Josh-o-Lantern |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
So, I had this idea a few years back and after a few rounds of Shovel Knight it's but picking at my brain to finally get this on the table.
The idea was that a simple gravedigger that turned adventurer after his business went under because the clients couldn't stay under. After clubbing more than a few fresh unfriendly undead back into friend dead he decided it was time to move on. Not having a whole lot of money to spend on gear, he traveled about defending himself with what he had handy.
I've been trying to think of a good class to go with this but one that doesn't really scream "super trained professional" (i.e. no casters). Hunter stuck out for me to get an Earthworm companion for flavor, but I'm already playing a Verminous Hunter in another game and then there's the whole not wanting to be a caster thing. Fighter and Brawler sound fitting but I feel some Brawler features would be going to waste and, even though the game sparked my intrest anew, I don't know for a fact if I want to go around in heavy armor. Ranger with Favored Enemy: Undead seems fitting maybe.
Really just looking to toss the ball around and see where things go.
Arksangiel |
So, I had this idea a few years back and after a few rounds of Shovel Knight it's but picking at my brain to finally get this on the table.
The idea was that a simple gravedigger that turned adventurer after his business went under because the clients couldn't stay under. After clubbing more than a few fresh unfriendly undead back into friend dead he decided it was time to move on. Not having a whole lot of money to spend on gear, he traveled about defending himself with what he had handy.
I've been trying to think of a good class to go with this but one that doesn't really scream "super trained professional" (i.e. no casters). Hunter stuck out for me to get an Earthworm companion for flavor, but I'm already playing a Verminous Hunter in another game and then there's the whole not wanting to be a caster thing. Fighter and Brawler sound fitting but I feel some Brawler features would be going to waste and, even though the game sparked my intrest anew, I don't know for a fact if I want to go around in heavy armor. Ranger with Favored Enemy: Undead seems fitting maybe.
Really just looking to toss the ball around and see where things go.
Well, I'd start by looking at images of a Monk's Spade. Perhaps he was a gravedigger at a Buddhist monastery.
I'd personally make this character a NG Sohei Monk/Invulnerable Rager Barbarian with the trait Adopted (Enlightened Warrior). About a 50:50 skill/power split, you'd get some damage reduction and eventually (level 11 or 12) the ability to flurry with your glorified shovel in light armor.
I can just imagine him screaming DIE DIE DIE while swinging really fast with his shovel during a raging flurry...
Arksangiel |
And he could pick up superstition because now he REALLY doesn't trust casters...
Hmm, on a 20-pt:
Str 14
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 10 +2 Racial.
Wis 14
Cha 10
This is, for all intents and purposes, your slightly better than average Joe.
Human or Half-Elf with the ability to grab a weapon proficiency.
1: Invulnerable Rager, Power Attack, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Monk's Spade) (Bonus) He's gotten really good with that shovel, and very mad at the undead things ruining his business, and he knows how to pound them, hard.
2: Sohei, Improved Grapple (Bonus) or Combat Reflexes (Bonus), Monk Basics. He learned a little bit of defense from one of the temple guards before he left, and is starting to understand how to make use of it when he doesn't have a shovel handy.
3: Invulnerable Rager, Supersition (power), Toughness. Because of all the physical training benefits of taking lots of hard lumps finally starting to harden him up.
4: Sohei, Throw Anything (bonus). Tombstones, rocks, tree branches (clubs), anything to keep a hold of your shovel and hit them before they get to you.
5: Invulnerable Rager, Improved Bull Rush. Keep those undead away from your friends.
6: Sohei
7: Invulnerable Rager, Knockback (power), Greater Bull Rush You know how to make the undead go away from you faster, and your allies can hit them as you knock them off balance!
8: Sohei, gets Ki Strike. Now you can throw magic tree branches at the undead and penetrate their magical damage resistance with the power of your anger? focus? are you even sure how you're doing it?
9: Invulnerable Rager, Cleave (it was about time)
10: Sohei.
11: Invulnerable Rager, Ghost Rager (power), Improved Grapple or Combat Reflexes, whichever you didn't take earlier. You're not sure how, but now you can even smack the undead which aren't there. Curious.
12: Sohei, Weapon Training (monk), Flurry of Shovels!
Build complete.
Josh-o-Lantern |
And he could pick up superstition because now he REALLY doesn't trust casters...
Hmm, on a 20-pt:
Str 14
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 10 +2 Racial.
Wis 14
Cha 10This is, for all intents and purposes, your slightly better than average Joe.
Human or Half-Elf with the ability to grab a weapon proficiency.
1: Invulnerable Rager, Power Attack, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Monk's Spade) (Bonus) He's gotten really good with that shovel, and very mad at the undead things ruining his business, and he knows how to pound them, hard.
2: Sohei, Improved Grapple (Bonus) or Combat Reflexes (Bonus), Monk Basics. He learned a little bit of defense from one of the temple guards before he left, and is starting to understand how to make use of it when he doesn't have a shovel handy.
3: Invulnerable Rager, Supersition (power), Toughness. Because of all the physical training benefits of taking lots of hard lumps finally starting to harden him up.
4: Sohei, Throw Anything (bonus). Tombstones, rocks, tree branches (clubs), anything to keep a hold of your shovel and hit them before they get to you.
5: Invulnerable Rager, Improved Bull Rush. Keep those undead away from your friends.
6: Sohei
7: Invulnerable Rager, Knockback (power), Greater Bull Rush You know how to make the undead go away from you faster, and your allies can hit them as you knock them off balance!
8: Sohei, gets Ki Strike. Now you can throw magic tree branches at the undead and penetrate their magical damage resistance with the power of your anger? focus? are you even sure how you're doing it?
9: Invulnerable Rager, Cleave (it was about time)
10: Sohei.
11: Invulnerable Rager, Ghost Rager (power), Improved Grapple or Combat Reflexes, whichever you didn't take earlier. You're not sure how, but now you can even smack the undead which aren't there. Curious.
12: Sohei, Weapon Training (monk), Flurry of Shovels!Build complete.
Holy crap man... you know how to take something and RUN with it... I'm going to need to look up more than 1/2 of this XD
Arksangiel |
Holy crap man... you know how to take something and RUN with it... I'm going to need...
Thanks. This build is proficient with, and can flurry in, mithral medium armor. You don't lose much in it, and could even consider dropping the Wisdom to 10 to pump something else.
I forgot to include the bonus feat for Sohei at character 12--you've got one more to make use of.
One could take Quick Bull Rush at 11, and use the monk bonus at 12 to grab the feat I chose at level 11, and then you'd flurry of (bull rush), spade, spade-5, spade-10, which you could use to clear off flanking undead or preclude full-round attacks by more than one opponent.
To totally min/max this, you'd want to go Inv. Rager 1, Sohei 6, Inv Rager X with a half-elf that has a free Exotic Weapon Proficiency instead of Skill Focus. Dump wis and charisma (good monk saves plus rage bonus plus still mind plus superstition...) to pump Con and/or Strength adjust feat progression according to BAB requirements, and use Monk 6 to pick up Improved Disarm without needing 13 int. Skip Throw Anything and use the first two monk feats for Combat Reflexes and Improved Grapple, take Fast Learner with the freed feat slot so you can have +2 hp (toughness) and +1 skill point per level, every level.
With an 18 con, you'll be looking at 143 average hp with DR 3/- at level 12. You can flurry in light armor, so a good Mithral Breastplate will do just fine, and you don't really need wis to AC or most of your other monk powers with the concept, but you're not defenseless when unarmed either.
Imbicatus |
Instead of barbarian, how about Undead Bloodline bloodrager? I know you said no spells, but it would make a great flavor addition. You spent so much time in a haunted graveyard that you absorbed the necromantic energy directly into your blood. It allows you to not need to take the adopted trait, and the undead bloodline gives you bonuses to fighting undead.
Arksangiel |
Instead of barbarian, how about Undead Bloodline bloodrager? I know you said no spells, but it would make a great flavor addition. You spent so much time in a haunted graveyard that you absorbed the necromantic energy directly into your blood. It allows you to not need to take the adopted trait, and the undead bloodline gives you bonuses to fighting undead.
Spelleater might work to make that make sense.
Lemmy |
Hmmm... Let's see...
Shovel Knight should...:
- Be Lawful Good (This invalidates Barbarian levels, though. Alignment is bullshit!)
- Have high Str, Dex and Con. Probably a decent Wis too.
- Have a good Will save.
- Have low Cha (Most NPCs completely ignore or misunderstand him when he talks, and he fails every Diplomacy check he makes.)
- Have max ranks in Acrobatics, Climb and Swim. (He jumps really high, climbs all sorts of platforms and ladder, and can move unimpeded underwater).
- Wield an adamantine shovel and heavy armor. (Personally, I think his shovel should be a 2d6/19-20 weapon that deals B/P/S damage. Sadly, there is no weapon with those stats in PF.)
- Be perfectly comfortable walking around in full plate.
- Have Improved/Great Sunder (he breaks lots of stuff!)
- Have access to a plethora of magic items (and be really good at using them).
- Have all sorts of weapon-specific feats/abilities devoted to his shovel.
Honestly... He is close to what an optimized mid/high level human Fighter should be. Although I could see a Fighter/Barbarian multi-class as well, mostly because of Superstition and Spell-Sunder. I think (Invulnerable Rager) Barbarian 6/Fighter 7 works.
Lemmy |
Lemmy wrote:- Wield an adamantine shovel and heavy armor. (Personally, I think his shovel should be a 2d6/19-20 weapon that deals B/P/S damage. Sadly, there is no weapon with those stats in PF.Actually... a shovel wielded as an improvised weapon would be exactly that with Improvised Weapon Mastery.
Huh... Apparently my brilliance is greater than I knew... ;)
Kalvit |
I've done a similar joke in a Mummy's Mask game. I made an Oracle of the Ancestor mystery, and the first weapon I had the Ancestral Weapon feature give me was a Monk's Spade. Character commented that his ancestors had to be kidding when they expected him to fight the undead with a shovel. One book later, and that shovel was greatly appropriate for him to fight with against an army of the undead.
MrRetsej |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
*sighs* Why is it that every time someone asks about making a shovel wielding character, people suggest they take a monk's spade? They're nothing alike. A monk's spade is a glorified polearm/axe with a big honkin' crescent moon thing on the end and can't be used to dig a flower bed let alone a grave. Sure, there's a weapon block for the thing whereas shovels, painfully, are stuck in the limbo of improvised weapons (to my unending annoyance) but outside of PFS, the problem is easily fixed with a simple houserule.
....Still, I wish you could enchant a shovel for PFS. I would kill for a Disrupting or Vorpal shovel.
pennywit |
How about a skald? Your shovel-wielding hero can rally the team before he goes into battle.
Kalvit |
How about a skald? Your shovel-wielding hero can rally the team before he goes into battle.
You might be onto something there. I considered the idea of a Magic Warrior Skald, but on reviewing the archetype determined that it didn't have enough shovel. Baseline Skald is fine, but that clip got me to thinking of the Fated Champion Skald. Cause he clearly gave the party a massive bonus against fear with that speech.
pennywit |
pennywit wrote:How about a skald? Your shovel-wielding hero can rally the team before he goes into battle.You might be onto something there. I considered the idea of a Magic Warrior Skald, but on reviewing the archetype determined that it didn't have enough shovel. Baseline Skald is fine, but that clip got me to thinking of the Fated Champion Skald. Cause he clearly gave the party a massive bonus against fear with that speech.
Do you play a skald, or do I eat this egg salad sandwich?!