Skald Build Thread


Grand Lodge

Need help in building a PFS Skald. I have chosen the Fated Champion archetype because that seems like the obvious max but looking for the rest. Im even stuck on the attribute distribution. Dont need a full guide but would appreciate attribute pt distribution, race, feat and trait recommendations up to say level 8 or so.


Grand Lodge

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I've been wanting to to a Half-Orc Skald built around Amplified Rage and Skald's Vigor. You really need a Valet Familiar (or Ring of Tactical Precision, or regular Teamwork partner) to make it work, though.

I was going to go Totemic Skald instead of Fated Champion, although they're both fine. Some of the Animal Focus's can be quite strong when applied to the whole party (I was thinking Evasion.)

Something like:
Bloodrager (Aberrant) 1/Skald X

Str 15
Dex 10
Con 15
Int 10
Wis 7
Cha 16+2

1. Tumor Familiar
3. Skald's Vigor
5. Amplified Rage
7. Ferocious Resolve
9. ??
11. Improved Skald's Vigor

Pick up a Courageous Amulet of Mighty Fists when you get the chance. That will bump you to +9 Str/Con and Fast Healing 9 while raging.

I might like Tumor Familiars too much, though. :)

Grand Lodge

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Markov Spiked Chain wrote:

I've been wanting to to a Half-Orc Skald built around Amplified Rage and Skald's Vigor. You really need a Valet Familiar (or Ring of Tactical Precision, or regular Teamwork partner) to make it work, though.

I was going to go Totemic Skald instead of Fated Champion, although they're both fine. Some of the Animal Focus's can be quite strong when applied to the whole party (I was thinking Evasion.)

Something like:
Bloodrager (Aberrant) 1/Skald X

Str 15
Dex 10
Con 15
Int 10
Wis 7
Cha 16+2

1. Tumor Familiar
3. Skald's Vigor
5. Amplified Rage
7. Ferocious Resolve
9. ??
11. Improved Skald's Vigor

Pick up a Courageous Amulet of Mighty Fists when you get the chance. That will bump you to +9 Str/Con and Fast Healing 9 while raging.

I might like Tumor Familiars too much, though. :)

Haha teamwork raging and skald, that is awesome.

Oh Lordy, you are a PF genius...with 1 dip in Bloodrager+Aberrant+Tumor familiar, I am healing 5 dmg per round?!

You full on blew my mind with that build!

Grand Lodge

Not quite. The Tumor Familiar doesn't do much until you get Amplified Rage. And your fast healing is the amount of Str bonus you're getting, so you would need Skald's Vigor and the Courageous AoMF to get Fast Healing 5.

Without doing anything tricky with the Tumor Familiar, you could go:
Skald 1/Bloodrager 1/Skald X
1. Skald's Vigor (Fast Healing 2 while you're Inspired Raging, up to 4 at 2nd level.)
3. Ferocious Resolve.

That would be Fast Healing 4, +4 Str/Con, and Ferocity (act until you're dead) at level 3. Ferocity covers a lot of potential problems with Rage, and makes Fast Healing that much better.
Buy your Courageous Amulet of Mighty Fists at 4th, to bump to +5/5 (Fast Healing 5.)
Amplified Rage at 5 and a Ring of Tactical Precision (which you should be able to afford around then) will get you and an ally another +4/4 (Arguably, +5/+5, the wording on the Ring is a little unclear.)
At 7, you can pick up the Tumor Familiar, keep the ring, and bump you to +10/10 (Fast Healing 10.)

If you take Guarded Life as your Rage Power, you'll convert your skald level in damage to nonlethal if you drop below 0, which will get wiped out by the Fast Healing (and you're still kicking from Ferocity.)

The other option, although it's less a of a full Skald Build, is:
Skald 1/Paladin (Holy Tactician) 3/Skald X
Here you'll give *all* your allies Amplified Rage at 4th, for +6/+6 (and Fast Healing 6 for you) and have more room for other feats. You could even add the Bloodrager Level for another +2/2 to yourself.

Dammit, now I want to make this guy again. :)

The Advice forum is really the appropriate place for build advice, and you'll get a lot more traffic there. Flagged for moving.

Grand Lodge

Markov Spiked Chain wrote:


Not quite. The Tumor Familiar doesn't do much until you get Amplified Rage. And your fast healing is the amount of Str bonus you're getting, so you would need Skald's Vigor and the Courageous AoMF to get Fast Healing 5.

Without doing anything tricky with the Tumor Familiar, you could go:
Skald 1/Bloodrager 1/Skald X
1. Skald's Vigor (Fast Healing 2 while you're Inspired Raging, up to 4 at 2nd level.)
3. Ferocious Resolve.

That would be Fast Healing 4, +4 Str/Con, and Ferocity (act until you're dead) at level 3. Ferocity covers a lot of potential problems with Rage, and makes Fast Healing that much better.
Buy your Courageous Amulet of Mighty Fists at 4th, to bump to +5/5 (Fast Healing 5.)
Amplified Rage at 5 and a Ring of Tactical Precision (which you should be able to afford around then) will get you and an ally another +4/4 (Arguably, +5/+5, the wording on the Ring is a little unclear.)
At 7, you can pick up the Tumor Familiar, keep the ring, and bump you to +10/10 (Fast Healing 10.)

Ah the Skald Vigor is giving fast healing to me, the tumor familiar is doing what exactly then?

Im not following you.

Im seeing: Skald Vigor giving me Fast Healing = Srength Bonus from song

Rage +2, Amplified Rage (teamwork) +4, Courageous enhancement on any weapon Im carrying (AoM not necessary right?)another +1, Ring of TP another +1, Inspired Rage2 +1 and Inspired Rage3 (finally at 8th) +1 for a total of Fast Healing of 10 at level 8.

I guess Im confused what the tumor is bringing to the table.

Actually, Im confused in general what the Bloodrager dip is doing for you. Is that required for Amplified rage? Does the Skald not meet the requirement on its own?

Grand Lodge

You need to be adjacent to a raging ally (with the feat) to activate Amplified Rage. The Tumor Familiar gets all of your Teamwork feats, and is always adjacent, and gets your Inspired Rage. So he's your adjacent, raging ally.

I'd initially been thinking of getting him Evolved Famliar for reach (or a Small familiar from a different class, since Tumor arguably can't be Small), since he's potentially a legitimate fighter with that much Str/Con bonus.

Grand Lodge

Markov Spiked Chain wrote:

You need to be adjacent to a raging ally (with the feat) to activate Amplified Rage. The Tumor Familiar gets all of your Teamwork feats, and is always adjacent, and gets your Inspired Rage. So he's your adjacent, raging ally.

I'd initially been thinking of getting him Evolved Famliar for reach (or a Small familiar from a different class, since Tumor arguably can't be Small), since he's potentially a legitimate fighter with that much Str/Con bonus.

Gotcha. Okay I think Im following you:

1.) Amplified rage requires an adjacent ally with amplified rage to get +4
2.) Bloodrager gives you a tumor familiar who essentially is always adjacent
3.) Your amplified rage is somehow also picked by a familiar? This is where Im lost. How is the familiar also getting amplified rage?

thanks I really want to understand this.

I don't believe fast healing from multiple sources stacks.

How is the familiar getting the teamwork feat?

Grand Lodge

Fearspect wrote:

I don't believe fast healing from multiple sources stacks.

How is the familiar getting the teamwork feat?

Actually it's fast healing from exactly 1 source: Skald Vigor. What I think he is proposing is to buff the heck out of this source so that by level 8 you are sitting on a +10 Strength.

I think the Valet Archetype of the Tumor Familiar auto gives the teamwork feat to the lil tumory bundle flesh! I figured out!!

Grand Lodge

Valet Familiar

Grand Lodge

Markov Spiked Chain wrote:
Valet Familiar

Okay you get free beers if I ever meet you at a Con.

I always wondered about them. I figured that since co-operative crafting was banned, you couldn't take it, but I guess all it does is give you valet familiar without that feat?

To be adjacent, so it detaches and moves to a square beside you?

Grand Lodge

Fearspect wrote:

I always wondered about them. I figured that since co-operative crafting was banned, you couldn't take it, but I guess all it does is give you valet familiar without that feat?

To be adjacent, so it detaches and moves to a square beside you?

I think adjacent can also be same square so no detachment needed. Amplified rage doesnt specify "adjacent square" only adjacent to...

But I will let the 'Good Will Hunting of Skald builds' comment.

Grand Lodge

You get to keep Alertness instead of Cooperative Crafting.

I think most people would rule that you count as adjacent to something sharing a square with you. But if the GM is a stickler, it's easy enough for your familiar to detach stay adjacent.

It's pretty sweet, was just wrapping my head around it.

Grand Lodge

I started off asking for a simple Skald build and Markov produced the equivalent "Brief History of Time" Stephen Hawkings variant...bravo

Grand Lodge

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One last thing, would you take an archetype on the dip of Bloodrager? Im not sure how steelbooded (heavy armor use) would conflict with Skald spell casting though.

Also, what traits and weapon would go for with a Fated Champion type build? The traditional +1 Keen Falchion? Beserker of Society? Finish the Fight?

Skald Padawan

Grand Lodge

In addition to the traits, what rage powers were you thinking of?


Dark Archive

Steelblood only lets you cast Bloodrager spells in heavy armor, so it won't work for Skald spells. Straight Bloodrager is probably the best bet for a 1 level dip because its baseline abilities (Fast Movement, Bloodrage) are awesome.

As far as traits go, you could probably get by with pretty standard stuff. Reactionary is nice, you might want Magical Knack to make up for the Bloodrager dip, and there are probably other good ones.

For your weapon, a Falchion or Greatsword will probably be hard to beat (though I personally am gonna grab an Earthbreaker with my Skald because Earthbreakers are cool).

Grand Lodge

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Looking at what I wrote, I would probably lower Cha and put the racial bump in Str. Maybe buy Int 3 for Evolved Familiar at some point.

I don't see any advantage of Ferocious Resolve over Diehard, so I'd probably:
Take Sacred Tattoo and Shaman's Apprentice. (Personally, I'd probably take City-Raised too, but that's just preference.)
Swap Diehard and Ferocious Resolve above.

Fortune's Favored (another +1 to all saves) and Tusked for traits unless something else calls to me. With a Reach weapon, your Tusks threaten adjacent, and since it's your only primary natural attack, you still get 1-1/2 Str.

Furious weapon enchant (+1 Furious is a +3 Weapon while raging.)

I'd probably grab Blood Conduit for a cheap Improved Trip or one of the other Bonus feats. But I really like Reach and Trip.

Rage Powers, I like
Guarded Life (keep your allies alive, and lets you power out of Die Hard fast.)
Lesser Spirit Totem (one free d4+Ch damage attack per ally)
Lesser Celestial bloodline (good aligned and +1d6 vs outsiders in Year of the Demon is handy.) But I haven't looked them over too thoroughly.

Markov Spiked Chain wrote:

Looking at what I wrote, I would probably lower Cha and put the racial bump in Str. Maybe buy Int 3 for Evolved Familiar at some point.

I don't see any advantage of Ferocious Resolve over Diehard, so I'd probably:
Take Sacred Tattoo and Shaman's Apprentice. (Personally, I'd probably take City-Raised too, but that's just preference.)
Swap Diehard and Ferocious Resolve above.

Fortune's Favored (another +1 to all saves) and Tusked for traits unless something else calls to me. With a Reach weapon, your Tusks threaten adjacent, and since it's your only primary natural attack, you still get 1-1/2 Str.

Furious weapon enchant (+1 Furious is a +3 Weapon while raging.)

I'd probably grab Blood Conduit for a cheap Improved Trip or one of the other Bonus feats. But I really like Reach and Trip.

Rage Powers, I like
Guarded Life (keep your allies alive, and lets you power out of Die Hard fast.)
Lesser Spirit Totem (one free d4+Ch damage attack per ally)
Lesser Celestial bloodline (good aligned and +1d6 vs outsiders in Year of the Demon is handy.) But I haven't looked them over too thoroughly.

I second Diehard for the following reason. Unless I read the feat wrong, I would head straight for Fast Healer which adds you CON bonus to healing. I bet you could pump your fast healing above 20 pretty quickly. Half-orcs can get Endurance (required for Fast Healer) via Shaman's Apprentice as a free feat.

I may be missing something on this build, but the ability bonus is the modifier: The modifier is the number you apply to the die roll when your character tries to do something related to that ability. You also use the modifier with some numbers that aren't die rolls. A positive modifier is called a bonus, and a negative modifier is called a penalty.

And Skalds Vigor says: While maintaining a raging song, you gain fast healing equal to the Strength bonus your song provides,

So +9 strength = Fast Healing 4 by my reading.

Also, Fast Healer is broken(ie. doesn't really work well) so expect a lot of table variation if you go that route. By my reading Fast Healer does not work with fast healing, and many others agree with me. Unless it got clarified its not very good.

Shadow Lodge

Consider taking the Celestial Totem line of rage powers. The first power will make it so that when healing in combat does come up(YMMV, but I see it at least once a session), you can help keep that as resource-friendly, and then the 2nd power will save spells. Or if you will be playing at levels 10+ a lot, go with Beast Totem for Pouncing with friends.

Under A Bleeding Sun wrote:

I may be missing something on this build, but the ability bonus is the modifier: The modifier is the number you apply to the die roll when your character tries to do something related to that ability. You also use the modifier with some numbers that aren't die rolls. A positive modifier is called a bonus, and a negative modifier is called a penalty.

And Skalds Vigor says: While maintaining a raging song, you gain fast healing equal to the Strength bonus your song provides,

So +9 strength = Fast Healing 4 by my reading.

Also, Fast Healer is broken(ie. doesn't really work well) so expect a lot of table variation if you go that route. By my reading Fast Healer does not work with fast healing, and many others agree with me. Unless it got clarified its not very good.

I would love to see a clarification on this. I thought it was fair game because Raging Song is the source and its a (Su).


In order to take Amplified Rage you must have the Rage Class Feature so, as a skald, you need a dip in Bloodrager or Barbarian.

I also want to point out theat Amplified Rage is a Teamwork feat. So everyone else who wants that benefit has to be a Half-orc with either Barbarian or Bloodrager levels. I had someone trying to sell it in my thread for making a Skald guide. It just won't work without that one little detail involved.

Ivarrwolfsong wrote:


In order to take Amplified Rage you must have the Rage Class Feature so, as a skald, you need a dip in Bloodrager or Barbarian.

This thread is a little old, but the above quoted statement seems to be contradicted by the language of Raging Song if Rage Class Feature = Rage Class Ability.

Raging Song does identifies itself as a Rage Class Ability.


Inspired Rage (Su)

... If an ally has her own rage class ability (such as barbarian's rage, bloodrager's bloodrage, or skald's inspired rage), she may use the Strength, Constitution, and Will saving throw bonuses, as well as AC penalties, based on her own ability and level instead of those from the skald (still suffering no fatigue afterward). However, inspired rage does not allow the ally to activate abilities dependent on other rage class abilities, such as rage powers, blood casting, or bloodrager bloodlines; the ally must activate her own rage class ability in order to use these features.

Further, Bloodrage and Rage are undoubtedly Rage Class Features which are referred to above as Rage Class Abilities. It would seem that the two phrases are interchangeable.

Accordingly, unless the difference between "Rage Class Ability" and "Rage Class Feature" is more than semantics, dipping into Bloodrager should not be necessary.

At the very least, the issue is ambiguous.

Seranov wrote:

Steelblood only lets you cast Bloodrager spells in heavy armor, so it won't work for Skald spells. Straight Bloodrager is probably the best bet for a 1 level dip because its baseline abilities (Fast Movement, Bloodrage) are awesome.

You could go Steelblood for the free heavy armor proficiency, then use mithral heavy armors since they would technically count as medium for spellcasting. So the heavy armor isn't entirely wasted.

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Kalvit wrote:
I also want to point out theat Amplified Rage is a Teamwork feat. So everyone else who wants that benefit has to be a Half-orc with either Barbarian or Bloodrager levels. I had someone trying to sell it in my thread for making a Skald guide. It just won't work without that one little detail involved.

If I understand correctly, would the Inquisitor's Solo Tactics ability be a good work around for this?

If you (or another caster in your party) plan on summoning creatures, a great rage power for skalds is Linnorm Death Curse, Tor. It adds 1 fire damage to all attacks but more importantly it forces anything that kills your creature (or drop you or one of your teamates) to succeed on a WILL save (10+half the creature level+YOUR charisma, as explicitly stated by skald's rage powers description) or become vulnerable to fire and staggered... permanently!
You can also take the feat that make all your sonic spell deal fire damage instead, to benefit from that fire vulnerability (I don't remember the name of the feat, it's in the advanced class guide).
The Spirit Totem Line is also great, especially if you go all the way to the greater one (one attack from lesser spirit totem and 1D8 damage automatically thanks to the greater one to all ennemies adjacent to each ally... if you have 4 summoned creatures around an ennemy, that's 4D8 damage each round AND 4 attacks at 1D4+your charisma thanks to the lesser spirit totem power, and if the ennemy kills one of the creature he might get the Linnorm Curse. That would mean no more full attack, and if you can keep summoning creatures to surround him... you see where I'm going :)

Also, if you take the Totemic Skald archetype and choose Bear as the animal focus power, you give another +2 (Enhancement) bonus to Strength (+4 at lvl8). And as Skald's Vigor works with ALL types of strength bonuses as along as they come from your song, it will add to the Fast healing gained.

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