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Here is the hint Tim leaked in the DMTools chat last night. Just focus on the gnome and what he says. I am kinda thick and Tim had to explain it to me using small words...

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Here is the hint Tim leaked in the DMTools chat last night. Just focus on the gnome and what he says. I am kinda thick and Tim had to explain it to me using small words...
It will come as no surprise to Tim that I had this very image in my mind shortly after--if not while--formulating the first hint.
I love that video.

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When do you think there will be an article break down for art assets? Any ideas?
We just fired Wayfinder #12 out onto the internet, so our attention can now turn to the mountain of submissions we got for #13. Now, 131 submissions take some time to read through, evaluate, and eventually we will be able pick our 45-46 articles. When we do, THEN we will be able to assign those to editors and artists.
I would anticipate that we won't be there until maybe January 17th or so. However, I will start by sending out the emails of inquiry to prospective editors and our artist roster this week, to put everyone on notice that "it's coming".
Krail, are you on our roster? Have you sent me an email with links to your portfolio?

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RAWR, huh? Maybe it's an acronym ...
"Really Awesome Written Results"?
"Recently Available World Resources"?
"Razmirans Are Woefully Represented"?
"Really, Aroden's Whereabouts Revealed"?
"Requesting Another Watery Region"?
The possibilities are endless!!! ;)
Please note I am assuming the extra four "A's" are merely there to throw us off...
EDIT: AH! Based off that other clue, it can only be one thing ... GNOMES! Look out Sanos Forest, here we come! ;)

Cthulhudrew |

So, I just sent in my submission for issue #13...
Actually, what I meant to say is that I only just now came up with what I thought would be a really cool addition to issue #13 a week too late. :(
So I'm going ahead and writing it up anyway, and will find some manner in which to share it with the community.

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Well, it's related to the rule book that just went up on the PRD.....
So, the Monster Codex.
Which is perfect for the gnome because they're monsters. They even have badger minions. Now I want to write up a Mad Dog barbarian gnome with badger animal companion, equipped with a wooden ax that his mom made for him.
The weapon will definitely be masterwork because his mom just loves him so much. Wants him to be safe.

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kevin_video wrote:Timitius wrote:Well, it's related to the rule book that just went up on the PRD.....So, the Monster Codex.PAIZO DIDN'T THINK OWLBEARS WERE GOOD ENOUGH FOR THE "MONSTER" CODEX
There's a LOT of things that Paizo doesn't think is good enough in general because they're essentially biased on a lot of monsters. Namely dragons.

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So, I just sent in my submission for issue #13...
Actually, what I meant to say is that I only just now came up with what I thought would be a really cool addition to issue #13 a week too late. :(
So I'm going ahead and writing it up anyway, and will find some manner in which to share it with the community.
I think that I might actually do something similar with an idea that came to me too late. What are your thoughts on where or how you will share it?

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So, yes....FINALLY we have correct guesses (man, I didn't think it was that hard....)
The theme for #14 will be MONSTERS. The use of the bestiaries, Monster Codex, and Advanced Races Guide (to create playable monster races), as well as the Inner Seas Monster Codex (May 2015), should all help with your submissions.
What does this mean?
Monsters are the focus. Weal or Woe articles should feature monsters, not the standard races. Fiction should have monsters as the main characters. Magic Items, spells, feats, special archetypes and PrCs....all for use by monsters.
And of course, the bestiary still is there....with NEW MONSTERS.
This is an open concept issue, not beholden to a specific region. It really should be wide-open for everyone.
Now, the question may then be...ANY MONSTERS?
We could easily parse it out, of course. We could have said:
Instead, we are saying MONSTER ISSUE, so we can have the variety that comes with saying that. This is as open concept as will are willing to go...because we still have an underlying "theme" to hold the issue together.
We will post an official call for submissions later (probably in March), but we anticipate that you have until September 2015. Start thinking....

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Just to throw my thoughts out there to help people "cage their brains" on the idea.
1) Fiction: There are lots of opportunities to tell stories from the monsters' perspectives. This doesn't have to be the campy, "adventurers invaded my dungeon!" kind of thing, either. There are many monsters in Golarion--orcs, hobgoblins, drow, ghouls, urdefhan, just to name a few--that have sophisticated social structures that can make for interesting stories, even without pitting them against PC races. For example, I recall editing at least one story from a previous Wayfinder issue that involved a half-orc's struggle for acceptance within its tribe. Monster Codex and the recently-announced Inner Sea Monster Codex will provide some ideas for that, as well. I think the May release date for the Inner Sea book will allow contributors a little time to digest it before they have to submit their articles.
2) Magic items: Intelligent monsters absolutely have the capability to create magic items, and may have a variety of reasons for coming up with things that PC races wouldn't normally think of. Monster anatomy, specific environments, alternate goals...all of these can lead to create magical or mundane tools that you won't be able to pick up in the local Magical Marketplace.
3) Golarion Gazeteer: The campaign setting books are riddled with mentions of monster lairs. If you've used one in your home game, taking the time to map it out and detail it for your players, now is your chance to share that creative work with the rest of the Pathfinder community! If you haven't, now would be the time to flesh out ideas for the locales that inspire you.
4) New Rules: From specialized feats or spells to unusual sorcerer bloodlines to monster-specific archetypes or prestige classes, there's a wide open space for new rules. And let's face it, what GM doesn't get at least a little bit of pleasure out of throwing something completely new, vicious, and unexpected at the PCs?
I have some ideas for Weal or Woe characters, but I want to talk to Tim about those before I throw them out into the wild. Hopefully, you can "chomp" on the information above for a little while and come up with something fun on your own.

theheadkase RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 |

So who would be up for working together in "groupings"? Pick a category of monster and write some article(s) for it and collaborate (loosely) with others interested in that category?
Personally, I'm super interested in constructs in general and the moral dilemma's creating an intelligent one poses. I think I already have an idea for a "white paper" type thing an intelligent construct would write in regards to being a person or not and ethical considerations.

Angry Wiggles RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32 |
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This is going to be fun. I've always enjoyed the mindset and culture of non-humanoid creatures, particularly how it is affected by their biology. This will give me the option to take years of notes and compile them into something real and concrete. There's a wealth of options for intelligent monsters and their mindsets that we can play with. Their household superstitions, beliefs, and even how they view other intelligent races. Oh, boy. The wheels are really spinning now.

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I had a post that first double posted, then deleted both. I thought I left that sort of nonsense behind on the old White Wolf boards.
Anyhow, to theheadkase, I wanted to show my interest in your idea of constructs as related morality and philosophy. Prometheus, Galatea, and the works of Asimov come to mind. I wonder if there is any precedent for spontaneously self-aware constructs in Golarion.

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Just to throw my thoughts out there to help people "cage their brains" on the idea.
3) Golarion Gazeteer: The campaign setting books are riddled with mentions of monster lairs. If you've used one in your home game, taking the time to map it out and detail it for your players, now is your chance to share that creative work with the rest of the Pathfinder community! If you haven't, now would be the time to flesh out ideas for the locales that inspire you.
Make our own lairs, locations and encounters with maps? What is this RPG Superstar?
Just kidding. I should make a Dragon Church Shrine. *DIBS!*
Challenge accepted.

theheadkase RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 |

I had a post that first double posted, then deleted both. I thought I left that sort of nonsense behind on the old White Wolf boards.
Anyhow, to theheadkase, I wanted to show my interest in your idea of constructs as related morality and philosophy. Prometheus, Galatea, and the works of Asimov come to mind. I wonder if there is any precedent for spontaneously self-aware constructs in Golarion.
I don't know about in Golarion and spontaneously becoming intelligent, but I could definitely see an "unforseen consequences" type of creation being the genesis.
In a real life setting I have been kicking around the idea of trying to write a scholarly paper on the ethical and moral dilemmas of artificial intelligence and how they are treated, how they are referred to (they, it, etc.), jobs, and all those things that we non-artificial intelligent beings take for granted.

RuyanVe |

RAWR, huh? Maybe it's an acronym ...
"Really Awesome Written Results"?
"Recently Available World Resources"?
"Razmirans Are Woefully Represented"?
"Really, Aroden's Whereabouts Revealed"?
"Requesting Another Watery Region"?
The possibilities are endless!!! ;)
Please note I am assuming the extra four "A's" are merely there to throw us off...
EDIT: AH! Based off that other clue, it can only be one thing ... GNOMES! Look out Sanos Forest, here we come! ;)
"Rules as written, really!"?
Do halflings count as monster? *ouch* Who bruised my shin?
Edit: Crossbreeds of a white and a red dragon are mine! Just sayin'.

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Is there a place I can learn more? I came here from a link in another topic and feel like I'm missing the rules and such of the contest.
Thunderfrog, this thread was dealing with the Call for Submissions for Wayfinder #13, a fanzine made by fans for fans of Pathfinder. The theme for #13 is Ustalav...but as of December 31, 2014, the call for submissions is closed, and we are starting production of it.
As is traditional at the close of each call, everyone asks me what the NEXT issue's theme will be, in this case #14. We play a little game...I give hints, everyone makes HORRIBLE guesses, and I finally give in and give the theme.
What you are seeing here, now, is a discussion about #14's theme, which I have announced is MONSTERS. I really should start the new thread, it seems.
If you are interested in participating in Wayfinder, then look back to the beginning of this thread, and read the Guidelines, which are typical for each issue. Then download some Wayfinder PDFs (they are FREE), and keep an eye out for the Call for Submissions for Wayfinder #14.
And join the conversations if you've got questions....

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Uh, if the issue theme is monster, I hope we will be able to submit more than one monster per submission...
Hey, Drejk.
Bestiary: New creatures to terrorize your PCs! Each creature counts as a separate submission. Submission size: Max 750 words per creature. (Because multiple creatures are combined into a single article, smaller entries will be considered as long as they are complete. See the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary for examples of proper formatting and content.)
So, yes, you can submit more than one monster per submission, just like always. We're not going to be making any kinds of big changes in the Bestiary submissions, because we don't intend the magazine issue to be one big Bestiary book. We want to see what people can come up with for using the monsters that already exist, not just adding more monsters to the roster. :D

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The Bestiary will be exactly as before...this is the place for new creatures, probably 10 pages of them or so.
I am, however, hesitant to go back to allowing multiple creatures count to just 1 submission. In the past, I think we went up to 2 creatures = 1 bestiary submission. But, honestly, I can't keep track of that, and figure out who has met or exceeded their 3 submissions, etc.
I believe we just started saying 1 creature = 1 bestiary submission to make it easier on us. And let's face it, with 130+ submissions...20+ creatures alone...we get a pretty good collection to choose from.
What that text Paris bolded indicates is that the hard target word count of 750 words does not apply to bestiary entries. So, you can turn in a 550 word monster, so long as it is a complete entry, stat block and all.
But, if you are doing a Weal or Woe...yes, you'll need two monsters for that one. ;-)