A brownie familiar, what can it do?


So I am making a divination based gypsy fortuneteller sorcerer using the harrow bloodline and tattooed sorcerer archetype, after looking through the improved familiars I rather like the Brownie and I was wondering, how good of a familiar is the brownie? I am planning to give him Scent via evolved familiar if I go with this, is the brownie a strong familiar?

Crunch-wise, a familiar's power is action economy and delivering touch spells.

With hands, a brownie can use wands, (may need Use Magic Device). And it has some spell-like abilities of vague uses, and if you or it have disable device they can actually manipulate a lockpick.

Flavor-wise they're cute and you can put on a little hand-puppet and talk through him, which is amusing.

Grand Lodge

I'm just going to say it. Having a hawk tattoo that animates into a hawk is cool.

Having a sentient little man imprisoned in your body is not cool, it's weird.

That said, the traditional use of a Brownie familiar in PFS is taking a lot of ranks in use magic device and giving him a wand. Outside of PFS, take a look at some other items that will let him throw out low levels spells without taking up your actions, like: Cracked Vibrant Purple Prism Ioun Stone, Ring of Spell Storing, Cloak of the Hedge Wizard.

I particularly like the Cracked vibrant purple stone, as it is effectively a runestone of power I, and lets you hand off Personal range spells to your allies, *and* lets Kuato save you actions casting 1 level 1 spell per combat.

He would only be in tattoo form if I felt it was too dangerous, otherwise he would either ride on my shoulder or be running around causing mischief like any fey does (though he would always leave a silver lining, in typical brownie fashion) otherwise he has some neat abilities, prestidigitation at-will, mending at-will, dancing lights at-will, pretty versatile stuff. (Relevant example of dancing lights usefulness)

Sovereign Court

He will clean your house, shoes etc...that's in the fluff. So that's always nice.

Eltacolibre wrote:
He will clean your house, shoes etc...that's in the fluff. So that's always nice.

at level 15 I get a personal magnificent mansion that functions sorta like a demiplane, it's the same one every time, stuff stays the way I leave it, and time stops while I'm not inside, I am gonna have the entrance hall have a big dining table with a bunch of food prepared and when anybody eats there they have to cook something in its place, essentially we always come in to a hot fresh meal, the brownie could totally help out around the house :D

A brownie can earn merit badges and grow into a girl scout.

Degoon Squad wrote:
A brownie can earn merit badges and grow into a girl scout.


Sorry, it was taht or a girl scout mafia joke.

A brownie familiar can have its own brownie familiar!

A beast-bonded witch can grant her feats to her familiar. A brownie has a high-enough charisma for Eldritch Heritage (arcane) and counts as a 7th? level spellcaster for Improved Familiar.

Unfortunately, RAW a beast-bonded witch can't give her feats to her familiar's familiar. ::sad face::

boring7 wrote:
Degoon Squad wrote:
A brownie can earn merit badges and grow into a girl scout.


Sorry, it was taht or a girl scout mafia joke.

Can you have your Brownie go knock on the door of the Liches lair asking him if he wants to buy cookies? Perhaps a new spell summon cookies

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