101 Achievements for Playing an RPG

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Leader of the Bunch - Knock someone out with a banana.

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Fish slapping dance Score a crit with a fish.

Liberty's Edge

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Learn Greater Weapon Specialization (Chainsaws).

I Can Still Bleed on You
Do slashing, bludgeoning, or piercing damage despite having lost both of your arms.

I Never Asked For This
Replace both of your arms and legs with cybernetic arms and legs.

If It's a Tie, You Lose
Kill an enemy after you yourself are killed.
The reference is a hard to find death from Police Quest I.

Shadow of the Beast
Spend more time wildshaped than as a humanoid.

The Ultimate Firmware Upgrade
Play an android with both arms and legs replaced with cybernetic arms and legs.

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Maxim 42 Outsmart your GM by deciding to roleplay your low int character when he expected you to metagame and take the smartest choice.

Critically failed the encounter Lost a fight against an enemy that shouldn't be able to hurt a character of your level.

Only a flesh wound Hit someone with a chainsaw for non lethal damage.

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Keeping it in your trousers: Visiting a temple of Calistria (or similar deity) and sticking to the mission.

Dark secrets: Visiting a temple of Zon-Kuthon (or similar deity) and no-one sharing an anecdote.

Knowing your limit: Visiting a temple of Cayden Cailain (or similar deity) and just having the one, or none.

Party discipline: Visiting a temple of honour and goodness. e.g. Iomedae, and everyone behaving.

Liberty's Edge

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Put On the Glasses
Recreate the fist fight from THEY LIVE in Pathfinder.

Earn the "Put On the Glasses" achievement without having Improved Unarmed Strike, monk levels, brawler levels, or a monk's robe.

The Greatest Bardic Music Ever Played
Use the theme from Escape From New York as your Inspire Courage song.

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The Best Song In the World: Banish an evil outsider from the material plane with a perform check.

If At First You Don't Succeed... : be raised from the dead 10 times.

Now I Must Go. My Planet Needs Me.: die in Outer Space while traveling back to your home planet.

Shadow Lodge

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Very Alternative: Play a character with 2 or more archetypes for the same class

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HyperMissingno wrote:
strayshift wrote:

Let's go left for a change: Break the time-honoured tradition of always exploring the passage to the right.

Am I the only guy that explores the up passage first? That's usually where the goodies are hidden!

Rejoice; for you are not alooooooooooooooooooooooone! *Crash*

Life of the Unlucky: Fall into a room containing a trap or hostile undead

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ShadeKyubi wrote:

Life of the Unlucky: Fall into a room containing a trap or hostile undead

Does it count if I jumped? Because if so, I totally have this one.

Be there in a minute Finish your drink while the bar burns down around you.

Be there in an hour Finish a drinking contest while the bar burns down around you.

Be there eventually Recover from your hangover the next day in the charred remains of the bar.

Bladder of holding Consume more beer then the entire volume of your character can account for at one time.

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Back In My Day - Accurately map a dungeon thanks to having a 10' Pole.

Pole-Armed - Take Catch Off-Guard just to be able to fight with a 10' Pole without penalty.

You Should Have Bought A 10' Pole - GM Award for repeatedly putting needed quest items just out of reach of the players.

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See if you can catch all the references!

General Achievements:

A note: “Maximum Damage” means the effect’s dice cap; For instance, you would need to deal 45 damage or more with Fireball to gain the relevant achievement.

Love-Colored Master Spark: Deal 75% or more of Lightning Bolt’s (or another line effect) maximum damage, without empowering or maximizing. This can be earned with wordspells.

Sparky Boom Boom Man: Deal 75% or more of Fireball’s (or another burst effect) maximum damage, without empowering or maximizing. This can be earned with wordspells.

I’m Caffeine: Deal 75% or more of Disintegrate’s (or another ray effect) maximum damage, without empowering or maximizing. This can be earned with wordspells.

I Am An Adult: Deal 75% or more of Shocking Grasp’s (or another melee touch effect) maximum damage, without empowering or maximizing. This can be earned with wordspells.

That’s an Anti-Tank Rifle… THAT’S AN ANTI-TANK RIFLE!: Kill an undead creature with a double hackbut or culverin.

Falcon…: Use spellstrike with an unarmed strike.

Control the Spice: Cast Summon Elder Worm.

Chozo Ultimate Weapon: Kill an enemy with negative levels; it must have more than 15 Hit Dice.

Waise Neiat: Kill yourself with Detonate.

Secure, Contain, Protect: Cast Imprisonment.

Left On Your Own, Like This Thing: Cast Prismatic Spray, Prismatic Wall or Prismatic Sphere while in a dark area.

You Should Know, Max, You Made It Up: Cast any version of Create Demiplane.

Emerald Spire Achievements:

Beelzebossed Around: Ally with the Hellknights in Fort Inevitable.

What do Seven of Us Say?: Ally with the Seven Foxes in Fort Inevitable.

You Do Need That Stinkin’ License: Get in trouble with the Hellknights in Fort Inevitable, for not having a letter of warrant.

Ziz-Ziz!: Defeat Skizzertz and Clanky.

There’s Something Very Familiar About All This: Defeat Grulk.

Dem Bones, Dem Dry Bones: Defeat Gorloth.

Skinsaw’s Men in Tights: Defeat Tarrin Dars.

Good Samaritan: Travel through Godhome without killing any troglodytes.

Burn Them All, Let The Flames Sort It Out: Kill all of Godhome’s troglodytes.

See, Fidget?: Deactivate the Godbox.

Puny Box: Destroy the Godbox.

Rhaegar’s Rubies: Defeat Jorqal, Dayana and Senethar.

We Did Not Have The Parts: Defeat Klarkosh.

It Had To Be…: Defeat Sartoss.

Not Really Better Than One: Defeat Uzar-Kus.

Not Mavaro’s Problem: Defeat the Mistress of Thorns.

Blarg! I’m a Dragon! Or Twelve!: Defeat Ghalodz and Vrainheis.

Are You My Mummy?: Defeat Yarrix.

Suck It, Forerunners: Restore Steward and the other automatons in the Automaton Forge.

Shouldn’t You Be Purple?: Defeat Murthok Huul.

Just Some Republic Serial Villain: Defeat Nhur Athemon.

Order in the Court!: Ally with the inevitables in Order and Chaos.

No Sport Less Organized: Ally with the proteans in Order and Chaos.

The Man Upstairs: Destroy Iluchtewar.

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No, John, You ARE the Demons: Have your corpse animated as a zombie.

Time to end this ONES and for all: Kill a boss with a higher CR than your party by punching it in the face.

Bullets too Slow: Kill 100 enemies as a non-multiclassed Gunslinger using unarmed strikes.

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Who Needs a Fence?: Use flurry of blows or brawler's flurry while standing on an enemy.

I did this once in Rise of the Runelords with my kobold monk of the four winds; he performed an electrified tapdance on Ripnugget's head, AFTER grappling him from his lizard.

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Old Grognard wrote:

Back In My Day - Accurately map a dungeon thanks to having a 10' Pole.

Pole-Armed - Take Catch Off-Guard just to be able to fight with a 10' Pole without penalty.

You Should Have Bought A 10' Pole - GM Award for repeatedly putting needed quest items just out of reach of the players.

That's not a pole, this is a pole! Craft an 11' pole.

Explanations for some of the Emerald Spire achievements, if you guys are interested.


Beelzebossed Around: This is a reference to Tenacious D's The Pick of Destiny, where the sequence where the band rocks off against the Devil is titled Beelzeboss.

Ziz-Ziz!: Goblins are based on Stitch, right? So I used Stitch's language for the Goblin tongue.

There's Something Very Familiar About All This: A reference to both Back to the Future and Rise of the Runelords; Grulk is eerily reminiscient of Bruthazmus to me.

Skinsaw's Men in Tights: A reference to Mel Brooks' movie Robin Hood: Men in Tights. The Splinters are a band of thieves in a forest...

Burn Them All, Let the Flames Sort It Out: A reference to my favorite page from my favorite webcomic, 8-Bit Theater. Context would ruin the joke.

See, Fidget?: A reference to a sidequest in Dust: An Elysian Tail. You don't have to do what the box wants, Fidget...

Rhaegar's Rubies: Well, there are three undines, and Rhaegar was killed on the Trident...

We Did Not Have the Parts: A reference to the Doctor Who episode, The Girl in the Fireplace. This is the monster catchphrase of the clockwork robots.

It Had To Be...: ...snakes. Why does it always have to be snakes?

Not Mavaro's Problem: A reference to the iconic occultist; his enemy is the Thorn Priest, not the Mistress of Thorns.

Blarg! I'm A Dragon! Or Twelve!: More 8-Bit Theater.

Are You My Mummy?: This is a bad pun more than anything else, but it's another Doctor Who reference, specifically to The Empty Child.

Suck It, Forerunners: A cross-fandom pun based on the fact that the main enemies on this level are the Reclaimers.

Shouldn't You Be Purple?: He's a devourer, but maybe not of worlds.

No Sport Less Organized: ... than Calvinball.

The Man Downstairs: I'm changing the name to fit Iluchtewar better, but it still fits his role as a mysterious piece of history. In any case, it's a reference to The Lego Movie.

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Voyd211 wrote:
Burn Them All, Let the Flames Sort It Out: A reference to my favorite page from my favorite webcomic, 8-Bit Theater. Context would ruin the joke.

And there I was thinking that it was a highbrow reference to Pope Innocent III and the Siege of Beziers.

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I threw a rock at him!: Kill a powerful foe with a thrown improvised weapon.

Where does he get all those wonderful toys?: Fill every magic item slot.

Should you encounter god on your journey...: Have a magic weapon with a +10 enhancement bonus.

Tank Top: Have a piece of magic armour with a +10 enhancement bonus.

Twilight Princess: As a female fetchling, become royalty.

I challenge my fate!: Defy a prophecy involving you.

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No Eon Stranger: Kill your local god of death.

Red Jaeger wrote:
I threw a rock at him!: Kill a powerful foe with a thrown improvised weapon.

Batman the Animated Series

Red Jaeger wrote:
Where does he get all those wonderful toys?: Fill every magic item slot.

A lot of batmen.

Red Jaeger wrote:
Should you encounter god on your journey...: Have a magic weapon with a +10 enhancement bonus.

I don't recognize this one? It should be familiar, but it's not.

Red Jaeger wrote:
Tank Top: Have a piece of magic armour with a +10 enhancement bonus.

This seems... generic? Is it specific?

Red Jaeger wrote:
Twilight Princess: As a female fetchling, become royalty.

Hah! LoZ for the win!

Red Jaeger wrote:
I challenge my fate!: Defy a prophecy involving you.

Brave (or Terminator 1 & 2, I suppose).

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Tacticslion wrote:
Red Jaeger wrote:
Should you encounter god on your journey...: Have a magic weapon with a +10 enhancement bonus.

I don't recognize this one? It should be familiar, but it's not.

Red Jaeger wrote:
Tank Top: Have a piece of magic armour with a +10 enhancement bonus.

This seems... generic? Is it specific?

Red Jaeger wrote:
I challenge my fate!: Defy a prophecy involving you.
Brave (or Terminator 1 & 2, I suppose).

Top is a reference to Kill Bill Vol 1 (where Hattori Hanzo is talking about his newest sword). Second one is generic, yes. And last one I was thinking more Fire Emblem: Awakening.

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Avoided The Bait Never posted in a "Last Person to Post Wins!" thread.

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Racial Capstone Achievements:

I Am Every Man: Attain 20th level as a human.

Sail to the West: Attain 20th level as an elf.

King Under the Mountain: Attain 20th level as a dwarf.

The Colors Feel So Right: Attain 20th level as a gnome.

Lord of Rivendell: Attain 20th level as a half-elf.

Green Jesus: Attain 20th level as a half-orc.

Size Matters Not: Attain 20th level as a halfling.

Jubileus Grace You: Attain 20th level as an aasimar.

I’ve Come Back: Attain 20th level as a catfolk. Silly hat optional.

What A Terrible Night: Attain 20th level as a dhampir.

Who Needs Spiders?: Attain 20th level as a drow.

Your GM Let You Do This!?: Attain 20th level as a drow noble.

Shadow that Melts the Flesh: Attain 20th level as a fetchling.

You Be Food!: Attain 20th level as a goblin.

The Dark One Smiles: Attain 20th level as a hobgoblin.

Come At Me, and You’ll See: Attain 20th level as an ifrit.

Ackbar’s Lament: Attain 20th level as a kobold.

WAAAAAAAAAAAGH!: Attain 20th level as an orc.

The Mountain Cannot Bow: Attain 20th level as an oread.

Buy It for a High Price: Attain 20th level as a ratfolk.

Knight of the Wind: Attain 20th level as a sylph.

Caw Caw Motherf**kers: Attain 20th level as a tengu.

Anti-Antichrist: Attain 20th level as a tiefling.

Call Me Ishmael: Attain 20th level as an undine.

The Blair Witch: Attain 20th level as a changeling.

Slaves to Armok: Attain 20th level as a duergar.

This Looks Like A Job for Aquaman: Attain 20th level as a gillman.

Neville Does It in Four Books: Attain 20th level as a grippli.

Kore Ga Watashi no Yomeiri: Attain 20th level as a kitsune.

Part Of Your World: Attain 20th level as a merfolk.

Solid Snake: Attain 20th level as a nagaji.

Time Lord Victorious: Attain 20th level as a samsaran.

The Owls Are Not What They Seem: Attain 20th level as a strix.

Avatar State: Attain 20th level as a suli.

No Colors Anymore: Attain 20th level as a svirfneblin.

Legendary Super Saiyan: Attain 20th level as a vanara.

Iocane Immunity: Attain 20th level as a vishkanya.

The Dark is Rising: Attain 20th level as a wayang.

Grimm Bloody Fable: Attain 20th level as a gathlain.

God of Wrath: Attain 20th level as a kasatha.

Big Bad Beetleborgs: Attain 20th level as a trox.

Become a Real Boy: Attain 20th level as a wyrwood.

Super Fighting Robot: Attain 20th level as an android.

One with the Cosmos: Attain 20th level as an astomoi.

The Shadow Remains Cast: Attain 20th level as a caligni.

Shadow Under Innsmouth: Attain 20th level as a deep one hybrid, or live long enough to transform into a deep one.

The Devil’s Fruit: Attain 20th level as a ghoran.

Let Us Back In: Attain 20th level as an orang-pendak.

Theoretical Conspiracy: Attain 20th level as a reptoid.

The True Self: Attain 20th level as a shabti.

The Black Moon Howls: Attain 20th level as a skinwalker.

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Nothing for gnolls or centaurs, Voyd? I am disappointed!

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Well, I didn't think people would count the monstrous races featured in the ARG. But if you insist...

Cerea's Legend: Attain 20th level as a centaur.

Overly-Permissive GM Shenanigans: Attain 20th level as a drider.

Bane of Xanatos: Attain 20th level as a gargoyle.

Teeth and Ambitions: Attain 20th level as a gnoll.

Amish Paradise: Attain 20th level as a lizardfolk.

Squeal Like a Piggy: Attain 20th level as an ogre.

Teeth and Ambitions? I don't see any reference at all. That said, I was thinking of something like Who's Laughing Now?, to reference gnolls essentially being hyena-men.

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Arakhor wrote:
Teeth and Ambitions? I don't see any reference at all. That said, I was thinking of something like Who's Laughing Now?, to reference gnolls essentially being hyena-men.


Yes, our teeth and ambitions are bared!
Be Prepared!

The reference is still hyena-relevant.

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Oh! I'm old enough to have seen The Lion King when it was first on, so I totally missed the reference. :(

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Alright, I'm game for a round of guess the reference.

Smiles go for Miles!: Provide the most morale bonuses in the party.

Faith is my Pillar: Provide the most sacred bonuses in the party.

You can Dodge a Sword, You can Dodge a Ball!: Provide the most dodge bonuses in the party.

HP 50, Attack 10, Defense 0: Provide the most insight bonuses in the party.

Rabbit Sign "Great Fortune Crest": Provide the most luck bonuses in the party.

Paint it a bright color...I'm trying to turn heads: Provide the most enhancement bonuses in the party.

What?! That was total b%#+@*~$!: Provide the most deflection bonuses in the party.

German Medicine is the Greatest in the World!: Provide the most resistance bonuses in the party.

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Falcon 9: Fall from more than 200 feet, and take no damage. (through magical means and what not.)

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Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny: Convince two creatures of CR 20 or higher to battle each other.

Hijacking Cthulhu: Successfully cast Magic Jar, Dominate Monster, Possession, or Greater Possession on any creature of CR 20 or higher.

Rocks Fall, Everyone... Lives!?: Defeat an encounter the GM threw at you with the intent of a TPK.

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The dice are trying to kill me! Have your character figure go flying after a wayward die hits it.

With extreme prejudice Murder something because "it was there"

Running from the big bad paladin Have a paladin rank eliminating you as a more important task than fighting the actual campaign villain.

Radiant Oath

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Voyd211 wrote:
Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny: Convince two creatures of CR 20 or higher to battle each other.

Ooh! Ooh! We did this one! Using some segways we'd stolen from an evil robot empire from the Underdark, we managed to lure the Tarrasque to the lair of the most adorable Great Wyrm Red Dragon ever in an attempt to get them to kill each other! The Tarrasque won, and then we desperately created an avalanche to bury it when it came after us, sicced probably a dozen summoned polar bears on it, and our halfling rogue/wizard did some death-defying acrobatics across the monster's back to get back the ring of three wishes with one wish left we needed to finish it off (we'd dropped it in the aforementioned avalanche)! It wasn't the end of our campaign, but it was definitely our FINEST HOUR! Our DM was AWESOME!

Liberty's Edge

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Some new stuff, some reissues.

Are We Guardians, or are we Scouts?
Your party is five magical girl vigilantes.

For Professional Paranormal Investigations
Craft one undeadbane crossbow or firearm for each party member.

Gaze Into the Face of Fear!
Earn twenty levels of the mesmerist class.

Gaze Into the Fist of DREDD!
Kill someone with a grapple attack.

If You Saw This Coming, You Must Be Psychic
Earn twenty levels of the psychic class.

Just Like Rosangela Blackwell
Earn twenty levels of the spiritualist class.

Sometimes I Think *All* My Friends Are Imaginary
Earn twenty levels of the medium class.

Technically, An Evil Miracle Is Still a Miracle
Provide the most profane bonuses to the party. (Thanks to HyperMissingNo.)

Then the Fire Nation Attacked
Earn twenty levels of the kineticist class.

Who the Hell Do You Think I Am?
Earn twenty levels of the vigilante class.

You'll Bring Honor to Us All
Learn Greater Weapon Specialization (Katanas) and Greater Weapon Specialization (Wakizashis).

You Feel Like You're About to Have a Bad Time
Fight the campaign setting's equivalent of Sans.

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Time for specialist capstones!

Sorcerer Bloodline Capstones:

Attain 20th level as a sorcerer with the X bloodline, where X is the listed bloodline after the achievement. (I didn't feel like copy-and-pasting it several dozen times. Also, this is only for books I have.)

It Would Only Frighten You: Aberrant

You Are The Demons: Abyssal

Phenomenal Cosmic Power...: Arcane

Tengen Toppa: Celestial

Fateless One: Destined

Fire and Blood: Draconic

Master of the Elements: Elemental

I Believe: Fey

Incubator: Infernal

Son of the Dragon: Undead (thumbs up if you get it)

Whosoever Wears This Crown: Aquatic

The Cold Never Bothered Me: Boreal

Echo-Gnomics: Deep Earth

Dream Team: Dreamspun

Carry the Infinity: Protean

Cobra Commander: Serpentine

The Night is Dark and Full of Terrors: Shadow

Reach for the Stars: Starsoul

Fury of the Storm: Stormborn

The Old Gods: Verdant[/b]

Something Wicked This Way Comes: Accursed

...Itty-Bitty Living Space: Djinni, Efreeti, Marid or Shaitan

The Song of Ice and Fire: Maestro

King of the Beasts: Rakshasa

God-Emperor of Mankind: Imperious

Pintsized Powerhouse: Kobold

Pickman's Model: Ghoul

Gork (or Mork): Orc

Die for Your Sins: Martyred

Horseman of Death: Daemon

Next up: wizard schools!

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Wizard Arcane School Capstones:

Attain 20th level as a wizard with the according school.

Secret Keeper: Abjurer

Jumper: Conjurer

A Thousand Eyes, and One: Diviner

The Master: Enchanter

Mahou Shoujo: Evoker

Is This Reality?: Illusionist

Greater Dead Adept: Necromancer

Type Green: Transmuter

I'm running out of ideas; any names for the various oracle mysteries, cavalier orders, phrenic disciplines, vigilante specializations, and archetypes of all kinds would be greatly appreciated.

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Voyd211 wrote:

Time for specialist capstones!

** spoiler omitted **

Next up: wizard schools!

If say that you are the demons fits better for an undead bloodline sorcerer, with respect to the source material's twist ending.

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[[@Goddity only if you don't know what's down there]]

Freak of Nature: Perform a Full attack with at least 6 Natural Weapons

The Strongest Fist: Defeat a CR 20+ enemy that has DR without ever bypassing it's DR

Spin a tale of spinning tails: Rotate at least 7,200 degrees while falling as a Kitsune with at least two tails, you must survive the fall, any rotation performed while under the effects of Fly, Featherfall or similar effects does not count towards this achivement[bonus points if you're a storyteller as well]

All the way: Finish a campaign at Level 20 when you started the campaign at Level 1

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Voyd211 wrote:

Time for specialist capstones!

** spoiler omitted **

Next up: wizard schools!

I AM A GOD! Imperious Bloodline.

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Not a full list but have a few mysteries.

Attain 20th level as an oracle with the X mystery, where X is the listed mystery after the achievement.


Heaven and Hell Meltdown: Flame

Passed Down through Generations!: Ancestor

I might come back with more sometime, but I am tired at the moment.

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"I love it when a plan comes together.": Secretly create a complex plan and have it actually work.

Invisible Leather TARDIS: Go through an entire campaign without calculating the weight of your load.

"Jar Jar, you are a genius.": As a PC with an INT score of 7 or lower, solve a puzzle that no one else could.

"I cast Summon Bigger Fish.": Use a Summon Monster/Summon Nature's Ally spell in an unusual way.

"THAT MEANS IT WILL BE EVEN LUCKIER NEXT TIME!": Roll 5 ones in a row on the same die.

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Xenok wrote:

"I cast Summon Bigger Fish.": Use a Summon Monster/Summon Nature's Ally to summon an aquatic creature in a combat with no water.

This one needed a little tweak.

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Xenok wrote:

"I love it when a plan comes together.": Secretly create a complex plan and have it actually work.

Invisible Leather TARDIS: Go through an entire campaign without calculating the weight of your load.

"Jar Jar, you are a genius.": As a PC with an INT score of 7 or lower, solve a puzzle that no one else could.

"I cast Summon Bigger Fish.": Use a Summon Monster/Summon Nature's Ally spell in an unusual way.

"THAT MEANS IT WILL BE EVEN LUCKIER NEXT TIME!": Roll 5 ones in a row on the same die.

I respect your choice of material to reference.

I killed a forest for 1000 xp! Defeat an encounter by setting the forest on fire and watching it burn to death.

You what? Suplex a tree.

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HyperMissingno wrote:
Leader of the Bunch - Knock someone out with a banana.

Leader of the Pack - Knock someone out with a wolf, dog, or other group-social canid.

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I GOT A 4!!!: Fail 15 stealth checks.

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No, really, you did WHAT??? Clothesline a tree.

Liberty's Edge

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Your Second Achievement Rights: Achievements about firearms in Pathfinder!

Bang, Headshot
Learn Greater Weapon Specialization (M1895 Mosin-Nagant Revolvers).

Score a critical hit with a double-barreled shotgun firing two slugs.

The Colonel Anthony Rogers Memorial Achievement
Deal 1000 total damage with a laser pistol or laser rifle.

Glory Kill
Score a critical hit with an X-laser.

format c: /u
Deal 1000 total damage with an EMP pistol or EMP rifle.

Dud Fire
Have a 1 HD creature survive a direct hit from a rocket launcher.

Fry 'Em Clean, Soldier
Deal 1000 total damage with a plasmathrower.

Indistinguishable From Magic
Get a total +10 worth of enchantments on any one of the following modern or futuretech firearms: arc pistol/rifle, gravity pistol/rifle, laser pistol/rifle, Lawrence 1917 flamethrower, Madsen light machine gun, Maxim machine gun, Mosin-Nagant M1985 revolver, Mosin-Nagant M1987 rifle, sonic pistol/rifle, zero pistol/rifle.

I Don't Think That's How This Feat Works
Learn Greater Weapon Specialization (Death Rays).

I Only Have Ten Bullets, So Some Of You Will Have to Share
Learn Greater Weapon Specialization (Madsen Light Machine Guns).

Deal 1000 total damage with a sonic pistol or sonic rifle.

Mutilated Monster Meat
Every single square in a rocket launcher's blast radius was occupied by a Small or Medium creature.

Not An Improvised Weapon
Actually kill someone with an autograpnel.

Not As Cool As I Thought It Was
Earn the achievement directly below this when you are the PC with gunslinger levels.

Not As Cool As You Think It Is
Craft a sawed-off shotgun or double-barreled shotgun despite a PC with gunslinger levels telling you how bad of an idea it is.

Nuke It Till It Glows
Irradiate 50 creatures with the atom gun.

One Shot, One Kill
Learn Greater Weapon Specialization (Mosin-Nagant M1897 Rifles).

PC Like Big Boom
Kill at least ten creatures with one single shot from a rocket launcher.

Set Phasers to Frag
Knock out fifty creatures with a stun gun.

Learn Greater Weapon Specialization (Maxim Machine Guns).

Terran Firebat
Learn Greater Weapon Specialization (Lawrence 1917 Flamethrowers).

There's No Kill Like Overkill
Learn Greater Weapon Specialization (Rocket Launchers).

There's Only Two Settings: "Keep Firing" and "I Need To Reload"
Kill a 1 HD creature with a death ray, rocket launcher, or X-laser.

There's That Word Again, "Heavy"
Deal 1000 total damage with a gravity pistol or gravity rifle.

Deal 1000 total damage with a zero pistol or zero rifle.

Zap Zap, You're Dead!
Deal 1000 total damage with an arc pistol or arc rifle.

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Euphoric orgy of plasmariffic destruction Kill 10 enemies in under a minute with plasma damage.

Uncroak the volcano Make a volcano erupt.

Liberty's Edge

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Yeah, but we did it! Achieve a meaningless goal and then claim it was a "moral victory"

I Shed Blood of Saxon Men: Kill 4,000 humanoids in a single day.

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