Ghoran Shenanigans (Break us some plantfolk)


They do count as Plants so
Traits: A plant creature possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature's entry).

Low-light vision.
Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms).
Immunity to paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep effects, and stunning.
Proficient with its natural weapons only.
Not proficient with armor.
Plants breathe and eat, but do not sleep.

What classes, feats, gear, ect would be perfect for making the most optimized character?

Those things are great for any character, so I'd look to the stats. Any charisma-based caster, scarred witch doctor, martial types... Heck, they'd make excellent fighters or rogues due to not needing to worry as much about Will saves. Honestly, outside of intelligence-based casters, there's very little downside here--which is why it's a 19 RP race.

Not saying that are not a very nice Race.

But what could we do with them to make them very very good.

+2 to Charisma and Con? Do all the stuff I wish I could do with Gnomes if it weren't for the Strength penalty.

So, a Paladin, Cavalier, Swashbuckler, martial Oracle would all be good. Bloodrager seems ideal. Martial beastly Druid seems on the nose.

Is this for a PC? If so, the seed ability seems like a nice way to get around things like curses or ability damage. Also might be a nice way to prevent a TPK before heading into a particularly dangerous encounter.

Well yes it is, I was looking for general ideas for it. And I want to see just how powerful I can make it. So I can scale it down a bit if it is too much.

Also Ghoran BBEG is gonna be a pain in the backside to kill off. Just had the Bad Guy spawn a Seed and hide it away somewhere, have a thrall take the seed and plant it at a secret Garden etc.

The party comes to fight him, he is a level down but they fight him and have a good battle and then kill him and he come sback in like 2-12 days.

Careful about the immunity to morale effects...
That includes rage for those pondering bloodragers or barbarians.
Parts of bard songs and various spell effects (like bless!)

Would it say if they where immune to Critical strikes? Because most things say if they are immune to stunning it implies a lot.

EvilMinion wrote:

Careful about the immunity to morale effects...

That includes rage for those pondering bloodragers or barbarians.
Parts of bard songs and various spell effects (like bless!)

I kind of want to make a Ghoran Skald now. Bard/barbarian hybrid that makes everyone else rage, but can't themselves :P Whether the idea would work would be heavily dependent on party make up I guess.

Immune to poison means you can puff out a stinking cloud spell and fight inside it. Some sort of sorcerer gish maybe?

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Wood Oracle would be very thematic. You can basically grow your own weapons from your body.

Btw: Unchained Rage is no longer a morale bonus. And obviously you want a raccoon familiar.

I'll say swash buckler, since those immunities makes up fro your saves.

You can just save charmed life for when you remember the will save isn't mind affecting (curse stuff is an obvious one). And your poor fort save seems rather moot too since you are immune to poison, stunning, and paralysis (which seem like the more debilitating fort saves).

being plants they can be healed by the Swamp Domain channeling

Can Ghorans be psychic magic users granting emotion components? Or are they as the Androids, but without the proper feat?

Remember: playing a Ghoran is like playing a Duergar. You don't do it for raw power, you do it for the insane survivability and utility. Like half of the encounters you have cannot really stop you any more. You simply cannot be affected by most of the save or suck effects in the game.

Basically, this race is immune to most of the things that stop PC's, specifically frontliners. You can make a deadly fighter, dumping all points into prime fighter stats, and bad guys will try to do typical things to you (like hold person) only to have it blank.

When you stack a bunch of immunities:
1.) melees cannot be turned against the party or stopped and are free to wade in, with THF PC's quickly becoming the #1 threat.
2.) mid-liners with spells (cleric, druid, etc.) gain free reign to disrupt combat.
3.) Arcanists can focus solely on not taking damage and dominating the battlefield.

Adding mild DR to this race creates a frontliner that can solo WAY above level content at low level. Ask yourself what a DR 5, level 3 Ghoran fighter does in a room full of 12 Violet fungi. The answer is "she levels".

Does Enlarge Person work on Ghorans?
1) EP is not polymorph which plants are immune to
2) Target: one humanoid creature; Ghorans are not of type (humanoid), but they are most likely humanoid shaped

on another note:

Solar Oracle's Blistered Caress (Su) can heal Ghorans for 1d6/lvl
Ghorans can also savely wade through a Fire Storm area

Ellioti wrote:

Does Enlarge Person work on Ghorans?

1) EP is not polymorph which plants are immune to
2) Target: one humanoid creature; Ghorans are not of type (humanoid), but they are most likely humanoid shaped

on another note:

Solar Oracle's Blistered Caress (Su) can heal Ghorans for 1d6/lvl
Ghorans can also savely wade through a Fire Storm area

Enlarge Person requires the Humanoid type, it doesn't work even on tieflings or aasimars as they are Outsiders despite their humanoid appearance

Entryhazard wrote:
Ellioti wrote:

Does Enlarge Person work on Ghorans?

1) EP is not polymorph which plants are immune to
2) Target: one humanoid creature; Ghorans are not of type (humanoid), but they are most likely humanoid shaped

on another note:

Solar Oracle's Blistered Caress (Su) can heal Ghorans for 1d6/lvl
Ghorans can also savely wade through a Fire Storm area

Enlarge Person requires the Humanoid type, it doesn't work even on tieflings or aasimars as they are Outsiders despite their humanoid appearance

Can you link me to where that rule actually is? Because in the spell description humanoid is clearly used as an adjective - nowhere does it say type.

Ellioti wrote:
Can you link me to where that rule actually is? Because in the spell description humanoid is clearly used as an adjective - nowhere does it say type.

The type semantically is often used as an adjective to the word "creature". A lot often you'll see "an undead creature" in the wording of spells or abilities for example.

"humanoid creature" is from the get-go a game term in addition to its literal meaning

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Ghorans can probably benefit from what seems to be one of the most cost effective healing options in the game:

Mimic Fibers:

Source Alchemy Manual pg. 11 (Amazon)

Price 30 gp; Weight —
Category Alchemical Tools
These alchemically prepared fungal spores are suspended in a thick green ichor. They grow in patterns that match any plant or fungal material they touch, even dead wood, causing any cuts or breaks in the matter to mend as if it had never been damaged. When applied as a full-round action, mimic fibers heal 1d10+10 points of damage to one object made of wood, paper, earth, or other living or onceliving material. Even a destroyed item can be repaired (treat as if at 0 hit points) as long as the item is in no more than two pieces and is held together at the break as the spores are applied.
Alchemical Recipe
Recipe (6 magnesium + 6 cytillesh spores)/filtration; Craft 20
Time 10 minutes; Tools filter; Type alchemical tool

Deadkitten wrote:

Ghorans can probably benefit from what seems to be one of the most cost effective healing options in the game:

** spoiler omitted **

Very nice.

Apparently Plant Growth doesn't work, therefore Righteous Might is the only way to increase sie.

So long as you're an object that should work. It doesn't say anything about healing creatures.

Ellioti wrote:
Deadkitten wrote:

Ghorans can probably benefit from what seems to be one of the most cost effective healing options in the game:

** spoiler omitted **

Very nice.

Apparently Plant Growth doesn't work, therefore Righteous Might is the only way to increase sie.

The Occultist's Size Alteration Focus Ability will work too. It isn't limited by type.

Fun thing for Ghorans. Become a Lich and then just keep expelling your ghorus seed. This results in you having an army of Ghoran Liches that are all tied to the same phylactery. Could make for a good BBEG

What requirements would be suggested for growing a Ghoran using the "Groe Plant Creature" feat from Cohorts & Companions?

Hazrond wrote:
Fun thing for Ghorans. Become a Lich and then just keep expelling your ghorus seed. This results in you having an army of Ghoran Liches that are all tied to the same phylactery. Could make for a good BBEG

My friend and I came up with a juju oracles who worked similarly to this but it just got so much better.

Deadkitten wrote:

Ghorans can probably benefit from what seems to be one of the most cost effective healing options in the game:

** spoiler omitted **

A Life Oracle would like that healing option and matches the attribute bonus perfectly. Life bond from a tree would be very thematic...

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

hey ghoran wood kineticist is thematic and the con bonus works well with kineticists

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