Dreamscarred Press Announces: Path of War Expanded!

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Man, is it that time already? It seems like Path of War just happened! For those of you not familiar with the project, the original Path of War introduced a new paradigm of martial combat to Pathfinder by remaking, revamping, and expanding on the maneuver system introduced late in 3.5's run. I'm really happy to say that it's gained a lot of interest and support, and I couldn't be prouder to be involved with the project.

And now it's time to announce (well, technically re-announce but hey, new thread) Path of War Expanded, the first supplementary content for the Path of War line! What's up with Expanded? Just about everything! Path of War built up a super solid foundation with three base classes, new feats, martial disciplines and the new Traditions system, among other things, but it was necessarily lacking in some other ideas. Path of War Expanded will flesh out those gaps with worldbuilding advice, new items and weapons, new feats (including style feats!), new disciplines and additional Traditions. Included as well are three new base classes that combine supernatural prowess with swordsmanship: the Harbinger, Mystic, and Zealot.

What's a new thread without some links and teasers? Not a new thread at all, that's what. So here's some of ours:

- The Harbinger, a melee control class that uses superior mobility and crippling status effects to command the battlefield. These warriors understand grief and anger on a personal level and translate that understanding into deadly curses and reality-warping swordplay. Harbinger also has two archetypes available in beta. The Crimson Countess emphasizes the Claim mechanic to take her rage out on her victims, while the Ravenlord creates a shadowy servant that aids him in battle. Harbinger introduces two new disciplines: Cursed Razor and Shattered Mirror

- The Zealot, a psionic swordsman who leads his party into battle with the power of his passions and their own collective bond. These psionic initiators augment their maneuvers with power points and aid their party members with telepathy. Zealot introduces the Eternal Guardian and Sleeping Goddess disciplines

- The as-yet-unreleased (and to be renamed) Mystic, a melee support class that uses unstable arcane energies to unleash beneficial magic on his allies and scourge his enemies with the power of the elements. Mystics are founts of energy that they vent through martial discipline and intuition rather than through spells. Mystic will introduce the Elemental Flux and Riven Hourglass disciplines.

But wait, there's more!

- Dreamscarred Press is happy to announce Class Templates, archetypes that can be applied to more than one class. Class Templates represent ideas too broad for a single-class archetype, letting you create very different versions of the same somewhat broad idea. The three introduced in Path of War Expanded are the Bushi, Privateer, and Hussar, for all of your samurai, pirate, and mounted warrior needs. At the end of the document you'll find the Mithral Current discipline as well.

- The Riven Hourglass discipline, available for open beta.

And last, but certainly not least, I'm previewing something that's been asked for almost since day one of Path of War; Style Feats. I must stress that these previewed feats are still in testing, and any and all feedback is appreciated.

Cursed Razor Style [Style]
You persecute those under the influence of your dark power.
Prerequisites: 1 or more Cursed Razor stances, Spellcraft 3 ranks.
Benefit: Whenever you damage a cursed creature with a melee attack, that creature suffers an additional 2 points of bleed damage, plus 2 points for every 4 character levels you possess. A DC 15 Heal check or the application of magical healing halts this damage.

Cursed Razor Plague [Style]
Your curses spread amongst your enemies.
Prerequisites: Cursed Razor Style, Spellcraft 7 ranks
Benefit: Whenever you cause an opponent to become cursed by an effect other than this feat, you may select an additional opponent within 30 ft.; the additional opponent becomes cursed for the same duration.

Cursed Razor Massacre [Style]
You tear into your victims like a plague-laced wind.
Prerequisites: Cursed Razor Plague, Spellcraft 11 ranks
Benefit: Whenever you strike a cursed creature with a melee attack you may make an additional attack against another cursed creature within your reach. This additional attack is made at your highest attack bonus and may be made up to once per round.

Iron Tortoise Style [Style]
You guard yourself and allies with your trusty shield at your side
Prerequisites: Proficiency with shields, 1 or more Iron Tortoise stances, Bluff 3 ranks
Benefit: You deal damage with shield bash attacks as though you were one size larger than you actually are. This stacks with other effects that increase size.

Iron Tortoise Shell [Style]
Your shield protects you from more than just physical assaults
Prerequisites: Iron Tortoise Style, Bluff 7 ranks
Benefit: Whenever you initiate a counter, you gain the evasion special ability until the end of your next turn.

Iron Tortoise Snap [Style]
Your sword-and-shield style is brutally efficient.
Prerequisites: Iron Tortoise Shell, Bluff 13 ranks
Benefit: You may make an additional attack at your highest attack bonus with a non-shield weapon whenever you hit a creature with a shield bash. This additional attack must be made against the creature struck by your shield bash.

Mithral Current Style [Style]
Even with your weapon still sheathed, your presence is enough to threaten enemies.
Prerequisites: 1 or more Mithral Current stances, Quick Draw, Perform (Dance) 3 ranks
Benefit: As long as you have a sheathed weapon on your person, you threaten adjacent squares and may make attacks of opportunity even if you are not currently wielding a weapon. You may draw a weapon as part of making an attack of opportunity; weapons drawn this way are sheathed after the attack is resolved.

Mithral Current Flow [Style]
The heightened senses of your bloodlust are at their greatest just before you draw your weapon.
Prerequisites: Mithral Current Style, Perform (Dance) 7 ranks
Benefit: When you begin your turn with your weapon sheathed, you gain a +4 dodge bonus to AC. You lose this bonus whenever you draw your weapon, until or unless you begin a new turn with your weapon sheathed.

Mithral Current Slice [Style]
Drawing your weapon from its sheath as you strike allows you to hit harder and faster.
Prerequisites: Mithral Current Style, Perform (Dance) 11 ranks
Benefit: When you use Quick Draw, your first attack this round treats your opponent as having vulnerability to silver, causing them to take an additional 50% damage from silver sources.

Shattered Mirror Style [Style]
You are skilled in the art of reflective combat.
Prerequisites: 1 or more Shattered Mirror stances, Craft 3 ranks
Benefit: When wielding one or more Shattered Mirror discipline weapons, increase your shield bonus to AC by +2 (even if you don’t have a shield bonus).

Shattered Mirror Waltz [Style]
Your supernatural swordplay lets you move like an illusion.
Prerequisites: Shattered Mirror Style, Craft 7 ranks
Benefit: You ignore movement penalties inflicted by difficult terrain (other forms of penalties, such as damage, still affect you).

Shattered Mirror Duality [Style]
Your reality-distorting power reflects your attacks, making it hard to defend against you.
Prerequisites: Shattered Mirror Waltz, Craft 13 ranks
Benefit: Once per round, you may expend one of your readied boosts as a swift action. If you do, roll each attack you make this round twice and use the better result.

Solar Wind Style [Style]
Your arrows glow as bright as the sun
Prerequisites: 1 or more Solar Wind Stances, Perception 3 ranks
Benefit: Whenever you make a ranged attack against a foe, you deal an extra +1 fire damage per 5 character levels. In addition your arrows (or other ammunition) emit light as a torch; this light can be suppressed or resumed as a free action.

Solar Wind Flash [Style]
The light of your arrows is blinding
Prerequisites: Solar Wind Style, Perception 7 ranks
Benefit: Whenever you succeed on a ranged attack against a creature, you may expend one of your readied boosts as a swift action. If you do, the creature must succeed on a Fort save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your initiation modifier) or be blinded for 1 minute.

Solar Wind Inferno [Style]
The burning power of your arrows sears the flesh of even those immune to fire
Prerequisites: Solar Wind Flash, Perception 13 ranks
Benefit: Your ranged attacks which deal fire damage ignore an amount of fire resistance equal to your character level. You treat Fire Immunity as Fire Resistance 30 for purposes of this effect.

It's been an amazing ride so far, and the support from the community for this project has been overwhelming and very touching. We couldn't have gotten this far without you guys, and I hope the Path of War line can continue to be an addition to your tables. With that said, I declare this thread to be officially open!

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Hello All! I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce myself as the creator of the Class Templates and the mind behind the Mithral Current Discipline (as well as a fair number of style feats, man those were exhausting!)

I consider myself very lucky to have the opportunity to work on this project with great minds like Prince of Knives, ErrantX and our other designers. I hope you all love the content we're releasing as much as we do.

I absolutely love playing my Silver Crane warlord, and I'm in the process of designing my own base class and disciplines using the system. I can't wait to see what's added with this release!

Hey! Zealot writer here. Feel free to ask or suggest anything. Zealot archetypes should be coming out soon, so stay tuned.

Also, Riven Hourglass has been posted for playtesting!

Novawurmson wrote:

Hey! Zealot writer here. Feel free to ask or suggest anything. Zealot archetypes should be coming out soon, so stay tuned.

Also, Riven Hourglass has been posted for playtesting!

Now added to the opening post ^_^



So, for all future reference, those Style feats are just the tip of the iceberg; a style tree is planned for every released discipline.

Oh, having looked at the Style feats, I'm liking the look of Mithral Current, but... the third feat encourages the use of mithral weapons specifically. Are there any options in Mithral Current that make your weapons silver/mithral?

Iron Heart wrote:
Oh, having looked at the Style feats, I'm liking the look of Mithral Current, but... the third feat encourages the use of mithral weapons specifically. Are there any options in Mithral Current that make your weapons silver/mithral?

There are many, many maneuvers in Mithral Current that allow your weapon to count as silver. At least 1/3, closer to 1/2.

Elricaltovilla wrote:
Iron Heart wrote:
Oh, having looked at the Style feats, I'm liking the look of Mithral Current, but... the third feat encourages the use of mithral weapons specifically. Are there any options in Mithral Current that make your weapons silver/mithral?
There are many, many maneuvers in Mithral Current that allow your weapon to count as silver. At least 1/3, closer to 1/2.

Oh, great! Can't wait to play with that, then!

Ultra excited and ready to sub! Can't wait for the item playtest to reopen!

Survey Time

As we assemble archetypes for Path of War Expanded, a question has come up in internal development, as to if certain pre-existing classes need archetypes or other forms of support. On one side, the essential feeling is that classes like cleric, wizard, witch, magus, or inquisitor aren't really compatible with maneuvers, that their spells are both strongly thematic for them and more than enough to make them into martial characters on their own. Path of War was meant in support of martial characters, not magical ones that can stand on their own; unlike psionics, it is not a major flavor change to the expectations of a campaign setting which requires accommodation.

The flip side is that supporting those classes adds more material to fit into various campaigns and character concepts, and encourages players of those classes to take a look at our material when maybe they otherwise wouldn't. Archetypes (or clerical domains, or...) have a different cost than feats and people may want those instead of feat options in light of those differing costs or because it helps them flesh out their character concept. That kind of support makes it easier to integrate Path of War into a table that's experimenting with it, rather than forcing full immersion.

Either way, many classes are getting full archetype support, including even some dubiously martial ones like alchemist and bard. The question of, "Should we archetype or not?" is being asked only of full casters and then additionally Magus and Inquisitor, for whom spells are a strong part of their identity. We'd like the thoughts of you, the customers, on this matter.

Thank you for your time!

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No to the full casters - they're fine as is, and if they really want to get some maneuvers on with their casting they can multiclass. Besides, a full caster's class abilities (possibly with the exception of the Oracle's revelations) are the least of their power, and unless the archetype docks their casting (which most people wanting to play a caster won't like) I don't really think the exchange will be what most of us would consider "fair".

Admittedly, an Eldritch Knight-style PrC that combines a casting class with an initiator could be awesome.

But I could get behind the idea of initiating Magi and Inquisitors, yes.

Shadow Lodge

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My general feeling is no, however i second magus and eldritch knight-like versions or archetypes would be cool.

Its ok to have casters not to be able to do everything. if they want manuevers that much they can multiclass. The same way if a fighter wants spells they have to multiclass. On that vein PRcs can work

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I would prefer not. Casters already have a route to gain maneuvers through the existing PrCs.

Inquisitors and Magus would probably be fine. I could see replacing the inquisitors judgement's/banes with maneuvers. Their spell list always struck me as more information gathering, traditional cleric utility stuff, and some self buffing, than one built around actions in combat.

The Magus might be trickier because the tie between their combat mechanics and their spells is much stronger IMO. Spell Strike isn't near as interesting when you aren't hitting people with shocking grasps.

Have you guys put any thought into prestige classes at all? That might be a good space for full caster+martial disciple, like the old RK "Win"dicator.

The PoW book has 3 PrCs for spellcasters. Divine, Arcane, and Psionic. All three of them are really cool.

Awesome, I haven't gotten to looking through it yet.

Shadow Lodge

How about archetypes that replaces spells with manuevers for magus and inquisitors?

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I'll jump in with the crowd. I'd love to see a Magus archtype (maybe even one that does the "you cast 1 spell less a level") that can add in Manuevers - a gish with spels and manuevers - heaven!. And the Inquisitor as well. But skip the full casters.

Anyone who casts 9th level spells doesn't neeed an initiator archtype. They can use feats or prestige classes.

Insain Dragoon wrote:
The PoW book has 3 PrCs for spellcasters. Divine, Arcane, and Psionic. All three of them are really cool.

Ah, hadn't seen them.

Yeah, those are probably enough.

I as well say yay to archetypes for Magus and Inquisitor and nay to full arcane casters. I say nay to the Cleric and to the Oracle. I would tentatively say yay to the Druid, but only if it can't wildshape at all.

Are you considering any of the hybrid classes? Skald or Bloodrager could be candidates, and the Hunter needs something to make the class attractive.

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Kelsey Arwen MacAilbert wrote:
Are you considering any of the hybrid classes? Skald or Bloodrager could be candidates, and the Hunter needs something to make the class attractive.

Tentatively but we're treating ACG content with a light hand indeed. Time's needed to put the numbers through the shredder and see what comes out. Bloodrager I'm leery on for similar reasons to Magus; currently I've put Investigator, Slayer, and Investigator on the table, with Brawler and Swashbuckler also under consideration. We'll see if there's room or if support for these new classes belong in a later, smaller supplement.

It would be cool to have arch-types for full casters, but to keep it balanced you would likely have to nerf their spells somehow. Or alter them so much that you would find it easier to just make a new class. Prestige classes are likely the way to go for full casters.

A base class that mixs casting and maneuvers would be cool, be it Arch-type or new. A sorcerer type that has one list of known holding both spells and maneuvers could work...

Wait what about a feat that lets Sorcerers learn Maneuvers in place of spells.. How overpowered would that be?

Prince of Knives wrote:
Kelsey Arwen MacAilbert wrote:
Are you considering any of the hybrid classes? Skald or Bloodrager could be candidates, and the Hunter needs something to make the class attractive.
Tentatively but we're treating ACG content with a light hand indeed. Time's needed to put the numbers through the shredder and see what comes out. Bloodrager I'm leery on for similar reasons to Magus; currently I've put Investigator, Slayer, and Investigator on the table, with Brawler and Swashbuckler also under consideration. We'll see if there's room or if support for these new classes belong in a later, smaller supplement.

I agree on the ACG. A book that big really needs some time to digest. Also with the upcoming Advanced Class Origins acting as an expansion pack I think patience is a good tactic.

So PoW2 will have

-3 Classes+archetypes for them
-Archetypes for Paizo Classes
-Archetypes for some more DSP classes?
-Magic Items
-A Monster Template for a Discipline+Maneuvers?
-New Organizations (Guessing at least 3)
-Class Templates

Speaking of Class Templates. I love them, but last I checked they only worked for about 2 classes each. Any chance we can see them expanded to more classes?

So I am only passingly familiar with the ToB/Bo9S, which appears to be the inspiration for Path of War, which I have not looked at, though I am interested.

This Path of War Expanded looks very cool so far. I really like the Harbinger (Shattered Mirror discipline - looking at a smashed refraction of you!). A dark and dire warlock/sorceror combatant that is obviously dear to my heart...

I agree that the Class Templates would benefit from being applied to more than just two classes.

I'd additionally like to see a Sohei that was not mounted and that was closer to the ADnD OA Sohei.

On that note I found the Bushi and Privateer a little ho hum - it seems everyone who designs a pirate class (myself included, many years ago, for multiple real and home-brewed systems) sticks too close to the tropes. Or is that ropes…. As for the Bushi, I'd also like to see it approach the ADnD OA Bushi, though the Bushido were a nice touch - I'd like to see them develop into more of a suite each. I'm guessing that all the stances and disciplines take a lot of that design heavy lifting however...

Looking forward to see what play testing hones and slices from these concepts. Nice work, and very nice to see the beta files open for public discussion...

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Oceanshieldwolf wrote:

I agree that the Class Templates would benefit from being applied to more than just two classes.

I'd additionally like to see a Sohei that was not mounted and that was closer to the ADnD OA Sohei.

There is a lot of call for the class templates to be expanded to more classes. As much as I'd love to do this, the balancing act in just the two classes they're already applied to is a tricky prospect.

I'm not familiar with the Sohei, or even ADnD OA, but I'll happily take a look at it.

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:

On that note I found the Bushi and Privateer a little ho hum - it seems everyone who designs a pirate class (myself included, many years ago, for multiple real and home-brewed systems) sticks too close to the tropes. Or is that ropes…. As for the Bushi, I'd also like to see it approach the ADnD OA Bushi, though the Bushido were a nice touch - I'd like to see them develop into more of a suite each. I'm guessing that all the stances and disciplines take a lot of that design heavy lifting however...

Looking forward to see what play testing hones and slices from these concepts. Nice work, and very nice to see the beta files open for public discussion...

I'm sorry you found them less than inspiring. I'm working on making the Privateer more dynamic to match the Hussar and Bushi, but that's still a work in progress. If you keep your eye on the document, you could see some changes very soon.

The real selling point for the Bushi right now is the Mithral Current discipline, not to say that the class template itself is bad, but Mithral Current is where the actual "fighting style" of the samurai went.

I have a question about Zealot,or,to be more specific,Eternal Guardian discipline.
Is there some martial tradition for it?
Same question about Mithral Current.

Generally I've noticed one of the primary disciplines per class gets a Tradition.

As for Mithril Current... I dunno. I know that it works well with the class features of the Bushi Template.

Mithril Current has an unreleased Tradition already written and waiting for me to finish the general document - the Lensmaker Society. Still working on Eternal Guardian

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Alright, so: Harbinger is being PDF'd for release!

I'm super excited about this and we'll keep everyone posted as developments continue. In the meantime, feedback is still appreciated; however, any further fixes will need to wait for the final release, 'cause this train's a-rollin'.


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And now for a preview of one of the new Martial Traditions

The Lens Maker Society

Alignment: Any

Symbol: A pair of spectacles; one lense is etched with a sword, the other with an eye.

Disciplines: A Lens Maker may trade access to one martial discipline of their choice for access to the Mithral Current discipline.

Oath: It is quite possible to work with the Lens Maker Society and not be a member or a full member. An individual is only accepted as a formal Apprentice and inducted into the secretive part of the organization after their mentor and fellows are absolutely certain of their discretion and loyalty. Once - and if - such a point is reached, the recruit is invited to a secret place at the witching hour, where a circle of Lens Makers induct them in a formal ceremony and ask them to swear the following oath.

“With word and deed, I will aid those weaker than myself against the corruption that threatens them. I will aid my brothers and sisters in guiding society to justice, in protecting it from exploitation, and in arming it with the knowledge it needs to shelter its citizens. In enlightening others, I become an ally of hope and a servant of others, and may my eyes darken and my tomorrows fade if I prove faithless.”

Allegiance Benefit: In addition to access to the Mithral Current discipline (exchanging a discipline of their choice), the Lens Maker benefits from a +2 competence bonus to Disguise, Knowledge (Local) and Search checks, and needs only 2 rounds to make a Disguise check without the aid of magic rather than the usual time. A Lens Maker with the Quick Draw feat may draw a hidden weapon (such as a sheathed sword cane or one hidden with the Sleight of Hand Skill) as a free action.

A Lens Maker who violates their oath loses access to their skill bonuses to Disguise, Knowledge (Local) and Search, as well as their ability to make Disguise checks and draw hidden weapons faster, until such a time as they atone with a formal apology and a mission of penitence from a Master Maker, usually involving work to remind them of the principles forgotten or broken in their transgression. Lens Makers only rarely hunt or even spurn those who were once part of the organization, though members leaving it may find themselves awkwardly blackmailed if they accidentally (or purposefully) oppose the organization’s goals.

Description: The Lens Maker Society is a study in applied force and subtlety of purpose. The organization exists to promote the welfare of the culture it joins; its members vote to promote justice, aid the poor and downtrodden, and encourage the spread of education and innovations that improve quality of life for the common man. Its chapter houses are public, and the Lens Makers are unafraid to publicly support their pet causes and act as activists within their homes and further abroad.

And then there’s the things that go on behind closed doors.

The Lens Makers are a benevolent organization, but they back that benevolence up by exploiting the weak-willed and politically corrupt. Members gather intelligence on local politicians and community leaders. Where those leaders fail to protect and support the weak, the Lens Makers step in to force them into just action. The Lens Maker Society does not pretend to hold a moral high ground when it deals in blackmail, but it is also quite happy to cynically point to its results and let them speak for the organization. Actually assassinating corrupt leaders is fairly rare, and happens only when the Society uncovers sins that truly cannot be borne - diabolism, systemic abuse of their families, and murder among them. These truly unforgivable crimes aside, the Lens Makers take the stance that the corrupt are more useful as tools than they ever could be as corpses, a stance that can be seen in their recruitment. Often, the Society chooses to recruit members that are corrupt but controllable, in the hopes that a righteous cause to fight for will encourage them away from evil.

Individual Lens Makers balance their public activities with their secret ones. As spies, agents, and infiltrators, they provide the Society with hard data. As confidants, secretaries, and community leaders, they feel out the pulse of the populace. Adventurers and mercenaries are also trained and employed by the Society, both as muscle and in deference to those situations when problems arise in a community that can only be solved through violence, especially those cases where a seemingly benevolent leader proves to be a secret shapeshifter or spellcaster.

As a whole, the Society is lead and controlled at the local level, with an individual Master Maker presiding over a Chapter, with Journeymen and Apprentices arrayed under him or her. Less settled Lens Makers are sometimes jokingly referred to as Peddlers or Glaziers, though these titles are frowned upon by the higher ranks. Once a year, the various Master Makers in a region assemble to discuss overall trends and share information, which is then distributed as it needs to be known through the organization.

Common Tasks: Settled Lens Makers are given many tasks and opportunities by the organization, which might arrange for anything from volunteer work to espionage. Burglaries, blackmail, and intelligence gathering are common requests, which are all aided by the Society’s common training in the art of disguise. These members tend to have public identities that are valued as assets to the organization.

Which is why the travelers get all the hatchet jobs.

A traveling Lens Maker may be contacted by messenger or magic and asked to come to a specific city to help with a problem. Particularly difficult burglaries, strong-arm blackmail, and assassination are all distinct possibilities. Sometimes there’s just a monster that needs putting down and none of the locals have the prowess for it, but this last situation is fairly rare. Travelers are called upon for the wet work because they have nothing to lose by being outed in the community, where established members may have connections, families, and businesses placed at risk if they get caught.

Available Services: The Lens Maker Society knows that they ask difficult and dangerous work of its members, and they compensate accordingly. At its most basic level, this takes the form of access to specialized resources like custom-made weapons (disguised as ordinary objects), spellcasting, and common magical items such as potions or scrolls. As a member becomes more trusted and valued, the Society opens to them, offering allies, contacts, hidden knowledge, access to potent magical items and weapons, and more. Trusted members, usually at Journeyman status, are furnished with a pair of earrings that the Master Makers use to contact them, though this requires that the Master Maker in question know the wearer’s name.

Hey Prince.... guess what?

My wallet is ready. Really looking forward to the Harbringer! If you don't mind, would you copy and past the Table of Contents?

Insain Dragoon wrote:

Hey Prince.... guess what?

My wallet is ready. Really looking forward to the Harbringer! If you don't mind, would you copy and past the Table of Contents?

I could, but they'd just be a giant tease since I went for poetic chapter titles. Still want them?

Please? I like the Table of Contents section of books, it's my most referenced page oftentimes. The mark of a good rulebook is how quickly the table of contents page can be used to find the ballpark location for the answer to a rules question.

In the case of Ultimate Psionics and PoW1 complete the ToC can very quickly tell me where I need to look and that's one of my favorite features.

I only wish Pathfinder core rulebook was so good for this aspect. Did you know that the reach quality on a weapon actually makes you able to attack the area that's at double your natural reach and creates a dead zone in your natural reach zone? So a Troll with a Long spear threatens with the spear at 15 and 20 ft and does not threaten with the spear at 5 and 10 feat. Where can this be found in the core rulebook? The last sentence of the "Big and Little Creatures in combat" section. Where would it make the most sense to be written? In the reach weapon quality entry.

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I don't have precise page numbers for Harbinger, mostly because it's not even a PDF yet, but the chapter titles are:

Those Who Mourn
Wrath's Gifts
Lessons in Loss
The Unhappy Few

Do keep in mind that this is more like the Warder or Stalker books and is not the entirety of Path of War: Expanded. Notably, however, it won't be repeating the systems and use chapter, nor will it include already-published disciplines; that content can be referenced on the PFSRD website. So finding things should be easier and require less wading through text.

Oooh, I like the chapter titles! I am guessing "Those who Mourn" is the Harbringer class. "Wrath's Gifts" are feats. "Lessons in Loss" is probably the disciplines. "The Unhappy few" would either be more detailed info on maneuvers in the disciplines or the Tradition?

Also I'm happy the systems part wont be in since I already have them in my PDF and soon my print copy. Would you describe PoW2 as like the APG to PoW1's core rule book? Where PoW1 has all the rules for the system and PoW2 is an expansion?

That's way faster than I expected. And considering you already have the iconic art ready, I guess the subscription will be available soon-ish.

Really liked the PoW1 - I'm adapting a boss from the first part of RotRL into a warlord, and the options to hurt the players are incredible.

The Ragi wrote:

That's way faster than I expected. And considering you already have the iconic art ready, I guess the subscription will be available soon-ish.

Really liked the PoW1 - I'm adapting a boss from the first part of RotRL into a warlord, and the options to hurt the players are incredible.

It helps that I was starting on Harbinger and testing it in open beta months before PoW 1 was released, but yes, things have been proceeding quite nicely.

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Does the Harbinger have a class feature which enables him to ASSUME DIRECT CONTROL?

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Axial wrote:
Does the Harbinger have a class feature which enables him to ASSUME DIRECT CONTROL?

Traitor's Roar, in Cursed Razor.

The Ragi wrote:

That's way faster than I expected. And considering you already have the iconic art ready, I guess the subscription will be available soon-ish.

Really liked the PoW1 - I'm adapting a boss from the first part of RotRL into a warlord, and the options to hurt the players are incredible.

I gave Nualia Warlord levels (sprinkling in some Black Seraph) and Orik was rebuilt as a Warder (after I gave him a 14 INT). For book 2, the Misgivings boss and Skinsaw priest got their rogue levels replaced with stalker (near monofocus on Steel Serpent). Working quite well

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Axial wrote:
Does the Harbinger have a class feature which enables him to ASSUME DIRECT CONTROL?


Comes with corresponding glowy eyes.

Hello, everybody!

With the harbinger moving forward towards pdf release, it’s high time to roll out the zealot’s two archetypes.

The awakened champion gives the zealot true manifesting to mold himself and his allies with, while the discordant crusader must decide righteousness and wickedness for himself each day as he masters the ways of the Black Seraph and the Silver Crane.

A few points to ponder:

-Do these archetypes feel like a good trade? Would you ever consider taking each of them? Would you ever consider not taking each of them?

-Both archetypes are (intentionally) a little light on fluff. Would you like to see more direction on how they could fit into a game world, or do you prefer having more room to define it yourself?

-For the awakened champion, do you see real reasons to play a zealot of the various missions? Are there any that stand out as objectively more powerful or less useful?

-For the discordant champion, do you have any concerns about the flavor or alignment implications?

Of course, all feedback and playtesting is useful and appreciated, but if you’re not sure what to say and can answer a question or two, that’d be swell.

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Hello, everybody!

Divine warriors have been on the front lines of battle for some time, so we're rolling out some initiation love for them in the form of Warpaths. Warpaths let the holy (or unholy!) classes like clerics, inquisitors, and warpriests replace domains or blessings with a maneuver progression from a discipline of their choice.

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Warpaths make me happy in such an awesome way! With this you guys just enhanced PoW2s feature as a value multiplier!

All those Gods with few good domains are more playable. Characters who want more warlike Clerics, who want additional options as a Warpriest or Inquisitor, or who want to dip into Initiation on a feat starved class. Warpaths are simple and AWESOME.

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No to full casters, yes to Inquisitor and Magus (though the Magus one should be carefully handled).

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I've been writing guides for the Path of War classes as they've been coming out, now all conveniently located in google docs and centrally located in a thread on GiTP's forums. My latest guide is the Zealot, which I just finished and released. Here is a link to all my guides:

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