Into the Southlands! -- The Fall 2014 Project from Kobold Press

Product Discussion

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Marc Radle wrote:
... goes off to try and smooth talk some details from the Great Kobold Overloard ...

If smooth talk doesn't work, you could always try intimida...

err, I mean, persuasion... yeah, that's what I meant to say. Or what's the term du jour? Advanced Interrogation?

Marc Radle wrote:

The way I understand it, these dice will not be Kickstarter exclusives, but they will be produced in limited quantity. What that means is that folks who back the Southlands Kickstarter (even it it's only at the $1 level!) get first crack at adding the dice as an Add On - just be sure to increase your pledge enough to cover the dice!

Once all the backers that want the dice (or multiple sets ... come on, you know you want to :) have purchased them, any remaining sets (if any) will be offered for sale at some point from Kobold Press. Not sure if the price will go up at that point or not, or if there will be any left, but ... if you absolutely want to be sure you get one or more sets, your best bet is to get 'em now! :)

For Kickstarter apprentices, how does one manage/increase the pledge amount? Is it an incremental charge or is it cancelling the original and replacing it with the new value?

Grand Lodge

You simply select the manage your pledge option and update the amount and pledge level you are choosing, confirming your selections the same way you initially did. Since nothing has been charged, you don't have to delete your pledge at all. It could be technically considered incrementing your pledge, yes.

terraleon wrote:

I will certainly defer to Wolfgang on this one. I didn't see what the 10 Arabian Nights add-on cost was, but if it's there, and he says it's there, then it's there. :)


As of the last time I checked the main page, there was no price listed for 10 Arabian nights, thus the question.

Liberty's Edge

I beleive the 10 Arabian Nights adventure collection (either PDF or print) goes automatically to backers at a certain pledge level - take a look at the cool chart on the main page. I don't think it will be available as an add on ...

Marc Radle wrote:
I beleive the 10 Arabian Nights adventure collection (either PDF or print) goes automatically to backers at a certain pledge level - take a look at the cool chart on the main page. I don't think it will be available as an add on ...

I looked. Trust me, I looked. I was hoping to just get a print copy of Southlands and a print copy of the adventures.

Not that the other PDFs weren't cool, but I wanted to get just those books, and was hoping I could do it for $60-$70.

The Exchange Contributor; Publisher, Kobold Press; RPG Superstar Judge

Hey Justmebd, you're right, the exclusive is a backer-only item. Southlands backers can upgrade to the rewards that include it at any time. But it's not a standalone.

Ten Arabian Nights is available in PDF as part of the $48 Digital Complete package (which is currently 13 books total, including the 3 big ones). The same book is available in print at a lot of tiers, starting with the $101 tier.

You are correct that the Ten Arabian Nights print book is not listed in the add-ons, and there's no tier that is just the hardcover and the adventures. The demand for print-only definitely exists, but it's small, so I try to just provide one or two print-only options.

Jinn-Blooded is the $39 option for the hardcover without any digital materials etc (and shipped to any US address). My advice would be stick with that, and see whether the Arabian Nights fits your budget in a month or two, when the survey goes out.

That's PERFECT. Thanks, Wolfgang.

I just got hit with some medical bills (nothing serious, just crap the insurance company wouldn't cover), and spreading this out over two months will help. I'm trying to be fiscally responsible and not spike the credit card this close to Christmas.

I'm going to try and be Backer 900. I use the same screen name on KS.

Also, blame FGG for taking the bulk of my gaming budget this year. Bill Webb and Greg Vaughan shook me down for quite a bit this year.

Vaughan has a lightsaber, that's all I'm saying. :)

The Exchange Contributor; Publisher, Kobold Press; RPG Superstar Judge

Oh, I hear you! I got in pretty deep with a Dwarven Forge pledge this year, and I'm excited to get it. And I hear the Frog Gods went for a LOT of Kickstarters this year.

Thanks for your support!

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Oh no, thank YOU!!

Deep Magic was, hands down, one of the best RPG products I got this year.

Animate Skeleton made me giggle like a 10-year old gamer for about 15 minutes.

Before I even finished the "A's," I was on the phone to my gamer friends reading out some of the spells to them.

I'll be getting HotDQ and RoT when I get my tax return next February. Can't wait.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Whelp, took the last Oracle of the South $44 pledge. :)

Funny, so did I! Thanks to whoever upped their pledge and left one for me!

I hope that Muslims don't get offended by this book. That would be a problem that the PF fanbase really doesn't need to deal with right now.

Since there's no reference to Islam anywhere in the material, I'm guessing that won't be a problem.

Yeah, but there is fantasized representations of the Middle East. A lot of people were offended by Aladdin back when it came out. To be fair, that movie was kind of screwed up.

Hmmm still trying to work out what level I'd fancy backing at. The options are very clear for what could be extremely confusing.

Liberty's Edge

DSXMachina wrote:
Hmmm still trying to work out what level I'd fancy backing at. The options are very clear for what could be extremely confusing.

Well, you definitely what the awesome dice :)

Unfortunately being in the UK $28 is a touch steep for me, but the leatherbound book is a bit tempting. Man, I used to be indecisive - but now I'm not so sure.

Liberty's Edge

This is it! Speak now or forever hold your peace. You don't have to go home but you can't stay here! :) Bottom of the ninth, two outs and bases loaded! Tie score, 30 seconds left and a Landon's about to take the penalty kick!

Today - Friday - is the FINAL DAY for the Southlands Kickstarter!!!!

More than 920 backers have signed up for their ticket to the Southlands, and have unlocked a metric ton of cool stretch goals — more than 40, at last count!

The core Southlands hard cover book has become a weighty tome because it now has more than 20 additions to the text and graphics!

And that's not even mentioning the second book, the Southlands Bestiary ... or the Ten Arabian Nights collection of adventures, or the 11 PDF extras, or the set of limited edition custom dice ... you get the idea :)

Now we’re down to the final day and our very last stretch goals. About five crazy things happen if we can reach 1,001 backers, including a really big one which I don't think has been revealed yet. We can get there, but only with your help. Every new backer, even one who just pledges $1 gets up closer to that magical 1,001 number!

Tell your players, your GM, or your friends online about this project today, because it's all over tonight!

Scarab Sages

Need to get another $3k and 76 backers!

The we go, 1 less from that :P

On a side note, it's interesting that FGG has been a bit dinged in their current KS due to an affiliated mini's KS (by CSM) being late/undelivered - however nothing similar for for Kobold & the Midard Mini's KS which is 15 months late and no end in sight. [Just a friendly reminder KS is not a pre-order service, more a donation to a trusted company]

Guys, I might have missed it, but how much do you add on to add a set of dice? For shipping to the continental US.

Scarab Sages

here you go:

Southlands 7-Dice Set: Add-on available for $14 for the US (includes shipping), and $28 internationally (includes international shipping--we're working on a solution to bring that down for European backers).

Thanks so much davrion! Don't know how I missed that....

I can't wait to write up more on the Living Jungle of Kush for you guys. Predatory plants, vegipigmy tribes worshiping a nature-based Walker, new poisons and much to do, so much fun!

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Axial wrote:
I hope that Muslims don't get offended by this book. That would be a problem that the PF fanbase really doesn't need to deal with right now.

It's funny you mention this, Axial. Ben and I were a bit nervous initially. Here we are, two guys with no ethnic or religious connections to that part of the world writing Arabian, African and Egyptian analogues. I think we pulled off a tone that hearkens to African/Arabian/Egyptian themes yet is respectful and celebratory without tying our hands.

Liberty's Edge

Gerald wrote:
Thanks so much davrion! Don't know how I missed that....

Hey, they important thing is that you're getting a set of those awesome dice :)

Silver Crusade

Marc Radle wrote:
Gerald wrote:
Thanks so much davrion! Don't know how I missed that....
Hey, they important thing is that you're getting a set of those awesome dice :)

We have dice? When did that happen? I was unaware of this...

Liberty's Edge

I'm going to assume you are cracking wise good sir!

If you aren't, then ... well ... LOOKIE HERE!

Silver Crusade

You wisely assume correctly :3

Silver Crusade


Silver Crusade

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ooo Lizardfolk, children of the B.A.S.

Scarab Sages

< $700 from Scrolls of the Serpent Scholars
< $3700 from Advanced Races: Lizard Folk

still 50 backers away from 1,001 backer stretch goals

9 hours to go!

Silver Crusade

Please tell me for Scrolls of the Serpent Scholar that some of the scrolls are written upon discarded snake skin.

Liberty's Edge

davrion wrote:

... still 50 backers away from 1,001 backer stretch goals

9 hours to go!

Only about 40 to go!

We have to hit 1,001 Backers - I'm dying to find out what the secret 5th 1,001 Backers Reward is!!!

I have a hunch, but The Great Kobold Overloard isn't telling :)

The Exchange Contributor; Publisher, Kobold Press; RPG Superstar Judge

The secret reward is a very small one, but I think it's also very cool.

And yes, I think those scrolls should be written on discarded snake skin. I'm sure the art director will find it simple to show that in snake-textured graphics. There's a Photoshop plugin for snakeskin, right? :)

And yes, LOTS of good stuff at 1,001 backers, including material by Paizo's own Owen Stephens, and RPG Superstar Steve Helt, and more.

Silver Crusade


Scarab Sages

We hit 1,001 backers!
Less than $2500 until we hit the Grand Necropolis goal, and another $3000 beyond that to hit the next stretch goal

4 hours to go!

Silver Crusade

Woot! *does happy dance*

Silver Crusade

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*narrows eyes at Wolfgang*

The 5th reward for 1,001 backers better not be some metaphorical "friendship is its own reward" spiel...

Unpleasant things shall transpire after... Very unpleasant things...

Scarab Sages

Sounds like it's a "sign on the dotted line" thing, before he'll announce it. But sounds like a big name would be involved?

Woot, well done.

Scarab Sages

Jason Nelson, an RPG designer of "legendary" renown (you might say)

The Exchange Contributor; Publisher, Kobold Press; RPG Superstar Judge

Indeed! Very, very happy to see Jason Nelson take the helm to guide the Southlands Bestiary.

And I'm bandishing a contract at an Elder God of Gaming. Anything could happen (or I might just get squished!) :)

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Wolfgang Baur wrote:
And I'm bandishing a contract at an Elder God of Gaming. Anything could happen (or I might just get squished!) :)

No thing of light ever resulted from such dealings.

Woohooo! $97728 at the closing buzzer! All kinds of goodies coming down the pike and I can't wait to see it in my hands. :D

Thanks for joining us on this one, folks!


BTW for all Southlands fans: check out Tales of the Caliphate Nights which is currently on sale for $1 on paizo.

What gods might an Imajaghan derive his power from?

The Exchange Contributor; Publisher, Kobold Press; RPG Superstar Judge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Been working on the major Southlands pantheons for a while, and they are starting to gel. At least, the desert section and the Nurians.

Horus and Aten are on the list for Nurian Imajaghan; elsewhere it might be less well-known figures like Ogun or Xevioso. In the deep deserts, though, it is Yemaja, goddess of waters, who stands as a favorite of paladin imajaghan in the Southlands.

I think I'll make a Suli Imajaghan paladin. A Suli would fit this archetype both rules and plot-wise.

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