Amulet of Desna

Red Jaeger's page

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Tacticslion wrote:
Red Jaeger wrote:
Should you encounter god on your journey...: Have a magic weapon with a +10 enhancement bonus.

I don't recognize this one? It should be familiar, but it's not.

Red Jaeger wrote:
Tank Top: Have a piece of magic armour with a +10 enhancement bonus.

This seems... generic? Is it specific?

Red Jaeger wrote:
I challenge my fate!: Defy a prophecy involving you.
Brave (or Terminator 1 & 2, I suppose).

Top is a reference to Kill Bill Vol 1 (where Hattori Hanzo is talking about his newest sword). Second one is generic, yes. And last one I was thinking more Fire Emblem: Awakening.

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I threw a rock at him!: Kill a powerful foe with a thrown improvised weapon.

Where does he get all those wonderful toys?: Fill every magic item slot.

Should you encounter god on your journey...: Have a magic weapon with a +10 enhancement bonus.

Tank Top: Have a piece of magic armour with a +10 enhancement bonus.

Twilight Princess: As a female fetchling, become royalty.

I challenge my fate!: Defy a prophecy involving you.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Am I the only one who gets the feeling that visits to Kasath and Androffa may be on the horizon? Maybe even our own solar system. It's already been shown to exist in the Pathfinder universe.

Also, we may finally find out what really lies in Apostae's core.

Something more about Kitsune? I'll definitely be getting a copy of this. :)