reason other than they find it fun. I-I have to stop them, b-by any means necessary.
"Well said. I personally fight in Sarenrae's name. I would prefer to serve in another way, but fighting is what I'm good at. I look forward hopefully to the day violence will no longer be necessary."

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Suhaila grins at Bree-Bran.
"Heh, yeah... as a married woman, I can attest that that particular obedience is one of the best things EVER. Like when- ahem. Uh... nevermind."
Her face rapidly reddening, she watches as Aldoz delivers the note.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (5) + 18 = 23
Gathering the gist of the situation, she smiles broadly at Honor.
"Now, what kind of Shelynite would I be if I said no? I'd love it if you joined us! Besides, it's very possible that my husband will be summoned to Gallowspire, as well, so... it could be like a double date, but for traveling, Pathfinding, and religious sightseeing! I'll have someone send out messages when we're ready to leave; I hope your evening plans go smoothl-EEP!"
She smiles and begins to wave as Honor leaves, but the sudden entrance from the rafters startles her, resulting in a loud squeak.
"Uh... hello? How... how long have you been up there?"

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Wow, you folks are really weird (I really fit in here). Hanging in the rafters, obedience to various gods..... Maybe, I should try that out sometime. The Donkey speaking Monkeys told me I should look up "E or E" if I ever got out of T' N'. They did seem adamant about me leaving, once I was trained in the ways of peace through horizontal blindness. So I came here...stopping by way of some strange island of eating people...it really wasn't on the way, but wow did those guys need peace.

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"Uh... hello? How... how long have you been up there?"
The bat yawns to show off tiny, needle sharp teeth and stretches, halfing again its two foot length "I got in from radhdoumi last night and didn't want to bother waking anyone up for a room, but I didn't wake up till you started discussing your un planned mating activities. Still can't believe you don't need a license for that.

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Bree-Bran nods to Pythia, and also to Suhaila. "Oh, yes. Meet Doyle. He's around here some times, and I'd say about half of it he's a bat. He is nice enough to talk to."
Then she turns to face the bat in question, her brow furling into a bit of a scowl before smoothing and then wrinkling into more of a puzzled expression. She looks around the room for something. "Doyle, where's your beast? Conan, I think? Remember, he can scare people if they don't know what to expect." She pauses to think for a moment. "I mean, I would not want him to get hurt."

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"Well, I'm more his bat than he's my raptor, but he's vacationing in the Mawangi Expanse. I was following some leads on where the statue of dervin gest pointed before getting side tracked a bit with all the plagues in Rahadoum. He said he wanted to be a villiage chief and get carried around on a palanquin.. wouldn't be surprised if he'd managed it by now.

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"Unplanned MATING activities?! I dunno about the others, but I assure you, I will not be mating with anyone in this room!"
Suhaila grumbles for a moment, then remembers her manners.
"Uh... nice to meet you, Doyle. I'm Suhaila, but some people call me Suli, for short; either is fine with me!"
She reaches out to shake a hand, then retracts it, unsure of how one properly greets a bat.
"So... so there are plagues in Rahadoum?"

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mmhmmms... , and puts a wing down to shake with the joint.
"Yes. They've instituted a no gods allowed policy. No churches, no proselytizing, no believers allowed. Makes it MUCH heard to handle disease out breaks. They'll allow alchemists and bards, but getting rid of diseases is harder for them and if you do TOO good a job the guards start looking at you funny.
Its a lot more strict than what we had even back home, but if a dozen or so people have a mouse brush over their foot and start to get better in one city, and a dozen go to bed and wake up feeling better in another the next day... I think i could do more if i was more systematic about it, but drawing attention to myself might get some of the guards hurt.

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"It is good the Society has never assigned me a mission in Rahadoum. I do not think it would go well."
He indicates his Sarenite monk's robes, holy symbol, and wayfinder topped with a big golden Sarenite ankh.
"To make matters worse, I've taken a personal vow to speak the truth. All the guards would have to do is ask if I worshipped a deity."

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"As it happens, they DID assign me a mission in Rahadoum, once... I'm not sure why the Society thought smuggling in an angelblooded, Shelynite priestess with a noticeable religious tattoo was in any way a good idea, but at least we managed to complete our mission before I got found out."
She smiles as the memory, but her expression grows sad at the thought of the nation's current troubles.
"It's just really frustrating; Shelyn and I could help SO MUCH if they would let me in, even for a little while. ...I wonder if I could get someone to teleport me past the border guard..."

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Bo looks up, Suhaila - I'm unavailable for teleports, but several of my less than lawful friends would be happy to accomodate you. You can find them west of Absolom in their elven enclave. Both are arcane casters, Righy of Taldor known as the Marquis du Ruum and Telessar Talimah of the Sczarni. Both are somewhat odd ..Bo looks around the room....but who isn't.

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Rapacious footsteps reverberate down the hall outside the common room, a familiar--and perhaps dreaded--pace. The figure that enters wears astounding armor of grey steel and radiant golden gilding accented with a deep crimson cape and a single plume of blue silk ribbons trailing from the top of the helmet.
The figure removes the helmet, and familiar golden hair spills out, now in curls instead of a Galtan braid.
"Hello, Darlings! Your favorite servant of the Inheritor has returned!"
Her dwarven companion finally enters and he immediately leans over to catch his breath. Avelina presses her helmet into his hand.
She advances, throwing up her arms as she abandons herself to the grace of her Goddess in a stance that might be depicted in the stained glass of Iomedaean churches, the mosaics of Sarenite temples, and so forth. "I have recruited a copper dragon to the cause of the Fifth Crusade!"
She turns her head away and gives a dainty wave, as though she just received outstanding praise. Her eyes are closed as she cannot help but let her mouth slip into a self-contented smile. "Oh, it was absolutely nothing. As a creature of great majesty and moral righteousness, I stood no chance of failure, as he was able to instantly recognize that I carry the Will of the Inheritor with me and that her cause is the most worthy, as any creature of great and ancient wisdom would."
She holds up a hand of pause. "Please. You do not need to shower your praises upon me." She crosses herself before clasping her hands together in pure delight. "The Chronicles speaking of the Mysterious Holy Warrior of Valor that tamed a dragon and brought it to the service of the Inheritor is reward enough."
Avelina looks to her dwarven companion and points towards the door. "Aldoz! Go to one of your pubs and spread tales of my exploits."

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"As it happens, they DID assign me a mission in Rahadoum, once... I'm not sure why the Society thought smuggling in an angelblooded, Shelynite priestess with a noticeable religious tattoo was in any way a good idea, but at least we managed to complete our mission before I got found out."
She smiles as the memory, but her expression grows sad at the thought of the nation's current troubles.
"It's just really frustrating; Shelyn and I could help SO MUCH if they would let me in, even for a little while. ...I wonder if I could get someone to teleport me past the border guard..."
Well... they do have a point. I've seen a lot of temples get taken over by evil gods, good clerics turned against their own people, religions fighting with each other...
And if you go its not just the border. You'd have to be a little more.. subtle than you are now. If you did the whole BY THE COLORS OF SHELYEN BE HEALED" thing you'd have guards on you in an hour. You'd need to be subtle. Mix up a "herbal remedy" in the back, invoke your gods will out of sight and then brush your hand up against them as you pour it down their throat. You'd have to let the good that was done itself be enough praise for your god. I know a few spots to fly you in if you want.

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"Marak? What happened t- ...I can heal you if you n- ...Okay, uh... bye?"
Suhaila watches him leave in mild concern, then smiles her thanks at Bo and Doyle.
"Thank you both for your advice and offers! I wouldn't want to go alone; the presence of my husband and friends played a large role in keeping my secret, after all. Still, assuming I could get some assistance, I'd be very grateful for either the aid of your elven friends, or your flying abilities. I'm not very good at being stealthy, but of course, I'll be as discreet as I can be; I'm pretty sure Shelyn would rather see good be done safely and quietly than risk that goodness by demanding credit for it.
"Still, odds are that I'll be called off to Gallowspire very soon, so I may have to put these plans on hold; the Whispering Way won't oust itself, after a-"
Her face lights up at Avelina's grand entrance.
"You're back! Sounds like you've been busy fighting the good fight..."
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
"And that... um... armor suits you well!"

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Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
"I agree. Only the finest steel for the finest warrior...Except for the leather parts."
The elf smiled before taking a bow. His hair dropping over his face only to fall back to its regular position once he readjusted his posture to standing.
"Well, I'm off to go see if the 'office' needs some of the Crusade's purging flame. I'm sure it does."
With that, Tyriel strolled out of the room, headed off to the Lodge to work.

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If you do take them up on the plan there are two methods of coercion. The Marquis is an ardent follower of Calistria. Especially, the Riddleport temple...although any cleric would have his immediate attention. He ahem died recently so avoid talks of risky ventures.
Tellesar's motivation is to duel, phrase the quest as a challenge of his ability and he wont deny it. He is a Pharasman, so avoiding the grave isnt a motivation he would support.
Elves are curious fellows.

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Perception: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (2) - 2 = 0 No idea the armor isn't real
Sense Motive: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (11) - 2 = 9 No idea that other peoples comments aren't completely sincere
"Oh what lovely armor dear, it is resplendent. It looks truly marvelous on you. In such attire you must strike fear into the hearts of evil. While I am actually quite clumsy, and one might expect me to wear such attire in battle, I find certain whispers that help me flow just ahead of many blades and claws. Even my mithral shirt seems to slow my ability to get ahead of blows. Oh but recruiting a copper dragon, that is quite a great thing, such a beautiful and noble creature shall surly aid the Crusade. You should really celebrate your victory, perhaps at the Golden Serpent?"
Honor winks at Avelina when she mentions the Golden Serpent.
"I have aided the crusade directly myself. I lead an army of elven rangers from the Tanglebriar against the fiends of the Worldwound. It was a pretty horrifying experience, but ultimately we triumphed in the field, and I as well as some other pathfinders took the fight to the enemy general and cut the head from the vile demonic snake.
I wish such actions were not necessary. That we might instead take the time to enjoy beauty and fine company, but if I must fight evil to help ensure others may live their lives free from such things, then I will.
Oh, Suli, if you need help convincing a devotee of Calistria, such as the one Bo mentioned, to help you, I have had some experience with some of her followers. I believe I would have little trouble in persuading them to help you. Also I have some talent at healing the injured, but little talent in combating disease, though I find no personal danger from such things if you'd like help in treating the sick, though I won't lie if asked about worshiping a divine being."

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"Thanks very much, Honor; I've been told that I'm a good negotiator, but I doubt that I'd be able to provide the... uh... payment that a Calistrian would likely want. If you're alright with those things, then I'll keep you posted about my plans, and if you want to come with me if I do get the chance to go, I would love the help!"