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![]() Frederick here is somewhat (in)famous at my local PFS tables for the fact that he basically destroys bodily remains if he has even the slightest suspicion that they're going to get up and try to eat his allies. This, in addition to his emphatic and frequent expression of his love of murdering evil people (Silver Crusade, baby!), basically forever bars him from being chaotic good. ![]()
![]() Holger Coulson wrote:
Aye, Ollysta Zadrian's set out a list of priorities for me to fulfill on my missions. I fail to see her motivations, I'm doing a perfectly job murdering evil people as it stands. Still, not going through the drudgery of it all after the enemy has fleed and surrendered is alright I suppose. ![]()
![]() "Greetings, I'm Frederick Savage, I love to murder evil people, and am always eager to see another join the illustrious ranks of the Silver Crusade. While I don't have the tongue for it, sometimes it is better that some battles go unwaged, be it to spare innocents, or wait for a greater opportunity." Frederick here is a chaotic-neutral worshipper of Desna. While he likes that the Silver Crusade fights evil, he still doesn't quite 'get' them entirely. He regards murder as "Killing outside of the situation of an execution." He's an absolute blast to roleplay, even as a Silve Crusader. Your concept would likely do fine. ![]()
![]() Frederick begins impatiently folding up his map and stuffing it into his pack. "I was told that my recent forays into the Mwangi and my group's skill at rescuing hostages made me perfect for this task. Once again I'm severely disappointed!" With his possessions tucked away, Frederick shoulders his bags, straps on his weapons, and heads for the door. "DRENG!" ![]()
![]() Frederic is Chaotic Neutral, believes himself to be Chaotic Good. He is of too low a level to give off an aura however. Satisfied in the integrity of his comrades Frederick moves to pull out some charts from his backpack, including a map of Absalom. "Now, if THUNDERLIPS is carrying the woman, and she isn't horribly undernourished, he should be moving slower than is typical. He would have come in through one of the docks..." Frederick pulls out a quill and ink pot to begin marking off distances. "Given two hours of walking, he could have made it to the docks which send ships to Taldor, Andoran and Qadira on Toildays, while he also could have made it to Temples of Shelyn located here and here, or possibly this small Arshean church just outside the Puddles District. If we can get to those locations, we may be able to find which he's hiding out at before he either flees the city or purchases a blunderbuss wedding." ![]()
![]() A four-armed half-orc bedecked in full plate, an adamantine lucerne hammer strapped to his back behind massive shoulders alongside a great-axe, two maces, and a large shield steps into the room, making something of a racket. He turns to shut the door before looking about him, seeing the various holy symbols he looks up to the ceiling as though trying to recall some pertinent information. Knowledge Religion: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16 With a click of his tongue he goes to the nearest unoccupied seat, removing his weaponry and pack before laying it all in a pile by his side. "How fairs the uh... the Inheritor and Eternal Rose?" Frederick begins unstrapping his armor, and lifts up the fauld, exposing what appears to be a recently re-opened wound. "Excuse me," he utters as he reaches for a wand in his pack, and utters a command word, sealing it up. "Now I understand that some Noblewoman has been taken by a rather large Ulfen man named THUNDERLIPS and we need to track them down?" ![]()
![]() Chief Grukgruk half orc too! Other half, also orc! Ohhh... Half Elf. That imply very ugly character backstory. Chief Grukgruk frankly not want dwell on that. |